Sausage Fests: Why You Can't Avoid 'Em


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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I give them more credit than that Vice.

The guys want to be where the girls are. They just can't get in. That is the case out here in Socal/LV/PHX for sure. They go to sports bars after they get turned down.

Guys also try to get invites to cool parties, but the host will say "bring more girls than guys, or no chance".

If you aren't connected, it's tough. Then on top of that, you have 10-20% of the more attractive women on Friday and Saturday nights working in strip clubs instead of in night clubs, wondering where the customers are at. The ratio skews more.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2011
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Not really. They just get swooped up by a "sponsor." Namely, a chode who will pay out of his ass and kiss her ass 24/7.

The scenario you discuss is only possible in glitzy towns like Los Angeles, and Miami. Otherwise, these chicks are playing beer pong in their garage.

Sh0t said:
Girls go out a lot. They just go to better places than you do. They get invited everywhere. You don't.

General population statistics are useless because men die earlier. Are you sarging 70 year old widows? More men are born, but toward the end of life, there are many more women living.

Check out a link like this:,0,2003683.htmlstory

Look at how skewed things are in the prime ages.

And like those famous articles about UNC chapel hill, even if a college has 65% women, the bars are still sausage fests because the women don't want those guys. They go to better/exclusive parties where guys without connections will not be.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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I'm in a glitzy town in Southern California, that's why I mention my location in many of my posts.

But check out that UNC article:

It happens all over, and the 'sponsor' doesn't have to be a chode. Could be a cool guy with some money to burn, and knows how to entice proto-ladies away from their 'peers'. Men of all ages want to hang out with 21 year old women. They don't have to be a kiss ass at all, and usually they aren't.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2011
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LA, Miami; NYC and SF men have reps of being more feminine and high % of gay males.

I've done the college thing too. And the story is accurate.

Right now, I'm doing the living in the boonies thing. And it ain't pretty.

It's too bad men are getting into college at such a low rate: it says something about this country.

Sh0t said:
I'm in a glitzy town in Southern California, that's why I mention my location in many of my posts.

But check out that UNC article:

It happens all over, and the 'sponsor' doesn't have to be a chode. Could be a cool guy with some money to burn, and knows how to entice proto-ladies away from their 'peers'. Men of all ages want to hang out with 21 year old women. They don't have to be a kiss ass at all, and usually they aren't.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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Sh0t said:
I'm in a glitzy town in Southern California, that's why I mention my location in many of my posts.

But check out that UNC article:

It happens all over, and the 'sponsor' doesn't have to be a chode. Could be a cool guy with some money to burn, and knows how to entice proto-ladies away from their 'peers'. Men of all ages want to hang out with 21 year old women. They don't have to be a kiss ass at all, and usually they aren't.

But it’s not as if the imbalance leads to ceaseless bed-hopping, said Austin Ivey, who graduated from North Carolina last year but was hanging out in a bar near campus last week. “Guys tend to overshoot themselves and find a really beautiful girlfriend they couldn’t date otherwise, but can, thanks to the ratio,” he said.
Does this remind you of any fat girl with handsome guys?

“A lot of guys know that they can go out and put minimal effort into their appearance and not treat girls to drinks or flatter them, and girls will still flirt with them,” said Felicite Fallon, a senior at Florida State University, which is 56 percent female.
Just like for any men in the rest of the world..

“On college campuses where there are far more women than men, men have all the power to control the intensity of sexual and romantic relationships,”
IN the real world a fat hag has the power to do whatever he hamster brain suggest her to...

The gender gap is not universal. The Ivy League schools are largely equal in gender, and some still tilt male. But at some schools, efforts to balance the numbers have been met with complaints that less-qualified men are being admitted over more-qualified women.
Yeah it happen everywhere and usually women are happy of quotas, here not how comes...
“I was talking to a friend at a bar, and this girl just came up out of nowhere, grabbed him by the wrist, spun him around and took him out to the dance floor and started grinding,” said Kelly Lynch, a junior at North Carolina, recalling a recent experience.
Do girls amog too? :eek:

So in the end, stop crying kids, we have it hard everywhere its not a tragedy if you have it hard for few years of college...


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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JCballin88 said:
I actually graduated from school in the Pittsburgh area (but am from Upstate NY). This summer I did an internship in Williamsport PA, which is pretty different area than what I experienced in Western PA.

