Thanks EFFORT...I'll remember that about the accessory work, didn't know that.
Yes, i have been and its been fun following the diet. The diet isn't too hard if i spread it out by 2 - 3 hours. here is what i have been eating
Meal 1- 3 scoops whey, 4eggs, 2bananas
Meal 2- 8oz beef (steak with a little a1), 6oz brown rice, salad (olive oil vinegar)
Meal 3- Shake- 3 scoops whey, 4eggs, 2bananas
Meal 4- Chicken Or Tuna/ Fish Oil- 8oz chicken or tuna, 8 fish oil pills, 3serv olive oil, salad
Meal 5- Shake- 3scoops whey, 4eggs, 8fish oil pills, 3serv of olive oil
Meal 6- 8oz steak + a1, 6oz brown rice, salad (a little ranch)
*Preworkout is 2 potatoes + 3 grams CEE (creatine and this is a little after meal 5)
*Postworkout is 3 scoops whey + 3 grams CEE
15g of taurine a day divided into three 5g doses
4 green tea pills 200-300mg pills
CEE- 6g a day divided into two 3g doses
Multi Vitamin
One cheat day and this diet will be followed very strictly. I want to see PR's!