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Thanks for visiting, and I look forward to your success!

Slick Tales


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Guys thanks for the kind words and the concerns.

Just a super quick update as I'm heading out for dinner. I've been SOOOOO busy doing renovations on my house and haven't had a minute of time to do any posting.

Rebecca has come to my city and has found one job and is currently looking for others. She seems happy to move back and things between us have been going very well. She has been staying with me in my gutted house which is quite difficult to say the least.

She has been spending the days helping me renovate (ie. painting, new floors, new kitchen, etc.) I've been very impressed by the fact that she's been helping. Its a huge job and for someone who isn't used to tackling big projects she is doing great dealing with it all.

Its like a big acid test to see if things will work between us. So far so good. But I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for any problems or bumps in the road.

I'll do my best to keep you all more updated in the future.



Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys its been awhile.

So Rebecca HAS moved back to my city to stay. Last weekend we went and picked up the last of her things from her old place. Although we've only known each other a few months she will be moving into my place with me.

Yes I know that sounds absolutely crazy! As a matter of fact this whole situation is crazy. I never do shyt like this but what can I say? I may be very wrong but I've been swept off of my feet and I'm going for it.



Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
she will be moving into my place with me
Crazy Mother F'er.

You are off of the deep end.

Good luck and all of that nonsense - but this will only end in tears.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys

Just your friendly neighborhood Slick back with some more food for thought.

I'm sorry that I've let this thread die somewhat but as you know I've been extremely busy with renos at my place.

Once again I'd like to thank all those who took the time to respond and give advice thru a somewhat stressfull time for me. Looking back at it all now it doesn't seem as big of a deal but believe me it was sure tough at the time.

Anyhow I've had some time today to re-read much of this thread and it has me thinking about a few things that I'd like to discuss and throw out there for thought.

1. Take the advice and criticism you recieve from this forum with a grain of salt. Absolutely no offence to any who gave advice or criticism to me on this thread. However re-reading this post has made me realize how difficult it is to give good advice based on a few paragraphs someone has written. Real life isn't like that and there are WAY too many variables in every situation which makes it impossible to give the best advice for a person. I know alot of you thought I was crazy getting too involved with Rebecca and figured I should just keep banging Corrine. Well that remains to be seen :) but what I'm trying to say is that I had to go with my gut instincts and do what felt right to me.

Once again no offence to anyone however, I know from now on I'm going to be very careful about the advice/criticism I give to others.

2. There is no end to the possibilities with women when you are a DJ. I know I read posts on this forum everyday where guys are complaining about their failures and lack of success and I just can't understand it anymore. If you are one of these people then I suggest you re-read this thread. I'm just decent looking 33 yr old guy. I'm not rich or powerful. I don't drive an expensive car. I don't dress overly fancy. I really think the only "special" thing I have going for me is my attitude. I got out of a LTR and set out looking to meet women with a big smile on my face and not a care in the world to the outcome. This past summer was a great success for me. If I hadn't met Rebecca then I'm sure I'd still be meeting and dating tons of different women. There just seems to be an infinite number of women out there and if you have been keeping up with your DJ readings and have the right attitude then there is no end to what you can accomplish.

3. Love your job. At least tell the women you meet that you do. I'm lucky that I actually DO love my job. I tell all the women I meet that I love my job. It goes a long way in impressing women and many of them have told me so.

4. Become a handyman. Not only will you be a better person for it, this is another thing that really impresses women. There are endless number of books, TV shows, etc that you can learn from. Almost all the women I met this summer made a comment on how attractive it is when a guy actually knows how to do "something". "All the guys I know from the city are useless." is another comment I've heard more than once. Whether it be changing your oil, building a fence, or fixing a leaky faucet, women are very impressed by guys who know how to do shyt. It makes them feel like they are secure and taken care of. Think about it. If you are the type of guy has to call the repair guy or hire help to get "everyday" things done all the time you are kind of showing your weakness. Learn how to do some shyt. Its the difference between being a man or just an ordinary Joe.

