Maximus Rex
The Hardest Field Report Rex Ever Filed
To: The Don Juans of
From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex
Subject: Whether Young or Old, B*tches Ain't About Sh*t
Date: 12 JUL 14
In course of dealing with women, dear ole Rex has become brutally aware of their capricious, trifling, and duplicitous natures. A woman can literally be cordial and the best of buds with you one day, then at the slightest offense (whether the offense be real or imagined,) they'll or act as if you don’t even exist the next. Sometimes, adding insult to injury, (and also your overall intelligence,) women will have the unmitigated gall to to shift blame for a situation unto you.
As students, you'll become versed in The Game and one comes to realize that when dealing with women and their vacillating moods is just the “cost of doing business,” in the pursuit of getting laid and/or having a relationship. Though initial pain, angst, anger, frustration, depression, and sadness, puts you through an emotional turmoil, in the end, it’s good to experience these emotions because it builds your mental and emotionally immunity to the b.s. and games that they’ll subject you to and it’s imperative that you build up this immunity when you’re dealing with women. However, Rex’s faith in the female gender has been shaken to the core in these past two weeks.
The first incidence was with surprisingly one of my best friend’s mother, (who just happens to be my land lady.) A few months back she was made aware of the peeling ceiling by the locksmith (ya boy had to get his locks changed because the key had broken,) and suddenly ( a few weeks back,) she decided when I happened to come in from the gym to have the ceiling panted because as she put it, (I’m home from school and the guy was available,) ya boy Rex was hesitant with this arrangement because, I wasn’t able to contact my other good friend to arrange an overnight stay at his house and “O.M.R.” just wasn’t comfortable with the suddenness of it all. My friend’s mother then told “O.M.R.” that if the painting wasn’t taken care that Friday and Saturday, (27th and 28th of JUN) that “I would have to take care of it,” which I nearly agreed to do. However, since the painters were available and I was tired of looking at that f*cked up ceiling, (the sh*t wasn’t sexy and it f*cked up my moods,) I acquiesced to the work schedule.
That following Sunday, as I was putting my things back, Rex immediately knew something was amiss when he realized that his phone wasn’t where he left it. (I purposely and left my phone in the open so that I could find it when was putting away my stuff. The reason why I didn’t have it on me was because the phone wasn’t working, of course this was huge mistake on Rex's part because you shouldn't give muthaf*ckas open invitations to steal from you.) However, before concluding a theft had occurred I wanted to make sure that I didn’t move it another location and forgot about it. Unfortunately, after putting my things away and doing another search, my phone is nowhere to be found.
I e-mail my boy who in turns notifies his mother. (I tried to contact his mother that Sunday, but when I knocked on her door, she didn’t answer.) When I did get in contact with her that Monday morning, her reaction to the entire episode, not only disturbed and shocked ole Rex, but also disappointed and sadden him.
Ideally, her reaction would have been one of 100% and unquestioning support of me and my accusation or a completely and totally understandable reaction on her part would have been one of caution and “let’s get the parties involved together so we can get to the bottom of this.” (The painters had just happened to be the nephew of her cleaning lady and his friend,) “O.M.R.” would have been completely and totally accepting of a posture of neutrality on my landlady’s part. However, what her reaction was such that it caused me to lose all my feelings of love, caring, and goodwill for this woman.
My landlady, not only accused me of losing my phone, but also made excuses for b*tch made muthaf*ckas that ranged from the asinine to the absolute absurdity. First she made the accusation that I had misplaced my phone. That notion was immediately shot down, when shot down when I informed her that I went through my stuff not once, but twice. Then she said that she saw my phone one the top of the steps, (my landlady is 88 years old,) and I had to inform her that was my old cordless. Another excuse she gave that her cleaning lady and her faggot ass nephew saw me outside with my phone in hand, which was probably true, but that doesn’t explain why it wasn’t where I left it. Then she started to complain about my stuff in the hallway, but I had to remain her that it was her idea for me to leave my stuff in the hallway, and I wanted to leave my property in the empty apartment.
Rex is prone to explosive bouts of extreme and uncontrollable rage, and the only thing that kept ya boy in check in this instance is I value and I hold my friendship, with my landlady’s son in highest of regards. My landlady, then went on to further insult my word, integrity, morals, and character by saying that the faggot ass mutha****as who stole my phone, “were 25 years old, had jobs, and they wouldn’t steal,” and that’s she’s “very careful as to who she let’s in her house,” to which I replied, “Well in this instance, those people steal.” After that she literally slammed the door in my face.
