RIP victims of the tsunami


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Originally posted by dietzcoi
You guys are silly as hell, we went crazy helping Ethiopia in 1984 (Band-aid) and now it is still a hell-hole. It is a waste of time. Our chumpish few billion dollars of aid won't do a thing but enrich some corrupt politicians.

THe problem is that people do not know history, and react with emotion instead of logic. Silly, silly people

Well at least someone else here is realistic.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
you must realise that right now these people are dieing for many reasons, before they where poor but that does not mean they where unhappy, you may think oh you could not live wiht out all you money but they have grown up like that, they know no other way of life.

as for the aid not helping, well it will in this case help stop some of the starvation and disease but no there is nto enough of it to restore the place to was it was. Aid often does not help due to the fact it comes in such small amounts.

When whole countrys in africa are in extrem starvation etc, then it is hard to help, but a fair bit of money has been pleged and many of these countrys relie on tourism so much so that they will make sure it is rebuilt because they can not afford to not rebuild it.

just because the aid will not not get them back to what they where quickly, does not mean it will not save many lives


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
CableLight, I'm not the omnipotent oracle, but judging from your conflicting posts and switching opinions you don't have a clear, well-formed opinion at all which leads me to believe that you are ignorant to the actual situation.

Suppose you lived with the people on the indonesian coast for a year and then suddenly that wave struck. How would you feel, seeing people you had met during that year die by drowning?
Now try imagining a wave striking your own hometown, killing hundreds of your friends and family. Try imagining that you just lost your home, your mom and dad and your brothers and sisters with you being stuck in the wreckages of your home with no food. Now reread everything you have typed so far with that state of mind.

Aid IS necessary in this war, it is not to save those who are dead, it is to give the people whose lives were ruined a second chance. Ofcourse, in time the country will return into much the way it was before and the political structures will remain the same. But if the way the government runs a country should be acted out on an entire population, then I suppose the US will never get any aid in the likely case of a disaster, looking at Bush's reputation and actions.
It's overly simplistic to think this way. Instead, try to realize that these are all real human beings and that they are in need of help.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by I-am-someone
I suppose the US will never get any aid in the likely case of a disaster
they MAY be helped by recuse workers from other countries but i do not think anyone will be quick to donate money to the richest country in the world, what ever happens to them, well anything short of an erruption of yellowstone , they will not need any internatinal aid.

If and when it next errupts (it is due and is expanding) northen USA will be totaly fcuked and infact the whole continent will be a wreck, the erruption will be 2500 times larger them mount saint helens erruption and there will be ash landing as far as the uk, have fun, we will all be affected by the nuculear winter it will cause, hey it will clear up global warming, but did i forget to mention that when it happened last time out ancestors almost became extinct, the world population is belived ot have fallen from aobut 100,000 to 1000, but we are better equiped now

EDIT: actuly i got part of it wrong, the almost complete anilation of humans was 75,000 years ago in a diffrent eruption.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by DJDamage

Man that is fvcked up as well not only 60,000+ people are dead but things on this planet change!

LOS ANGELES, (AFP) - An earthquake that unleashed deadly tidal waves on Asia was so powerful it made the Earth wobble on its axis and permanently altered the regional map, US geophysicists said.

The 9.0-magnitude temblor that struck 250 kilometers (155 miles) southeast of Sumatra island Sunday may have moved small islands as much as 20 meters (66 feet), according to one expert.

"That earthquake has changed the map," US Geological Survey expert Ken Hudnut told AFP.
I was listening to NPR yesterday and the senior scientist at PMEL's Tsunami Research Program dispelled this claim. Apparently while the earthquake was large in the localized area, it wasn't very big when taking the entire mass of the earth into account. The seasons aren't going to be any different than they were before, the earth isn't going to fall into the sun, and things will be just as they always have been. As for it changing the map, that's technically true. Small fishing villages near the shoreline were demolished - it's not like there's going to be a new continent or anything...

Originally posted by Wyldfire
The worst part is that there was prior knowledge this could happen and there wasn't an adequate warning system in place. Tens of thousands of lives could have been saved if only there were the proper warning system in place. :(
True. Apparently it was detected hours beforehand, and calls were made to the weather centers of the affected countries by the USA. The problem is that the main victims were poor fishing people along the shoreline - people who the government has no reliable method of contacting in events such as this. So, while their governments knew, there wasn't much they could do but prepare for the worst.

