The Adventures Of Omipotens Maximus Rex: Reports From The Field

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
The Hardest Field Report Rex Ever Filed

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: Whether Young or Old, B*tches Ain't About Sh*t

Date: 12 JUL 14


In course of dealing with women, dear ole Rex has become brutally aware of their capricious, trifling, and duplicitous natures. A woman can literally be cordial and the best of buds with you one day, then at the slightest offense (whether the offense be real or imagined,) they'll or act as if you don’t even exist the next. Sometimes, adding insult to injury, (and also your overall intelligence,) women will have the unmitigated gall to to shift blame for a situation unto you.

As students, you'll become versed in The Game and one comes to realize that when dealing with women and their vacillating moods is just the “cost of doing business,” in the pursuit of getting laid and/or having a relationship. Though initial pain, angst, anger, frustration, depression, and sadness, puts you through an emotional turmoil, in the end, it’s good to experience these emotions because it builds your mental and emotionally immunity to the b.s. and games that they’ll subject you to and it’s imperative that you build up this immunity when you’re dealing with women. However, Rex’s faith in the female gender has been shaken to the core in these past two weeks.

The first incidence was with surprisingly one of my best friend’s mother, (who just happens to be my land lady.) A few months back she was made aware of the peeling ceiling by the locksmith (ya boy had to get his locks changed because the key had broken,) and suddenly ( a few weeks back,) she decided when I happened to come in from the gym to have the ceiling panted because as she put it, (I’m home from school and the guy was available,) ya boy Rex was hesitant with this arrangement because, I wasn’t able to contact my other good friend to arrange an overnight stay at his house and “O.M.R.” just wasn’t comfortable with the suddenness of it all. My friend’s mother then told “O.M.R.” that if the painting wasn’t taken care that Friday and Saturday, (27th and 28th of JUN) that “I would have to take care of it,” which I nearly agreed to do. However, since the painters were available and I was tired of looking at that f*cked up ceiling, (the sh*t wasn’t sexy and it f*cked up my moods,) I acquiesced to the work schedule.

That following Sunday, as I was putting my things back, Rex immediately knew something was amiss when he realized that his phone wasn’t where he left it. (I purposely and left my phone in the open so that I could find it when was putting away my stuff. The reason why I didn’t have it on me was because the phone wasn’t working, of course this was huge mistake on Rex's part because you shouldn't give muthaf*ckas open invitations to steal from you.) However, before concluding a theft had occurred I wanted to make sure that I didn’t move it another location and forgot about it. Unfortunately, after putting my things away and doing another search, my phone is nowhere to be found.

I e-mail my boy who in turns notifies his mother. (I tried to contact his mother that Sunday, but when I knocked on her door, she didn’t answer.) When I did get in contact with her that Monday morning, her reaction to the entire episode, not only disturbed and shocked ole Rex, but also disappointed and sadden him.

Ideally, her reaction would have been one of 100% and unquestioning support of me and my accusation or a completely and totally understandable reaction on her part would have been one of caution and “let’s get the parties involved together so we can get to the bottom of this.” (The painters had just happened to be the nephew of her cleaning lady and his friend,) “O.M.R.” would have been completely and totally accepting of a posture of neutrality on my landlady’s part. However, what her reaction was such that it caused me to lose all my feelings of love, caring, and goodwill for this woman.

My landlady, not only accused me of losing my phone, but also made excuses for b*tch made muthaf*ckas that ranged from the asinine to the absolute absurdity. First she made the accusation that I had misplaced my phone. That notion was immediately shot down, when shot down when I informed her that I went through my stuff not once, but twice. Then she said that she saw my phone one the top of the steps, (my landlady is 88 years old,) and I had to inform her that was my old cordless. Another excuse she gave that her cleaning lady and her faggot ass nephew saw me outside with my phone in hand, which was probably true, but that doesn’t explain why it wasn’t where I left it. Then she started to complain about my stuff in the hallway, but I had to remain her that it was her idea for me to leave my stuff in the hallway, and I wanted to leave my property in the empty apartment.

Rex is prone to explosive bouts of extreme and uncontrollable rage, and the only thing that kept ya boy in check in this instance is I value and I hold my friendship, with my landlady’s son in highest of regards. My landlady, then went on to further insult my word, integrity, morals, and character by saying that the faggot ass mutha****as who stole my phone, “were 25 years old, had jobs, and they wouldn’t steal,” and that’s she’s “very careful as to who she let’s in her house,” to which I replied, “Well in this instance, those people steal.” After that she literally slammed the door in my face.

As I said before, not only was this a financial relationship, it was a personal one, and it was a personal relationship before it become a landlord/tenant relationship. This is one of my best friend’s mother (and my boy’s mother was somebody that I held in the same regard and esteem as my grandmothers.) I did my part to keep the place clean, volunteered to clean the windows and run errands for my friend’s mom. I accompanied her to the store. I went to visit her in the convalescence home when she broke her leg (after a fall down the steps,) I brought her cards for holidays and her birthday, I even bought her cake from Stone Cold for her birthday and I gave her a big ass poinsettia for Christmas. I did these things not for accolades, praise, or money, (even though she did pay me, I would did the tasks for free,) I did them out of love for my boy and his family and the generosity, patience, and hospitality they have shown me over the years. I regarded his mother as a family member and this is how I’m treated. Her treatment of me shows what little regard that my boy’s mom holds me in, which brings “O.M.R.” to the second ****ed up incident.

Y’all are well aware of “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and “HONEY”. Well now, “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and ‘HONEY” are in the same category, that being “Chicks Rex Doesn’t Like, Nor Give a F*ck About” except that “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” did in about six hours, what it took, “HONEY” literally years to do, and that is whittle away any goodwill and feelings that I had towards her.

Last semester at Rex’s old institution of higher learning there was a disruptive and rude member of the Paralegal Club who irked the hell out of the V.P. of the Club. One day, I happen to be on FB and the V.P. of the Club said that she was about to quit the Club. “O.M.R.” told her to calm down, she was taking things too seriously, there was only about four weeks left in the semester ride it out, (and the big mistake on Rex’s part,) I told her, “That she doesn't really do anything."

The V.P. of Paralegal Club took extreme umbrage to that comment and she had “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” (who happened to be President of the Paralegal Club,) talk to me about it, to which she did. Realizing that I made a mistake, (after thinking about it, I remembered that she brought some chocolate covered strawberries from Whole Foods to the Valentine’s Day meeting,) and being a man of values, morals, principles, and integrity, the next time I saw the V.P. of the Paralegal Club, I did what men are supposed do when they’re wrong, I apologized. Sadly, my apology was in vain, instead of seeing the sincerity and humility in my apology, the V.P. of the Paralegal Club decided to stay upset at me. To which I was perfectly cool, Rex had did his part. For the V.P. of the Paralegal Club not to accept Rex's apology she only exposed herself to be a triflin', immature, emotional, petty piece of sh*t.
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Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
The Hardest Field Report Rex Ever Filed Pt. II

On Thursday, the Club went to Ellis Island and "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." was in attendance. I immediately knew something was amiss because she her body language towards me was f*cked up and she kept her back to me, in addition to her making every attempt to not to make eye contact with me. I didn’t say anything to her and she didn’t say anything to me. On the ferry ride over to Ellis Island, I went to lounge area of the ferry and I sat next to “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and I said, “Thanks for bringing my book back.” (Last semester, I lent her my criminal law text book and I let hold it even after the semester was over because she wanted to read it.) Again, not making any eye contact with me, she gave me this sort of dismissive hand movement and nodded her head "yes." With that, my visit to Ellis Island was completely and totally f*cked up and it left ole Rex feeling some kinda way. After I thought about it, when “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” gave my book back, I realized that she didn’t speak to me that day either.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Rex, you’re feeling some kinda way, about the “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” because she shot you down.” Actually, that doesn’t have anything to do with it. Was ya boy sprung on her? Did he want to get with her? Did Rex think about her entirely too much? Was “O.M.R.” looking forward to seeing “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” when he found out the she going to be in attendance on the field trip? Yes on all accounts, however, though a valid argument can be made that those feelings come into play in now what is my strong dislike towards “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” it’s the blatant disrespect that she showed ya boy on Thursday, and the fact (for some reason in her f*cked up rationalization process,) Rex wasn’t even worthy enough to get a “Hey Rex. How have you been? She's acting as if I stole from her, spread from vicious rumors about her, or she caught Rex cheating with her best friend, (though I shouldn't trip off of it, but I guess this is where the feelings I had for her comes into play.)

