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Slick Tales


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hello again,

Well my weekend adventure didn't turn out as I'd hoped. The weather crapped out and not many people showed up. There were a few young hotties there but they all had brought their boyfriends along. I wasn't about to DJ any of these chicks as I would like to be invited back there in the future. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Especially when the hand owns a private island. No worries though as we had a great time anyway.

Chatty Kathy

On the way to the island a buddy and I stopped to buy beer. There were two cashiers working and as I approached one the other one made an effort to call me over to her till. She wasn't an UG or anything but she definitely wasn't a stand out. She was a HB7 at best.

At the till we chatted and she seemed extremely friendly. I was in a great frame of mind as I was looking forward to a great weekend. I'm sure I was just over flowing with enthusiasm and positivity. Anyway this girl was asking me all kinds of questions and seemed really interested. She was also telling me all about how she is new in town and just loves it here. Her only problem is she doesn't have many friends here yet and doesn't really know the town very well. Hint, hint I thought.

Although she was on the borderline in the looks department her personality won me over right away. She kept on rambling and while I was listening I decided I would try a number close despite the fact there were two other guys waiting behind me.

She handed me my receipt and I picked up a pen on the counter and handed it back to her. I said with a smile, "It was great meeting you. Why don't you write your number down and I'll take you out sometime?"

Right away she pulled out a lame excuse and had a lot of trouble getting it out. "Actually... I'm only going to be in town for a short while..... and then I'm heading back. Sorry!" I responded with another smile and just said "No worries. See ya." and left. On the way out I could hear the dudes behind me in line laughing at my rejection.

It wasn't the rejection that bothered me but the fact that this chick was so forward and friendly with me initially. Hell I thought she was going to number close me! :) Confusing.

Anyways guys, it just goes to show that even when all the signs are saying "go" you can still get shot down.

However, you gotta take the shot if you want to score. ;)


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score

She's the chick who asked me on a movie date last week. We planned on going tonite but when I called her to confirm the time she flaked.

"Oh I totally forgot. I have other obligations tonight. I have to drive a couple friends to XYZ. You can come along if you want."

I told her "no thanks" and when she tried to reschedule, I told her sorry but I'm booked for the rest of the week. She seemed upset and said something to the effect that I'm a really busy guy.

I responded with "Yep, I've got places to go and people to do." :)

She laughed at that and I finished the conversation with "Maybe we'll figure something out for some other time."

Her IL is definitely high as she tried to reschedule and did seem genuinely upset that things didn't work out. However its not high enough for her to remember our date.

So her name goes to the bottom of the list and she'll have to work for another chance.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by iveyleeger
So Erin might be looking for an upgrade, a booty call, company for a movie, or all three. What are you looking for?
I'm just looking for some booty at this point ivey. If she's looking for more then I'll have to be careful.

Originally posted by iveyleeger
Also, I wouldn't worry about Corinne's feelings for you, if she obsesses over you, so what? I would worry more about falling for what you described as a freak. Also, I would worry about the diseases. If you keep doing her, get her tested.
I'm not too worried about her obsessing. I just don't want any unnecessary drama right now. I just want to play my cards right so it doesn't get to that point. :)

If I fall for Corrine then I hope somebody will give me a slap.:) I honestly can't see it happening. She IS a hell of a lot of fun though. The time we've spent together has been brief and mostly filled with sex. Other than that there isn't much substance. But hey, she may surprise me. Remains to be seen and I'm not holding my breath.

I have thought about STDs too. I've been careful to use condoms but also realize they aren't perfect. Thanks for the warning though.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Slickster, i like this thread. You used active disinterest to get it done.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hello again.

