Well the old fashioned milk and squats/super squats are usually about 6-8 weeks long. Thought maybe you did a log of that. I guess not...but 245 lbs is still sick. How did you lift before that and how long?
Yeah i saw the entries...funny stuff reading through it. I will be eating tons of food and carbs before max. I don't know how much stronger I'll be, but i hope it's a few pounds at least

Then it's on to DC after I conquer this. I was going to try to get a video of my last lift for you guys...don't fret now haha
MrS...yeah I agree that guy is a beast. No doubt. Seen a bunch of his videos before. The quad tear at 545 lbs almost made me want to give up lifting when I first got into this.
Thanks Fuglydude. Maybe you should look into some super squats

haha. C'mon skinny boy...I'll say one thing...when you hit 14, you want to stop and call it a day. It's all about not letting yourself think that and keep breathing deep and heavy between the reps. I just hate how the bar just gets heavier on your back. Not fun...but you feel very accomplished after you finish. You also can't walk. I usually lay on the ground at the gym like a bum then limp over to the pullovers haha.
EFFORT....I resent the label of Mr popular coming from you...jk
1x20 Squats --1x20
PR 215 lbs - Surprisingly easier. I'm starting to get used to the weight piled on my back, wanting me to give out and stay down...but fvck that...there is no way I'm gonna rack the weight till i get it all.
DB Pullovers
1x20 - 30 lbs
Super set 3x ==all were to failure
Dips /bw\
1x15 1x11 1x12 - 38 reps
PR I can't believe my strength on the first set...4 months ago I couldn't even do 3 reps unassisted!
Pullups /bw\
1x5 1x4 1x5 - 14 reps - I was wasted from the wednesday still in my back. Was tough to just get this. Strange...I never have a day where I increase on all three.
Decline situps - 50 lb dumbbell
1x20 1x21 1x25 - 66 reps ---not a PR but that's okay. Still was really tough. I'll get it monday.
Another end to another session. 5 more left now...