Last semester, I helped “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and some of classmates with their moot arguments. (Yeah, ole Rex had an ulterior motive, however, I still would have been happy to lend my assistance,) It’s that I have absolutely zero idea as to why “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” would treat me as if I stole from her, spread from vicious rumors about her, or she caught Rex cheating with her best friend. The only two logical explanations I could come up with, is that she found the field reports about her and the link to her picture, (but if that were the case, I think she would have approached ya boy, and asked me to remove the link with her picture, or (and I’m hoping this isn’t the reason,) this silly b*tch might actually be mad at ole Rex for that trivial ass incident with the V.P. of the Paralegal Club, (who happens to be her b.f.f.) As Rex put further thought into it, “O.M.R.” realized that she only tolerated him, (and factoring in that Rex liked her,) in order to get him to help her with her moot court argument.

Rex doesn’t expect much from females because too many times over the years he’s seen just how f*cked up they can be, (especially, when they have no feelings towards you and how they'll use you when they're aware of the fact that you have affections for them,) but “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” clowin’ ya boy the way she did was worst level of disrespect that Rex has ever experienced from a chick. It was worst than when “BOO BOO” cheated on ole Rex and said that she didn’t want to be with him. It was worst than anything “HONEY,” ever did, because let’s face facts, “HONEY” didn’t do anything to Rex that Rex didn’t allow her to do or facilitate.

However, with “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” this sh*t completely caught ya boy off guard to the point to where I was asking myself, “Where is coming from? And what did I do to her to deserve this?” Though, I nearly came very close to pulling her to the side and asking her what the source of this acrimony towards me was, however, I figured that would be very unmackish of me and would show her that ya boy cared entirely too much.

As with “HONEY” (and ole Rex HATES to use this word, but it implies to the level of feelings that are here,) what “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” did to me hurts because even though she rejected ya boy romantically, I really and truly honestly believe that we were cool, that we were friends, but I find out in a very f*cked up and harsh way, that we weren’t and probably haven’t been in a very long time, which leaves “O.M.R.” with a very bitter in his taste in his mouth as to where women are concerned.

On one end of the spectrum there’s an 88 year old grandmother who’s a devout Catholic and one of my good friend’s mother, a woman that I regarded as and loved as much as my own family. On the other end end is an intelligent, well read, chesty, light skin 30 year old college student with almond shaped eyes who’s a gang of fun to be around; a woman who Rex unfortunately developed a crush on (and up until late afternoon on the 10th,) wanted to figure out how to get her to see him in romantic light. Both wind up being unappreciative, disrespectful c*nts who couldn’t even understand, nor begin to value the words, honor, integrity, and friendship, if either one of them where to drop dead right in front of ole Rex, he’d step right over their bodies without missing a beat. That’s how I feel about my boy’s mom and “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” that’s what Rex thinks about them and he could give a f*ck about them.

Though Rex has a negative opinion and outlook on woman, I do realize that there are many good women to be found, one just has to get there and find them, and that’s actually what “O.M.R.” is going to do, get out there and to quote Kenny Redd from the Hughes Brothers classic documentary, “American Pimp” “find me a pretty young b*tch, somebody that might like this pimpin.”
As much as it hurts and as pissed off that ole Rex is at “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” after seeing her for the first time in two and half months, she’s put on more weight, (at least twenty to thirty pounds,) and that’s not sexy because she was already a chunkster with none to give. Yeah, ole Rex liked her fat ass, but her weight would have eventually become an issue and problematic, ole girl dropped from a 6 to a 5.

Rex has also made a promise to himself the next time he gets clowned by a chick she’s going to at least be an 8, no more to this getting shot down 5’s, 6’s, and 7’s who need to be thankful that a man of Rex’s caliber is taking time out of his life to even acknowledge their presence. “THE INSECT” says your boy has good game and ole Rex can’t be wasting his time and energy on average to slightly above average chicks who need to be thankful for the male attention.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
On Thursday, the Club went to Ellis Island and "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." was in attendance. I immediately knew something was amiss because she her body language towards me was f*cked up and she kept her back to me, in addition to her making every attempt to not to make eye contact with me. I didn’t say anything to her and she didn’t say anything to me. On the ferry ride over to Ellis Island, I went to lounge area of the ferry and I sat next to “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and I said, “Thanks for bringing my book back.” (Last semester, I lent her my criminal law text book and I let hold it even after the semester was over because she wanted to read it.) Again, not making any eye contact with me, she gave me this sort of dismissive hand movement and nodded her head "yes." With that, my visit to Ellis Island was completely and totally f*cked up and it left ole Rex feeling some kinda way. After I thought about it, when “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” gave my book back, I realized that she didn’t speak to me that day either.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Rex, you’re feeling some kinda way, about the “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” because she shot you down.” Actually, that doesn’t have anything to do with it. Was ya boy sprung on her? Did he want to get with her? Did Rex think about her entirely too much? Was “O.M.R.” looking forward to seeing “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” when he found out the she going to be in attendance on the field trip? Yes on all accounts, however, though a valid argument can be made that those feelings come into play in now what is my strong dislike towards “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” it’s the blatant disrespect that she showed ya boy on Thursday, and the fact (for some reason in her f*cked up rationalization process,) Rex wasn’t even worthy enough to get a “Hey Rex. How have you been? She's acting as if I stole from her, spread from vicious rumors about her, or she caught Rex cheating with her best friend, (though I shouldn't trip off of it, but I guess this is where the feelings I had for her comes into play.)

Last semester, I helped “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” and some of classmates with their moot arguments. (Yeah, ole Rex had an ulterior motive, however, I still would have been happy to lend my assistance,) It’s that I have absolutely zero idea as to why “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” would treat me as if I stole from her, spread from vicious rumors about her, or she caught Rex cheating with her best friend. The only two logical explanations I could come up with, is that she found the field reports about her and the link to her picture, (but if that were the case, I think she would have approached ya boy, and asked me to remove the link with her picture, or (and I’m hoping this isn’t the reason,) this silly b*tch might actually be mad at ole Rex for that trivial ass incident with the V.P. of the Paralegal Club, (who happens to be her b.f.f.) As Rex put further thought into it, “O.M.R.” realized that she only tolerated him, (and factoring in that Rex liked her,) in order to get him to help her with her moot court argument.

