Hello again,
Well my weekend adventure didn't turn out as I'd hoped. The weather crapped out and not many people showed up. There were a few young hotties there but they all had brought their boyfriends along. I wasn't about to DJ any of these chicks as I would like to be invited back there in the future. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Especially when the hand owns a private island. No worries though as we had a great time anyway.
Chatty Kathy
On the way to the island a buddy and I stopped to buy beer. There were two cashiers working and as I approached one the other one made an effort to call me over to her till. She wasn't an UG or anything but she definitely wasn't a stand out. She was a HB7 at best.
At the till we chatted and she seemed extremely friendly. I was in a great frame of mind as I was looking forward to a great weekend. I'm sure I was just over flowing with enthusiasm and positivity. Anyway this girl was asking me all kinds of questions and seemed really interested. She was also telling me all about how she is new in town and just loves it here. Her only problem is she doesn't have many friends here yet and doesn't really know the town very well. Hint, hint I thought.
Although she was on the borderline in the looks department her personality won me over right away. She kept on rambling and while I was listening I decided I would try a number close despite the fact there were two other guys waiting behind me.
She handed me my receipt and I picked up a pen on the counter and handed it back to her. I said with a smile, "It was great meeting you. Why don't you write your number down and I'll take you out sometime?"
Right away she pulled out a lame excuse and had a lot of trouble getting it out. "Actually... I'm only going to be in town for a short while..... and then I'm heading back. Sorry!" I responded with another smile and just said "No worries. See ya." and left. On the way out I could hear the dudes behind me in line laughing at my rejection.
It wasn't the rejection that bothered me but the fact that this chick was so forward and friendly with me initially. Hell I thought she was going to number close me!

Anyways guys, it just goes to show that even when all the signs are saying "go" you can still get shot down.
However, you gotta take the shot if you want to score.