Renewed goals for this sector - aspiring DJ.

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Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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I suspect this guy is a troll, and if so it is an epic work of absolute genius. I could not have come up with a better story if I tried. But then again, sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.
May 23, 2006
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StevenR said:
For instance, when you write that some event happened on November 29, 2008
Ok, you are right, maybe I have a problem with these dates thing. But I treat it like a lawyer would. I'm a lawyer at heart. Lawyers when talking to a judge ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS talk about dates that facts occur. I see myself as a lawyer rather than having aspergers. My style is also technical - or looking for a technicality, loophole, or advancing an arguement like I were in a court-room. I love law, but since I'm not a lawyer, I may express this legal side in other venues, such as this one.
May 23, 2006
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Tales from the Gym.

BUFFET # 1: Manderin Chinese Buffet
GIRL INVITED: My Gym Trainer.

RESULT OF BUFFET: Great food -- the hot and sexy gym trainer kept me in check by helping me eat the right foods. NOT !!! She said I could eat anything I want, but the catch is that I have to go to the gym an extra 30 minutes when I do go to work out the extra calories. I ate desert, etc....

THE REAL RESULTS: My Gym trainer (who is engaged, who is in good terms with my mom, and who is looking up to me as a man of God and has high moral expectations of me) has let me into some secrets about the gym.

1) The receptionist (a lovely mixed girl) and the general manager slept with each other and they both got fired. Which is why they are not there today.

2) The person in charge of the personal trainer fondles them and sexually harasses them. A yonge blond sexy barbie trainer left due to this harassment. Basically he will grope, fondle, and make lewd comments to some of the girls there. Despite making several sexual harassment charges, the management is good friends with this guy and will not do anything about it. Leaving the female trainers generally two options, let themselves continue to get groped, fondled and harassed or quit.

3) Another person, on the top floor slept with the hot Ukranian receptionist. My mom always thought she looked weak. Mom thinks they are idle people who are upstairs.

Taking people out to buffets are fun sometimes, because you can learn the secret juicy details of what goes around. You think it's a normal gym place, but if you see an exotic or sexy girl there who is a receptionist, or is a hot receptionist, someone that works there on the top floor is probably fvcking her. Going to do a bit of research on the (3) example as to who exactly that guy was. I'm speculating that sex with the receptionist must have occured with people in a position of power at the gym. Will test the hypothesis by doing further investigation.

In the mean-while -- two more buffets to go. (But may invite my cousin to one -- heck, make it four buffets this month instead of three).


Don Juan
May 4, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
Therefore, I've just purchased an e-book about humor from Martin Merill last night for $ 58.00 cad and I've just skimmed it last night. Today I've decided that "inner game" needs to be sorted out with humor big time since it appears that I need a massive overhaul.

Fvck man, always doin shyt the hard way. you could have searched that on google and downloaded the entire thing for free. FAIL. I started a thread on martin merill. All the stuff in his book is pretty general. All the humor you need can be found within the forums as ive discovered.

and btw if you aint out to get laid i think people are gonna stop caring about your threads and also stop listening to advice you have...

come on, living with your mum and being a virgin when you're like 30 does not sound healthy in the slightest.

and man why did you have to use the name luke're bringin shame and disgrace to the name.
May 23, 2006
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and btw if you aint out to get laid i think people are gonna stop caring about your threads and also stop listening to advice you have...
That's fine. Whatever goals that I have stated I am going to have with women will be accomplished. Having internal conflicts when you get to the pinnicle and backing out is an accomplishment from that vantage point because it just boils down to some internal drama and how that plays itself out -- because even I don't know the outcome of what I will do. I can pursue and make an opportunity happen, or there could be an open door, and if I do that, then I've done my job, it's left to what I choose to do with that when that time comes, whenever it happens again.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Luke Skywalker said:
BUFFET # 1: Manderin Chinese Buffet
GIRL INVITED: My Gym Trainer.

RESULT OF BUFFET: Great food -- the hot and sexy gym trainer kept me in check by helping me eat the right foods. NOT !!! She said I could eat anything I want, but the catch is that I have to go to the gym an extra 30 minutes when I do go to work out the extra calories. I ate desert, etc....