By the way, if you'd like to donate Google has made a list of charitable organizations accepting your money.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
You know what? There's a very fine line between having a good idea and that idea being carried out. Unfortunately for people like Mr. Kerry, a lot of people don't realize this.

I-Am-Someone - You should have stopped halfway through your first sentenece. You haven't been paying attention, because I'm all for helping nations that are worth the trouble of helping. Giving a 3rd World Country some aid that will reinstate their position as a 3rd World Country is ridiculous at best. If something like this happend to, for the sake of arguements, Great Britian (as an example), then you're damn right I'd be singing a different tune.

This doesn't imply that neither of us can have a sense of what's going on in the affected area. I know for a fact that there's a lot of sad and homeless people in the area. Do you not agree? The real question is - if we weigh the place as a whole - are we doing any real and realistic/actual good to the area? If you're idea of "doing any good" is simply giving these people a few bucks to rebuild their cess-pool, then that's messed up. We might save a few people here and there, but the country as a whole isn't going to go anywhere. You're rebuilding an armpit of the world, congrats - way to place tax money and income in a well-deserved area.

As far as "Aid being necessary for this war" (btw, WTF? are you saying there's a war against nature?) this is improbable. You want to give people a second chance at slightly-less-than-complete poverty? Wow, okay - donate a 10-cents (US) and you completed your mission.

Check_Mate - You're missing the picture. If, for instance, someone has a $2000 loan from the bank, do you think they're going to stop hassling that person and go about their merry lives if you give them $20 to help out? I sure dont. This is an issue of how much money it will cost to actually getting a country up to par versus how much money we have. I absolutely promise you that any A-hole who wants to be president and says "We'll spend every last dime on foreign aid" will not be elected out of common sense. Our country will not - and rightfully not - impoversh itself very far for the lifestyles of another country. Nor should we. This is reality, communism doesn't work despite who you are or what you think.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
And, by the way, before anyone jumps on my comment about Great Britian - consider this. Duh, not everyone from there is going to turn out to be a benefactor of mankind (just like the US). This is, what we call in the "real world" a quote-unquote example for simplifying a situation. I know I'm leaving it up to you guys to be able to differentuate my example based on actual knowledge from straight-up racisim, but I think you guys are capable.

Please, don't make me reiterate this statement later on.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
and i stick by what i said earlyer, you think they are not worth helping because they are anyway poor, you must be rich or very well off, and asume that with out the money you can not be happy, but these people where poor yet still happy because they knew no other way of life, they didnt have everything they wnated but they had what they needed, clothes, food and shelter and they where content, they where just as happy as you or I and after the tsunami they have none of this no food no clothes no shelter, they are dieing and unhappy, so by providing them these 3 basic things we can restore them to a state of happynes rather than un-happynes, they will still be poor but just because they will not live in luxary does not mean we should not bother to help.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Guess what, kid? If they're so happy being poor than what's the need for any aid at all? They're even more poor now! :rolleyes:

In all seriousness - No food, no shelter, no clothes? Gee, sounds like you're describing...What's the phrase...A 3rd World Country? Yeah, that sounds about right. To you, this tsunami is some great tragedy in the world. To them, it's probably referred to as "Tuesday."

Listen to me - You're saying these people are practically helpless. I'm saying thats basically the way it's been long before the wave hit. I'm not looking at the jerks who lost a beach house over there - I'm looking at the country as a whole. On the grand scale of things, all these people should do is aid themselves and walk down the streets and salvage the fragments of their fragmented society. Have each person pick up a few pieces of random trash in the roads and blam - the fast track back to their old way of life, saving billions of dollars and man hours.

Then, have the people get jobs working as clean-up crews to pick up whats left. No funds to pay for labor? Well, looks like another perk of being in a 3rd World Country. Besides, all you're talking about is restoring the place to it's "rightful" title of crap; sounds like my idea is a pretty easy/cheap way of getting there.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
these are not exactly the porrest people in the world, most of them have the basics but now they have nothing and are in extre poverty and at risk of death, with out aid many will die its not as eays as why dont they go and rebuild it, they have no food or water and diseaes are spreading, they can not just rebuild the area under these conditions.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
And therefore contributing aid to help out the most detrimental species this planet has ever seen becomes priority alpha for god-knows how many countries over-freaked out about this thing.

Not all human life is precious, not everyone survives. From nature's perspective and everything we've done to it as a species, it deserves some payback. This is going to sound really "out there" to anyone who thinks mankind is entitled to do whatever it wants because it's the "dominant" species - but when nature selects something to die, it doesn't hurt to let it win sometimes.