So now I'm back in NY but looking into moving to Pittsburgh where I have some family as well as friends from school...just can't find anything I can live on full-time yet.
Nice, it is a good area (it's cheap as hell to live here), but I feel bad for anyone trying to get a meaningful job, especially just out of college.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
irocknike23 said:
no theres not..

i keep preaching this over and over

officially with a head count of almost every single human being on this planet the ratio is

49% men to 51% women

the reason you see more men is because guys go out a lot more than girls do

just go to college. i been in college for 2 years now and almost every class i take there is way more females than males

however at the parties and events its the other way around
yes there are too many men that is why its hard fro men to F and easy for women to F... simple demand and supply..


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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Sh0t said:
Girls go out a lot. They just go to better places than you do. They get invited everywhere. You don't.
Your probably right, was just having a discussion with a buddy about how we never seeing any girl we knew from high school out and about, but we see tons of guys from high school no matter where we go.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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Zodiac said:
Considering you are the ONLY one doing this its not a wonder why. I really don't see the benefits of going to a gay par since every girl I've talked to that sees a guy at a gay bar instantly thinks he's gay.
Well, if that's what you think, there's not really much I can do to change your opinion. I tried. It works for me; women can tell right away that I'm straight even at the gay bar. If they looked at you in the gay bar and still think you're gay, there's not much anyone can do about that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Something is seriously ****ed up when guys have to start going to gay bars to meet girls. WTF is going on?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Vice said:
Well, if that's what you think, there's not really much I can do to change your opinion. I tried. It works for me; women can tell right away that I'm straight even at the gay bar. If they looked at you in the gay bar and still think you're gay, there's not much anyone can do about that.
Well have fun going to gay bars. I'll stick to what I'm doing and you can enjoy gaming in a gay bar.

Kerpal said:
Something is seriously ****ed up when guys have to start going to gay bars to meet girls. WTF is going on?
They cant game against company so they have to go where there is none.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2011
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Some of my pickup artist acquaintances are also resorting to desperate measures, such as trawling through makeup sections and women's clothing aisles in department stores.

It's getting very strange.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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He isn't the only one going to gay bars. I go to gay bars all the time. Sometimes because I have gay male friends that invite me out, sometimes to find women.

I can't speak for all areas, but I know for San Diego and LB, there are plenty of straight men in gay bars trolling for fag-hags and such. But it can be lucrative.

I'm a pretty big, macho guy as well. There aren't as bad as you think. The ones that are REALLY bad and REALLY gay won't have any women in them. Women don't like those. They like cute gay bars/clubs.

Aura, those aren't desperate measures at all. Before I was 21 and legal in bars, I used to do stuff like that all the time. I would go to makeup stores, Sephora, all those stores like that. That's what people who can't go to bars and clubs should do.

Everybody should stroll through a mall once or twice a week and do a day-game circuit in them.

It's funny. I'm an only child from a small family, but I've often found myself shopping for "my sister" and various female cousins I don't have.

In fact, the gay bar thing isn't new either. At least since I turned 21(10 years ago), I've checked them out, using the same logic as above. I'm actually surprised Zodiac would even suggest Vice is the only one doing that. This has been a popular thing to do for a long time in the game community.

Gay bars don't keep out ALL males, they keep out a lot of the super-douchey ones, but you'll still see a lot of wimpy straight men there.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Sh0t said:
He isn't the only one going to gay bars. I go to gay bars all the time. Sometimes because I have gay male friends that invite me out, sometimes to find women.

I can't speak for all areas, but I know for San Diego and LB, there are plenty of straight men in gay bars trolling for fag-hags and such. But it can be lucrative.

I'm a pretty big, macho guy as well. There aren't as bad as you think. The ones that are REALLY bad and REALLY gay won't have any women in them. Women don't like those. They like cute gay bars/clubs.

Aura, those aren't desperate measures at all. Before I was 21 and legal in bars, I used to do stuff like that all the time. I would go to makeup stores, Sephora, all those stores like that. That's what people who can't go to bars and clubs should do.

Everybody should stroll through a mall once or twice a week and do a day-game circuit in them.

It's funny. I'm an only child from a small family, but I've often found myself shopping for "my sister" and various female cousins I don't have.

In fact, the gay bar thing isn't new either. At least since I turned 21(10 years ago), I've checked them out, using the same logic as above. I'm actually surprised Zodiac would even suggest Vice is the only one doing that. This has been a popular thing to do for a long time in the game community.

Gay bars don't keep out ALL males, they keep out a lot of the super-douchey ones, but you'll still see a lot of wimpy straight men there.
Cool story bro. You and Vice can go to the gay bars for your women and most people wont do that and instead go to clubs, stores, whatever works for them that wont give negative connotations to their game and work their magic without the gay bar trawling.

aura said:
Some of my pickup artist acquaintances are also resorting to desperate measures, such as trawling through makeup sections and women's clothing aisles in department stores.