THE REAL RESULTS: My Gym trainer (who is engaged, who is in good terms with my mom, and who is looking up to me as a man of God and has high moral expectations of me) has let me into some secrets about the gym.

1) The receptionist (a lovely mixed girl) and the general manager slept with each other and they both got fired. Which is why they are not there today.

2) The person in charge of the personal trainer fondles them and sexually harasses them. A yonge blond sexy barbie trainer left due to this harassment. Basically he will grope, fondle, and make lewd comments to some of the girls there. Despite making several sexual harassment charges, the management is good friends with this guy and will not do anything about it. Leaving the female trainers generally two options, let themselves continue to get groped, fondled and harassed or quit.

3) Another person, on the top floor slept with the hot Ukranian receptionist. My mom always thought she looked weak. Mom thinks they are idle people who are upstairs.

Taking people out to buffets are fun sometimes, because you can learn the secret juicy details of what goes around. You think it's a normal gym place, but if you see an exotic or sexy girl there who is a receptionist, or is a hot receptionist, someone that works there on the top floor is probably fvcking her. Going to do a bit of research on the (3) example as to who exactly that guy was. I'm speculating that sex with the receptionist must have occured with people in a position of power at the gym. Will test the hypothesis by doing further investigation.

In the mean-while -- two more buffets to go. (But may invite my cousin to one -- heck, make it four buffets this month instead of three).
You sound more like a scientist in this last post than you do a lawyer, but whatever. What I think your major problem is even if you don't have Asbergers(and I am not so sure you don't)-you are a MOMMA'S BOY, and women despise momma's boys. In fact, you are not only a momma's boy, you are an UBER ULTRA MOMMA'S BOY.

One very important thing women look for in a long term or even serious dating is the guys relationship with his mother. They see how the man and his mother get along as a general cue to how he will be with other women. If the guy doesn't get along with his mother, and has possible abandonment issues, that is a red flag to women. If he dislikes his mother does he dislike other women as well? Will he be abusive in a relationship with her?

On the other end of this extreme is the momma's boy, which you most certainly are. Not only are women going to have jealousy issues, but they will see you as a needy and dependent person who cannot stand up for yourself in the real world. If you let your mother control your life, are you also going to be this wimpy pushover guy in the relationship? Quality women despise wimpy pushover guys as much as they despise men who abuse and beat them. Until you understand this one simple fact all the e-books and seduction material in the world isn't going to help you.

You are not just an ordinary momma's boy either, you have a very unhealthy dependency that borders on psychotic. No, I take that back, it is psychotic. When women see this, any normal woman will freak and run as soon as she realizes the extent of your unhealthy dependent relationship with your mother. I know I would if I were a woman.

Women don't want either extreme, hatred or dependency, of your mother. Ideally they would like a normal healthy relationship where the guy loves his mother but doesn't let her run his life. If one's mother was abusive there is not much a guy can do about it, and he just has to work with those issues as best he can meeting women and explaining the situation when it comes up. It isn't their fault they were abused, it matters more how they have dealt with it as an adult. You, on the other hand, can change your relationship with your mother, she may not like it at first, but I bet she will respect you a little more if you start acting like more of a man.

So in conclusion, until you resolve this issue, until you break this psychotic dependency on your mother, quit thinking she is some sort of oracle, there is absolutely nothing I or anyone else here can do to help you get laid/find a relationship with a woman.

I am not perfect myself, but I am not a virgin and I don't live with my parents either. I did/do have an overprotective mother, she wasn't psychotic but she had anxiety problems and such. My brother is autistic which I think traumatized her and made her overprotective of her other sons. I think this played a factor in holding me back in relationships when I was younger, although I ended up completely rebelling for a while. Now I live in another state from my parents, I still enjoy visiting them but I don't live anywhere near them either. Makes it kinda difficult for my mother to control me lol.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2008
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Your asperger hypothesis is an interesting one. He's like an idiot savant. He can see very clearly in one direction and can use lots of mental power on it. Here he creates his own world. There he is intelligent, a control freak (like his mom), perfectionistic and anal about the littlest of things. But he's blind in the other direction. (Or maybe myopic is a better metaphor.) And he cant see that he is blind. He can feel something is not working, not completely right, but he has no way of knowing it.
May 23, 2006
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I disagree. I do not have mamma's boy issues as a major sticling point. Maybe I have -- this girl is a SLVT !!!! issues more than anything else. Given the way in which this particular girl crash and burned (which is the real efficient cause), and way other girls have crashed and burned in the past seems central to one particular theme. It's usually centerd along with the line that the girl had other sexual partners (i.e. in relationships or whatever), and she believes that I think she is a slvt or an easy girl, either obviously, or subconciously. It appears that this is the real inner game sticling point, rather than being a momma's boy as StevenR may portray.

