The glaring inconsistency of the manosphere

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
jurry said:
turns people off who otherwise might be helped by good advice, and doesnt jive with the DJ attitude.
Neither does pissing and moaning about those scary housewives, "the patriarchy", "equality" and "white privilege" you Marxist buzzword parroting nincompoop.

jurry said:
the thread outlasted its usefulness many pages back. I'm done!
You clearly like to type. Why not put those cheetos stained fingers to good use?


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
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Danger said:
My boundary is not letting limp-wristed writers like yourself bully men into not fighting against an obviously misandric system. Plus it makes me smile that you get so upset at the idea of men having rights too.

As is typical of you and those who carry the same position, you simply must put all effort into tying together the discussion of misandry with "women are evil".

We smashed that idea a long time ago. A misandric system is a completely different discussion and topic than "women are evil". But we all understand you have to do everything you can to demonize the push for men's rights.

Hahaha, isn't that the truth. He only wants to b1tch about the "patriarchy", but god forbid men band together to fight a misandric system. He even promised to support it if I proved it was happening, but quickly backed away from that commitment once the data became available.

Notice how he said "it wasn't statistically significant" but he couldn't say the same for the mere 80,000 rape convictions a year? I guess statistically insignificant shouldn't stop one from helping women, just men.
Now I know you're tripping. WhAt rights have I denied? To fight back on the Internet? Good one. I got better things to do. Like the hb9 tonight. Good luck with your 'fight'. Internet tough guy.
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Don Juan
Nov 18, 2014
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I ve only just joined the forum,to have some banter,and some interesting debate with my fellow man.
But already I can see the Berserkers have bin raised from the dead,and unleashed on the "manosphere".
Do you not have kitchens any more in America?
I was hoping to delve into some deep philosophical debate,and theres girlies on here trying to educate grown men on how to have more"value".God help us all
The question you should be asking is how are you gonna keep a guy with value remotely interested in you.When he sees your potential in one night terms only?
What sets you apart from all the other lovely ladies out there?You've got b*lls,I will give you that.But if anything that might work against you
Feel free to respond Jurry??or whatever your name is.
You can call me Jay x


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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jurry said:
If it was talking about an unfair case here and there cool i wouldnt say anything, but when it devolves into the feminist destruction of society, "western women are côck carousel riders", theres no point women are all evil slûts, etc. then I feel the need to say something because its blatantly false, turns people off who otherwise might be helped by good advice, and doesnt jive with the DJ attitude.
Well, clearly many western women are c0ck carousel riders. However, I agree that there is too much black and white thinking in PUA forums. I've always thought that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
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Danger said:
Attacking men for explaining the misandric system today is an attempt at censorship through demonization.
I like you Danger so I'm not going to prod you any further. You're a smart guy and smart guys are rare these days. Over and out.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2014
Reaction score
Hey Danger,
You seem like a smart fella.What the hell kind of mens forum is this?
Whys everyone giving those two trojan horses a pass,to run amok.
The two that tried to tag team you,earlier in this thread.
I agree with you on the whole misandric court system,and misandry in many other spheres of life.
But to me if you want to stop it getting worse,weve got to take a stand.
That means pulling the heads of the trojan horses,so we can have some serious debate.
They think they can mooch about here disrespecting people,talking nonsense,and you and I both know,its not out of concern for any guys welfare.
Its self serving bull****,no boundaries ever suits a "**** carousel rider"(love that name)wanting to do what the hell she wants.
Theyre on here chatting sh*t,and everyones like "oh well".
I know your standing your ground,more power to you,but what say we have a bit of fun,and teach them,a thing or two about decorum.
Ive tried to engage both of them,but they dont want to come out to play.
I might seem like some troll,but i dont go on forums.
This is my first time.
Im raising male awareness,with guys face to face,to start having a pair of fuc*ing balls,and take back your space.
Like your trying to do here almost on your own.
Wanna have a bit of fun?You cant tell me 12 page threads,listening to their sh*t is living the dream.
Hows about extending a hand of friendship to someone who wants some sensible debate,from across the pond.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
scsniper said:
Hey Danger,
You seem like a smart fella.What the hell kind of mens forum is this?
Whys everyone giving those two trojan horses a pass,to run amok.
The two that tried to tag team you,earlier in this thread.
I agree with you on the whole misandric court system,and misandry in many other spheres of life.
But to me if you want to stop it getting worse,weve got to take a stand.
That means pulling the heads of the trojan horses,so we can have some serious debate.
They think they can mooch about here disrespecting people,talking nonsense,and you and I both know,its not out of concern for any guys welfare.
Its self serving bull****,no boundaries ever suits a "**** carousel rider"(love that name)wanting to do what the hell she wants.
Theyre on here chatting sh*t,and everyones like "oh well".
I know your standing your ground,more power to you,but what say we have a bit of fun,and teach them,a thing or two about decorum.
Ive tried to engage both of them,but they dont want to come out to play.
I might seem like some troll,but i dont go on forums.
This is my first time.
Im raising male awareness,with guys face to face,to start having a pair of fuc*ing balls,and take back your space.
Like your trying to do here almost on your own.
Wanna have a bit of fun?You cant tell me 12 page threads,listening to their sh*t is living the dream.
Hows about extending a hand of friendship to someone who wants some sensible debate,from across the pond.
Sir. You need to break up your post into paragraphs, or some sort of separation.