You know - It can really be argued that anyone, myself included (so don't bother), who falls ill or has an accident or whatnot maybe should be left be and see how they come out. But that's not the way it works...Everyone thinks we're all in control of everything and deserve to go on despite the cost of resources, of life, of nature, of anything. That's why we're ultimately fvcked.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
let me get this straight, in other words you are saying we should let them all die instead of helping.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Asia Quake

You can help without having to donate.
Just give it a try, every positive thought counts.


In light of the most recent Natural Disaster or Energy unfoldment in the Southeast part of the World -Sumatra, Indonesia, India...This message is being shared for you to consider the possibilities and choice in assistance...this may ring true to some and not to others..use your own discernment...

Those that are asking what you can do to assist during this crisis across the globe, may consider to maintain your Mastery as Soul
you may assist those by not being immersed in the suffering or pain. To rise above it just enough to help yourself be in a clearer energy, you may then direct or focus a tremendous clarity of healing, love, light and wisdom to the areas and beings that in most need. Some of you may specialize in assisting the ones who are transitioning over to the next dimension, do so. Some may do meditations of assisting to clear the debris. Some may even send steady prayers and light energy to the areas and beings. Be sure to do it for the Highest Good for ALL concerned, for all the beings. The land, animals, minerals, waters, plants, people etc. All are connected, all are part of this shift.

Be sure to know to let the energies of mass thoughtforms and emotional clouds of Fear based energy.. to pass through you rather than getting trapped IN you. Keep yourself as cleared and fine tuned in energy as possible. As this will assist your clarity and focus. No one is saying you can not feel for those in the crisis, or loved ones who are mourning the loss. Yet, be sure to consider best to keep yourself afloat in the energy that may be dense and filled with sorrow, suffering and pain. Choose well, as to how you an individual desire to assist. As your Higherself and Soul or personality. You may choose to assist from a place of Mastery of those Transitioning; when YOU are in a stable place in tune with your own higher self-Soul-Wisdom Self. Rather than getting caught up in the pains and sufferings. Tap into your Soul Passion, let that sacred fire guide you to what you would love to do to assist. To rise above one level and find new creative solutions, new ways to help that you feel passionate about and can do and are willing to do.

Understand that there are many possibilities of why this eruption occurred. One is of re-balancing and clearing upon the Earth star. Yet, if you keep your attention on the why's... your energy dissipates, run thin instead of strong current of energy towards the constructive approach to assisting.
Know in your hearts and minds that spiritual level, the soul's transitioning agreed to this shift. Know that many are in in need of assistance on all levels in that area. Know that there are many ..many that are working to support from other levels of consciousness.

Victim consciousness and blame here has no place, only serves to link into the fear based energy and keep one there. Blame who? Mother Earth? Humanity? God? For what has occurred? That does not serve the highest good for all at this time. Consider that.

The Clarion call is sounding forth to come together in Unity and Compassion. See your Grace and blessings. See that Earth Star also has Graced humanity with the originating point of the earthquake being under the Ocean than on land in the middle of a country. See the Miracle, go beyond the 5 senses. Just consider that. See where it takes you.

Demonstrate your mastery, wisdom, love and power here and now. Hold your focus to what needs to be done. Do not get swayed by mass consciousness. Many have worked on the inner planes to assist to buffer this experience. Remember you have all within your heart and being to assist from a level that is truly powerful and all loving.


email: feedback at

or this channel:


Michael speaks....

Beloved's we ask that you should remain in your hearts at this time and rise above the distorted patterns of illusion which may cause you in anyway not to fully honour or recognise the truth of divine love acting through the manifestation of this upon the earth plane.... recognise you that this experience was collectively manifested through humanities mass dreaming and comes at this time in order to release the karmic cycles of energy held through the maldives, south east asia and thailand..... these places hold primary connection to lemuria and the heart of goddess consciousness on the planet... and so with the transformation of the karmic wounds that this earthquake has facilitated know you that it is the heart of the goddess that is being assisted to open itself once again...

As humanity moves as a collective to assist all those beings affected through the manifestation of this upon the earth... know that they will be acting through group consciousness in the heart of divine mother... creating a portal to facilitate the healing of many wounds of the mother.... know that all who have chosen to participate in the experience of this... have thereby chosen this experience through the higher wisdom of their hearts-soul to assist within this and gift the earth with this opening into the heart of the mother.... know you beloveds furthermore that any who may have transitioned during this experience will be assisting from the higher love-heart planes with this... for you...