Women in general, don't like to know that you think they are a slvt. A SLVT.
If tend to have issues if I know a woman slept around with someone. The thing is, even if she slept around just once or a few times, she's just a slvt even if she went with a 100 guys. I see no difference. A slvt is a slvt -- for if she just went with one guy, the likelihood is that he was a player that fvcked 100's of girls, so she's just as dirty unless the guy she went with was a virgin, but I'd see that as highly unlikely (look at slickaz's thread -- he isn't a virgin). So, I just some how or another, whether conciously or unconciously, lose respect for them and see them as a slvt unless they are a virgin, or are so ugly that I wouldn't care if they are a virgin or non-virgin.

For example, on recurrent theme is how I severely berated a oneitis on something I read on her myspace page which may have been purely conjecture just to go on AFF a few months later to look for a pity-fvck to express how much I trusted her and how I felt that she is a slvt just like any other girl on AFF. Or, how I asked a woman on a first date, how many guys did she fvck to evaluate what type of a slvt she is, and she got offended with me.

This latest girl I wrote about believed I thought she was easy because every guy that passed the home, I was asking her if she slept with him. Or making statement or comments to indicate that I believe she was a serious hoe or an easy girl, or a casual girl. Women, even hookers, don't like to feel like that. Yet, I have a tendency for romanticing a no-holds barred type of girl that would freak my parents out if they knew I had anything to do with them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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Haha, so according to you, if a girl sleeps with someone, then they are a slut. What happens if they sleep with you then? They are a slut no? You become a slut too.

You're never gonna get laid with that view.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
The thing is, even if she slept around just once or a few times, she's just a slvt even if she went with a 100 guys. I see no difference. A slvt is a slvt
You just called your mother a slvt.
May 23, 2006
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CaptainJ said:
Haha, so according to you, if a girl sleeps with someone, then they are a slut. What happens if they sleep with you then? They are a slut no? You become a slut too.

You're never gonna get laid with that view.
I'm dealing with core subconcious and unconcious issues. It's not that I agree with that view I'm presenting here, but if there are undercurrents, they will raise their ugly head when my guard is down on myself and I'll have to yet once again put my foot in my mouth as I watch another girl crash and burn out of my life and nobody wins.

Obviously, common sence dictates that hetrosexuals are expected to behave as hetrosexuals. If a woman sleeps with a guy, that is just a hetrosexual sexual exchange, and the woman is either hetrosexual or bi-sexual.

The inner game quadrum goes like this. Beautiful women are usually looked upon like angels and placed on a pedistle...sort of like a madonna. These women may lie and say they are a virgin so they wont look easy and maintain that sort of respect, or image. The 'sugar and spice angles' sort of thing. As soon as there is a reputation that she has slept around either by rumours or by her own admission, that pedistle is shattered because she behaved like a hor. Once a woman is perceived as a hor, or easy girl, because of an admission of sexual activity, then the black and white perspective of an 'angel' is shattered and all respect is gone. This can also be retrospective.

There is a sence of disgust that she had previous relationships or sexual partners while I'm a virgin myself and a feeling that this exchange is unfair. That's an undercurrent that serves to undermine things.

Again, I may not agree with what I'm writing conciously. As a matter of fact, I'm sure there are threads out there, written on this board, that deal with this issue as it's a quandrum of beliefs that guys can behave anyway they want, but don't respect women who are slvts.