Hands OUT of your pockets sir.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2014
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No offence Mr Viking Ring,
But I dont remember even addressing you.

Appreciate your attempt to patronise me,but I suggest your efforts might be better placed in running your forum properly.

I was trying to do you a favour and lend you a pair of balls,cause its the one thing seriously lacking around here it seems.

If you boys want to *****foot around a pair of *****es,letting them abuse you,and no doubt make a mockery of you,then be my guest.

I felt sorry for that fella Danger,cause they had him wrapped up in their *****ery,so bad hes getting pictures of his car out to defend himself.
So I decided to do you pc *******s a favour and put them on the back foot.

Dont confuse your perception of someone as an *******,
Virgin King,with them actually being one.

If you want to debate the issue I have no particular problem with making you look stupid,so lets do it.Or we could try addressing each other appropriately.

Alrite Sir


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Lol @ Danger, a purportedly grown man congratulating himself on waging an internet war that only he is aware of and posting pictures of his car and house, while also delusional enough to believe that by circle jerking with a bunch of betas about how some big bad woman took their house and money he is fighting for their rights..aghahahaha.

Great stuff man.

The manosphere - a place to improve with women for some, or for others a place to give up completely and spend their time hating blacks, gays, liberals, and above all women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
You're right danger society is so evil and misandric, lets hide on internet forums and "fight for our rights". To hell with those meanie feminists!

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Danger said:
I knew you would dodge the questions. Standard limp-wristed leftie coward.
She is dodging the questions for the simple fact that she doesnt care about proving a point after being shown how wrong she is many times, all she cares now is trying to get the last word just like a bratty 15yrs old girl after being reproached from her father.

Its no longer the desire to challenge "the patriarchy" from inside :)crackup: ) now we see her regression back to her teens and her ego leading her....her plan about scoring points on cosmo forum linking this discussion failed and she is mad.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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No I just want to join the cause with you, whens the next red pill meeting. Will you be my sponsor?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
jurry said:
No I just want to join the cause with you, whens the next red pill meeting. Will you be my sponsor?
Of course, I'll make sure you get the red pill and its precious content, I have for you a special delivery system which even benefits your skin.

After all I will be your sponsor.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
jurry said:
Lol @ Danger, a purportedly grown man congratulating himself on waging an internet war that only he is aware of and posting pictures of his car and house, while also delusional enough to believe that by circle jerking with a bunch of betas about how some big bad woman took their house and money he is fighting for their rights..aghahahaha.

Great stuff man.