This past week has been fun-filled and extremely tiring. I seem to be having a bit of trouble with the f-buddy thing with Corrine. Ideally I don't think a guy should be seeing his f-bud too frequently or else it kind of becomes a relationship right? Problem being at the moment we both seem to be hopelessly addicted to sex. :rolleyes:

I've never met a girl quite like Corrine. She will literally attack me at any given moment. I met with her briefly mid-day on Wednesday and we decided to take a brief walk thru a park in the city. Well next thing I know she's got me on the ground and is grinding herself into me and begging me to f*ck her right then and there. I don't think anyone saw us but I had a lot of trouble with the idea (as exhilarating as it was) seeing how there were so many people in the area. We didn't actually remove any clothing but she was raring to go.

My feelings lately have been that maybe things between Corrine and I need to be toned down. We've been seeing each other too much and I definitely don't want her to be getting any ideas. Any way, the next evening I get a call from her saying she is horny and demands that she come over and I f*ck her. She says that I got away from her yesterday and there's no way I'm getting away tonight. I'm finding it extremely difficult to turn a hot sex crazed 24 yr old away! I know that may sound ridiculous to some, myself included.

During our sexual escapades I've been getting her very turned on and then pulling away. I'll say something like "Hey maybe we should stop and watch this movie I've rented." Or "Just give me a minute." And then I'll leave the room for awhile. The effect this is having is amazing. She is so hot that she is actually grabbing and begging me to f*ck her. To any guys out there who are in too much of a rush to bust a nut I highly recommend this tactic. You'll be in for the sex of your life!

Yesterday was a great DJing day. I had recently watched the movie "Tao of Steve" as well as "Hitch" so my mindset was great. "Be excellent and Be gone" was my motto for the day. I highly recommend those two movies to put you in a good frame of mind.

A girl I know of named Danielle was coming into town for the weekend and I was quite excited. If I was to have oneitis over a girl it would be her. Funny thing is I barely even know her. We've only spoken a few times and athough she isn't the hottest girl around for some reason I'm insanely attracted to her. Strange how that happens.

Anyway a little problem arose when I found out that some mutual friends were attempting to hook Danielle up with another good friend of mine. :( The guy has recently come out of a bad break up and I guess these people figure they would like to help him out. While I too would like to see my buddy find someone new I have to say I was dissappointed with the idea that it would be Danielle. I decided to let cards fall as they may and stay out of the way.

During the day I was at a sporting event with another friend and Danielle was there with a few of her friends. For the first time I actually had a conversation with her and things went very well. In hindsight I should've avoided her altogether as now I was even more interested in her. We discussed our plans for the evening and I learned that her and her friends were planning on going to the same pub that my buddies were going.

At the pub that night it was obvious that Danielle was more interested in me than she was in my buddy. To top it off my buddy didn't seem all too interested in her either. I was handcuffed in that our mutual friends seemed to be pressing the issue of hooking them up and I didn't want to be the a$$hole who got in the way.

I decided to turn away from the situation and I found myself in the arms of an ex-girlfriend (Rianna) from 15 years ago once the pub closed! I was stupidly drunk by this time and she was recently separated from her husband and looking for love. Against my better judgement I took her home and we were up all night screwing. I'd love to give you guys some examples of DJ skills which allowed me to pull this off but I didn't need any. She knew what she wanted and I was just there to oblige.

In the morning we were lying there post sex looking at the ceiling and she says, "I don't think this should be a one time thing. I think we should start having no strings attached sex once a week. How are Wednesday nights for you?" I couldn't believe my ears. I'm not sure how I feel about that plan as she could easily become clingy and possessive. She is on emotionally rocky ground due to her recent break up with her husband. Not to mention I don't want to be getting in trouble with him either.

So despite all this crazy sex with two different chicks this week I'm feeling a bit down today. Seeing a great girl like Danielle who I'm genuinely interested in has something to do with it I'm sure. I do know its a mild case of oneitis and it will soon pass though. The only reason I bring it up is to show that this game of "playing the field" doesn't always make you happy. So watch what you wish for.

P.S. While writing this post my phone rang twice. I just checked my messages and one is from Corrine and the other is from Rianna. :rolleyes: Maybe some no strings attached sex will get my mind off things. Probably not but I'll keep you updated. :)


Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score

great stories, cool style, keep them coming!


