Tanning isn't my thing, though I have a slight bit of colour in my face. I feel that after a while it ages you 10 years, sometimes more. Plus theres a change of cancer. My cousen has used sunbeds for about 2yrs and his eye wrinkles are getting deep. The quality of his skin is pritty bad too.
Besides i like getting rejected by some girls, makes the game more of a challenge. Vanity isn't the main reason I train. I feel it wont make much of a diffrence if I add anymore muscle when it comes to attracting girls, well maybe just a little more.
Besides i like getting rejected by some girls, makes the game more of a challenge. Vanity isn't the main reason I train. I feel it wont make much of a diffrence if I add anymore muscle when it comes to attracting girls, well maybe just a little more.