Rex doesn’t expect much from females because too many times over the years he’s seen just how f*cked up they can be, (especially, when they have no feelings towards you and how they'll use you when they're aware of the fact that you have affections for them,) but “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” clowin’ ya boy the way she did was worst level of disrespect that Rex has ever experienced from a chick. It was worst than when “BOO BOO” cheated on ole Rex and said that she didn’t want to be with him. It was worst than anything “HONEY,” ever did, because let’s face facts, “HONEY” didn’t do anything to Rex that Rex didn’t allow her to do or facilitate.

However, with “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” this sh*t completely caught ya boy off guard to the point to where I was asking myself, “Where is coming from? And what did I do to her to deserve this?” Though, I nearly came very close to pulling her to the side and asking her what the source of this acrimony towards me was, however, I figured that would be very unmackish of me and would show her that ya boy cared entirely too much.

As with “HONEY” (and ole Rex HATES to use this word, but it implies to the level of feelings that are here,) what “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” did to me hurts because even though she rejected ya boy romantically, I really and truly honestly believe that we were cool, that we were friends, but I find out in a very f*cked up and harsh way, that we weren’t and probably haven’t been in a very long time, which leaves “O.M.R.” with a very bitter in his taste in his mouth as to where women are concerned.

On one end of the spectrum there’s an 88 year old grandmother who’s a devout Catholic and one of my good friend’s mother, a woman that I regarded as and loved as much as my own family. On the other end end is an intelligent, well read, chesty, light skin 30 year old college student with almond shaped eyes who’s a gang of fun to be around; a woman who Rex unfortunately developed a crush on (and up until late afternoon on the 10th,) wanted to figure out how to get her to see him in romantic light. Both wind up being unappreciative, disrespectful c*nts who couldn’t even understand, nor begin to value the words, honor, integrity, and friendship, if either one of them where to drop dead right in front of ole Rex, he’d step right over their bodies without missing a beat. That’s how I feel about my boy’s mom and “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” that’s what Rex thinks about them and he could give a f*ck about them.

Though Rex has a negative opinion and outlook on woman, I do realize that there are many good women to be found, one just has to get there and find them, and that’s actually what “O.M.R.” is going to do, get out there and to quote Kenny Redd from the Hughes Brothers classic documentary, “American Pimp” “find me a pretty young b*tch, somebody that might like this pimpin.”
As much as it hurts and as pissed off that ole Rex is at “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” after seeing her for the first time in two and half months, she’s put on more weight, (at least twenty to thirty pounds,) and that’s not sexy because she was already a chunkster with none to give. Yeah, ole Rex liked her fat ass, but her weight would have eventually become an issue and problematic, ole girl dropped from a 6 to a 5.

Rex has also made a promise to himself the next time he gets clowned by a chick she’s going to at least be an 8, no more to this getting shot down 5’s, 6’s, and 7’s who need to be thankful that a man of Rex’s caliber is taking time out of his life to even acknowledge their presence. “THE INSECT” says your boy has good game and ole Rex can’t be wasting his time and energy on average to slightly above average chicks who need to be thankful for the male attention.
**** these unappreciative *****es. Go out and get yourself a girl who respects you and treats you right. Its your birth right!

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Sarging with RSD Dudes

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: You Got to Go Through a Thousand Punks

Date: 14 JUL 14


“You got to go through a thousand punks before you find that one true b*tch. Right now, I’m on nine hundred and ninety-nine.”-Payroll, American Pimp, the Raw Outtakes and the Hard Truth

On 11 JUL 14 ya boy listen to that clip six times while looking at a picture of “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” before he broke out for the evening. While enjoying a Sam Adams at the bar at “The 13th Step,” ole Rex kept saying to himself, “The Fat Light Skin B*tch,” (“T.H.Y.C.Y.E.A.C.”) is nine hundred and ninety-nine, I need to holla at somebody so she’ll no longer be nine hundred and ninety-nine.” However, the night ended with “O.M.R.” letting nineteen women pass him without opening his mouth. The cold part about it is ya boy had a great opener. As Rex was making his way to the bar in the rear of the venue, he happened to pass a set of females, then he felt something hit his calf, which was a little bit of vomit from one of the chicks who went a little too hard on the libations. When ole Rex took his seat at the bar, (as women came and grabbed their drinks,) he told them not to throw up on him, but the conversation didn’t go any further. A combination of approach anxiety and feeling some kinda way by being so thoroughly disrespected by “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” wasn’t necessarily conducive to providing the necessary mood for approaching. However, that changed yesterday, when I hooked up with some cats from the RSD Inner Circle and we went out sarging after an RSD Seminar on pickup and personal growth and development.

The seminar was conducted by John, (Marine Corps and Aghani War veteran,) and Andre (a former body builder, turned Wall Street executive.) Andre conducted the personal growth and development part of the seminar where he discussed time management, saving money, (he touched a little on mutual funds, Roth IRA’s, and budgeting your money.) He also recommended the book, The 4 Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss for weight lifting. Andre (though not in competition shape,) does a have a muscular physique, so ya boy asked does being in shape facilitate your game with women, to which Andre's answer was essentially, “No.” Andre went on to speak about how he hadn’t gone out in two months and when he did go out he got blown out in set, which proves to me that game and persistence trumps looks. Not to say that looks aren’t important and to turn into Jabba the Hutt, but as PUA gurus stress to you, Game is based on how you can make a woman feel, being able to flip the proper attraction switches, and when to flip them.

John spoke on pick theory, (specifically direct and text game.) John prefers direct game because it cuts to the chase and as he put it, “it saves time,” and puts the target in the frame of mind you want her to be in and it makes her aware of your intent. Rex prefers direct game because it’s congruent with Rex’s personality. However, when I tried direct game in field, I can see that it’s going to require some tweaking. Then John went on to tell the story of how he f*cked closed a chick within ten minutes of meeting her at last year'’s RSD Vegas Summit. As far as text game, he said that was indeed real and it's most effective by keeping the texting sexual in nature. After the seminar we went out and did some day game in Herald Square. Rex particularly didn’'t like Macy’s because the sh*t just seemed dead. However, ole Rex did approach of three set (the three set was headed eastbound as they left the Broadway entrance of Macy’s,) and this how the conversation went.

O.M.R.: I like your outfit. Did she pick out for you?

Mel I: No. (all the chicks were supposedly named “Mel.”)

O.M.R.: I like that shade of blue.

Mel II: Yeah, you two are matching.

O.M.R.: Oh, that’s cool. You knew what I was going to wear today and decided to color coordinate with me.

O.M.R.: Where are you from? (Rex noticing that Mel I had an accent,)

Mel: Huh?

O.M.R.: You have an accent? Where are you from?

Mel I: Paris

O.M.R.: Happy Bastille Day. (The mendacious b*tch has a blank look on her face, not realizing that Bastille Day was on Monday,)

Mel I: What?

O.M.R.: Happy Bastille Day. How are you going to be from France and not even know when your national holidays are? That’s why you and me couldn’t work in a relationship, because you’re already lying to me. That’'s rude of you, introduce me to your friends.

Mel II: Mel. We’'re all named Mel.

O.M.R.: What are you, the Spice Girls? Y’a'll are named Mel, like Mel B and Mel C.

Mel I: (The light turns red and the Mels walk off,) It was nice meeting you.

When I reported back, the RSD group found it rather humorous that ya boy caught that lying hoe out there on that “Bastille Day,” sh*t. About ten minutes later, Rex notices a Chinese girl with a camera coming from his 9 o’'clock. The Chinese girl is walking southbound (from the direction of Times Square.) and Rex opens her.

O.M.R.: Hey, come here. (The Chinese girl slows down and looks at Rex,)

O.M.R.: Yeah you, come here. (The Chinese girl complies,) How are you?