The manosphere - a place to improve with women for some, or for others a place to give up completely and spend their time hating blacks, gays, liberals, and above all women.
Lol SS in a nutshell.

Don't waste your time arguing about a supposed sphere or movement that is in reality mostly useless internet b!thing. Simply focus on enjoying women and trying to help the noobs here. That's time better spent.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Lol SS in a nutshell.

Don't waste your time arguing about a supposed sphere or movement that is in reality mostly useless internet b!thing. Simply focus on enjoying women and trying to help the noobs here. That's time better spent.
Yep you're right, its just so hilariously ironic that these type of guys whining about women are the exact counterpart to the ugly man-hating feminists they so despise, and they dont even see it! Both given up on life and just sit around spewing hatred all day instead of working on themselves, theyd be perfect for each other.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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The bitter woman hating man child is an easy retreat because its true. What else do you call a grown man who posts pictures of his house and car for support on a debate? And then GENUINELY feels good about himself when he feels he has scored a point in an internet thread like a little child at a soccer game.

Awesome stuff.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Danger said:
Why wouldn't I post them? You made an accusation and I soundly proved them wrong, just like the rest of your idiotic points.

And you STILL continue to dodge the question. I will ask you again.....

Is rape statistically insignificant since only 60,000 cases are proven a year in the US?
I made an accusation that you dont understand economics because you tried to postulate that feminism is causing men to drop out of the work force, because the beta civilization builders dont think its worth it anymore. Nevermind that not one credible economist would support such an absurdity, but you were unable to provide evidence at all. What you did provide was pictures of your house and car. And this, to you, is "soundly proving me wrong"! How can anyone take you seriously with that kind of response?

Rape is significant if you are involved with it, considering that it is such a small number of cases percentage wise though it is not relevant to a website on helping men improve with dating and with women generally.

The more probable reason it is discussed is that it represents the power that women have over men (like the divorce or child support scenarios), and betas who have undergone this or similar mistreatment by women are quick to gather round these stories and use it as justification to deplore society and the world around them, in this way deflecting the blame they should be focusing on themselves onto an external source - no matter how remote the possibility (in this case .015%).

And whatever I get it, but at least be man enough to admit it, no one is buying the mens rights crusade bullshît.
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Don Juan
Nov 18, 2014
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Nice to meet you at last. I dont see any wars being waged against women here,or on anyone else.

But I do see men objecting to females pretending to be males posting on an internet forum,for men.

I presume whats good for the goose is also good for the gander,so if I join a ladies forum,for females who need advice on dos and donts in relationships

.Maybe I could call myself Frankie,suitably ambiguous,and inform them they should be learning to increase their value to men.

After all thats what they are here for,not for themselves

If a womans to be considered marriage material,at all she needs good healthy personality traits.

And she better not be shy with the blow jobs.

None of the old goldilocks who turns into hannibal lecter,just cause a guy cant boot her out of the door once theyre married.

Its not gonna wash is it?

What about you tho?

No man with any kind of value is gonna spend his whole life concerned with how every issue affects women.

So why is it you do?look out here comes Supermangina.
The first pure bred male whos only concern is whats best for women.

By the way I love women. Ive been with the same girl for 4 years and shes no shrinking violet.

Its not about not liking women,its about them knowing how to treat men with respect.Then you get it back.

I dont see a real problem with that do you?

You either love equality or you love special priviliges.cant have it both ways



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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How about the Bill Cosby accusations? Here a bunch of women come out of the woodwork all at once saying that he drugged and raped them. Conveniently, they have only brought this up after the statute of limitations has run out (if I'm not mistaken). So he is in no danger of being prosecuted (again, if I'm not mistaken).

Nonetheless, many are treating him as if he is guilty, simply from the accusation. Live appearances have been cancelled, future projects scrapped, and some networks have taken his TV shows off the air.

Now I'm sure Mr. Cosby is not going to go broke anytime soon, although his income stream has certainly been affected. But it shows how such accusations can affect a man's financial life and reputation, even if there is no conviction and nothing is ever proven.