There Is No Closure! The Only Closure You Have Is With Yourself!!!
JJ07 said:
Would there be any bad, in just writing a letter similar to what jariel said to text. But just explaining that I'm going to move on now.
I've realised I'm not going to get her back especially with this "no contact" she's not hurting. And I feel it would give me closure. Or am I better off calling her?
When she's written letters to me in the past (when I was the one who didn't care) they always had a big effect on me
The letters had an effect on you because back then when you were the one who didn't care, you cared in fact, and you know it!
When a woman leaves you, she has left you long ago in her mind. It just took some time for her to grow the courage to dump you!
And no, you are not going to get her back. Not with No Contact, or with contact. She is over you. If you are to get her back, you must vanish, leave your life, and if one day, 10 years from now you see her on the streets and something happens, than that is how you are doing it, other than that, you are not going to get her back.
This NC that you are doing, and that we all preach is not to get her back, but instead,
is to get your life back man! You got to understand that she dumped you because you've become lifeless and codependent!
Now about sending her a letter! Man. I did it.
Jariel done it as well!
If you are uncertain of the outcome,
read our previous posts!
It always ends in a trainwreck! In Jariel's case, her ex did not responded, which drove him madly insane. Then he texted her some time later asking why hasn't she responded him, and she did some emotional BS on him which led the guy to therapy, and suicidal behaviour! Big no no!
In my case, I wrote the ex a 3 pages long email! She texted me in the same instant, telling that she read it over and over again, but could not reply me that moment 'cause she was busy doing some shady BS. She then told me she would reply me in the weekend.
I got angry because it was a closure letter. I did not wanted any reply. So she traped me!
And guess what? Besides of trapping me she did not replied me on that weekend. Not even in the other. Or the other to come. It took her 20 something days to reply my email.
I've sent her a 3 pages long email, and she replied me with a two lines long one! 2 F*cking lines. The same girl that loved me more than anything. That wanted to marry me. That could not stand a minute away from me...
That girl.
It took her 20 days to reply 2 lines.
You want to know what has she said? She said
exactly this:
Hey Hunny Bunny,
Sorry for taking so long to say something. Anything at all. I've been reading your email almost everyday. But it is still very hard to digest. After all, you've wrote an essay about love. Our love.
I want you to know that the silence is not indifference. Instead, it is comotion.
See you soon, Clara.
She sent me that sh*t
3 months ago! Do you really believe that she is that touched? Yes, she is. She is being touched, deeply in the ass, by her new Boyfriend, which, also happens to be, her best friend, the dude I should not be jealous about, because he was one of the girls...
I serioulsy do not wish you to go through the same sh*t I've been trhough man! And I really want you to believe that my relationship was as good as yours. She was perfect and everything...
So I know it is impossible to understand now how can she do it with such ease!
The answer is.
The dumper always move on! It just happens! And
women move on way easier, because they have a
So face the facts. It is over. Use this to fuel you to become a better person. Next time you will know how to play it cool!
So, as Jariel said, I'm also going to say it! I've done a lot of sh*t trying to get this girl back!
But if there is just one thing I wish I could take back, was sending that dreaded letter!
So do a favour for yourself, and also to myself and the other guys wasting our time, trying to help you out...
PS: If all of this still don't make you understand the size of the stupid sh*t you are about to do let me put down this way, so you can easily get it.
She dumped me in June, got back together, and I've dumped her in July, because I've found about another dude!
Doing the Math, it has been almost 6 months now!
And ever since that,
I've bedded 6 chicks, some once, some more than 3 times
(5 chicks if you count that there were 2 at the same time... Yeah, a threesome, which happened to be my first 3some ever) and
I have made out with more than 40 chicks easily
(I've seriously have lost track)
So in average:
- I've f*cked about a chick per month;
- I've made out with almost 2 girls per week!
- And I had a Threesome! Which is supposed to make you feel AWESOME!
...Got that?
Now, even after all that, and all of my personnal and spiritual growth...
So, no matter how great you are to become, it will always hurt you. So save yourself more pain, and