The Chinese Girl: Fine.

O.M.R.: That'’s cool. What are you, a photographer?

The Chinese Girl: Unfortunately, no.

O.M.R.: What'’s unfortunate about being a photographer? I like Peter Parker.

The Chinese Girl: Nothing, I meant unfortunately I’m a tourist.

O.M.R.: Where are you from?

The Chinese Girl: China.

O.M.R.: Oh, where in China, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong?

The Chinese Girl: No, it’s some town that you’ve never heard of.

O.M.R.: Where, over by Afghanistan?

The Chinese Girl: No, it’s in southern China.

O.M.R.: By Hong Kong? (Then The Chinese Girl proceeds to name some bullsh*t town in southern China that Rex has never heard of,)

The Chinese Girl: What are you guys doing?

Random RSD Dude: We're out here trying to f*ck b*tches. (All bullsh*t aside, dude said that,)

O.M.R.: We're out here conducting a seminar on personal growth and development. It teaches you how to be a better person.

The Chinese Girl: Oh.

O.M.R.:Take a picture of me and my friends. (The Chinese Girl takes the picture,)

The Chinese Girl: What are you guys doing?

O.M.R.: We’re on a personal growth and development seminar.

Random RSD Dude: We trying to f*ck b*tches.

The Chinese Girl looks stunned. I finally end the set by telling her to have a nice day. After the Chinese girl leaves, John says going direct does have to be done in its proper context. After fielding some more questions and exchanging phone numbers, John has to break out because he has a party to attend. That leaves Rex with "THE LIFEGUARD", "THE LIFEGUARD'S COUSIN" "FINGER CLOSE”" and an Asian dude. We decide to spend the rest of the evening street gaming. However, before we continue to our sarging in Union Square we stop off to grab something to eat.

As we’re eating we’re discussing our personal journeys, how we found RSD, our other interests and particularly how "FINGER CLOSE” finger closes women in the club. When "FINGER CLOSE” brought up how to escalate fingering a chick to a f*ck close, (this was his sticking point,) John had to admit that this was the first time he’s ever heard of such a term as “finger close.” When I asked "“FINGER CLOSE”" how he does it, he says that he starts off grinding with a chick, then he puts his hand on snatch above her pants, and he slides his finger down her pants. This kid simply amazing and is going to be legend at this sh*t. As I was discussing with “THE LIFEGUARD" and “"THE LIFEGUARD'S COUSIN” if "FINGER CLOSE” is fingering chicks random now, (at 18,) where is he going to be six months from now? Hell, in a year he’s going to be getting ménage action.
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Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Sarging with RSD Dudes Pt. II

As we approach Union Square Park, I see a four set watching this wacky ass mutaf*cka in green underwear briefs going some effed up dance while his friend plays a bongo. I say to “THE LIFEGUARD” "Let’s go open that four set." These were all average looking chicks, (5’s and 6’s) “THE LIFEGUARD” opens, then Rex comes in and engages the chick that's recording the wacky ass dancing muthaf*cka in the green briefs, this the ensuing is conversation:

O.M.R.:Do you think that’s sexy?

The Average Looking White Girl: Oh yeah. (Being rather sarcastic,)

O.M.R.: I bet if was Channing Tatum, you’d think it was sexy. (The Average Looking White Girl doesn’t respond.)

O.M.R.: Give me your camera so I can take a picture of you with dude in the background, you can post it on your Facebook page. Wait, you might not want to post it on your Facebook page because jobs don’t like that sort of thing. (The Average Looking White Girl is laughing her ass off and says “No.”)

O.M.R.: Come on, let me take a picture. (The Average Looking White Girl is still laughing her ass off and says no.)

Meanwhile, Rex notices that “THE LIFEGUARD” has removed himself from the set. Rex, (thinking he’s somehow disrupted “THE LIFEGUARD'S” flow ejects from the set also. When “O.M.R.” asks “THE LIFEGUARD” why he left the set, he tells ole Rex that he ran out of things to say. We circle around Union Square a couple more times, than Rex walks “THE LIFEGUARD” and “THE LIFEGUARD’S COUSIN” over to 3rd Avenue and shows them Bar None and from Bar None, we go over to 2nd Avenue and ya boy shows them The 13th Step, so when "THE LIFE GUARD" and "THE LIFE GUARD'S COUSIN" are in the City, they’ll have some target rich locations in mind to hit up. Then we make our way to the Westside to the Meat Packing District. The Meat Packing District is a no fail target rich location. If you don’t want to go into the bars and clubs, you definitely do some street game and that’s what ole Rex tried to do when he opened these Indian chicks that where posted in Dos Caminos.

O.M.R.: What did you order?

The Indian Chick: We ordered some tacos.

O.M.R.: How are the burritos?

The Indian Chick: I don’t know. They serve burritos here?

O.M.R.: Yeah, it’s a Mexican stand. All Mexican stands serve burritos. Since you were eating here, I was wondering how y’all thought the food was. I might want to eat here one day.

The Indian Chick: I don’t know.

Rex then ejects from the set when the guys they were with walked up, which I shouldn’t have done. Before ejecting, I should asked for an introduction, then bounced. Now Rex's most entertaining, (yet ironically,) frustrating set of the night was with these three chicks (two Indian chicks and a thick ass white girl, (and because of her voluptuous build, ole Rex would assume that she was a Latina. Ole Girl was also the “mother hen,” and the alpha female of the group,) who had yet to master the sensual and sex art of walking in heels.

O.M.R.: You can’t walk in heels. You should have worn flats. (Rex looking at one The Mother Hen’s friends,) You shouldn’t have let her wear those.

The Mother Hen: I’ve been out here since 10 AM.

O.M.R.: Even more of a reason for you to have brought more comfortable shoes. (Rex looking one of The Mother Hen’s friends,) You should have bought her some of those lessons on how to walk in heels. How are y’all doing tonight? (The Mother Hen was the only one that was doing the talking,)

T.M.H.: Fine. (Said with an attitude,)

O.M.R.: Okay, you can stop being mean now and show me your better character traits. It’s not cool to show strangers your bad character traits. (The Mother Hen is restraining herself from to stop from laughing. Meanwhile, she nearly busts her ass because of those heels,)

O.M.R.: I told you should have brought some flats. Here, (holding out his arm so The Mother Hen could maintain her balance while walking, The Mother Hen opts to take her friend's arm,)

T.M.H.: I’ve been out since 10 A.M.

(The conversation dies, the group starts crossing the street on to 14th St. Rex goes back into set, and when he does the group lets out a collective groan in unison.)

T.M.H.: Look, I just want to hang out with just the four of us.

O.M.R.: Are you drunk or something? You must want me to hang out with you because there’s only three of you, and that was a Freudian slip.

T.M.H.: Why don’t you go hang out with your friends?

O.M.R.: I’d rather hang out with y’all because you're cute and my friends don’t have ****s.

That was it for the night as far as sarges went for Rex.


Street game is a b*tch and a half. These hoes are impolite, immature, crass dumb asses who lack the most basic of social graces, however, if you want to get laid, the abuses that’s associated with street game is something that you will have to subject yourself to until you get good.

It’s easier to get into flow of things when you’re with a wingman because you can feed off their energy and get instant analysis on your approaches. For example, “THE LIFEGUARD” told ole Rex when he instructed targets to “Come here,” he was told that he was "too abrasive and attacking," and that he should direct the instruction using a down tone so the instruction wouldn't be so harsh. However, you don't want to become dependent on a wingman, because (and I'm paraphrasing Payroll from American Pimp,) "That wingman isn't going to be there to put a rubber on your b*tch when that hoe can."

