Afterwards, i go on another train and its packed. I spot a cute girl with freckles on her skin and is brunette. I desperately want to approach her, but i feel the huge feeling of fear of the whole train seeing me get rejected from her(I felt the rejection from the previous girl and it literally felt like my heart got heavier...happens usually when im overcoming social anxiety sometimes) I keep telling myself that u won't have to see these people again...and that she may actually be somewhat receptive ot my approach...but I don't...i felt pretty bad...the feeling of was horrible...i hated it...i didn't want to feel this feeling! The feeling of regret! i had to do something. Rejection didn't feel as bad as this!
I see a mid-late 30s pretty faced latina looking woman with a striped gray shirt and slim body with jeans walking around outside near starbucks. So then i say loudly to her as im about 5 feet away, "hey!" She sees me. I then say, "Stop!

" As i'm walking over to her, her face is "Aright...what does he want?" i go up to her and say, "You're pretty...i would like to get to know you :_)" She says, "Pleeeeeeasee" I felt down after this approach and started to doubt this journey. I was like, "Maybe...girls don't like direct..." But then i talked to myself and said, "I will never give up! If i do...what was all of this for? Who would help support Greenlake when he needs help and him vice versa if i continued the path? So I tell myself, "i'm still going! I don't care how long it takes me! I'll prove to the doubters and more importantly, myself, that direct can work, especially Mode One! And I will be the womanizer i want to be! :-D"
Location: Shopping Center(including Starbucks)
Goal for the Day: To just approach, without having to feel regret
I drive this time to work and have an hour to I decide to sit down on the bench as tired as I was. I don't really see any targets around....until i go back in my car.
But i do see two ethiopian women seated and talking at an outside bench outside of starbucks drinking coffee. The prettier looking one notices me when i arrive for a couple a seconds and then continues to talk to her friend. I make excuses of not going up to them:
"Oh...they might be married"
"They've got atleast 10 years on me"
"Oh...they're aright looking...not that pretty'
"They wouldn't be able to understand me"
Then i see them leaving and damn...the prettier one had a nice body. I was feeling regret and i was like, "Steven...this is your more regret for a while!"
#1 I then see an aright asian/hispanic looking girl walking by at the parking lot. I'm checking out her above average sized ass and i'm telling myself, "meh she's aright" But then i see the feeling of regret coming back and i tell myself, "I aint letting that feeling come back to me!!!!!" she's a bit of ways, so i dash over to where she right behind her and i softly touch her shoulder and turn her toward me and she spots me. She is smiling a bit but taken a bit out of surprise i tell her a bit nervously and out of breathe, "I saw you all the way over there...and I didn't want to regret going up to i think ur cute and I want to get to know you" She seems a bit happy, but she was still caught a bit off guard from it, so she continues to walk...she doesn't seem too guarded, but i decide to continue walking with her:
Me: So what is your name?
Her: Leanna :-S
Me: its good to meet you name is Steve

<I stick out my hand and she takes a second before deciding>
Me: So what you strolling around the area for?

Her: I got work

Her: At the shopping center...
Me: oh...ur off from school?
Her: Yea...just for now...i'm thinking about going to NoVa
Me: That would make you...18?
Her: 21

....well i'm gonna be going off now...
Me: Aright was nice meeting you
That nervous feeling was decreasing, i could tell it was because of the fact that i actually didn't get too negative of a reaction this time BUT i felt pretty good still trying. Also, it would've been a good idea not having to follow unless i asked if i could join her first.
I feel the surge of a bit of self assurance come back to me. In my mind i'm like, "****ING YEA!!!!!! THE FEELING IS COMING BACK TO ME!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!! NOW LETS SHOW GREENLAKE THAT IM DOING WELL APPROACHING TOO!"
#2 I don't feel 1/2 as nervous as I was before. I see a busty asian looking older woman going into a female hair accessory store, I decide to go inside anyways. As i see her looking around at one spot, i go up to her, i softly turn her toward me and say, "You're cute....I would like to get to know you

