The strongest weapon in your artillery is knowing when and how to apply silence and distance (and in some cases disappearance).
Girl flakes on a date. Silence and disappearance.
Girl declines with no counteroffer or changes the subject in response to your date offer. Silence and disappearance.
Girl accuses you of using her as a FB or pushes for exclusivity. Silence and distance.
Girl gives you an inappropriate attitude, a snide or disrespectful remark. Silence and distance.
I cannot tell you how the number of instances I have experienced of women backpedaling in the above contexts following my employing silence and distance/disappearance.
In any social situation you find yourself in, when a girl oversteps her bounds, silence and distance/disappearance, if employed correctly, will tip the frame into your favor assuming there is just enough interest on her end.
You will not lose frame by employing silence and distance/disappearance, but you can lose frame by reacting or by responding incorrectly.
Silence and distance create room for her imagination to ignite, engage her fight or flight response, and incite her second-guessing and backpedaling.
Silence and distance forge “the” frame in your favor and set the precedence that you WILL walk away if you are not content with her behavior.
Silence and distance send the
message that you are accepting of only her best behavior and if she has a grievance to raise the issue overtly for discussion as opposed to undermining you.
Silence and distance amplify attraction, as attraction is built not in the time spent together, but in time spent apart.
Silence and distance allow you to gauge her emotional investment because if she doesn’t reach out to you, she merits no further engagement.
Silence and distance set boundaries
covertly, so that she doesn’t feel ordered and resentful that you are controlling/commanding her as she might by overt boundaries.
Silence and distance are not game playing. You are responding covertly to behavior you deem unfitting which sends the message louder and clearer than any possible overt response.
Silence and distance are not to be confused with avoiding clear communication but rather to be used only when a girl commits an act that is unmistakably tasteless or disrespectful to any observer.
Silence and distance, in the right context, are the single most powerful act you can commit in your relations with women.