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Warning - this post might horrify female readers.

As planned I wanted to put a bit of distance between Corrine and I this week. Things have been getting a bit too close and I'm sure she's starting to get some ideas. Problem being it was her birthday this past Thursday and she made an effort last time we spoke to make sure I knew that.

She left messages on my phone early in the week which I didn't return. Come Thursday I figured the f-buddy thing would be coming to an end if I didn't at least make some sort of effort so I gave her a call to wish her a happy B-day and see what her plans were. Turns out she was at lunch with her mom. As soon as she picked up I busted into an improvised cheesy lounge singer version of "Happy Birthday". I laid it on real thick and I could hear her and her mom laughing in the background when I was done. She thanked me for the song and said she was planning to go out with some girlfriends that night. She also said she would call me later and maybe we could get together. Sounded good. After she hung up I quickly called the restaurant they were at and ordered them some B-day dessert and bought them lunch on my credit card. That scored some big points as I would find out later.

The biggest obstacle I'm finding with maintaining a f-buddy relationship is the fact that you have to walk a fine line. You have to show enough interest to keep her coming back but not so much that she feels things are turning into a relationship. This is extremely difficult (in this case anyway) and what ends up happening is I'll have to show interest for a bit and then suddenly become very unavailable. It's game playing and yes I know its kind of lame but it is serving a purpose. :rolleyes:

Now lets rewind a little bit to Wednesday. As I stated previously I had sort of made plans to hook up with Rianna for some no strings sex. I was busy that night but gave her a call at work mid-day Thursday to say sorry I missed you maybe I'll see you next week. She said she was dissappointed that I didn't show but next week sounded good.

So later that night it was getting a bit late and I was expecting a call from Corrine anytime. Sure enough my phone rang but it wasn't her. It was Rianna saying that she was just hopping in the shower and wanted me to come over. Knowing that she is a little shy I teased her and asked her "why" it is she wants me to come over. I basically wanted her to say "Come f*ck me" but she sheepishly dodged the question. She giggled and said "Remember what we were talking about earlier." I kept her on the phone but didn't tell her that I was already in my car and well on my way to her place. The entire drive there (about 10 minutes) I kept the conversation sexual and I could tell she was getting really turned on as she started to open up and talk a little dirty. Hell she had me going crazy too. :)

I kept her on the phone right up to the point I knocked on her door. She was totally shocked that it was me and as soon as she opened the door I jumped her. I took her to the shower where things got crazy. After the shower we had sex in front of the mirror on the bathroom counter and the floor was absolutely soaked as we didn't dry off.

We finished there and I took her to the bedroom for round two. Halfway thru I could hear my cell phone vibrating on the coffee table where I left it. It was probably Corrine. We finished up and I jumped back in the shower to clean myself off. When I got out Rianna was still lying on the bed looking spent. I told her that I was going to be dead tomorrow if I didn't get to bed right now and I thanked her for the fun and left. I gotta say it felt weird sexing her up and racing off that quickly but I had a plan.

As I was literally walking out the door my phone started ringing again. :rolleyes: It was Corrine and she was drunk and wanting to see me. She was downtown with some friends and I went to pick her up. Once I got there I realized my plan wasn't going to happen. Her friends had fed her too much booze and she could barely stand up. She was WAY too drunk and that just wouldn't be right. :) She was embarrassed for being so wasted but I thought it was really funny. I piggybacked her to my car and took her home.

The next morning I got a message on my phone from her thanking me for getting her home safely and saying she needed to see me tonight for a "fix". When I saw her last night she gave me a hero's welcome. She was so happy about the lunch thing and the fact that I was there to take her home last night. She showed me her appreciation in the bedroom later on. All I can say is WOW! :)

Thinking about it now I guess I do feel a wee bit guilty trying to score with two women in the same night. Especially seeing how it was Corrine's B-day. :eek: Anyway it didn't happen and although it would've made for a great story my conscience is spared. At least for the moment. :)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score

It seems to me like your friends c-ck blocked you on Danielle. Instead of turning away, could you have gotten her number and arranged something for later?

