Long time no see Sosuave. A lot has changed but I'm still lifting.
I'm going to bring back my thread cause it helped keep me shooting straight.
Right now my stats are 218 lbs, 37 waist.
I've been doing a variation for westside barbell for the past 5 months.
I've lost nearly 30 lbs since I've started on a 4-meal diet plan consisting of very little carbs, ground beef, whey, eggs, turkey bacon, salads, plenty of other veges, fish oil, creatine, BCAAs, and almond milk. I eat pretty much the same every day. Here is an example off an non-workout day diet:
Meal 1: 3 scoops whey, salad, banana
Meal 2: 4 eggs, 4 pieces of turkey bacon - salad
Meal 3: .5 lb ground beef - green beans - 16 fish oil pills
Meal 4: Chicken stir fry or 2 chicken sausages with salad
I walk everyday atleast 30-60 minutes in the morning n an empty stomach or with a scoop of whey in me. I take 2 green tea pills, scoop of BCAAs
At 2-3 differnet intervals of the day - I spend 10 minutes of walking here and there when I have time on a treadmill at 4 height - 3.0 Speed
I just started donig high-intense cardio for 10 minutes during one of those sessions this week.
On off days - I try to put in about 100 minutes of cardio in.
(Cardio 15-20 minutes after each workout when I have time)
Workout include Squats, deadlifts, and benching: I do a two week split
Spread Eagle 3x8 110 lbs
DB Press - 2x5 100 lbs (one second at bottom)
Wide Grip Bench Press - 3x10 155lbs
Military Press - 3x5 - 130 lbs
Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 2x6 - 330lbs
Lat Pulldown - 5x3 - 180lbs
Dumbbell shrugs - 3x8 80lbs
Low Pull Throughs - 3x8 185lbs
Squats 1x3 330lbs (ATG)
Leg Press - 1x15 - 300lbs
Leg Curl 3x8 - 90 lbs
Glute Ham raises
BBrow - 4x6 - 180 lbs
Decline Situps - 2x8 - 115lbs
Deadlift - 2x5 - 400lbs
Lat Pulldwn: 4x6 - 170lbs
Ham Curl - 2x8 - 40 lbs
Ab machine - 120 lbs
Close Grip Bench Press 3x3 - 235lbs
Db Press - 3x10 75lbs
Tricep Pushdown - 3x8 157.5lbs
TBar Row - 80lbs
Friday: - I decided to incorporate a super-squat day into my workout without the worry having having to go up 5lbs everytime I do it since I'm not eating to bulk.
Squats 1x6 - 305lbs
1x20 - 180lbs
DB Pullovers 1x20 - 30lbs
Super set 3x ==all to failure
Dips /bw\
1x15 1x15 1x11 - 41 reps - Adding weight next time I do this
Pullups /bw\
1x5 1x5 1x5 - 15 reps - Still suck at these
Decline situps - 65 lb dumbbell
1x18 1x16 1x21 - 55 reps
I take off from dieting on Saturday - I eat bad but not a lot of calories (around 3000-4000)
Sunday is a mixed bag - sometimes I stay on diet, sometimes I don't - I need to have a mixed day for sanity reasons I've come to realize. There are always family gatherings and what not and Saturday is my day to hangout with friends.
Goal weight: Somewhere around 200lbs by the end of December. At that point I'll probably just be maintaining my weight while working on strength.
Long term? I need to see myself with 18lbs less to choose. Whatever looks best is where I'm going.
I've not done 1 rep max workouts yet - I want to get to a 500 lb deadlift in 6 months. I assess I'm somewhat close - may be strong enough - may not be.
Not gigantically huge improvements from my journal however I'm still pushing the heavy weights! Good to be back. Been meaning to do this for a long time. Comments and criticisms are welcome.