As I said before, not only was this a financial relationship, it was a personal one, and it was a personal relationship before it become a landlord/tenant relationship. This is one of my best friend’s mother (and my boy’s mother was somebody that I held in the same regard and esteem as my grandmothers.) I did my part to keep the place clean, volunteered to clean the windows and run errands for my friend’s mom. I accompanied her to the store. I went to visit her in the convalescence home when she broke her leg (after a fall down the steps,) I brought her cards for holidays and her birthday, I even bought her cake from Stone Cold for her birthday and I gave her a big ass poinsettia for Christmas. I did these things not for accolades, praise, or money, (even though she did pay me, I would did the tasks for free,) I did them out of love for my boy and his family and the generosity, patience, and hospitality they have shown me over the years. I regarded his mother as a family member and this is how I’m treated. Her treatment of me shows what little regard that my boy’s mom holds me in, which brings “O.M.R.” to the second ****ed up incident.
Y’all are well aware of “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and “HONEY”. Well now, “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and ‘HONEY” are in the same category, that being “Chicks Rex Doesn’t Like, Nor Give a F*ck About” except that “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” did in about six hours, what it took, “HONEY” literally years to do, and that is whittle away any goodwill and feelings that I had towards her.
Last semester at Rex’s old institution of higher learning there was a disruptive and rude member of the Paralegal Club who irked the hell out of the V.P. of the Club. One day, I happen to be on FB and the V.P. of the Club said that she was about to quit the Club. “O.M.R.” told her to calm down, she was taking things too seriously, there was only about four weeks left in the semester ride it out, (and the big mistake on Rex’s part,) I told her, “That she doesn't really do anything."
The V.P. of Paralegal Club took extreme umbrage to that comment and she had “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” (who happened to be President of the Paralegal Club,) talk to me about it, to which she did. Realizing that I made a mistake, (after thinking about it, I remembered that she brought some chocolate covered strawberries from Whole Foods to the Valentine’s Day meeting,) and being a man of values, morals, principles, and integrity, the next time I saw the V.P. of the Paralegal Club, I did what men are supposed do when they’re wrong, I apologized. Sadly, my apology was in vain, instead of seeing the sincerity and humility in my apology, the V.P. of the Paralegal Club decided to stay upset at me. To which I was perfectly cool, Rex had did his part. For the V.P. of the Paralegal Club not to accept Rex's apology she only exposed herself to be a triflin', immature, emotional, petty piece of sh*t.
To: The Don Juans of
From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex
Subject: Whether Young or Old, B*tches Ain't About Sh*t
Date: 12 JUL 14
In course of dealing with women, dear ole Rex has become brutally aware of their capricious, trifling, and duplicitous natures. A woman can literally be cordial and the best of buds with you one day, then at the slightest offense (whether the offense be real or imagined,) they'll or act as if you don’t even exist the next. Sometimes, adding insult to injury, (and also your overall intelligence,) women will have the unmitigated gall to to shift blame for a situation unto you.
As students, you'll become versed in The Game and one comes to realize that when dealing with women and their vacillating moods is just the “cost of doing business,” in the pursuit of getting laid and/or having a relationship. Though initial pain, angst, anger, frustration, depression, and sadness, puts you through an emotional turmoil, in the end, it’s good to experience these emotions because it builds your mental and emotionally immunity to the b.s. and games that they’ll subject you to and it’s imperative that you build up this immunity when you’re dealing with women. However, Rex’s faith in the female gender has been shaken to the core in these past two weeks.
The first incidence was with surprisingly one of my best friend’s mother, (who just happens to be my land lady.) A few months back she was made aware of the peeling ceiling by the locksmith (ya boy had to get his locks changed because the key had broken,) and suddenly ( a few weeks back,) she decided when I happened to come in from the gym to have the ceiling panted because as she put it, (I’m home from school and the guy was available,) ya boy Rex was hesitant with this arrangement because, I wasn’t able to contact my other good friend to arrange an overnight stay at his house and “O.M.R.” just wasn’t comfortable with the suddenness of it all. My friend’s mother then told “O.M.R.” that if the painting wasn’t taken care that Friday and Saturday, (27th and 28th of JUN) that “I would have to take care of it,” which I nearly agreed to do. However, since the painters were available and I was tired of looking at that f*cked up ceiling, (the sh*t wasn’t sexy and it f*cked up my moods,) I acquiesced to the work schedule.
That following Sunday, as I was putting my things back, Rex immediately knew something was amiss when he realized that his phone wasn’t where he left it. (I purposely and left my phone in the open so that I could find it when was putting away my stuff. The reason why I didn’t have it on me was because the phone wasn’t working, of course this was huge mistake on Rex's part because you shouldn't give muthaf*ckas open invitations to steal from you.) However, before concluding a theft had occurred I wanted to make sure that I didn’t move it another location and forgot about it. Unfortunately, after putting my things away and doing another search, my phone is nowhere to be found.
