Renewed goals for this sector - aspiring DJ.

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Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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I just don't understand how you can been on these forums for so long, yet not have learnt anything and still be so deluded. 2000 posts! You spend an unhealthy amount of time discussing trivial crap on these forums rather than going out and living your life. Just like Capedcrusader, you spew bull**** on things limiting you pschologically. It's your fault that your life isn't changing because you are not making an effort to change it.

I think there should be a rule on this forum, anyone who just "does not get it" after spending so long asking questions, spewing bull****, not learning a thing and even regressing should be banned. The are obviously not trying hard enough or are lost causes. I appreciate the generosity of some forum members for struggling in vain to help these people, but I think it's time to pull the plug on them. There is no point staying here if you are not going to learn or even try to learn. Luke Skywalker comes onto these forums with a closed mind and stern (and wrong) beliefs about women he is unwilling to shake. He claims he is trying to learn, but we know this is a lie because he is still refusing to let go of his deluded beliefs after all this time spent on the forum.

Let's pull the plug people.
May 23, 2006
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CaptianJ -- is another big mouth on here. He has written four threads. Two of which is how to get a girl that has a boyfriend, and one about getting used by a girl who is an attention ho that has an ex-boyfriend. On top of that, he gives advice on pulling girls without saying anything about who he is.

I don't mind criticism, but if it's stupid, I'll research you and I'll fry you if you can not authenticate yourself.

I think other comments on here are helpful because at least people are trying to get to the bottom of whatever it is I'm saying on here. First it was StevenR who provided the 'mamma's boy' feedback -- but then I disagreed, I think there is more too it than that because I know a guy who lives at home that's good with the ladies (stated on another thread), and do not feel any relationship came apart primarily due to the set-up. I've explained that there is some sort of hidden 'black and white' thinking process that's to blame for most crash & burns. I am serious about dealing with it, if it can be dealt with.
Iambrian81 appeared to call some 'madonna/hor complex' in another thread. I didn't notice it at first, but it appears there really is a 'madonna/hor' complex.

You'll notice that I took particular notice to one of slickaz's threads about a "Christian" girl who was determined to wait until marriage and how I got emotionally involved in that thread. That's the black and white thinking process right in action. There are many conquests on here -- and I only zeroed on the one that appealed to the 'madonna/hor' complex. It's a real inner game issue. Do not know how to deal with it. I'm either view women as ugly, madonnas or hors, there is no fourth category -- really, I don't wish it to be this way but I'm sort of stuck.

When I start getting flamed for trying to figure myself out, from the likes of CaptianJ here, then what's the whole point? Within the context of my 'stern' beliefs, I do have a sex drive, and want to have generally happy interactions with the opposite sex without crossing any lines. If all women want is sex, or me to be suave enough to pursue sex from them by playing some game in disarming their defence mechanisms and gaining their trust long enough until I get laid, then I'm not very interested in those types of women.
May 23, 2006
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Bible_Belt said:
My last girlfriend I would bet has been with probably a couple hundred guys.

Damn, was she ever good in bed. I never used a condom, either :eek:
Such a girl would not fit into a 'madonna' scheme. Now, supposed she lied and said she was a virgin. Would you have looked at her differently?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
If all women want is sex, or me to be suave enough to pursue sex from them by playing some game in disarming their defence mechanisms and gaining their trust long enough until I get laid, then I'm not very interested in those types of women.
So you're not interested in women. How do you feel about homosexuality?

Just something to think about.
May 23, 2006
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Alle_Gory said:
So you're not interested in women. How do you feel about homosexuality?

Just something to think about.
Again you take something I say, twist it completely out of context and I'm beginning to think this is done deliberately. If you haven't caught on by now, I think I'm referring to the 'good-girl' and 'madonna' thing here.

Anyway, here is a great link that addressed some inner game RESENTMENT that I have towards women:

What makes a good player is someone who is somehow good at hiding this RESENTMENT. What makes me really suck is I'm bad at hiding this resentment and it just comes out as though I get more of a kick out of berating (sometimes unintentionally) someone then getting laid.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2008
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Because it not about trying to PRETEND to not be resentful, its about not BEING resentful. Big difference which is beyond you atm.
The resentment you have towards women, which I suggested in my previous post and you confirm now, springs from your mother. She is the model for all women in the world. This resentment is your mothers anger towards other women. Its your anger towards your mother.
Its blatantly obvious to everyone here but I dont think you can see that.
May 23, 2006
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bornyesterday said:
Because it not about trying to PRETEND to not be resentful, its about not BEING resentful. Big difference which is beyond you atm.
The resentment you have towards women, which I suggested in my previous post and you confirm now, springs from your mother. She is the model for all women in the world. This resentment is your mothers anger towards other women. Its your anger towards your mother.
Its blatantly obvious to everyone here but I dont think you can see that.
I'm not angry at my mom on any issue. I'd just leave this house if I were.

