That is a good point that I missed making. If we are being honest, we are seeing various trends in women for the last couple of decades and especially in the last few years that deters men from being interested (or genuinely interested for that matter) in engaging with women romantically/sexually:
1. Female empowerment: Strong independent women that don't need a man. They can do it all, including having a family and children I guess. This is not a feminine trait. It has masculine energy all over it. No real man is attracted to a masculine energy woman.
2. Perception of beauty: While I agree the media has falsely implanted a distorted image of beauty, there is a trend in women to let themselves go. One thing is if you are natural, another completely different animal (no pun intended) is to simply look obese and unhealthy. No man is going to be attracted to a female that looks on the verge of dying of diabetes or heart attack in the next few months. I, personally, prefer my woman fit/healthy.
3. Mentality/Mindset: Most (not all modern women have a rather toxic or nasty mentality. We see this often in tik-tok (I don't have it but from what I've seen from other members and Youtube) which has become a candid and public diary for women. They expose their nasty mentality/mindset about dating, men, themselves, etc, etc for the world to see. No real man will be attracted to that. In fact, most men will be repelled and disgusted by that.
I'm sure there are way more trends that come into play.
Modern Man Advice