Though Rex didn't get any numbers, he's happy that he got some approaches under his belt and namely because that "Fat Light Skin B*tch," is no longer the nine hundred and ninety-nineth punk on Rex's journey to that one true b*tch. "THE LIFEGUARD" did pretty good for himself, he set a goal of doing ten approaches and out of those ten, he got two numbers. Rex would say 20% for a day of sarging is damn good numbers.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Good job on the approaches. I like your witty comebacks. Just curious, are you always this witty or did you study these lines? when I'm in set, I usually don't know how to reply back when the girl gives me a challenge or attitude.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
It's a Natural Rex Trait.

thunder_god said:
Good job on the approaches. I like your witty comebacks. Just curious, are you always this witty or did you study these lines? when I'm in set, I usually don't know how to reply back when the girl gives me a challenge or attitude.
I'm naturally sarcastic, plus ya boy is on some ole "anti-b*tch-venting-Rex's frustrations-out-on-life-you're-Rex's-intellectually-inferior-Julien from RSD-know-your-place-and-suck-the-d*ck," sh*t right now.

Also, it goes back to something I read in "The Game" always have a better answer. John, (from the RSD meet up,) to stay in set until the chick leaves and fight through the awkwardness. As you can remember, with the chicks from B & N, Rex really doesn't give a eff about awkwardness, however with you, when the awkwardness sets in, I would try blame the chick for the weird mood shift. For example,

thunder_god: Ewwww.

Chick: What?

thunder_god I'm pretty good at reading auras and people's moods, and you just entered a weird zone. Are you always weird and awkward.

Chick: No.

thunder_god: What sign are you?

Chick: Libra (or whatever sign she maybe,)

thunder_god: That explains it. People, (especially females,) born under "x" sign are prone to inexplicable bouts of weird and awkward behavior. Don't feel bad, it's in the stars. Anyway, come with me to Starbucks.

Now I have no idea whatsoever whether or not that this particular gambit will work because I literally just thought it up, so when you're out there today, try it and report back.
Last edited:

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Don't Drink Too Much

To: The Don Juans of

From:Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: Libations and the Bathroom Floor

Date: 05 SEPT 11


Race: Black

Ethnicity: Trinidadian

Height: 5ft

Weight: 140

Age: 23

Complexion: Dark, (E.g. Serena Williams,)

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Hair Length: Short

Hair Texture: In a permanent, (Styled into a mohawk, with a design that says "trini",)

Ears and navel

Known Tattoos: Right wrist:, "Aries" in script. Stomach: weird bat like design going around her navel Tramp Stamp: Birth name written in script

Measurements: Possibly 32 or 34 C, 30 waist, 32 hips.

Hot Babe Rating: 6.5



“THE TREE-NEE-GAL” invited “O.M.R.” to kick it with her after the West Indian Parade and she said to meet her at her uncle's barber shop. “O.M.R.” agrees because he isn't doing sh*t else, plus “O.M.R.” figures “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” might cook. Nothing of any major significance happens except that “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” makes “O.M.R.” three VERY STRONG vodkas mixed with Pepsi. “O.M.R.” figures that the drinks had to be at least 6 parts vodka. When “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” offered “O.M.R.” the third drink, he initially declines because Rex knows that he's a sloppy drunk that's prone to projectile vomiting; however, “THE TRINI-NEE-GAL” says, "It's cool, you can stay the night at my house." Of course, “O.M.R.” see this as a potentially leading to "lick the lining and **** the lining out," of “THE TRINI-NEE-GAL'S” cot, if not, “O.M.R.” could at least get breakfast in the morning; however, this is a “Omnipotens Maximus Rex,” story and things go WAAAAY left, starting with the "serendipitous", arrival of "THE OTHER DUDE". (Sense this is So Suave and knowing how Rex regularly indulges in the use of racial pejoratives, the male obstacle's code name has been changed to one of a less racially charged nature.)

“O.M.R.” isn't really trippin', but he realizes that we're all going to be leaving soon and “O.M.R.” needs to do something to get “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” to send "THE OTHER DUDE" home. We stop at McDonald's and “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” treats ole Rex to some fries then "THE OTHER DUDE" makes a rather astute observation and comments that Rex is perkin'. To which “O.M.R.” replies "No I'm not. I just have a buzz. Y'all would know if I was perkin'. I would be throwin' up and I wouldn't want to be seen like that, so I would just go home." “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” fills Rex in on a critical piece of intel, "THE OTHER DUDE" got into it with her then boyfriend in January. This is important because "THE OTHER DUDE" and THE TREE-NEE-GAL were "talking," before her current boyfriend kinda sorta forced a relationship with “THE TREE-NEE-GAL”. The first sign that Rex should've left and went home is Rex had to go in to the bathroom to collect himself. The drinks were kicking in, but Rex recovers and leaves the bathroom. Second sign that “O.M.R.” should've fell back, is ya boy thinks “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” was sitting on "THE OTHER DUDE'S" lap. When Rex gets to buzzin', Rex can only see what's right in front of him, though it was only twenty feet, the only thing visible to “O.M.R.” was silhouettes.

Ironically, “O.M.R.” is fine on the walk from the McDonald's (which is on Church and Nostrand Aves,) to Ocean Ave. The entire trip (plus the stops we made,) had to take about an hour. “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” has "THE OTHER DUDE” buy a bottle of something or other, then we head to her place. Normally, Rex would've conceded defeat and tried again another day, but for some reason or another “O.M.R.” was under the delusion that “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” would send homeboy home.

We get upstairs and this is where the "fun and games" begin. Rex begins to feel the vodka, Pepsi, and the fries coming up, Rex calmly gets up, walks to the kitchen, and goes out on to the fire escape. I thought that was it, being that “O.M.R.” tends to experience Murphy's Law, Rex throws up anywhere from five to ten times.

Rex, how did you end up passed on the bathroom floor?” Well, I'm getting to that that. “O.M.R.” realizes that this is going down in ala "Waterloo" in the epic loss category. Rex's only saving grace is that each time he needs to vomit he gets up and makes it to the bathroom. “O.M.R.” figures instead of walking to the bathroom every time to throw up, it would just be more convenient to crash out on the bathroom floor. After the vomiting session has ended, “O.M.R.” gets up, goes to the couch to sleep that sh*t off. The problem is, for some reason being on the couch makes Rex's head spin, Rex's then get's up and goes back to the bathroom. Hence forth, the spinning ceases and ya boy knocks out.

Rex has no idea who long he was out and all Rex heard was, "Yo. Are you alright?" To which Rex replied, “Yes,” and he gets up. “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” was concerned and offered Rex the opportunity to stay the night, but Rex, respectfully declines. Rex needed the comfort of his own bed, in addition to being at a monumental level of frustration. Rex had numerous opportunities to go throw up in the comfort and privacy of his own home, but instead decided to "chase rainbows." Also, why hate on the next man? Part of the reason why ya boy thinks the “THE TREE-NEE-GAL” wanted ole Rex there, was to use ole Rex and "THE OTHER DUDE” as a buttress against ****ing either one of us. Anyway, the moral of the story is, know your limits and don't get too f*cked up.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
For the Week Ending 19 JUL 14

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: Weekly Statistics

Date: 22 JUL 14

The following are "O.M.R.'S statistics for the week ending 19 JUL 14.