5. In regards to sex. Stop lusting over the pvssy. Her pvssy ISN'T the prize. Your d!ck IS. Just like desperation and neediness kills attraction on the street, and in the bar, or in the classroom. Being in too much of a hurry to bust a nut or get in her panties has the same effect. I know alot of you guys who aren't getting laid might have a hell of a time with this when you get close to scoring with some chick but trust me. The more you can show that screwing her doesn't really mean that much to you then the more she is going to try impress you in the bedroom. She NEEDS the validation that you desire her. They will literally scream, beg, and humiliate themselves to get it. :)

6. When things go sour with a woman always do your best to smooth things over. It may take awhile for emotions to calm down before you can do this but always make that effort. Wouldn't you rather have your ex's pining over you and wishing you were still with them and telling all her friends how great you were. Rather than have her bad mouthing you for being some player that did her wrong. Down the road and years later this really pays off.

7. Almost all women have the same Hollywood dream of meeting Prince Charming and being swept off their feet. If you are careful and choose the right moment to talk about "fate" and "chance" and "amazing connections" early on in a seduction you can really have her crazy about you. ***Use with caution.

Lastly the nature of this forum tends to attract heart broken, bitter, negative guys who have been done wrong by some woman along the way. Don't get me wrong but there are alot of great guys here who give great advice too. However I see so many posts where some guy tells the story about how he met this great girl who he is really excited about only to be bombarded by other DJ's telling him that he's an AFC with oneitis and he should Next her before its too late.

Sure there are alot of guys here who need their heads screwed on straight and need a kick in the arse sometimes. However many, if not most people come here to learn to be prepared for when they do meet Mrs. Right. And there's nothing wrong with that or getting stoked about some great girl. Falling in love is real and its not something you can really choose how or when it should happen. It just does. Trust me I've been the bitter twisted player who didn't believe in any of that shyt too.

I just sometimes feel that this forum breeds insecurity and its sad to see guys getting negative advice from bitter people.

If you only follow your heart its true - you can get yourself hurt and in trouble. However if you educate yourself about dealing with women. Listen to your mind, then your gut, and finally your heart, you'll be okay.

It is a harsh game sometimes but if you don't open your heart or yourself to the possibilities that are out there - then why play?

Now for a few updates or should I call them epilogues....

Renee (chick I met on the private island) I heard that a few mutual friends were pressing her and asking her "Why didn't you and Slick hit it off?" To which she responded "He just wasn't my type." Oh well Renee you're probably right. :)

Chatty Kathy (girl who shot me down when I asked for her number. Told me she was moving.) Turns out she's still around town. I've seen her around and she actually remembered me and enthusiastically came to talk. Seemed really awkward and quickly left when she saw Rebecca approach.

Rianna (ex gf who recently split with her husband) We were meeting for no strings sex every week. She's back with her husband. Haven't heard from her since.

Erin Still see her all the time. Flirts like crazy even though she has a boyfriend.

Jennifer (hot Latina chick) Found out she has a husband. I guess that's explains the continous cold shoulder.

Karen (temporary summer employee at my place of work. Went on a good date that went bad.) I ended up ignoring her for the remainder of the summer. When she left at the end of the summer came to apologize for the way she acted and said she had a really good time. Hugs.

Corrine (hot waitress) Man I really ended up liking this one. I felt just awful about the way things went down and how I broke her heart. I've seen her around town while I've been with Rebecca and she just looked SO heartbroken. She has a new boyfriend now and they look happy. She actually called me to wish me happy B-day last month. We smoothed things over and both agreed that we still have feelings for one another but can't pursue them right now. I'm sure the door is still open if we cross paths in the future. She's alot cooler than I initially gave her credit for. Who knows what would've happened if my first impression was different. She's gotten out of that sh*tty waitress job and has plans to go to school. I hope we can be friends in the future.

Rebecca Crazy as it seems we're both in love and loving every minute of it! I know talking like that is almost blasphemy around this place but I don't give a f*ck. Things are going SO great and I'm doing my best to keep her Interest Level thru the roof and right to the stars. So far its working. If things go sour I'm a better person for the experience.

So there you have it. I know this thread started on a different note but maybe I'll keep it going from time to time and keep you all updated on how the relationship with Rebecca is going. I'm sure there will be ups and downs as there always are and maybe some other guys in relationships would like to hear how I'm dealing with the pitfalls. Let me know if you want to hear more.

Who knows what the future holds for me. I may find myself single once again. If so there will always be more Slick Tales.

Thanks for reading.



Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
Hey Slick,

Concerning the first issues you posted on I would like you to notice that I gave you very little advice on specifics but really tried to give you insight into charecteristics that you should take a serious look into. (Don't worry I didn't think you were commenting on me personally)

I am not sure if I have posted it or not but I am really quite happy for you. Most of the 'real' people that ask for help, advice, etc. from me usually screw it up so if i even played a miniscule part in helping you sort things out to get to your relationship with Rebecca, I feel quite happy to have done so.

In conclusion, I would like to see you follow up on your dating life more than once every month or so.

I just happened to do my monthly trolling yesterday and tonite only to see another slick post.

Keep up the good work and protect your heart.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hi Drix

No my comments about "taking advice with a grain of salt" wasn't really directed at anyone specifically. Certainly not you. More of a generalization for the entire forum.

Almost all of the advice and comments I received were pretty much bang on for the most part.

While re-reading some of the posts though I just kind of noticed that while the advice was generally good, there are always outside factors that affect every situation.

What is really great though is that I was able to get quite a few different perspectives and it really gave me a lot to think about. I feel that I was able to make better choices and decisions because of it.

What ends up happening is that you end up picking out specific sentences and/or ideas that apply to each individual situation.

I'm very grateful to you and all the other posters for the support.

Talk to you soon.



Don Juan
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score

I just finished reading all of this thread - from the beginning to the very end. It was inspirational, and a great read! I really hope that you will not forget us here in ss.com land and continue posting every now and then.

Good luck with everything.



New Member
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
St. Petersburg, FL.
Amazing thread.

I'm literally at stage zero at being a Don Juan, but its fascinating to see some of the things I'll be dealing with down the line. Crazy.

It's like when Tony Montana first meets Frank Lopez, and his Frank tells him that after awhile, his biggest problem will be what to do with all the ****ing cash he makes.

"I hope I have that problem someday."

"You're gonna have that problem, believe me."


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Slick

It's good to hear that things are working out for you, it gives me some hope I guess. I think my situation is yours a few months ago, dating several women at once, having fun, but unfortunately none of them make me feel the way my ex did (over a year now). Still continuing to try to move on.....

Good luck with everything dude, keep posting tho..


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
I've only read the first page of this thread.. but man, Slickster you can write. I appreciate the thread. A few things I've picked-up from this thread that I will use are:

The neck touch with the kiss and the changing room make-out session at the mall. Nice work!


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
I just found this thread and read the whole thing in a day. Im a state employee so I have free time :D

Anyways your thread became like a book to me. I was drawn in with every new post and it seems you and your girl moving in together was the ending chapter. Will there be a sequel?

I think Im the only one here who was upset to see you not choose corrine? ARGHH

Anyways best of luck.



Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score

Hey Guys!

I haven't been around these parts for a long time. Too busy livin' I guess. I've been meaning to come around and give a little update to this thread and let you all know how things ended up.

Well it's officially been one year since Rebecca and I started seeing each other. As you know Rebecca and I moved in together (probably way too early for most people's liking) and things have been going very well for us. In fact they couldn't be better!

I'm not sure if its because she is such a super cool chick, my awesome DJ skills, or just both of us being in the right place at the right time. However, this relationship is going strong. I've never experienced anything quite like it in fact. Never knew it could be this good. I've had many relationships in the past which I thought were excellent. This one with Rebecca blows them all away.

That whole "new" exciting relationship thing doesn't seem to be going away. We are both absolutely thrilled each and everyday to be together. I know this all sounds a little cheezy but I'm only being honest.

Last summer was a crazy one for me. I'm feeling very lucky knowing that I followed my instincts and decided to pursue Rebecca. Things have worked out SO well. All my friends and family love her and think we are perfect together.

Where things are going remains to be seen but like I said before...regardless of what happens I'm a better person for this experience.

Some of the things that I can pass on which have kept this relationship fresh and exciting over the past year are:

1. Be a challenge in the bedroom. Don't always bust a nut. Get her off sometimes and then tell her you're okay.

2. Travel together.

3. Communicate. Don't be a pVssy and spill your AFC guts, but if something needs talking about don't let it go. Don't be afraid to tackle the tough issues. If there is going to be a problem best to get it out in the open early on.

4. Birthdays and New Years eve. Dash in at the last minute like a hero. (eg. Ten, Nine, Eight...come rushing in the door like you've just travelled a 1000 miles to be with her.)

5. Do everything you can to avoid the "routine of life". Do something new and exciting everyday, every week, every chance you get.

