Hey guys. I've had a crazy week and honestly I've been in a little mental and emotional turmoil over the whole thing.
Okay last weekend Rebecca had a friend coming into town to visit. So she invites myself and my buddy from the bike store to a BBQ at her house. Sounded great!
Just before I'm about to leave I get a call from Rebecca. She tells me that something "funny" just happened. Turns out her friend's sister was also coming to the BBQ and she was bringing some of her friends too. One of those friends just happened to be Corrine

!!! Ouch. Corrine finds out while talking to Rebecca (getting directions) that this guy named Slick will be there. She tells Rebecca "Oh really he's my boyfriend!"
Now during my date with Rebecca I mentioned that I had been seeing other people and she was extremely cool about the situation. I told her that I was a little surprised to hear that Corrine figured I was her BF because we've only been dating. Rebecca was really cool about everything and said just come everything will be fine.
Corrine and I have never really discussed where we stood with each other. I know that she has been acquiring feelings for me lately and even though I didn't think it would happen, I too have some feelings for her. I don't know if its just the great sex messing with my head but I really do enjoy my time with her. Its just always fun and she's so easy going about life in general.
Anyhow the BBQ was quite awkward to say the least. I think everyone there knew that I had been seeing both of these girls except for Corrine. For most of the night I had one girl sitting to my left and the other to my right. I played everything very cool and calm and just hoped that Corrine wouldn't be all over me and trying to kiss etc. I payed them both equal attention and both of them acted quite interested in me.
After dinner it was getting dark and we were going out to the local strip bar of all things. Corrine however couldn't come due to work. This was good because I could get some time with Rebecca to hopefully smooth things over. As we were all leaving Corrine was wanting a kiss good bye but I was keeping my distance and she definitely knew something was up.
My buddy and I took these 7 chicks (minus Corrine) to the strippers and we had a great time. Afterwards they all wanted to go to a club to dance and we decided that we would pass. (The average age at this club is about 21 and my buddy and I weren't feeling comfortable about being there.)
The next day I get a call from Rebecca. She tells me she's dissappointed about the "Corrine thing" because she really feels like her and I would hit it off. I agree and tell her that I have to clear things up with Corrine.
Later in the day I discuss the situation with Corrine. I tell her that "I've just gotten out of a LTR and I'm taking the time to let go of the past and meet new people." (Thanks Francisco d'Anconia

) I tell her I've been dating Rebecca and a couple other women too. She doesn't like it at all but I tell her that I just assumed she was seeing other people too. She agrees that I've had no reason to think otherwise and that we should've had this conversation earlier.
So things were left like that with both chicks and I've been left to ponder what to do about this situation. If they didn't know each other then I would try to keep things going with both of them for as long as possible. However with them knowing about each other I'm kind of forced to make a decision about which one I want to continue seeing.
I've managed to see them both a couple of times this week without them knowing what I'm up to. There was a really close call one day after Corrine had stayed overnight and was going to the pool early that morning. I knew that Rebecca would also be at the pool that morning as she had told me the previous day. I had to coax Corrine to stay at my place while I went to work and "sleep in" for awhile. Luckily it worked and Corrine never went to the pool.
I figured that seeing them both would help me make up my mind however its not the case. I'm really stuck here guys. On one hand I have Rebecca who is the first girl in a long time who has made my heart skip a beat. She has everything going for her and seems like perfect LTR material. Problem being she's moving to the city soon. She told me that she hasn't started packing yet and she may be persuaded to stay a little longer if things go well. Like I predicted though she still wants to "try" to make things work. She'll be moving back in a year so that's somewhat promising. I don't know what it is but for some reason I feel drawn to her. I really don't want to get burned here either though so I'm being very cautious about how strongly I feel about her. I do have doubts about her "straight edge" lifestyle and whether we would fit together.
Corrine on the other hand started out being this wild and crazy party girl that I was just screwing for fun. Turns out that she's not as crazy as I first imagined. She's actually really cool. She's definitely a little wild but in a good way. The sex is like a freaking porn movie and we seem to have fun regardless what we are doing. My doubts about her are whether she's long term material. She's young and has some growing up to do before I'd consider getting too serious with her.
Now I know that only
I can make this decision but I'd still like to ask you guys for your advice on this one. I've given a fair bit of background on both of these chicks and hopefully you may have some insight or some outside perspective.
Part of me says just forget both of them and just keep playing the field. That would be okay too but I just don't want to pass on something(s) that may be potentially great without thinking it through.
This is the first time in a long time that my head has been really messed up by a chick(s) and I'm not sure if I'm thinking totally clearly.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.