Don't really remember...pretty sure I had a good tackle at practice.
So by now I've had every one of my classes (days alternate with half my classes on each day):
Phys Ed: I love gym, I love working out and playing sports, so this is a good class. Since I'm a senior I can aid the teacher, there's also a cute girl named HB Carla but I'll get to that later.
English 12 Honors: Fun teacher, seems like a good class, pretty small and I know everybody so it'll be easygoing.
Earth Science/Astronomy: A buncha people with their credit requirements intact got dumped into this class due to lack of alternatives. Right now I'd just be aiding a Biology class unless I want something boring...
Physics Honors: The class seems fun but this was a terrible introduction...we sat in our seats for an hour and a half listening to things we already know about Physics with the occasional joke sprinkled in.
Business Administration 3: My career pathway since I want to be an entreprenuer. Very boring otherwise, doesn't teach me jack about the stock market and often boils down to correcting newsletters or management e-mails on Microsoft Word.
Legal Process: This class would be fine if the teacher weren't such a ****. This is Mr. Harding from last year, and he often allows a joke or two about his afro and is very familiar with my class clown antics. However he has already moved me twice; first time because I made a joke, and the second time because I LAUGHED AT SOMEBODY ELSE'S JOKE. I don't need this class so I'll see what happens.
Pre Calc Honors: I hate math, that should be all I need to say.
Spanish 3 Honors: Same teacher that loves me with a familiar class. Should be doable despite my difficulty with learning the language.
Now today I met HB Carla in my Phys Ed Gym class. I looked for IOIs but at one point I just started including myself with her group of friends while they took shots a basketball net before inviting her to throw a football around with me and two other guys. I would be on the near side with her, making occasional small talk and mixing up the passes by faking it to her or tossing it behind the back, etc.
So anyway at the end of class I leave her my number since I don't have my phone on me, great vibes from her, smiling and asking me to help her put my number in. The rest of the day and practice go by and I get a
text from her later that night.
We basically set up to hang out tomorrow after practice. Great.
Today we all wore our Rams football shirts to represent the changes in our squad. Good day, still boring cus it was a B-day (Business Administration 3-Spanish 3 Honors). Easy practice to learn our plays, got a decent kicker from the socker team to make our field goals.
Now this is where it starts getting messed up with HB Carla...I'll post the convo and timeline to give you an idea of how long I had to wait and how screwy it was:
*called her around 5:58, she picks up and I hear somebody say "Eh!" then go to silence, so I hang up*
Me 6:00: What was that?
Her 6:01: Hahaha my friend. Sorry about that
Me 6:02: Oh ok. I was gonna see if you can chill in like a half hour. We could go down to ****inson and have a 1 on 1 game since youre so athletic

Her 6:28: Oh really now.

I'm gonna see if i can get a ride.
Me 6:29: Sounds good cutie
*called her around 7:18, same thing happens as the first call so I hang up again*
Me 7:28: Hey if were gonna hang out its gotta be soon cus i have a scrimmage early tomorrow
At that was it, didn't hear back from her...I don't know what this was about so if somebody could reply in regards to it, please do.
Otherwise I just chilled out and went to bed early for the scrimmage I had today, but I'll detail that later tonight.
Peace guys, leave me stuff to read.