Remember, the friends don't own her, or control you. They not only didn't do you a favor, they didn't do her one either; what women wants the bad-breakup rebound guy? Esp. when she could have had the quality DJ?

In any case, go after her if you can, b/c it seems there is more potential there than in the bartender or still-married ex gf.

P.S. Are you in the U.S. or another country?


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by iveyleeger

It seems to me like your friends c-ck blocked you on Danielle. Instead of turning away, could you have gotten her number and arranged something for later?

Remember, the friends don't own her, or control you. They not only didn't do you a favor, they didn't do her one either; what women wants the bad-breakup rebound guy? Esp. when she could have had the quality DJ?

In any case, go after her if you can, b/c it seems there is more potential there than in the bartender or still-married ex gf.

P.S. Are you in the U.S. or another country?
Thanks for the reply Ivey!

I'm not sure I could say that I was c*ckblocked. Just some people feeling sorry for their single friends and trying to play cupid. Its weird but I've noticed that alot of my single male friends have women trying to hook them up with other single women. I haven't had this happen to me lately and I'm taking that as a compliment.

My buddy was played in a most harsh way by his ex gf and I do feel quite badly for him. After a year he's just starting to get back in the game. I wouldn't feel right about c*ckblocking him.

Danielle seems to be a great girl who really has her shyt together. Funny but my buddy is quite the opposite. No stable employment. He lives in a shyt hole. Has a daughter from a previous failed relationship. And although I love the guy he is really kind of a dull person. Oh well I'm sure she'll figure it out on her own and I'm not too worried about it.

The waitress and the ex gf are just f*ckbuddies to me right now. That may sound a bit shallow but that is really all I'm looking for right now. My eyes will always be open for any potential Mrs. Slicksters out there though. :)

As a matter of fact, yesterday I met a young HB8 who does triathalons and is going to Med. School in the fall. She seems really interesting and might be the kind of girl who will make me change my ways.

Thanks again.

P.S. I'm from another country eh! Can you guess?


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?

nice to read about your success.

i am lovin all your stories. Keep it up!

by the way, buying lunch and dessert was about the sweetest move i have heard in a while.

i cannot belive this girl is not trying to marry you yet!


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
iveyleeger did you not catch the "eh" in there?

carryout kid

Don Juan
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
these stories are great.

it's funny how stuff starts making sense after lurking on this board for a few months. in my experience, it's not that i pull many dj moves, i'm just more aware of the inner workings of the game so things tend to work out much better than they used to. which, i think, is much better than trying to remember lines or routines and all that junk that would make things stilted and akward. i would screw that up or just freeze when i went off script.

i'm sort of in that no-strings-attached thing now, but i think the girl is sort of pushing it. like she wants to come over every night and i'm not into that. so yeah, you have to be unavailable for chunks of time and then all a sudden be her friend. and it's funny, we talk about how relationships work, and what men and women want. i play completely clueless, while she tells me that if i want to get a girl i need to do all this AFC stuff. and in the meantime, she's going crazy for me because i'm doing the opposite. i mean, she's all over me, telling me how hot i am, and i just sit there. i haven't given her one compliment in two weeks and it's insane how that raises your value. the moral to the story is that women really have no idea what they want, so never listen to them.

it's just a wierd thing, because i never saw myself as that kind of guy, but man, it really is the way to go. for awhile i felt guilty, but now i'm cool with it. and she's moving out of state soon so there's a sort of built-in "breakup" already on the horizon. it's really a perfect situation. especially for the first sexual thing after a loooong relationship. good way to get back in the game.


New Member
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score

Originally posted by Slickster
Thanks for the reply Ivey!