A: 4, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0 FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the week ending 19 JUL 14, "O.M.R." had four approaches.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
You Want to Scream at My Friend

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: You Want to Scream at My Friend

Date: 21 JUL 14


Ole Rex went out on Sunday (as Kenny Redd would say,) in attempt to “find some pretty young b*tch, somebody who might like this pimpin’,” and also to help combat “O.M.R.’S approach anxiety. My goal is to do least three approaches day which will leave me with twenty-one by Saturday. “O.M.R.’S” long term goal is to have fully conquered his approach anxiety and to have approaching women on “automatic,” by summer’s end and lacing every chick that he finds attractive with this sublime “Jetsons,” game.

“O.M.R.” began his campaigning in Washington Square Park, where he spotted a white girl that was dressed in black with garters holding up her stockings. Rex has always found this to be an extremely sexy look and whenever ya boy sees a chick wearing stockings Rex likes to fantasize about the young lady having on a garter belt and garters that are holding up her hosiery. Ya boy happened to be with “THE INSECT” and when I initially see the target, she’s listening to some older gentlemen singing a '50’s doo wop number while under the arch. “THE INSECT” and Rex are on Washington Square Park North and walk past the chick, however Rex is looking back, stops, does an about face, and goes to holla at the chick in the garters.

When “O.M.R.” spotted “Ms. Garters,” from afar, Rex gave her a 7, however, upon closer examination, good ole Rex reduced the rating to a 6 due to the acne scars on her face which were covered with excessive makeup. Rex opened her by commenting that he liked her garters and it was good that she had the option of taking them off as opposed to the idiot boards that will get garters tattooed on to their legs. “Ms. Garters” laughed and said “You’re right.” However, since Rex wasn’t attracted to her, he ejected from the set. “THE INSECT” wondered why ya boy left the set so quickly and when Rex told him that he wasn’t attracted to her pot marked face, “THE INSECT” went to get a look at Ms. Garters. In “THE INSECT’S” opinion, Ms. Garters wasn’t "that bad," and he felt that one could be seen walking down the street with her, as opposed to “T.H.Y.C.E.A.C.” (who in “THE INSECT'S” opinion,) was fat, wack, in addition to lacking depth to her personality. (O.M.R. disagrees with “THE INSECT” on this point, “THE HI YELLA CHINKY EYED A CUP’S” best attribute is her personality and everybody who knows her would agree that she does have an affable personality, but forgive Rex’s digression.”) Rex walks through the park and passes up on the opportunity to open a three set which contained a hot dothead who was a HB 8. Unfortunately, approach anxiety reared its ugly head and Rex didn’t approach.

From Washington Square Park, “O.M.R.” and “THE INSECT” made their way to the Meat Packing District. Once reaching Hudson Street, Rex tried to open two black chicks with “Sup? What are y’all going into?” only to get ignored. “THE INSECT” said that the preceding was a wack line that would only be effective if you’re Leonardo DiCaprio and you’re hopping out of a Lamborghini. As we reached the middle of the Meat Packing District, we take seat in the middle of the area that still has a cobble stone street from a bye gone era. As we’re sitting, ole Rex sees a two set on the sidewalk and yells, “Hey, come here.” One of the two white girls nods her head, “No,” and then Rex says, “Come here and don’t be weird.” However, the two girls keep on going. “THE INSECT” has never seen “O.M.R.” go direct and he finds this to be rather humorous. The next set is a Spanish chick that is a 7 (possibly a 7.5) and her friend, (a black girl with a caramel complexion and natural hair,) that’s a 6.5. Again, while remaining seated, Rex goes direct and the following words are exchanged.

O.M.R.: Hey you. Come here. (The Spanish chick and the black chick slow down and look over.)

O.M.R.: Yeah you. Come here.

The Black Chick: Who me?

O.M.R.: No, not you. Your potna. I want to holla at her right quick. (Again “THE INSECT” finds the exchange rather humorous.)

The Black Chick: (Sounding rather offended, probably because she wasn’t the recipient of the attention.) What, you want to scream at my friend? (At this “THE INSECT” starts laughing his ass off.)

Before we leave, Rex lets a rather cute caramel colored black girl walk by and Rex doesn’t open these two other Spanish chicks. When Rex and “THE INSECT” left that particular area to walk around the Meat Packing District, Rex compliments a white girl on her wedges and she responses with a wink and smile. Rex’s final encounter for the day is when a HB 8 white girl, (with no bra on,) makes an effort to not walk to close too “O.M.R.” and “THE INSECT” and Rex hits ole girl with the “race gambit.” After hearing ole Rex say, “What? You don’t like black people?” The white says, “I didn’t say anything.” The thing was that Rex was so focused on his conversation with ‘THE INSECT” that he didn’t engage the white girl. With that, Rex was done sarging for the day.


“O.M.R. had a good start to the week with Sunday’s approaches, like with working out, (or drug rehabilitation,) it’s a step-by-step process with incremental change that is seen over the course of some months. To quote Master Yoda from Episode V ya boy is going to have to “unlearn what he has learned,” and what has to be unlearned is the defense mechanism and comfort zone that has been formed over the years from not approaching women. Right, now Rex is literally in a mental battle with approaching. Part of me really wants to spit this hot fire at these hoes. However, (due to the fact that old habits are to break,) Rex is prone to not opening his mouth. As I previously stated, conquering approach anxiety is continual and daily process that ya boy isn’t looking to see immediate results on, just as long that I know I’m making the effort and fighting the good fight, “O.M.R.” knows that he will eventually win the day.

Rex also needs to get in habit of campaigning until the chick either walks away or is so peeved by Rex’s presence that to proceed in the sarge becomes pointless and a waste of time. Though “O.M.R.” wasn’t attracted to “Ms. Garters,” she was responsive and participating in the conversation. If a chick is giving you conversational cooperation, you should take the interaction as far as it will go just for the purpose of practicing your game.

As far as the black and the Spanish chick in the Meat Packing District, ole Rex f*cked up by showing his immediate interest in the Spanish chick, when the black girl responded with, “Who me?” Her curiosity was roused and she was displayed, (at least implicitly,) some initial interest in what ya boy had to say. Had Rex told her to (or told her and her friend to come over,) they might have complied, oh well, we live and learn. Rex has to remember that when chicks are in groups to open and then win the approval of the group as a whole, social circle game is the easiest game to pull from.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Weekly Statistics

The following are "O.M.R.'S statistics for the week ending 26 JUL 14.

A: 4, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0, FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the week ending 26 JUL 14, "O.M.R." had four approaches.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
With the Spanish and black chick who seemed curious, u should have for sure gamed both of them at the same time and best case scenario is a threesome or you hook up ur boy with the black one and go for the Spanish.

with the would have been good of you to at least stayed in there and get a number for a rainy day in door activity...but you know this.

its always easy to call the plays on Monday mornings...

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
_sideways_ said:
With the Spanish and black chick who seemed curious, u should have for sure gamed both of them at the same time and best case scenario is a threesome or you hook up ur boy with the black one and go for the Spanish.
Indeed. As I said, since the black girl was the one that showed the initial interest, that's who I should have effed with, introduced "THE INSECT" and proceeded from there.

_sideways_ said:
with the would have been good of you to at least stayed in there and get a number for a rainy day in door activity...but you know this.

its always easy to call the plays on Monday mornings...
The thing with her is that once I saw her up close, I lost attraction because she wasn't cute, however, I should have stayed in to for practice and the opportunity to enlarge my social circle.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Weekly Statistics

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: Weekly and Monthly Statistics

Date: 16 AUG 14

The following are "O.M.R.'S" statistics for the week ending 16 AUG 14.

