The Difference between dating a prospect and a friend.


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2008
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JackPrescott said:
No, it's not that at all. If a woman wants to be with me, she gets treated like a queen. If a woman doesnt want to be with me, she gets treated like a filthy panhandler.
Relax, my brother.

Why does it have to be one or the other???

As suggested by more then a few. Take a potential out on a few casual dates first and get to know her before deciding whether or not she is your type.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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Jack, how about this:

Respect people until they give you a reason to disrespect them. I'm courteous and playful with girls unless I get the feel I'm being used/manipulated. As soon as that flag goes up, they're tossed out of my life on their ass.

Be more friendly and willing to understand people, and less willing to approach every social situation with the set of biases and stereotypes you clearly have.

I give every lady I meet fair chance, if she doesn't meet my expectations, I don't freak out, I simply move on. Simple, painless, and no negativity.

The truth is 95% of women aren't into me, does this mean I get angry? No, because I've had success before and I know what works for me.


Also, by reading your threads I believe you should try to get better at projecting your sexuality. It seems to me like your head is saying "I'm doing all the right things, why the fvck is she friend-zoning me?" While your body language, eye contact, and conversation is saying "I'm just a friend."

With respect, and for the purpose of argument, I think you still have a fair way to go before we can start calling you a DJ.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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JackPrescott said:
MORONS!!! This is a HYPOTHETICAL situation, I made up to simply make a point about Attention Wh0res and LJBF Flakes. I said I treat a DATE differently than a woman who "friendszones" me. HYPOTHETICALLY. But it seems here that all the males and females here seem to absolutley ADORE and WORSHIP Attention Wh0res and LJBF flakes. I never will, I still treat those two species of females like human waste.


*sigh* You make up an IMAGINARY scenario to prove a "point"?

My apologies for misunderstanding the definition of scenario.

I asked her ON A DATE. Do you get that at all, or do we need to go over what the fukk a date is? A date is a ROMANTIC interaction between two potentially interested people for the cause of furthering the rapport, and to see if there is potential for a relationship.
Duh. So why even go out at all if she's not interested in you romantically? Why would you WASTE your TIME on someone who doesn't find you attractive or even LIKE you? So what do you call it when you go out with a girl you like, you have her pay her own way, and at the end of the night she goes and bangs the ex?

Oh, it's called you being an idiot. She enjoys the concert, pays her own way (is she suppose to feel insulted? Maybe, but it's not going to make her like you. HAHAHAHAHA!!)

You could easily take another friend who you don't have an agenda with. But you don't. You waste your time. That's your mistake. You TRYING to punish someone because they shot you down and prove that YOU DON'T TAKE SH!T! Wooooow. You sure showed her! Bet she won't be going to anymore concerts with people that she doesn't have the hots for.

Little man.

Wanting to display your "dominance" by making her pay her own way even when you offered. She tells you the truth and you pout. Why GO!? Why not tell her "let's not waste each other's time"? You say "no I don't want to cancel because it makes me look like a douche!" YOU ALREADY LOOK LIKE A DOUCHE FOR RENEGING ON YOUR OFFER AFTER SHE TELLS YOU HOW SHE REALLY FEELS ABOUT YOU!

Did you get that ThunderMoron? Thats about as plain and simple as I can spell it out for your mongoloid ass.
This is the worst insult I've even gotten on this site. It's just...bad.

I didnt get my feelings hurt, as I had no use for the cu-nt as of yet.
Liar. I'm calling you a liar. You actions read "sore loser" all over your 40 pound head.

Edit: Ok I'll play this game with you properly and start asking some questions:

1. Is this a first date?
2. Is this a second date?
3. If it's the second date, did you and her make out by the end of the first date?
4. If this is the second date, did you and her have your hands all over each other by the end of the first date?
5. Was this a plan as the second date and she happily agreed BUT changed her mind?

6. You don't make out or touch on the first date but she says she is definitely romantically interested and wants another date to see if things progress?