I'm not sure I could say that I was c*ckblocked. Just some people feeling sorry for their single friends and trying to play cupid. Its weird but I've noticed that alot of my single male friends have women trying to hook them up with other single women. I haven't had this happen to me lately and I'm taking that as a compliment.

My buddy was played in a most harsh way by his ex gf and I do feel quite badly for him. After a year he's just starting to get back in the game. I wouldn't feel right about c*ckblocking him.

Danielle seems to be a great girl who really has her shyt together. Funny but my buddy is quite the opposite. No stable employment. He lives in a shyt hole. Has a daughter from a previous failed relationship. And although I love the guy he is really kind of a dull person. Oh well I'm sure she'll figure it out on her own and I'm not too worried about it.

The waitress and the ex gf are just f*ckbuddies to me right now. That may sound a bit shallow but that is really all I'm looking for right now. My eyes will always be open for any potential Mrs. Slicksters out there though. :)

As a matter of fact, yesterday I met a young HB8 who does triathalons and is going to Med. School in the fall. She seems really interesting and might be the kind of girl who will make me change my ways.

Thanks again.

P.S. I'm from another country eh! Can you guess?

Let me quess, your from Brooklyn right???


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hello all,

Haven't posted any updates for awhile as I've been quite busy.

Iveyleeger Yes, I'm from Canada eh! :)

quote by CarryoutKid
it's funny how stuff starts making sense after lurking on this board for a few months. in my experience, it's not that i pull many dj moves, i'm just more aware of the inner workings of the game so things tend to work out much better than they used to. which, i think, is much better than trying to remember lines or routines and all that junk that would make things stilted and akward. i would screw that up or just freeze when i went off script.
I totally agree Carryout. I think the most important thing to learn in this game is the ability to recognize the signals that women give off. It clears up alot of confusion and allows you to confidently interact with them. It also gives you an idea when to back off and when to go for it. In summary your success rate goes up and you waste less time beating your head against the wall. The only way to improve this part of your game is through experience interacting with women. Then when you become comfortable and start throwing in some DJ techniques you become almost unstoppable.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Okay now for some updates.

The f*ck buddies - Corrine and Rianna

Since her birthday I've seen Corrine a few times. We live in a pretty scenic location with lots of parks and beaches. We've been making it our duty to have outdoor sex at different locations around town. We've had sex on the beach under a blanket in broad daylight. One night I took her for a walk on the boardwalk and we ended up screwing on the railing. And last night we ended up having sex on a park bench. I fear the f*ck buddy thing with her may be coming to an end though. Last night we went to a movie. (as a side note - on the way there she whispers in my ear, "I can't wait to f*ck you in the theater." What a girl :) ). Anyway afterwards we went for a bite and a couple of drinks. We were having some good conversation and she throws in a comment that made me go :eek:. "I'm SOOO glad I met you." she said. Now that got me thinking "oh oh". Then today I got an invite to her place for dinner with her and her mom! I gave her the "Sorry I'm busy" but its pretty obvious she is wanting more and more.

Its going to be a tough friendship to end. On one hand I know that she's going to be trouble. She loves to drink and get loaded. Her job at the pub doesn't help. The girls she works with are crazy party girls and are definitely a bad influence. She's obviously been around a bit which makes me wonder sometimes too.

On the other hand though she is very easy going and fun to hang with. She has expressed a couple of times her desire to change jobs and go back to school which "sounds" good. She hates drugs which is also plus in my eyes. The fact that she is SO sexual makes it difficult to leave. She's been around but that just makes her so much better in the bedroom.

So how do you kick a 25 yr old hottie who is super fun and always horny to the curb? :confused:

Rianna I haven't seen her since the last time we had our little booty call on Corrine's b-day. I spoke with her briefly yesterday and we made tenative plans to meet on Wednesday. So far she seems quite comfortable with the f*ck buddy thing. She's no where near as skilled or exciting as Corrine in the bedroom though. The beauty of it all is that she is moving in 2 months so as Carryout kid said there is a "built in" break up on the horizon.