A: 0, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0, FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the week ending 16 AUG 14, "O.M.R." didn't do any approaches.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Dressed for Success

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: Dressed for Success

Date: 2 AUG 14


If you want chicks to open you, then wear your best f*ckining outfit. The peacock theory was proven true last night, when ya boy donned his pimp apparel. Rex had on his white dress shirt, black slacks, brown wingtips (with the monk straps,) his smoking jacket, paisley pink ascot, and capped the fit off with the a pair of pimpin’ ass pink socks; “suited and booted,” ole Rex proceeded to hit the town with the first stop being the first Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum.

Every first Saturday of the month the Brooklyn Museum has free admission and has various bands performing; as a result, the Museum is a target rich location that is by the very nature of venue, one would assume has quality females. Rex passed on the opportunity to holla at a thick Latina (a HB 8) with (as Prince said in that song,) “with an ass like I’ve never seen,” because she was engaged in conversation with her friend, however, truth of the matter is ya boy got in his head and hesitated. After reading the description of the art piece (which was a lion at rest,) “O.M.R.” proceeded to walk around the Museum. I wanted to go and explore the upper floors of the museum, however, the line to elevator was quite long, and good ole Rex didn’t feel like taking the stairs. I was in a section of the museum which contained pieces from Egyptian antiquity and as I was looking at some other pieces, Rex heard a female voice making an inquiry on whether or not if “O.M.R.” was an employee of the museum, to which I answered to the negative. Then ole girl and I conversed about why the nose was broken off the piece we were looking at. I don’t know whether or not this is an urban legend, but supposedly the noses were broken off of Egyptian art and monuments because the noses where broad like the noses of African peoples and Europeans didn’t want it known that Africans made and built such monuments. The young lady that ole Rex was speaking to explained to him that’s why Alexander the Great had the nose blown off the Sphinx. Being that “O.M.R.” is learned in history and he had to inform old girl that Alexander lived long before the discovery of gunpowder, (or at least before gunpowder made it’s to Europe,) and it was the Mamalukes that blew the nose of the Sphinx because they used the nose for target practice. When she asked where I had heard of this particular fact, I told her I acquired the information from book about archeology. Then she remembered that it was Napoleon who ordered the nose removed the Sphinx. I didn’t holla at the young lady because she was pushing a stroller, so ole Rex surmised that she was a single mother and “O.M.R.” has sworn off single mothers.

After the museum, I decided to take the opportunity to engage in group economics and patronize Blew Smoke, (the only black owned cigar shop in New York City,) which is two blocks away from Atlantic Ave on Washington Ave. While on my way to the cigar shop, I got the first compliment on my jacket for the night (which came from a fat Spanish chick,) who happened to with her friend. She said that the jacket was nice and Rex responded with, “I know.” It was funny because the countenance on baby girl’s face, was if she was saying, “This n*gga,” to her herself.

After a twenty minute train ride into Manhattan, I made my way to Bowery Bar. As “O.M.R.” was walking around Bowery Bar, the vibe seemed kinda dead and there weren’t as many people in there as there usually is. Though that shouldn’t be used as reason not to campaign, (especially when you’re trying to conquer approach anxiety,) As I was making my way out of the Bowery Bar, I was stopped by a snow bunny (who happened to with her friend,) who said that she liked Rex’s look (with the valor jacket and the ascot,) Recognizing that ole girl had opened Rex, he took the opportunity to engage in conversation with the two chicks and Rex informed the snow bunny that fabric of the jacket was velvet and not valor. Come to find out that they had just moved to New York from L.A. (as they talkative snow bunny said “to find themselves,”) and when I informed them that ya boy was from the Bay, they asked me if I “ghost ride the whip,” Rex informed them that he didn’t and he was in New York when such shenanigans were popular. The snow bunny who complimented Rex on his look said that they did and Rex teased them about listening to too many rap records and they needed to stop hanging out with rowdy black guys. I made a little bit more fluff talk before the snow bunnies excused themselves because they had to go “buy drinks,” to which ole Rex said for them to buy him one too. After that the snow bunnies walked off, Rex left the venue and walked up to The 13th Step. The 13th Step was dead so Rex headed to Bar None and while at Bar None, he posted up outside of the venue for a few minutes.

While I was outside of the venue another Spanish chunkster came up to Rex wanting to touch his smoking jacket and ole Rex teased her about her hands not being clean. However, the Spanish chunkster said, “Please let me touch it. It’s looks so soft.” So Rex conceded and let the Spanish chunskster feel the fabric of his jacket. When the Spanish chunkster inquired about why “O.M.R.” was so “dressed up,” he quoted Rosebudd from American Pimp and said that he was going to meet a chick who had some money for him. Once inside of Bar None “O.M.R.” made his way to the dancing area (which is in the back of the bar,) and he saw an HB 8 (a Latina,) he wanted to holla at. However, he didn’t because of approach anxiety and coupled with the fact he couldn’t quite figure out the dynamic between the chick and the dudes she was with. Also, when Rex goes out, he’s normally by himself, so safety is a factor. The last thing Rex wants is to get jumped by some dude and his potnas because the dude can’t deal with the fact that his broad choose ole Rex. However, there are ways to figuring out group dynamics without revealing your intent. After scouting Bar None “O.M.R.” walked over to the Westside to the Meat Packing District.

Once in the Meat Packing District, Rex discovered that this area is now the center of New York City night life with probably about a dozen clubs in a twenty block radius with targets ranging from 7.5’s and up. Rex finally go up the nerve to go direct, however, when the waved some chicks over, they just looked over in his direction and kept it moving. Unfortunately, the night ended on a very foul note. It had started to rain and Rex was under a roof seeking shelter from the rain while he was enjoying a cigar. While smoking his cigar a white dude comes up to Rex and asks for a cigarette, (to which Rex gives one his patent replies) which was, “I don’t smoke cigarettes. They’re bad for your health.” Again, the muthaf*cka asks ole Rex for a cigarette, and again I tell this b*tch ass muthaf*cka that don’t have one. Then the faggot says, “That’s sexy. That cigar makes look like you’re sucking a big fat c*ck.” Rex wants to do to him what he normally does to faggots when he’s approached with their invitations to indulge in their sick ass “reindeer games,” but he couldn’t because there were eight police officers across the street, so Rex tells the faggot, to “Dude, get the f*ck away from me, NOW!” It’s a damn shame to where this country has fallen to, where fags can approach regular heterosexual men with invitations to their deviant behavior with impunity and without fear of swift and brutal retribution.

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Dressed for Success Pt. II


“O.M.R.” is in a weird and very bad comfort zone that he will call the “wingman and chick choosing comfort zone.” “O.M.R.” is fine when he’s with other people or when the female opens him, however, when Rex is by himself, the approach anxiety sets in. This is not a good situation to be in because as (to paraphrase Payroll from American Pimp “That wingman ain’t gonna to be there to put a rubber on your d*ck, when that hoe can.” As I keep saying, I have to force myself to approach women until it becomes second nature, and Rex will have to ignore the uneasiness of the situation and these hoes rude and outright hostile behavior. The irony is “O.M.R.” has the Game to pull broads, it just has to be tweaked and the only way to tweak it is through relentless approaching.