6. Don't drift along your life without a plan. Set goals and show that you are going somewhere.

7. Don't ever stop chatting and befriending other women. It keeps your girl on her toes.

Anyways cheers to you all and good luck out there! Thanks for all the kind words and hopefully this thread helped some of you out.

Slick out.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Slick, good to see everything is going well for you! I haven't been here in a long long time either. My life has gone in a bit of a different direction, I gave up my job and home to pursue a childhood dream, it's been a long haul and now I'm living on the other side of the country doing what I've always wanted to do. Unfortunately I haven't had much time for DJing over the last 7 or 8 months, now that I'm established it's time for me to get out I think.

I'm a new person in a city wher I don't know very many people, looks like I'm going to have to get out and see what this place has to offer! Looking forward to meeting new people.

Anyway dude, keep posting man, your input is definitely needed here.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hey Slick.

Found this thread after seeing one of your post and Stalking your topics.. lol

Great material and After reading all these, i can understand what you mean by taking the advices as a grain of salt. and trust your gut feeling without throwing away the DJ principles.


Seriously, I want to know how's your life getting along now. And if there are bumps. I hope you will input the problems you faced and how you deal with it.

Greatly appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
DjVelvet said:
Hey Slick.

Found this thread after seeing one of your post and Stalking your topics.. lol

Great material and After reading all these, i can understand what you mean by taking the advices as a grain of salt. and trust your gut feeling without throwing away the DJ principles.


Seriously, I want to know how's your life getting along now. And if there are bumps. I hope you will input the problems you faced and how you deal with it.

Greatly appreciated.
Hello DJ Velvet

I'm glad that you found this thread helpful.

Things haven't changed too much since my last update. Rebecca and I are still doing quite well. Things aren't always perfect but overall I still feel that this relationship is the best I've experienced. When things get rough we both do a great job of letting the storm settle a bit and then talk things through.
Communication is a HUGE factor in things going as well as they have.

We haven't had many problems yet (knock on wood). Nothing worth discussing.

She does have a trip planned in the near future with another girlfriend of hers. The two of them are planning a weekend in Las Vegas. I'm not worried that she'll cheat but at the same time I'm not thrilled about the trip either. When she mentioned that she was planning this trip she asked how I felt about it.

I told her that it seemed a little odd because Vegas is a place to go gamble and party. She doesn't have the money to gamble and she's not the partying type at all. I told her that she can do whatever she pleases but pointed out that actions speak louder than words. Two young girls going to Vegas to party isn't a great message to be sending to your boyfriend.

She didn't really respond to that other that saying "You do trust me don't you?" I told her, "of course".

We haven't talked about it since and I'm not even sure if she's still planning on going.

I'll be sure to let you all know if anything comes of it.




Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Slickster said:
She does have a trip planned in the near future with another girlfriend of hers. The two of them are planning a weekend in Las Vegas. I'm not worried that she'll cheat but at the same time I'm not thrilled about the trip either. When she mentioned that she was planning this trip she asked how I felt about it.

I told her that it seemed a little odd because Vegas is a place to go gamble and party. She doesn't have the money to gamble and she's not the partying type at all. I told her that she can do whatever she pleases but pointed out that actions speak louder than words. Two young girls going to Vegas to party isn't a great message to be sending to your boyfriend.
I believe its out of curiosity for Vegas that's bring her there. Has she been there before? Anyway, don't look too much into it. and i believe you are not looking too much into it too.

If i were you, I will be cool and give her a really sincere gentleman smile with "Do enjoy yourself, Darling."

I have confidence in your relationship.

Stay Happy!


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Have not read the entire thread. And quite honestly, don't remember reading this thread before (need to see if I was one of the guys giving advice- Lol).

But I read one post...and from that post I am quoting an extremely great advice:

5. In regards to sex. Stop lusting over the pvssy. Her pvssy ISN'T the prize. Your d!ck IS. Just like desperation and neediness kills attraction on the street, and in the bar, or in the classroom. Being in too much of a hurry to bust a nut or get in her panties has the same effect. I know alot of you guys who aren't getting laid might have a hell of a time with this when you get close to scoring with some chick but trust me. The more you can show that screwing her doesn't really mean that much to you then the more she is going to try impress you in the bedroom. She NEEDS the validation that you desire her. They will literally scream, beg, and humiliate themselves to get it.
Well said.