" I'm feeling less nervous at this point and i seem a bit more calm. She looks at me for a second and then politely smiles and says "Sorry" I persist a bit and ask her name. She says, "Thats ok :-S" i tell her it was nice meeting her. As i'm doing this, i can see the clerk who's walking down the isle looking at us...eventho its only us 3 in the store.
I'm feeling even less nervous now and want to keep going.
#3 I then see a Pretty faced older dark brunette woman about to pack her car outside. As she's packing in....i say loudly, "Excuse me

" She sees me and I then tell her less nervous now, "You're pretty...i want to meet you" She says, "Awww...that's sweet....but i'm married

" I tell her, " was nice meeting you"
#4 I decide to go in starbucks and then sit there waiting till i have to go to work and I see an attractive looking older woman(Mostly the women i've seen are atleast 30 around...but hey...i like milfs

) As she's getting stuff in the condiments area. I walk up to her, turn her toward me and say, "You're pretty...i would like to get to know you

" She says, "I'm married

" I then give my farewells
#5 Afterwards, I then see two women walking toward starbucks as i'm still waiting outside. One of them i'd give almost an 8(had the body of a College Slim brunette girl) eventho she looked late 20s...the other was def mid 30s but wasn't that attractive looking. I am about to go up to them but fear hits me again a bit...i hesitate to. So then i tell myself on the bench outside, "Just wait till they leave" So I wait a bit until they leave out the store, i follow them as fast as i can at the parking lot and then yell "excuse me" since i couldn't make it turn her around in time. They both turn and the brunette sees me first, i say to her, "I Want to meet you

" She says, "Aww...i have a boyfriend

" I tell her, "Ohhh....when's the wedding?<turning my head a little bit with a laughing smile" "haha. no wedding" I then depart.
Lesson learned so far: I'm actually losing that nervous feeling and trying to just approach to get more comfortable with it. I am still feeling some fear but its not as bad as last time. i also tell myself, "This is just a boost for now...don't try to act overconfident...u still have got to get through the worst feelings of rejection"
As i'm on break for work, I am amped to continue.
I see a teenage latina with a black long curly hair walking down the sideway. I am about to go up to her but i notice that she may be underage...So then im debating but by the time i want to make my choice to approach her...she's too far along, plus i'd be losing minutes with my lunch break.
#6 So then im at the shopping center again at the parking lot and then i see two females walking side by side wearing sun glasses. One has a 3 year old girl with her, while the other is pretty busty(younger looking) and i was like, "Damn...i like what i see!" I would give her around atleast an 8 in my scales. So then as i'm walking toward them...the older looking one sees me while i can't tell if the other one can(She actually looked like a girl i had a thing for in the past... i have tended to like girls who look similar to that....kind of thick but def wat i like) as i'm about to go up to them....I go up to the one with sunglasses and do the "Badboy Stop Hand Motion" and say, "Stop!" she stops immediately. The other woman is smiling at the situation and says, "Which one are u telling to stop

?" I heard her but my focus was on the younger one. I go up to her and say, "You're gorgeous...i just had to meet you

" She is FROZEN in her tracks and plays with her hair smiling shyly.
Me: What's your name?

Her: Joanna
Me: Joanna...<i shake her hand with both my hands, i can't see her eyes beneath her sunglasses but im looking deeply where they should be and she is FROZEN as if she's mesmerized....i was shocked at her joke>
Me:<Since i'm not sure how old she is...> I'm old are you?

Her: 15

Me:'m almost 21...its a shame

Her: Yea...that could be a problem

Me: was a pleasure meeting you and U are still gorgeous


I take it that the woman next to her was her older sister(She didn't look old enough to be her mom) and she was smiling at us. afterwards, in my mind i was like, "DAMN! If only she was 3 years older...i could've talked to her more" Also, im glad i brightened up her day, i bet they talked about it on the ride back to wherever they were going.
I was like, "I'm def glad i stuck with it this far!" And then my nervousness was easing away even further. I didn't get to see any more targets tho.
Lesson Learned: Getting through my nervousness again and i'm appearing more calm. I still got WAYS to go before being mode one fully, but i'm glad im getting through my nerves.
I tell myself, "if i get nervous again...i'm ready...i'll approach regardless!"