I've met a few more chicks in the last couple of weeks too that may prove to be f*ck buds or maybe even relationship worthy.

Rebecca She's the HB8 that does triathalons and is going to Med School. She would be the kind of girl I'd want a relationship with. She works with a friend of mine and he is the one who introduced us. One day I stopped in at his work to check her out. She seemed interested to come and talk to me despite the fact there was another guy there who I guess has been spending alot of time hanging around the store trying to get somewhere with her. She actually approached me and gave me a "Don't I know you from somewhere?" line. LOL. She has a very innocent look to her and has the cutest butt. My friend tells me that she is VERY straight though. One of those health nuts. Which IS a great thing but she's 25 and hasn't even drank a beer yet. :rolleyes: Now I don't consider myself to be a big party guy but I do like to have fun, drink beer, and smoke a little hooch every now and then. :) My buddy doesn't think that we would be a very good match because of this and I tend to agree. My last girlfriend was also very straight and it ended up being a bit of a drag. It sucks when you want to cut loose every now and then and your girlfriend just wants to stay home and watch movies. She's way too cute to pass up though. I'm going to try and number close her next time I visit my buddy at work. Who knows, maybe we'll hit it off and I might be able to corrupt her a little. :)

Karen She is a HB7 I met thru work. She comes and works for my company for the summer months. The rest of the year she goes to Law school which is impressive. She's shown a fair bit of interest in the past and we have this mutual flirty thing going on. Last week she invited me to a function that was being held for all of the summer staff. I agreed to go but found out that the function would be mainly males. Not to mention most of the "bosses" would be there too. I didn't really want to spend a Friday night with a bunch of dudes and people I had to be well behaved around. (I also had another invite which I'll touch on later.) So I ended up standing her up. I felt a little bad about it but I really didn't have anyway to contact her and tell her I wasn't coming.

Come Monday when I ran into her she looked at me and quickly looked away with a dissappointed face. I approached her and said, "Sorry I missed you on Friday." She said that she wasn't going to ask me out anymore. She figures that I only agreed to her invitation because I'm unable to say no to her. I agreed and with a big smile said, "You're right. It is very hard to say no to you." She returned the smile and said, "I guess I'll have to be careful what I ask then." We laughed and I kinoed her a little on the arm. She asked why I couldn't make it and I told her the truth. It was a little tough to say though. At first when I paused she gave me this disgusted look like I was about to lie to her. So I just spat it out. "I had a better offer" is what I said. You guys should've seen her face. Her jaw dropped to the floor and she was totally shocked! She couldn't believe I said that. I explained the situation and she reluctantly agreed that it was a pretty good offer so we ended up joking about it. She made mention of another work function later this week and said it was going to be fun and that I should come. I really have no interest in going so when the time comes I think I'm going to tell her just that. I don't really like to mix my social life with my work life. Who wants to hang out with the people you work with if you don't have to. I'm just going to ask her out for another time and see what happens. She is obviously interested and is probably just asking me to these work functions to break the ice. I know she's only interested in a little fun for the summer too so that might be something worth pursuing.

more to come.....


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Now here's a not so slick tale....

Renee is part of the "better" offer I spoke of earlier. (I didn't tell Karen about her though :) )Some friends of mine invited me for a weekend camping trip at their cabin at the lake. Renee a HB7.5 (25 yr old) was going to be there and my friends were excited to set us up. Now I had met this girl years before and I remembered that she was fairly attractive and had a great body. What I was told about her is that she is very smart and down to earth kind of girl. The kind of girl you would marry a friend told me. I can't really say I've met many quality women lately so it all sounded good to me and I was eager to get to know her.

My plan was a little different this time though. I figured that if she was a "down to earth" type of gal then maybe I should lose all the DJ stuff for the weekend. Instead of trying to seduce her or make moves I figured I'd just try to be down to earth and be "real" myself. No games, no teasing, no challenge, no trying to impress. Just plain ol' me. Wow, how refreshing.

