This was solid analysis by
@LTG71 .
A brings too much drama and baggage. You’ll have to deal with her baby daddy and the kid is not yours.
Agree that A has too much drama and baggage. Even at 28, a single mom is not an appealing proposition. The fact that she's a single mom at 18 shows that she has questionable judgment. If a woman were 28 with one kid born when she was 25-26, her judgment would be less questionable.
There was one time at the bars in my early 20s when I met a 23 year old with a 3 year old child. I was not impressed that she was already a single mom at 23. If I were at a bar today and met a 33 year old with a 3 year with a 3 year old child, I would be a little bit more understanding. The 33 year old with a 3 year old child was likely more prepared for motherhood when she had her child at 29-30 than the 23 year old with 3 year old having a child at 19-20. From a biological perspective, a woman is more fertile at 19-20 than she is at 29-30, though most 29-30 year old women are not going to have difficulty conceiving and she's still years away from geriatric pregnancy with a higher potential for pregnancy complications.
I would not date either woman from the previous paragraph.
In this situation, the woman is attractive and is still only 18, so she's plenty fertile. A man could easily have another 1-2 kids with her by 30.
There are plenty of men who meet women under age 35 who are single moms of 1-2 children. They commit to these women and then have 1-2 children of their own with her.
From the perspective of a 30 year old man, a 25-29 year old average looking woman without kids is a better mate option than a highly attractive 18 year old who already has a kid.
B but 30% is pretty low. My kids went through elementary and middle school with a girl that was chunky. When the pandemic ended and they went back to school, holy sh!t this chunky chic transformed. She was like a caterpillar that turned into a butterfly. Now she is one of the hottest girls in their class. Now all the boys that ignored her are like, “duhhhhh, what happened?” She is unobtainable now with power to choose any boy she wants. If the same could happen to this 21 year old then maybe. Gotta see what her mom looks like. This usually is a good way to see the future. If her mom is a fat little troll then odds are not in your favor.
Situation B is bad. She's 21, overweight, and a single mom. If she's able to fix the overweight part, she's still a single mom and everything that I described in Situation A still applies.
C probably has issues because she hasn’t been snatched up yet. I know two women that lost their minds at 30 trying to find a man. One went on E-harmony and filled out a long questionnaire and actually matched her with a guy that became her husband now for 10 years running. Woman number two is in LTR but not married but has more issues than Readers Digest.
C is overall the best option because it's the only childless option. Her age is not that exciting to a lot of men. A 25 year old man is not excited about a long term relationship with a 34 year old woman, though many 25 year old men will have a shorter term casual sex relationship with a 34 year old woman. A 35-50 year old man will often find a childless 34 year old woman to be an acceptable prospect, especially childless 35-50 year old men.
I have some comments about the two women you mentioned.
Let's start with the first woman and her use of eHarmony.
eHarmony has been around a long time (since 2000 according to Wikipedia below). I haven't heard as much about eHarmony in the years since swipe apps became popular. Hinge and Bumble have probably taken a lot of their market share, as Hinge and Bumble are more relationship oriented than Tinder. Tinder has likely had minimal effect on eHarmony. eHarmony has always been a bit of a niche dating website. It is the most relationship focused dating website. Before dating apps, when dating websites were a thing, OkCupid and Plenty of Fish were more casually oriented and Match and eHarmony were more longer term relationship focused.
If she got married 10 years ago (2013), she likely met her now-husband on eHarmony around 2010-2011. 2010-2011 was before the launch of swipe apps and dating websites were more relevant. In 2010-2011, it wouldn't have been too unusual for a ~30 year old woman to go on eHarmony and find a man. It is likely this man is a beta male with a blue pill relationship ideology. Even back in 2010-2011, it would have been unusual for a more red pill oriented man to use eHarmony. As we've discussed in other threads, longevity of a relationship is no indication of quality. So a 12-13 year long relationship formed on eHarmony isn't an indication of much. I am guessing that it is likely to be is an aging woman who settled in her early 30s and a blue pill man who was mainly ignored by women for the 10-15 years prior to meeting a woman settling for whatever woman he could get. There might have been some good compatibility factors with that but the whole thing reeks of 2 people settling.
I only know of one couple formed from eHarmony. It was 2 people around age 30 when the relationship began. They later married and had children. The relationship started around the early 2010s, prior to swipe apps.
The second woman is in an LTR and likely has no problems dating despite having more issues than Readers Digest. Childless women in their 30s and early 40s still can generate a lot of interest. The amount of interest they generate increases if they use some sort of tech-based dating method.