Anyway, I don't know. Tyler Durden (Real Social Dynamics) was quoted as saying somewhere, I think on Style's "The Game" book as resenting women because he had most of his lays with married women, or women with boyfriends -- or that they were easier than singles to get laid. There are even people who post on here, and I put a thread as a reference:

Deep down inside, even people who are players somewhere have these sort of resentments or attitudes, which leads me to believe that they are just better at hiding it and putting on a mask.

Without getting into debate -- the purpose of these last two pages is just to identify inner game issues. The link I posted earlier on 'innergamereframing' appears to hit an issue on the bullseye. To reiterate, I'm looking women as either madonnas or hors, and what's worst, I make them feel like hors if I perceive them as hors, and I'm totally asexual or put on a strong religious (and thus be disinterested completely in sex) face if I perceive them as madonnas. Both treatments are recepies to disaster. This usually doesn't appear to raise it's ugly head often, but once in a blue moon. Perhaps, when women know my background, that I'm a virgin, and my set-up here, they are even more sensitive about whether I feel they are a hor or not as they are cogniscent of some sort of strict standard somewhere.

I think that this is just one major inner game issue. Will get to that later if it raises itself up again. Since this only happens if I get close to a girl (i.e. dating them or something like that), and I'm not dating anyone really right now - no big deal.

Now I'm moving on to the stated goals of this thread to March 3rd unless there are further insights about myself to be learned.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
Again you take something I say, twist it completely out of context and I'm beginning to think this is done deliberately. If you haven't caught on by now, I think I'm referring to the 'good-girl' and 'madonna' thing here.
Hahahah. Well, excuse me for not understanding your twisted thoughts. If you keep this up, you'll have your own dialect.

I understood that you only like virgins, and you resent all other women. Well guess what? Most women are not virgins. You're going to have to accept this. This is the world we live in. You either learn to accept it and thrive in it, or face obscurity.

What makes a good player is someone who is somehow good at hiding this RESENTMENT. What makes me really suck is I'm bad at hiding this resentment and it just comes out as though I get more of a kick out of berating (sometimes unintentionally) someone then getting laid.
The players and DJs on this board have already told you what you need, and you choose to ignore everyone and make up your own sh*t. Don't think you know what a player is supposed to be like. You are currently living in your own little 'world' because you choose not to accept reality.

I'm not twisting anything. This would imply I have malicious intent to lead you astray. You're already there. Nobody can hurt you or hate you as much as you already have. We're all pitching in to try and pull your sorry, worthless ass out.

I am curious as to your fate.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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Luke Skywalker said:
CaptianJ -- is another big mouth on here. He has written four threads. Two of which is how to get a girl that has a boyfriend, and one about getting used by a girl who is an attention ho that has an ex-boyfriend. On top of that, he gives advice on pulling girls without saying anything about who he is.

I don't mind criticism, but if it's stupid, I'll research you and I'll fry you if you can not authenticate yourself.

When I start getting flamed for trying to figure myself out, from the likes of CaptianJ here, then what's the whole point? Within the context of my 'stern' beliefs, I do have a sex drive, and want to have generally happy interactions with the opposite sex without crossing any lines. If all women want is sex, or me to be suave enough to pursue sex from them by playing some game in disarming their defence mechanisms and gaining their trust long enough until I get laid, then I'm not very interested in those types of women.
The fact that you look up my previous threads does you no merit whatsoever. And I also don't see the relevance. Bringing up those threads does not "fry" me because they are perfectly good threads, in which i try to address my problems, and one in which I give back to the community by helping people out. You on the other hand are just making this community your emotional tampon.

I'm not trying to flame you, I'm just stating the obvious that you are deluded and we cannot help you. You cannot even help yourself because you don't try. What's the point of coming on here if you are not even going to try and will hold onto your deluded beliefs for dear life with a closed mind?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Luke Skywalker said:
I think other comments on here are helpful because at least people are trying to get to the bottom of whatever it is I'm saying on here. First it was StevenR who provided the 'mamma's boy' feedback -- but then I disagreed, I think there is more too it than that because I know a guy who lives at home that's good with the ladies (stated on another thread), and do not feel any relationship came apart primarily due to the set-up.

Fine, so you want a "nice" Christian virgin girl to marry, they are probably few and far between but I suppose if you looked really hard you can find one. The even bigger problem for you is that once you do find one you can't keep her attracted, and this is primarily because of your mommy issues. Lets take this thread that you mentioned-