When a woman is treated like she is an easy girl, or shall we say public access amenitie, then she'll just get offended. Even a hooker who gets johns for sex will get offended if you remind her that she is a prostitute and start talking about it with her, etc.... So there is a black and white perception that a woman is either an 'angel' -- a beautiful virgin woman, or she is a hor (easy woman that is either stupid enough to sleep with anyone that presses her buttons, or that just sleeps indiscrminately). There is no grey area. The black in white thinking in that perspective appears to be a major inner game sticling point issue -- because when I realise a woman has had sex before, or has been used for sex before or whatever, then I tend to view her as a hor.

There are exceptions to this. Some women are so ugly that they don't fit into the 'madonna' pedistle in the first place, so their loss of virginity to someone else doesn't bear much sway.

I cant put my figner on everything, but I can try and talk about somethings on here, whether they make sence to other people or not I don't know. I thought this was a common male and societal standard of judging women.
May 23, 2006
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Alle_Gory said:
You just called your mother a slvt.
As usual, you have nothing constructive to contribute and are just trolling my threads.

Just because a woman has sex doesn't make her a slvt. My mom was a virgin until she married my dad and then lost it with him. My mom has never cheated on my dad, even once, during the whole marriage to this date but has turned asexual on him mainly because she doesn't trust my dad and doesn't want to catch any STDs (dad has never been STD tested although going with prostitutes virtually during the marriage). Dad lied to my mom about being a virgin when he went with 30 women (most of them hors) before her and cheated a few times with hors during the marriage life, yet my mom stook by him despite his faults. Now she is supporting him while he has wasted and squandered family money chasing prostitutes and wasting his life until he's a helpless man that's being supported by my mom because of his bad vices that took his money. That's a REAL woman. Maybe people on here will never meet one. I'm fortunate enough that this is my mom.

Generally, you do not see women waiting until marriage to lose their virginity and have sex and they are just basically behaving like hors. Anyway, part of me agrees to this in some level to accept that this is hetrosexual reality and if I want to get laid myself I have to get over any judgmental attitude and try not to express it to any potential prospects, but another part says this is a major stickling point that just adds another dimension to an internal conflict that will continue to help me self-sabatogue my chances of getting laid or finding a girlfriend that I want since there will always be a foundational element of disrespect as it's likely, like most women, she slept around.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
My last girlfriend I would bet has been with probably a couple hundred guys.

Damn, was she ever good in bed. I never used a condom, either :eek:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Luke Skywalker said:
My mom was a virgin until she married my dad and then lost it with him. My mom has never cheated on my dad, even once,
so she says....

Dad lied to my mom about being a virgin when he went with 30 women (most of them hors) before her and cheated a few times with hors during the marriage life
gee, I wonder why....:rolleyes:


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2008
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Your model of righteousness is your mom. Your model of sin is how your mom didnt sin. The model of how and when you have sex is the way your mom did it. You are masturbating the way your mom wants you to. (etc.)
Your mom is director of your life. You have an inner wish to relive hers. To live up to her standards. You CANT do otherwise.
You reject your father. Your mom is good, perfect and flawless. Your father is bad and entirely flawed. There is only emptyness between opposites. Your mom is your female AND male rolemodel. You hate things that are male and especially female (dont you sometimes just want to ...rrrrwwrr that wh0re?). You relive the martyrdom of your mom (the light) who is the victim of your father (darkness). There are only two types of women: madonnas and wh0res.

Does anything look out of place to you?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
As usual, you have nothing constructive to contribute and are just trolling my threads.
I wasn't the one defining what 'slvt' is. You better go apologize to your mom.

My mom was a virgin until she married my dad and then lost it with him.
Tell your mother what you think a slvt is, and see how she responds.

Generally, you do not see women waiting until marriage to lose their virginity and have sex and they are just basically behaving like hors. Anyway, part of me agrees to this in some level to accept that this is hetrosexual reality and if I want to get laid myself I have to get over any judgmental attitude and try not to express it to any potential prospects, but another part says this is a major stickling point that just adds another dimension to an internal conflict that will continue to help me self-sabatogue my chances of getting laid or finding a girlfriend that I want since there will always be a foundational element of disrespect as it's likely, like most women, she slept around.
We're not in biblical times anymore. Get it in your head that its the year 2009 and men and women can have sex without marriage.
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