You have put on a noticeable amount of muscle mass, but I think you probably put on more fat than you should have along with it. Not to worry however; it is your first year. Your commitment is obvious and commendable, perhaps the only issue may have been that calories were a bit too high and probably carbs.
As far as the chest is concerned, dips are usually citied as the best mass builder for the upper body(front), along with chins (more for the back obviously). However for most there is little to no carry over to the bench, so remember that.
Apart from that, keep up the good work, keep on with the diet and good luck with the rest of the year. If this template doesn't work for your bench I have probably a near 100% solution, which is also for pretty much everyone.
Ps-Also remember to take everything MM says about size with a grain of salt, he has body dismorphia issues.