DJ Axton said:
Nice approaches. Main thing that I realise is, you need a new opener. The "You're Cute/Pretty/Sexy, I want to meet you" line is not very good anyway, which I thought you would of at least realised by that girl who asked you if someone had bet to you to say that. The amount of times you've said it (must be hundreds) make it sound WAY to rehearsed by now, and overrehearsing can make ANY line terrible. One of my favorites here is when you said to the girl "Stop. You're gorgeous and I had to meet you." The word "gorgeous" is a very good word to use (pretty, beatufiul and cute are words that their parents use, so words you should stay away from) so I'm surprised you didn't use gorgeous more often.
Yea, now that i think about almost bores me for the amount of times i've used it. But in terms of the words i've used, if the girl is stunning/gorgeous...i've tended to improvise a little more..which i truly want to do in terms of opening them.
It'll also be good to get a new line to give your approaches some variety and make it more interesting to you. Consider the "say something, anything" approach. Also the line "Need some company?" would have worked very well in a lot of your approaches, but most of the time "Hi what's your name" would be your best choice.
Yea, because it seemed like it fit the situation the most. But good idea, i'll improvise a little bit more.
Just cause you don't seem that sure, if a girl says hi to you before you say anything, that is a very good sign. One final thing if a girl plays with her hair, IT'S A GOOD THING. Finally, you seem to miss the most obvious approaches, and you need to persist more (but not too much obv).
Other than, very good, I can tell you're getting better, and you're pretty good atm.
Thanks for the advice man. Yea, some of the approaches were obvious and signs, but i didn't take them. I know what i need to do now.
Mad Manic said:
My tips:
1.) Take more interest in what the girl says and in her. I noticed a lot of your interactions lacked quality rapport, a decent convo that gets her involved and more into you. Take an interest, ask open ended questions, make a comment on what she says, etc. You need to be less passive.
Actually i believe making comments on what they say is a strong point of mine, since i'm more of a conversationalist in terms of the counter-initiator. But i forgot to mention, when some of the girls did say something about them...i did take an interest...if it was something i really thought was great. But i wasn't passive at all, i just had to take more initiative.
2.) Go for the close more, don't eject, and go for the close when the interaction is on a high and doing well - make a false time constraint, "I g2g now since blaaah blaaah, but why dont you give me ur number so we can hook up for a drink some time?"
Absolutely agree with this, except I just want to let her know that i only want to have sex with her....hence the "Wat time should i come over?" comment. Course there will be other girls i'll want to do something with first...but for now...just sex.
3.) Try to spike her emotions a bit more. Make her laugh, make her a bit surprised, make her playful, etc and apply kino to aid this as well.
All in all tho, I'm impressed, lots of cold, sober, direct approaches and definite improvements, so congrats and keep going. Close, close and close.
I believe an advantage i personally have deep down is the act of unpredictability when i feel comfortable and relaxed....but in many of the approaches...i wasn't comfortable or relaxed...but i am working on it.
I think i can get a girl rolling and make her laugh when i do this. But yea, also to apply more kino. Just got to work on it through experience. Thanks for your advice, definitely appreciate it and will help me.
Guitar_Whizz said:
This is absolutely brilliant stuff. I loved reading this and feel really inspired by the field reports. You have big balls and a lot of determination to be so persistant with direct game.
I want to master direct game too. I'm sick of indirect, beat around the bush type methods. They're way too ineffiecient. Direct is the way to go and niw that I'm inspired by your posts, I will be out sarging with direct openers tomorrow.
I take it you're based in the USA by the sounds of it? I'm in England, UK.
Keep up the great work my friend and please posts some more of your approaches on here!
Definitely agree with you. I don't have a problem with indirect being used still by people(I was bitter about it for a while do to me becoming a Social robot as a result of it eventho it was my fault not the method) its just that i feel that its pointless as the girl knows why u go over to her in the first place(except if its a large group). I bet when using mostly indirect, they doesn't even care about it and liked you in the very first place....even if originally they appear stuck up/indifferent but then light up later. I believe direct is the best way to go, because your stating ur intentions with the girl by choosing her. She can either accept or reject. From my experience its what girls personally also want, to genuinely be liked by a Smooth Stud even if its sexually only. Just that too many guys either flat out compliment them or don't go up to them like a stud.
But yea man. Go out tomorrow and post ur results of it and see what reactions u get by the women ;-). I will be continuing to approach and i believe i will get better as a result of it. I wish you luck my friend. Also, ur in England? How is the scene there in terms of gaming?
OMG!!!!! I think I'm aobut to have an orgasm!!! The man himself is back! I'm a big fan of you man. Your approaches inspired me to do direct. When can I be as good as you!?!?!? TELL ME!!!
Whoa dude...u'll get to eventually svck my c0ck eventually don't worry ;-)
haha...but Greenlake, glad we've been in this together. Definitely got to catch up to you in terms of progress....not just saying it to say it but im extremely serious....u got ur first date from direct and ur approaching/get numbers everyday...for the past few weeks i've held back due to fear of being a hopeless romantic(Approaching and setting stuff up but not getting anywhere afterwards)...but that'll change my friend
Our progress will get that much better in the future!