The college hype is unreal, true players get how overrated it is.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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college parties sound miserable
It depends. I do think that they don't live up to the hype for the vast majority of men. There's a difference between not living up to the hype and miserable.

Even in Greek Life, there's a reason why the fraternity and sorority members tend to form committed relationships. It's easier for them to get sex that way. If you're a guy in a top tier fraternity at a given school, the parties might be better for getting more frequent, uncommitted sex. Members of the top fraternities are even in the minority among fraternity members and even some of them get into LTRs from top sorority sisters.

The non-Greeks who party tend to go to random off campus apartment complexes or single family houses with parties. Most of those parties don't amount to much but intoxication for the majority.

The better way to play the college game as a non-Greek is to use the far less sexy options of after class approaches, extracurricular clubs, social circle building, and then some on campus daygame to form a committed relationships. Greeks can use Greek Life as their social circle building.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
As someone who's never been drunk (and has no desire to get drunk), college parties sound miserable (and I am glad I never went to a college party)
I got laid at pretty much every college party, but you are better off meeting them in class tbh.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I got laid at pretty much every college party, but you are better off meeting them in class tbh.
That's impressive that you got laid at the majority of college parties that you attended. I was still in nice guy recovery from my upbringing during at least part of college and I think that impacted my outcomes at college parties, especially in freshman-sophomore years. There were other factors too.

Why do you think meeting women through academic classes is better? What about the on campus clubs?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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It depends. I do think that they don't live up to the hype for the vast majority of men. There's a difference between not living up to the hype and miserable.

Even in Greek Life, there's a reason why the fraternity and sorority members tend to form committed relationships. It's easier for them to get sex that way. If you're a guy in a top tier fraternity at a given school, the parties might be better for getting more frequent, uncommitted sex. Members of the top fraternities are even in the minority among fraternity members and even some of them get into LTRs from top sorority sisters.

The non-Greeks who party tend to go to random off campus apartment complexes or single family houses with parties. Most of those parties don't amount to much but intoxication for the majority.

The better way to play the college game as a non-Greek is to use the far less sexy options of after class approaches, extracurricular clubs, social circle building, and then some on campus daygame to form a committed relationships. Greeks can use Greek Life as their social circle building.
Since (as I said) I've never been drunk (nor do I have any desire to), that's the main reason I said college parties sound miserable. For me, the purpose of a college party would have been to get action (yet as you pointed out, action is unlikely for non-Greek).

In addition to the story I shared about a girl from class I had to dump after a week, there were a few other approaches on girls from class.

  • There was a girl in one of my electives I developed a flirtatious dynamic with. Yet the dynamic failed to go any further.
  • There were 2 girls from my major program I expressed interest in. One gave me a hard no; one gave me a maybe which became a no next time I followed up.
I belonged to an extracurricular club. There was a girl in the club freshman year (she was also a freshman) I was into. Yet my fear of rejection stopped me from making a move.

Social circle: The clique I settled into had 2 females and 6 males (including me). The 2 female members of the clique each ended up dating multiple male members at one point or another (yet never me)

I guess I was unlucky in the sense I had to rely on tech methods.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
So this was what 2013? I don't think girls back then were as dedicated about fitness and dietary habits as girls today that grew up with tiktok. So the girls I been with thus far have none of the cons you listed above
I do agree that you do have SOME younger women who take her of their shape and work out more. I noticed in my experince with Gen-z women they tend have better bodies if they work out that are more fit. However this generation you have a lot of women who don't hence the landwhales are at an all time high among young women compared to previous generations


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
That's impressive that you got laid at the majority of college parties that you attended. I was still in nice guy recovery from my upbringing during at least part of college and I think that impacted my outcomes at college parties, especially in freshman-sophomore years. There were other factors too.

Why do you think meeting women through academic classes is better? What about the on campus clubs?
Connection is better and most girls are going to be put off to drunk one night stands to a random guy at a party unless the timing is right.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I guess I was unlucky in the sense I had to rely on tech methods.
That is a waste of the college experience. The on campus experience that a college/university can offer should make the tech methods not necessary.

The tech methods were starting to become relevant when I was in college. During the 2001-2005 era, there were dating websites. Plenty of Fish started in 2003, OkCupid started in 2004, and had been around since the mid-1990s. This was the era in which online dating websites were first becoming de-stigmatized.

In freshman and sophomore years (2001-02 and 2002-03), use of AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was significant. I remember in freshman year dorm that a lot of us were using AIM to send text-based messages to each other. This was a epre-cursor to cell phone based text messaging.

In 2004, both MySpace and Facebook launched too.

Outside of AIM, almost none of that tech was necessary to actually meet people.

Tech methods are more necessary for post-college working age adults than college students. I've also made the point that tech methods are a bad idea even for the post-college working age adults.

Connection is better and most girls are going to be put off to drunk one night stands to a random guy at a party unless the timing is right.
I agree. It's more difficult to get the drunk one night stands than the media has portrayed over the decades. I was that random guy at random parties in apartment complexes many times. It was easy to find a party at my school when you knew which apartment complexes tended to have parties. Some of these party complexes were walkable from on campus housing and that's a factor that helped freshmen get to parties.

There is an importance in the connection for many reasons. It is good to see another person who thinks that non-party methods are better.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
That is a waste of the college experience. The on campus experience that a college/university can offer should make the tech methods not necessary.

The tech methods were starting to become relevant when I was in college. During the 2001-2005 era, there were dating websites. Plenty of Fish started in 2003, OkCupid started in 2004, and had been around since the mid-1990s. This was the era in which online dating websites were first becoming de-stigmatized.

In freshman and sophomore years (2001-02 and 2002-03), use of AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was significant. I remember in freshman year dorm that a lot of us were using AIM to send text-based messages to each other. This was a epre-cursor to cell phone based text messaging.

In 2004, both MySpace and Facebook launched too.

Outside of AIM, almost none of that tech was necessary to actually meet people.

Tech methods are more necessary for post-college working age adults than college students. I've also made the point that tech methods are a bad idea even for the post-college working age adults.

I agree. It's more difficult to get the drunk one night stands than the media has portrayed over the decades. I was that random guy at random parties in apartment complexes many times. It was easy to find a party at my school when you knew which apartment complexes tended to have parties. Some of these party complexes were walkable from on campus housing and that's a factor that helped freshmen get to parties.

There is an importance in the connection for many reasons. It is good to see another person who thinks that non-party methods are better.
You're right, a total waste of the college experience. But since tech methods were the only way I got laid in college, that'd suggest I couldn't have gotten laid any other way.

Had I been born 20 years sooner (or even 10 years sooner), I likely never would have gotten laid in college (as the internet was nonexistent 20 years prior...and in its infancy 10 years prior)

Between squandering the college experience, combined with the fact I'm not even using my degree (and I've never even made so much as 40k per year), college was pretty much pointless for me. The only real benefit I got from college was getting away from my parents.