Today was good, I'd like to start by saying I made out with HB Alex...but I'll lead up to that.
Ok so today was a pretty regular day; brother had his friends over, did my sprints, read some of Heart of Darkness, read a lot of Better Off Single, and just kinda chilled.
I texted HB Kiersten today about chilling, said she couldn't because everything was kinda crazy; apparently the storm on Tuesday knocked out her power and did some real damage so she's staying with her aunt for now. As much as this sounds like I'm being a blown off I wouldn't peg it just yet. She texted me that she promises that we'll hang out when she's back at her house and texted me again to make sure I got the
message, so I'll leave the ball in her court.
Alright but, on to HB Alex...
So I just got done having this huge dinner and dessert when HB Alex texts me and asks what I'm doing tonight. I tell her not much and invite her and her friend, UG Alex to come swim. The whole time she's driving over or getting ready to drive over we're discussing getting more girls and she's telling me to invite some guys.
Eventually it gets to be too many people so we skip the whole swimming part and just go to her house after picking up her friend HB Shannon.
So we're at her house and invited my friend Nick and he says he has a guy he can bring, but they don't end up getting there till around 12:45, the whole time leading up me and the girls just hang out, they do their makeup, and pick up a ginger ale chaser from a WaWa.
When the guys get here we all play a game of pong with small shots of a hard liquor, I think it was malt, martini & rossi, and this drink called an avalanche which looks and smells like a strong mint.
Nick and his friend Aaron suck when it comes to beer pong against these girls (HB Alex & HB Shannon), so I jump in to help them out, taking out out 4 of the girls' cups including the final winning shot.
We play another game, this time me and HB Alex against Nick and UG Alex. They had gotten us down to our last cup while they had 5 left and we made the most miraculous comeback ever...I sank the last cup again, then HB Alex sank the same shot to prevent them having any chance at redemption.
After that I played a game of Halo, this time with my glasses on, to prove to HB Alex that I could kick her a**. I get an early 7 kill lead (keep in mind that we were all screencheating, being on the same TV and all) then HB Shannon plugs in a controller and joins mid-game. I'm messing these girls up, so HB Shannon gives it to Nick and thinks start to get loud...
Every time I kill HB Alex she would scream and freak out, especially at one point when her and Nick got in a Warthog to double team my tank...as soon as they got in I just blew them up for an easy double kill. I end up winning with 25 kills followed by somebody with 9 then 7.
Next we decided to go outside, sit in a circle, and play truth or dare. I didn't want to reveal my personal information like Nick had to do (how many girls he sexed) so I chose dare every time. One of HB Alex's dares involved kissing me for 10 seconds, and I was surprised at how into it she was...
Then I had to ding dong ditch 3 houses, which was kinda lame, I was more winded from running down the huge driveways of these houses than actually scared of my actions.
Let's see...HB Shannon and Nick had to kiss for 5 seconds, UG Alex and Aaron had to kiss for 7 seconds, the 3 girls had to 3-way kiss for 5 seconds, then came some interesting stuff...
HB Alex had to act out her favorite sex position on me, and HB Shannon had to act it out on Nick. Nick was being kind of a pu*** and they were conflicting about which position and a bunch of other irrelevant crap. So Nick and Aaron left, the girls didn't like the much, I on the hand am pretty cool with this group of girls now. But then HB Alex acted out legs over shoulders and reverse cowgirl on me...it was more funny than hot because I had to groan and she had to moan, and that was just hilarious.
After that HB Shannon and UG Alex left while I waited a couple more minutes for my mom to give me a ride (I know, she was really worried about me being out at this late). While we wait HB Alex asks me what I want to do now, I tell her I don't care, what do you want to do.
She calls me a pu***, then asks what I REALLY want to do, and I tell her I wanna make out. She asks if that's what I wanna do, I tell her I wouldn't mind, and that was that.
She likes being dominant, being on top of me when I'm on the ground, biting my neck, licking my ear, very sexy girl. She told me that this doesn't change anything and that she doesn't want anything more than this...reminding me that the only reason we kissed was because of the dare and the only reason she was doing this was because we were bored.
Personally I couldn't care less, this is great, a hot chick I can make out with and still benefit from her connections, let's see if somewhere down the road this doesn't turn into a lay.
But I gotta go clean the pool guys, so talk to you all later, leave your thoughts.