Hello Gents....back in the gym today and it felt mighty good!
So let me lay down my diet for you guys-
Meal 1--3 scoops whey, 4 eggs, 1 banana , 2 green tea tablets + vitamin, 1 Sci Pill after meal
Meal 2- 3 scoops whey, 4 eggs, 1 banana 2 green tea tablets and 1 sci pill after meal
Meal 3- 1lb steak, salad + dressing, 2 tbsp olive oil , 1 sci pill after meal
Meal 4- 3 scoops whey, 4 eggs, 3 tbsp of olive oil,8 fishoil pills
10 minutes prior to workout I have the banana
Post workout consists of Carbogain + gatorade for a quick 75 carbs and 3 scoops of whey
Meal 5- 1lb Steak, salad, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 sci pill after meal
Meal 6- 1/2lb Chicken/fish + 3 tbsp olive oil, 8 fish oil pills
1 hour walking every morning 5 days a week
btw...sci pills are Sesamin pills for fat loss
Here is todays workout and btw I started DC today heh
Incline Bench 1x15 'Rest Pause' (rp) ---15+7+4=26rp w/125 lbs
Extreme stretch (ES) for chest - 1 minute with 20 lbs
Lateral Raise 1x20 ---- 16+8+3=27rp w/20 lbs
ES - 1 minute
Skull Crusher1x20 ----17+5+4=26rp w/25 lbs
ES - 1 minute
Wide Grip lat Pulldown 1x15 RP------15+8+4=27 w/75 lbs
ES - 31 seconds this one was hard
Rack Deadlift Knee level 1x6, 1x12
1x6 - 325 lbs
1x12 - 245 lbs
All extreme stretches are from -
I could have gone heavier on the deads but the bar was TEARING up my hand. The bar was different from the one I usually use. Will remedy this next time. Otherwise they felt good. I wish I went heavier though.