If she did any of the following on the first date:

1. Didn't make out by the end of the first date
2. Didn't touch at all on the first date
3. She doesn't seem physically attracted to YOU on the first date

Why would you bother still going to a concert with her?


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:

*sigh* You make up an IMAGINARY scenario to prove a "point"?

My apologies for misunderstanding the definition of scenario.

Duh. So why even go out at all if she's not interested in you romantically? Why would you WASTE your TIME on someone who doesn't find you attractive or even LIKE you? So what do you call it when you go out with a girl you like, you have her pay her own way, and at the end of the night she goes and bangs the ex?

Oh, it's called you being an idiot. She enjoys the concert, pays her own way (is she suppose to feel insulted? Maybe, but it's not going to make her like you. HAHAHAHAHA!!)

You could easily take another friend who you don't have an agenda with. But you don't. You waste your time. That's your mistake. You TRYING to punish someone because they shot you down and prove that YOU DON'T TAKE SH!T! Wooooow. You sure showed her! Bet she won't be going to anymore concerts with people that she doesn't have the hots for.

Little man.

Wanting to display your "dominance" by making her pay her own way even when you offered. She tells you the truth and you pout. Why GO!? Why not tell her "let's not waste each other's time"? You say "no I don't want to cancel because it makes me look like a douche!" YOU ALREADY LOOK LIKE A DOUCHE FOR RENEGING ON YOUR OFFER AFTER SHE TELLS YOU HOW SHE REALLY FEELS ABOUT YOU!

This is the worst insult I've even gotten on this site. It's just...bad.

Liar. I'm calling you a liar. You actions read "sore loser" all over your 40 pound head.

Edit: Ok I'll play this game with you properly and start asking some questions:

1. Is this a first date?
2. Is this a second date?
3. If it's the second date, did you and her make out by the end of the first date?
4. If this is the second date, did you and her have your hands all over each other by the end of the first date?
5. Was this a plan as the second date and she happily agreed BUT changed her mind?

6. You don't make out or touch on the first date but she says she is definitely romantically interested and wants another date to see if things progress?

If she did any of the following on the first date:

1. Didn't make out by the end of the first date
2. Didn't touch at all on the first date
3. She doesn't seem physically attracted to YOU on the first date

Why would you bother still going to a concert with her?
It's hypothetically a second date, and the first ended with a kiss. All I am saying is that if she LJBFs me, and she still wants to go, it's fine with me, as long as it doesnt cost me $hit, I could care less who she fukks after, as long as I didnt shell out 53 cents for her lame ass. :up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
JackPrescott said:
It's hypothetically a second date, and the first ended with a kiss. All I am saying is that if she LJBFs me, and she still wants to go, it's fine with me, as long as it doesnt cost me $hit, I could care less who she fukks after, as long as I didnt shell out 53 cents for her lame ass. :up:

Okay, so you don't care if she goes with you.

Why? You saw her as someone who was sexually valuable. She's not putting out, so again...WHY WASTE YOUR TIME going out with someone you want to have sex with BUT CAN'T?!

Why not take a friend or SOMEONE else who might be more interested?


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
Okay, so you don't care if she goes with you.

Why? You saw her as someone who was sexually valuable. She's not putting out, so again...WHY WASTE YOUR TIME going out with someone you want to have sex with BUT CAN'T?!

Why not take a friend or SOMEONE else who might be more interested?
Well, I did ask her. And I want to prove a point. IF she allows me to prove that point, I'll slightly respect her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
JackPrescott said:
Well, I did ask her. And I want to prove a point. IF she allows me to prove that point, I'll slightly respect her.

I'm sorry, what does she have to do to prove your point again?

What does she have to do to ALLOW you to prove your point?


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
ThunderMaverick said:
I'm sorry, what does she have to do to prove your point again?

What does she have to do to ALLOW you to prove your point?
My point being that I wont pay 8 cents for her ass now that shes in the FZ. She doesnt have to allow me. But if she does, it's all for the better.