So we ask you just to breathe now beloved and connect through your heart now with the flame of divine mother.... the pink aspect of the three fold flame that burns within your heart... let this envelope you beloved.. as divine mother comes to you now with many angels and archangels this mother asks that you open your heart to her now.... asks you that through the open portal of your heart you should come together now with all the companies of the heaven and the earth in the manifestation of a bridge through which her consciousness may once again emerge within the fullness of it's divinity through the sacred portal system of lemuria.... breathe beloved and visualise now with us this pure golden crystalline bridge emerging from your heart and connecting now with the starry heart of lemuria... held within the energetic matrix of the south pacific islands - thailand - australia.....

Know that as you offer this love of your hearts in this you are assisting this blossoming of the heart of the Goddess....

Beloved's know that your thoughts hold great power with this.. we ask thereby that you remain within your hearts... do not buy into the drama of illusion or fear with this...... let love be your experience with this.... in honouring of the hearts dreaming of these ones who have chosen to participate in the experience of this in order that the goddess may once again come into the heart of all

We bless you beloveds....
Lord Michael...

or this channel:


Uriel's Message

Many fear that the predicted earth changes are beginning to occur and that humanity will be eradicated from the face of the world, in light of the recent earthquake in Asia. The earthquake is part of the Earth's own shift process and should not be seen as nature taking revenge on any part of humanity. Because you are so detached from the earth you forget that this planet is also a living organism with its own cycles of changes. The surface, weather and climate patterns are changing in response to these natural cycles and there will be more of what you call 'disasters' in the coming year. You must guard against engaging in the fear that these situations will bring because the fear is more dangerous than any storm or event that the earth can unleash.

The Shift is here to remove the fear from your consciousness and to learn to connect to the Universal Source. This merely requires that you stop living in fear and learn to practice unconditional love and to live within Universal law. Each of you has an individual connection to the Source and is on your own path. That path also includes whether you live or die. This is a time of great change and of great opportunity, but not everyone will be willing to change or will take the opportunities to heal that are presented. It is not a sign that the Universe is working against humanity, merely a part of a process that has been in place for many years. You must remove your fear from this process and allow yourselves to view these changes with the same detachment and non-judgment that you apply in your own lives.

Each of you has the power to change these prophecies of doom and to help the earth through the Shift process in a more gentle way. Each of you has the power to bring peace to this planet, by focusing your intention on creating peace. You can change the existing energies by manifesting the good that you desire, for yourselves and for the planet and its people, by living with Universal law and by refusing to live in fear. Fear is your greatest threat, not nature.

It has been predicted that many would leave the planet at this time and while these prophecies may eventually come to pass, the number of people who will leave is as yet undecided. The Shift is not about death and destruction, though, it is about learning to merge the spiritual and material worlds. It often takes a disaster or other cataclysmic event to bring the people of the world together, to remove their focus from war and fighting to stand together for a common purpose. This is happening now. So do not be afraid, for there is nothing to fear. Know that you are all loved beyond measure and are all blessed.

Read more about Archangel Uriel

voice: 480-894-1675


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Photo 1

You are getting overly emotional and taking this personally

This was just a natural event. These type disasters happen again and again. Our little bit of aid won't change that fact.

Humans live too short a life span, and therefore forget what happened 100 years or 1000 years ago. Everything that happens now is always "the worst" ever... bullsh1t.



Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Cablelight, I noticed that some of your theories tend to be rather Randian and as I just finished reading Atlas Shrugged, I can respect where you're coming from. That said, I don't necessarily agree with it all.

-150, 000 people are simultaneously killed by a wave.

-300, 000 more die due to starvation and the presence of disease.

The first scenario already happened, the second one doesn't have to. The real trajedy would be not coming to their aid in such desperate times...

P.S - check_mate_kid_uk, you won't be taken seriously on this board until you clean up your horrific grammar, spelling and punctuation. Sorry, but it's the truth.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by I-am-someone
Let's see...
I can remember when the twin towers got hit by two airplanes. There was nothing else on the news than that for weeks and weeks on end, people were afraid and kept on talking about it every day.

Now, let's go to this event. I don't know about the United States, but around here, nobody really cares that much. I haven't heard anybody talk about it, it's on the news every day but they are telling it like it's the least interesting story of the day which does however need to last 15 minutes. It just pisses me off to see that a little 5.000 deaths can be reacted to like it is the end of the world and 150.000 deaths is treated like it's "really crappy" but nothing more than that.