The point was also driven home that when I’m going out, it’s important to look your best. Sets will open easier and chicks will open you and that what peacock theory is, not dressing in furry hats and wearing black nail polish like Mystery, but finding a style of dress that will attract women to you. Pimps have been doing this since pimpin’ began and the reason pimps dress the way they do is to let hoes know what they’re vocations is. Muthaf*ckas, (both men and women,) love that damn jacket and Rex will be getting some more in different styles and colors, along with other fly as clothes, especially blazers.

“O.M.R.” f*cked up with the snow bunnies because he focused too must attention on the cuter of the two snow bunnies. The snow bunny that opened Rex was 6, while the cuter friend was an 8. Though Rex was talking to both of the ladies, I was looking at HB 8 snow bunny while the 6 was talking, Rex thinks that the 6 picked up on this and that’s when she excused the both of them to go buy drinks. In addition, the snow bunny that opened “O.M.R.” seemed to by the alpha of the two, (or as with the PUA community, the 8 realized that “O.M.R.” was her friend’s set and fell back.) Aside the foulness that happen later that night, Rex got ultimate compliment when other set of snow bunnies approached “O.M.R.” looking for directions to a club. Upon walking up to “O.M.R.” one of the snow bunnies, said that Rex looked like a pimp. Instead of his usual arrogance, Rex took the compliment in stride and simply said “Thank you.”

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
The Walter White Epiphany

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: The Walter White Epiphany

Date: 19 AUG 14


On the final episode of Breaking Bad, Walt finally admits to Skyler that he liked cooking crank and being a gangster. Saturday afternoon, I came to a startling realization about my feelings in regards to "THE HI YELLA CHINKY EYED A CUP". Yes, I wanted cook tacos for her. Yes, I wanted to take her to first Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum. I wanted to give her a Canada Goose coat, a pair of Canada Goose mittens, and those Hunter boots for Christmas. I wanted to show her around St. John's, hopefully there would be somebody at the piano in the D'Angelo Center, and I could convince her to sing a song. I liked our conversations, her accent, indulging her wacky conspiracy theories, of course I wanted to f*ck her the sh*t out of short ass, and finally get to see her massive rack. However, that will never be, she took all of that away from ya boy, along with her taking away any reason whatsoever for ole Rex to like her, (even platonically,) is what has me feeling some kind of way.

Friday was her birthday, (and going against my better judgment and indulging the few leftover simp tendencies that I have left,) I went to her Facebook page, knowing damn well that there wasn't anything on there for me to see. The first thing that pissed off me was the thanks that she gave to everybody who sent her a birthday greeting and how appreciative she was of their friendship.

I'm thinking to myself. "Okay with the exception of your b.f.f. who at your school has (especially a dude,) has extended themselves and shown you greater friendship then me? I guess hanging out with you, lending you my text book, and helping your with your moot court argument doesn't account for anything. She made another comment about the friends she made and "how she learned that she couldn't be friends with everybody." Call ole Rex paranoid, but I feel as if that comment was directed at me.

Here's the kicker. Her b.f.f. made her a Flip-a-Gram, and "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." commented that she liked it however, she had one complaint. Her b.f.f. asked her what was the compliant, and "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." said to take out the picture with Rex in it. Now I wouldn't have tripped if it was just a picture of me and her, however, the picture was just a random selfie that I happened to be in. Now I'm heated and I'm thinking to myself "What the f*ck is this b*tch trippin' off of? The last time that I seen her, everything was cool. However, when I see her again for the Paralegal Club's trip to Ellis Island, ya boy is "persona non grata" and she's acting as if I'm the faggot that called her a hoe at the Paralegal Club meeting during the Spring Semester.

Then I have the first of my two "Walter White Epiphanies." (If you go to "The Adventures Of Omipotens Maximus Rex: Reports From The Field, Post 53 you'll see a picture of her.)

That picture was taken in November of last year and as you can see, "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." is a chunkster, but her chinky eyes, height, (Rex loves vertically challenged women,) her affable personality, frame of reference and of course her big ass titties, negated that fact she about 30-40 lbs overweight and I'd give her a 6.5. However, since that picture, she's probably gained another 20-30 lbs.

I want to come through my old school's Paralegal Club meeting with a bad chick, (at least an HB 8) as I originally thought, to prove to her that I can get women waaaay hotter than her and have her thinking to herself, "Damn, Rex wanted to f*ck with me, I shot him down, but he got a chick that looks a lot better than I do.

Then I had the "Walter White Epiphany". As I thought about it, I realized "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." doesn't like me in any shape, form, or fashion, and she wouldn't care if I brought a chick to the Paralegal Club meeting that was hotter than her, just as Walt admitted to Skyler that he enjoyed making crank that was 97% pure, I admitted to myself that I wanted to a bring hot chick through the Paralegal Club meeting to prove to myself could that I pull a broad that is cuter, hotter, younger, and slimmer than "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C."

Then I had my second "Walter White Epiphany," as much as I cared for, lusted after, wanted to in a relationship with "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." there was something else fueling my emotions towards her, and that something is what now drives my great dislike of her, and that is, I liked liking her. I know that's a weird concept, but essentially, I liked the feelings I had towards this girl, (even though there was absolutely no reason for me to feel that way towards her.) and despite her rejecting me romantically, I was willing, (and perhaps the most simptastic statement I'll make on this site,) to accept her friendship as constellation prize. By "T.H.Y.C.E.A.C." disrespecting me the way she has, it not only shattered the image that I had of her and took away any reason for me to like her, her insolence towards me is also cause for ole Rex not to acknowledge her presence on the planet.

I wish that it didn't have to be this way and I sincerely wished that whatever issue that she has with me, she would have had the courage and integrity to speak to me about it. That's the thing that has me f*cked in the Game, I don't know where this animosity is coming from. Hell, I would have cool with, "Hey Rex. Thanks for lending me the book and helping me my argument, but when I come back to school in the fall, i'm not really trying to f*ck with you." That would have better than this f*ck girl sh*t that she's pulling now. However, I like "THE INSECT" said, "She's wack and I didn't have any business f*cking with her anyway."

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Monthly Statistics (August 2014)

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: Monthly Statistics (August, 2014)

Date: 31 AUG 14


The following are "O.M.R.'S statistics for the week ending 02 AUG 14.

A: 3, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0, FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the week ending 02 AUG 14, "O.M.R." was opened by 3 females.

The following are "O.M.R.'S statistics for the week ending 09 AUG 14.

A: 3, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0, FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the week ending 09 AUG 14, "O.M.R." was opened by 3 females.

The following are "O.M.R.'S statistics for the week ending 16 AUG 14.

A: 0, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0, FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the week ending 16 AUG 14, "O.M.R." had no approaches.

The following are "O.M.R.'S statistics for the week ending 23 AUG 14.

A: 0, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0, FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the week ending 30 AUG 14, "O.M.R." had no approaches.

August 2014

The following are "O.M.R.'S statistics for the month of August.

A: 3, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0, FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the month of August, 2014, "O.M.R." was opened by three females.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Weekly Statistics

To: The Don Juans of

From: Omnipotens Maximus Rex

Subject: Weekly Statistics

Date: 07 SEP 14

The following are "O.M.R.'S statistics for the week ending 06 SEP 14

A: 0, BF: 0, BJ: 0, D: 0, FC: 0, HJ: 0, ID: 0, KC: 0, #C: 0, #F: 0, SD: 0, SU: 0, TF: 0, 3S: 0

For the week ending 06 SEP 14, "O.M.R." had no approaches.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Very informative.

You do realize that we all know who is your message directed to, that you are the author, the subject and the date is calculated automatically? Why do you go through the pain of copy&pasting it over and over and filling up the database with junk?