I e-mail my boy who in turns notifies his mother. (I tried to contact his mother that Sunday, but when I knocked on her door, she didn’t answer.) When I did get in contact with her that Monday morning, her reaction to the entire episode, not only disturbed and shocked ole Rex, but also disappointed and sadden him.
Ideally, her reaction would have been one of 100% and unquestioning support of me and my accusation or a completely and totally understandable reaction on her part would have been one of caution and “let’s get the parties involved together so we can get to the bottom of this.” (The painters had just happened to be the nephew of her cleaning lady and his friend,) “O.M.R.” would have been completely and totally accepting of a posture of neutrality on my landlady’s part. However, what her reaction was such that it caused me to lose all my feelings of love, caring, and goodwill for this woman.
My landlady, not only accused me of losing my phone, but also made excuses for b*tch made muthaf*ckas that ranged from the asinine to the absolute absurdity. First she made the accusation that I had misplaced my phone. That notion was immediately shot down, when shot down when I informed her that I went through my stuff not once, but twice. Then she said that she saw my phone one the top of the steps, (my landlady is 88 years old,) and I had to inform her that was my old cordless. Another excuse she gave that her cleaning lady and her faggot ass nephew saw me outside with my phone in hand, which was probably true, but that doesn’t explain why it wasn’t where I left it. Then she started to complain about my stuff in the hallway, but I had to remain her that it was her idea for me to leave my stuff in the hallway, and I wanted to leave my property in the empty apartment.
Rex is prone to explosive bouts of extreme and uncontrollable rage, and the only thing that kept ya boy in check in this instance is I value and I hold my friendship, with my landlady’s son in highest of regards. My landlady, then went on to further insult my word, integrity, morals, and character by saying that the faggot ass mutha****as who stole my phone, “were 25 years old, had jobs, and they wouldn’t steal,” and that’s she’s “very careful as to who she let’s in her house,” to which I replied, “Well in this instance, those people steal.” After that she literally slammed the door in my face.
As I said before, not only was this a financial relationship, it was a personal one, and it was a personal relationship before it become a landlord/tenant relationship. This is one of my best friend’s mother (and my boy’s mother was somebody that I held in the same regard and esteem as my grandmothers.) I did my part to keep the place clean, volunteered to clean the windows and run errands for my friend’s mom. I accompanied her to the store. I went to visit her in the convalescence home when she broke her leg (after a fall down the steps,) I brought her cards for holidays and her birthday, I even bought her cake from Stone Cold for her birthday and I gave her a big ass poinsettia for Christmas. I did these things not for accolades, praise, or money, (even though she did pay me, I would did the tasks for free,) I did them out of love for my boy and his family and the generosity, patience, and hospitality they have shown me over the years. I regarded his mother as a family member and this is how I’m treated. Her treatment of me shows what little regard that my boy’s mom holds me in, which brings “O.M.R.” to the second ****ed up incident.
Y’all are well aware of “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and “HONEY”. Well now, “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and ‘HONEY” are in the same category, that being “Chicks Rex Doesn’t Like, Nor Give a F*ck About” except that “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” did in about six hours, what it took, “HONEY” literally years to do, and that is whittle away any goodwill and feelings that I had towards her.
Last semester at Rex’s old institution of higher learning there was a disruptive and rude member of the Paralegal Club who irked the hell out of the V.P. of the Club. One day, I happen to be on FB and the V.P. of the Club said that she was about to quit the Club. “O.M.R.” told her to calm down, she was taking things too seriously, there was only about four weeks left in the semester ride it out, (and the big mistake on Rex’s part,) I told her, “That she doesn't really do anything."
The V.P. of Paralegal Club took extreme umbrage to that comment and she had “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” (who happened to be President of the Paralegal Club,) talk to me about it, to which she did. Realizing that I made a mistake, (after thinking about it, I remembered that she brought some chocolate covered strawberries from Whole Foods to the Valentine’s Day meeting,) and being a man of values, morals, principles, and integrity, the next time I saw the V.P. of the Paralegal Club, I did what men are supposed do when they’re wrong, I apologized. Sadly, my apology was in vain, instead of seeing the sincerity and humility in my apology, the V.P. of the Paralegal Club decided to stay upset at me. To which I was perfectly cool, Rex had did his part. For the V.P. of the Paralegal Club not to accept Rex's apology she only exposed herself to be a triflin', immature, emotional, petty piece of sh*t.
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