It's getting very strange.
Agreed. Do they not realize that going through women's sections or going to gay bars gives off the wrong picture that you are trying to put off? Do they not realize gay guys, like women, talk behind their back about how "far in the the closet 'straight' men at gay bars" are?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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Zodiac said:
Do they not realize that going through women's sections or going to gay bars gives off the wrong picture that you are trying to put off? Do they not realize gay guys, like women, talk behind their back about how "far in the the closet 'straight' men at gay bars" are?
Dude, we don't really care about what people think/say about us. We don't care about our "image" or our "picture". I'm sure the "picture" is pretty clear when you're tounging down his sexy female friend and taking her home with you.

You being from Portland, Maine also makes me realize that we're dealing with a smaller city where everyone is more prone to know each other.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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Nobody said anything about exclusively going to gay clubs, or going anywhere. It's just part of the package.

Going to a gay bar once a month, just to see what's there. That's just part of the homework this game requires. Investigating venues is a MAJOR part of the game. Knowing where, when, and how is almost as important as the game-tools we use in set.

Nobody there is gossiping about you being at a gay bar. Especially not in these areas. It's just part of the nightlife topography. Many girls will be impressed you are not such a homophobe, especially if you want upper class high quality women. These women tend to be extremely aware of a man's stance on issues like feminism, gay rights, etc. They often stay clear of homophobic neanderthals.

It's even more powerful if you aren't a wimpy guy and are still cool in these environments.

Thirdly, it's also just good practice in general for dealing with uncomfortable situations. Hyperactive gay bars/clubs are some of the best training grounds for dealing with being uncomfortable.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2011
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This is why I can never embrace the pickup guys. Makeup departments, tupperware clubs, gay bars, eyeliner, talking in an effeminate voice, calling girls "guys," it's really sad.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Vice said:
Dude, we don't really care about what people think/say about us. We don't care about our "image" or our "picture". I'm sure the "picture" is pretty clear when you're tounging down his sexy female friend and taking her home with you.

You being from Portland, Maine also makes me realize that we're dealing with a smaller city where everyone is more prone to know each other.
Please explain to me how going to gay bars and trawling for fag-hags is productive? Also I love how you think I'm talking about Portland. I would never go anywhere near Portland; USM at Gorham, St. Joseph's a mile down the road and USM Lewiston are 1000x better for getting straight chicks and not needing to go anywhere near a gay bar to meet them as I can go to clubs, bars or college campuses.

Sh0t said:
Nobody said anything about exclusively going to gay clubs, or going anywhere. It's just part of the package.

Going to a gay bar once a month, just to see what's there. That's just part of the homework this game requires. Investigating venues is a MAJOR part of the game. Knowing where, when, and how is almost as important as the game-tools we use in set.

Nobody there is gossiping about you being at a gay bar. Especially not in these areas. It's just part of the nightlife topography. Many girls will be impressed you are not such a homophobe, especially if you want upper class high quality women. These women tend to be extremely aware of a man's stance on issues like feminism, gay rights, etc. They often stay clear of homophobic neanderthals.

It's even more powerful if you aren't a wimpy guy and are still cool in these environments.

Thirdly, it's also just good practice in general for dealing with uncomfortable situations. Hyperactive gay bars/clubs are some of the best training grounds for dealing with being uncomfortable.
Again I pose the question; how does going to a gay bar trawling for fag-hags help my game? You and vice should be wing men fro each other in the gay bars to help each other with your game in there.

aura said:
This is why I can never embrace the pickup guys. Makeup departments, tupperware clubs, gay bars, eyeliner, talking in an effeminate voice, calling girls "guys," it's really sad.
Pretty much. They try to defend going to a gay bar to meet fag-hags who are there since they get attention and know that the average person they meet there doesn't have the desire to stick their di<k in them. Its counter productive really.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2011
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Los Angeles CA
DonGorgon said:
yes there are too many men that is why its hard fro men to F and easy for women to F... simple demand and supply..
well yes

but officially there is more women that walk this earth.

the only thing is even though its 49% men and 51% women.......I want to say that out of all men 85% ages 18-28 go out while at that same age only probably about 60% of women go out thus causing sausage fests

but you dont need to go to a party or bar to get laid. to reach out to the other 40% of women is that good old talk to them, text, them ask them to hang out game. this can get you laid as well.

but I must add that I been going to clubs the past 3 weekends and packed with women