SobchakSecurity said:
How do you do that? That is what I have been trying to figure out my whole life. How do you be that charming charismatic guy up to the job? I am freaking out over this. The whole survival thing,I mean, does it work differently on some women than others? I.E Hotter and not so hotter ones?
How do you see yourself as a valid sexual partner? How do you be like,yeah,I gotta shaft,wanna touch?
It's a lot easier than you would believe, man.
#1 rule is that you have to understand that women (or the approval of anybody else) alone will never make you happy. Think of them as like an addition to a house. A nice cook-out deck isn't going to do you any good if thats all that you have.
Instead, you have to build your house first - Become happy with yourself. That means different things for different people, but do whatever makes you content and secure. For me, that meant I had to quit living to please people. I was also pretty self conscious about my body - I was a short, skinny guy and kind of a class-clown. I had plenty of friends, including friends that were girls, but it seemed like no body saw me as anything more than the funny guy.
Whenever I would talk to people, I would almost immediately agree with them, even if I felt differently. I would also be really quick to give up my time and energy to help/please people. I guess I felt like I would be better liked if I was also a nice, dependable guy. Instead, it ended up getting me walked on and friendzoned by pretty much every HB6+ girl I would talk too.
Then, one day, that all stopped. I think it was the summer of my sophomore year in highschool. I started hitting the gym and getting serious about developing a better body (not that you have to do that, but it made me feel better). I also found some hobbies I could go out and do that I liked doing (fishing, music, writing, H.S. wrestling team, skateboarding, riding 4-wheelers, paintballing.. etc) Pretty soon, I found that I was actually happier going skateboarding or riding four-wheelers by myself than being a yes-man.
What was more, is that it seemed like the busier I got, the more my social proof raised. People from all of these hobbies would call me to see if I wanted to go hang out, and soon I was kind of "in demand." I would also meet "friends-through-friends-through-friends" which I now recognize as networking. I live in a small city with a micro-politan population of about 30,000. So word around my peer group spread pretty quick. My name got tossed around a lot more, and people took notice of me.
For example, if I would be at the gym and started talking to people, many would say that they had heard about me from friends. So I started having rapport with people. I sort of became a figure in the community. At parties people would know who I was, even if I didn't know them - Which I never would have imagined the year before. Better yet, people, especially girls, would ask about me. (Who is that? Oh! Thats MagicKarl, he's the J.V. wrestling captain. You know? Tammy was talking about what he said in Algebra the other day.) Even better still, I started getting laid.
Before I knew it, I had swagger. I couldn't have pictured myself talking down to people older/bigger than me when I was a freshman, but I had support and a strong friend-base so people started listening when I talked. So I developed a bad habit of turning conversations with people in to comedy roasts - I would talk **** on people and make jokes.The problem with that was I started acting like the people that would walk on me before I was where I was at. Soon, I would notice that the talk about me became more and more about how big of a jerk I was the other night to so-and-so.
I didn't want that. I thought about how much it pissed me off when people treated me like that, and realized I could be confident and have presence without being a ****.
Thats sort of where I am at today. I try to live my life for me, but at the same time treat other people with respect. Day by day I try to improve on my game, and I make mistakes just like any body else, but I am definitely way happier with myself today than I was 4 years ago.
I know it doesn't sound like I really talked about how to project sexuality, but I didn't have to: IT COMES NATURALLY WITH CONFIDENCE.
Believe in yourself, and so will other people.