You know, I think, of all people, Americans should be concerned with this a lot more. One day, this same scenario will happen to the west coast of the US as well.
Ever heard of the volcano on LaPalma? If that volcano were to erupt, a tsunami so great that it would make the Asian tsunami look like a little baby would rage across the American continent. Just think about it, the death toll would be in the tens of millions. New York for example would be whiped out in a matter of hours.

Try to realize that this can happen to you as well. Don't stress yourself about each and every death that has come to be, but realize that you could die any moment. Until that moment arrives, live your life to the fullest. However, don't ever forget that you are just as mortal.
Theres a reason people say apples aren't oranges.

First of all, people talk a hell of a lot about the tsunamis here,but there is only so much to be reported about an event like this.

Second of all, you're trying to compare an cold blooded attack on the world's superpower with a natural disaster. The response is going to be different, so stop making comparisons.

Thirdly, the U.S. in its current form will never face such devastation as we have seen from this event. There would be many deaths, but it would not be on the same level. The U.S. would have better warning than almost any other country if any tsunami threatening event were to occur. It has a huge network for spreading an alert via TV, radio, internet, phone, etc. All of these potential warning systems are not as available in the part of the so called third world which was affected by this tsunami. In addition, the U.S. is a large continent with incredible resources. Part of the problem is that entire towns and emergency infrastructures were washed away. The U.S. has the benefit of not being entirely within a few feet of sea level, meaning the wave would not travel as far inland and there would be inland emergency crews to aid with recovery.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Check_Mate - Yes. I wouldn't go so far as calling this natural selection because a lot of people were killed in some way by man-made structures. Rather, I'd call this maybe a form of nature's poetic justice.

Photo - Yes, I'm a nazi. Hilter for life, baby.

I don't need to repeat what Phrozen said so let me just wrap something up - My definition of what we should do is ideal because not enough people can handle the idea that not all human life is precious. You didn't come out and say it but I'm guessing you're a pro-Aid person. If so, then your definition of what we should do is ideal because it's based on the classic "best case scenario" scheme.

The difference between these two opinions is that I'm actually very right that it is humans who have the negative effect on the environment, not the other way around. We're not the "good guys" in this situation, and we definitely need a reality check or something. Your idea (and again, forgive me if you're not a Pro-Aid guy but it sounds like you are) is based on the idea that everyone on this planet is priority #1, not the planet itself.

Yet, you're not considering the fact that the more and more people who remain alive on this rock are cutting down the amount of time this place is going to be habitable, even just a little bit at a time. Will we notice the change? Probably not in our lifetimes, but since you pro-Humanity guys keep playing the "help everyone" card you don't take into account the creatures (humans, animals, etc) in the future who will, and all the potential life forms in the future who wont be alive because the place will be too screwed to support life (human, animal, etc). Who's the nazi now?

JoE - I haven't read your story so I have no idea what you're referring to. Chances are if I did, though, I still wouldn't care.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
Originally posted by CableLight

Yet, you're not considering the fact that the more and more people who remain alive on this rock are cutting down the amount of time this place is going to be habitable, even just a little bit at a time. Will we notice the change? Probably not in our lifetimes, but since you pro-Humanity guys keep playing the "help everyone" card you don't take into account the creatures (humans, animals, etc) in the future who will, and all the potential life forms in the future who wont be alive because the place will be too screwed to support life (human, animal, etc). Who's the nazi now?

I really want you pro-Aid people to reread that a few times so it can fully sink in. Then, when you realize that, yes - humans have fvcked this planet over too much by being Pro-Human you'll realize why I'm not all-for helping every person. Pro-Humanism is why potentially millions, maybe more, lifeforms (including Humans) in the future aren't going to be here. So while you guys are running around with your "Save Mankind" bumper stickers, try to see the whole picture for once. Life is precious, just not all life.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by CableLight
I really want you pro-Aid people to reread that a few times so it can fully sink in. Then, when you realize that, yes - humans have fvcked this planet over too much by being Pro-Human you'll realize why I'm not all-for helping every person. Pro-Humanism is why potentially millions, maybe more, lifeforms (including Humans) in the future aren't going to be here. So while you guys are running around with your "Save Mankind" bumper stickers, try to see the whole picture for once. Life is precious, just not all life.
I think this is not the problem. I think bringing this up so soon after the disaster is not tactful. If you would say this to the family of any one who lost his live, they would probably kill you.

I'm not disagreeing with you.

Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