When we arrived at the cabin, Renee was already there with a few other friends. She had obviously heard a little about me including the fact I was single. She made the effort to come and introduce herself and we seemed to click right away. Throughout the night she asked me a few questions and pretty much initiated most of the conversation. Things were looking good.

The next day me and the guys were working on the cabin and the girls were suntanning. I noticed Renee checking me out a couple times and when I had the chance I brought a beer over and offered it to her. She declined but I sat down beside her anyway and asked her about the book she was reading. A little fluff talk ensued and slowly the conversation turned to a "get to know you better" thing. We talked openly about our pasts and thoughts about the future. It was a pretty good conversation considering we didn't really know each other. I was quite surprised how easy she was to talk to and how we both seemed to open up to each other so quickly.

A funny thing happened when I asked her what her career plans were. She told me that she wanted to get into television. When I asked how, she said that she wanted to have her own television show! Wow I thought. Very ambitious! What would it be about I asked. She said she wanted to do a show where SHE would travel around to different countries and taste and critique all the candy they had! She was dead serious too. She went on to tell me that she has a total weakness for sweets and loves travel so she thought why not combine the two? So much for being down to earth. That had to be the goofiest thing I've heard in a while. :p

Anyway we talked for about 45 minutes and then went back to the cabin where everyone was starting to drink. The day went by and the group was having a grand time. A buddy and I were in charge of making dinner for everyone and Renee hung around the kitchen the whole time making conversation. I was convinced that her IL was quite high at this point and even though I was getting a little loaded I totally resisted making any "moves". I just played things very cool and basically just had fun with everyone and didn't try to pay her any special attention. As darkness fell the guitars came out and myself and another buddy led a bit of a sing along. It was during this time that I thought my value would be skyrocketing. Here I am making a great dinner for everyone and now I've got the whole crew rocking out and having a blast. I'm "in" I thought.

Turns out though there was another guy there with his sights on Renee too. He wasn't a good friend of mine but he is someone I know and respect. (I'm actually good friends with his father.) Matt is only 19 years old but he knows the game very well indeed. I basically watched him out DJ me and steal Renee's interest. He teased her, played games, push-pull tactics, kinoed her and the whole bit. It worked like a charm. She was getting a little tipsy and fell for it all hook-line-and-sinker. It was very impressive.

By the time everyone was going to sleep I looked over and saw Renee reading her book on my bed though! Whoa I thought. Maybe all that interest in the 19 year old was just a show. Really how could she be interested in a little punk like that when I'm here being my excellent self. Just as I was thinking that though Matt comes flying in and jumps on the bed with her and they are all over each other again.

I must admit I was a little dissappointed and really felt like I let a great girl get away. The whole reason being that I wanted to give the whole "no games and just be me" thing a try. How f*cked is that? I sat on the deck and played guitar by myself late into the night. When I went back inside later on and the two of them were gone and I went to sleep.

The next day I was still feeling a bit down but the booze had worn off and I decided to just say "F*ck it" and forget about the whole thing.

I know this may have turned into a depressing post but I guess I just got my hopes up on Renee. Even though I'm not really looking for a relationship right now it would be nice to at least meet someone worthy of one. Its funny but it seems like the better of a person I become the harder it is to meet someone who measures up. Sorry guys I'm just having a moment here. :)

Anyway its all a learning experience right? Skin gets thicker and we keep on playing.

Until next time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
When it rains it pours, huh slick?

Don't sweat the Renee thing, C'mon travel and candy? PLEASE!

You have some great friends though. My friends NEVER set me up, now needless to say that most are single/looking but damn.

Oh and I knew Corrinne was going to want more. After that b-day manouver (which was as slick as it comes) she saw def. saw you as BF material.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
Ecellent work and inspiring thread! If you keep this up, a DJB nomination could be forthcoming.
How long have you been in the game?