Also a pretty boring day. Had no ride most of the day so I didn't try to go anywhere until the very end.
0/2 as far as girl flakes. HB Kaitlin was working and never got back to me after the call where I got a hold of her. HB Alexandria said she didn't know when she could chill and that she would get back to me, and never got back to me.
So I just chilled again today before hitting the gym, and here's that report:
Pistol Squats 7 8 7
Dips 17 14 12
Chinups 12 9 8
Pushups 20 19 16
Inverted Rows 14 13 11
Hanging Leg Raises 10 11 10
Back Extensions 17 16 16
I notice that I have better balance doing pistol squats on my right leg.
Anyway, seeing as the two girls flakes I planned to go to the mall with my friend Dom. It was already getting late so I waited and when I found out how late he was available I decided that we shouldn't go. So a boring end to a boring weekend.
Ok so today had some eventful things happen, a few of them involving girls.
First and foremost, I met with my guidance counselor and got a hold of FSU. She relayed my grades and SAT scores as well as scanning them and sending them directly to the e-mail of the person she was on the phone with. We got lucky, she got a person almost immediately. Right now it seems like my FSU app will be reinstated, so thank god!
The other notable thing I did today was during math when I went over to where HB Cassidy sits and started to playfully tease her. I locked eye contact and only looked at her eyes the entire time while I asked ridiculous questions. She was smiling and laughing for a little bit, then asked me if I thought I was funny or cute. I thought this was a good thing but after a while she started just completely ignoring me. If I ever thought I would be able to lay her I think that opportunity had come and gone.
Not sure if I should try to lay HB Gabby, she's somewhat hot, but not all that. She's got a decent figure and nice breasts, but I can see a bit of a gut sometimes and I wonder how she looks naked.
The final thing involved HB Esther that I mentioned earlier. A week or so ago I was talking to her about a dance coming up while the conversation transitioned to prom. She asked me who I was going with and I told her I don't know if I'm going because there's nobody I really want to go with and blah blah blah...
Point is, today I come up and give her a big hug and lift her in the air. Mind you this is a girl I relentlessly tease. Now as I'm walking out she says she has to ask me an important question, but then says she'll ask me later tonight.
I'm almost certain she wants to ask me/have me ask her to prom.
So later tonight I get a few
texts from her, nothing special but she's double texting and obviously showing some interest. To avoid having her ask the question I tell her I'm going to bed soon and that was pretty much it. I then started to analyze this situation...
This girl is easily the hottest Asian girl in my school, I'd give her around an 8 if not 8.5.
It seems like she's into me, but I've pretty much thought that forever.
But if she wants me to take her to prom, I have things to consider, such as...
I've met her dad, her brother is my friend, and my AFC friend Kevin was all about her for the past 2 years (though I could care less about that last part)
She's not very Americanized and I'm aware of Asian culture, if I were to spend all the money involved in prom it would not be because I want to have one last dance with all my friends (seeing as I could care less about my senior class and because it only has around 60 seniors in it), it would be because I want to have fun with whatever girl I'm bringing before I bring her back and tap that a$$. I don't know if I could do that with HB Esther.
The choice may seem obvious to you but I'm really not sure if I want her, so feel free to leave suggestions. I will see her next period, but she will probably not ask me in the company of so many people.
Aside from that, there's a kid on my bus named Nick. I want to f*** him up. He's a really fat freshman that sits in the back with the upperclassmen and always butts into our conversations despite the fact that we all COMPLETELY ignore him.
This morning I snapped and said. "listen, you know I don't like you right?" to which he responded "yeah well I don't like you or your mother"...
That was the wrong response, and I got pissed. I'm good with restraint but I really want to mess this kid up, just not sure how to do it without getting in trouble. So if anybody has suggestions with that, feel free to leave em here for me to read.
That's about it guys, peace.