You'll notice that I took particular notice to one of slickaz's threads about a "Christian" girl who was determined to wait until marriage and how I got emotionally involved in that thread. That's the black and white thinking process right in action. There are many conquests on here -- and I only zeroed on the one that appealed to the 'madonna/hor' complex.
He successfully seduced a nice virgin girl and when he got in her panties it got your panties in a bunch too. Based on what you have told us in the past, this is how it would have gone down if you had been in her apartment and not Slickaz-
if you didn't get mad at her and call her a hor for suggesting sex when you two were living together, which you might have done and would have ended it right there with her by insulting her, then you would probably say something stupid and psycho like reveal to her that you think your mother is an oracle from God, and you have to have your mothers permission before you can have oral sex with her. You may also start discussing things with her like the fleshlight and your masturbation schedule. Needless to say, it would not take long before this woman realizes that you are completely psycho and she will run away from you and to a guy like Slickaz as fast as she can get her panties back on.
From what you have reported, it actually sounds like you have the basic skills to get women, you have made out with several. The reason it doesn't go further is because you either find out that they are hors, or if they are "nice" Christian virgins the above interaction takes place at some point and they run like hell to get away from you. If you were making an honest effort, you were an otherwise normal guy, and for some reason women were just not attracted to you, then I would feel for you, but since that isn't the case here, you know what you need to do, even if it involves getting professional help. Since you refuse to make the drastic attitude and life changes necessary to fix your problem I no longer feel inclined to give you advice, and frankly you deserve to be ridiculed on here. Perhaps the ridicule by others is what you need to finally change. Until then this is probably all you have to look forward to:
May 23, 2006
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StevenR said:
Fine, so you want a "nice" Christian virgin girl to marry, they are probably few and far between but I suppose if you looked really hard you can find one.
That would seem like an ideal scenerio. For the record, I did attract a Christian virgin girl who didn't fvck with my head by going with other people around. However, she was not a kissing virgin as she kissed guys before.

That's ok, I got my first french kiss from her anyway. This was after the AFF thing. This was the first 'test' case of going out with a Christian college student virgin girl. She even had the same last name as the oneitis and felt I was sort of using her as a rebound since the oneitis really turned south.

I even gave her a souviner I bought for my oneitis from Italy, and gave it to her instead. Anyway, she was not as pretty as the oneitis, but she was certainly decent looking.

This one eventually just faded out as I was not romantic enough for her, or chasing her enough. It's like I wasn't either into her enough or was really serious about putting in allot of time into the "relationship" aspect.

She asked me if I loved her by email and it sort of came apart there bit by bit. After that experience, that was the closest I've got to a "relationship".

StevenR said:
The even bigger problem for you is that once you do find one you can't keep her attracted, and this is primarily because of your mommy issues.
I swear that no girl ever rejected me on momma issues or the set-up. It's always because I either made them feel like a hor by something I said, or because it didn't seem I was really into them as I should be.

StevenR said:
He successfully seduced a nice virgin girl and when he got in her panties it got your panties in a bunch too. Based on what you have told us in the past, this is how it would have gone down if you had been in her apartment and not Slickaz
if you didn't get mad at her and call her a hor for suggesting sex when you two were living together, which you might have done and would have ended it right there with her by insulting her, then you would probably say something stupid and psycho like reveal to her that you think your mother is an oracle from God, and you have to have your mothers permission before you can have oral sex with her. You may also start discussing things with her like the fleshlight and your masturbation schedule. Needless to say, it would not take long before this woman realizes that you are completely psycho and she will run away from you and to a guy like Slickaz as fast as she can get her panties back on.
I never got a woman mad by calling her a hor. It's usually more subconcious manifestation by making certain statements. I would never call a woman a hor conciously. The other scenerios you are saying are absurd. I know when I'm shooting myself on the foot. It's the subconcious stuff that comes out the wrong way when you don't intend it to come out that's more of a stickling point.

Furthermore, if a woman offered sex to me, I would not call her a hor. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. This likely wont happen in the first place since I'd likely be talking about religious things rather than sex. When talking about asexual items it really helps ensure there is no mood.

I would not act in the manner you described above. I'd say that I would have allot less motivation than slickaz, because slickaz is a fornicator, while I am not. I'd rather be compared with maxtro and bible_belt since we are on the same page and in general are just looking for a more balanced and happy life or adjustment rather than focusing on conquests.

However, I would feel that situations as portrayed in slickaz's thread will accentuate a latent madonna/hor complex and the black and white thinking that supports that complex. Such situations are also interplayed when you just hear rumours of people, such as in my gym, sleeping with each other, etc.... or whatever. I almost could not talk to a receptionist at the gym because she slept with someone. But when a gay janitor hit on me afterwards, I changed my mind and said she's cool, I'll be more nicer to her next time.

This is what I'm talking about. It's not a concious thing, but a subconcious process.

StvenR said:
From what you have reported, it actually sounds like you have the basic skills to get women, you have made out with several. The reason it doesn't go further is because you either find out that they are hors, or if they are "nice" Christian virgins the above interaction takes place at some point and they run like hell to get away from you.
That interaction does not take place. I just tend to be more asexual or religious because I wouldn't think they are into that stuff, like a hor would.

StevenR said:
If you were making an honest effort, you were an otherwise normal guy, and for some reason women were just not attracted to you, then I would feel for you, but since that isn't the case here, you know what you need to do, even if it involves getting professional help.
I am making an honest effort to talk about 'inner game' issues. This is a side goal of this thread. However, you know what, maybe I have to study with specific 'resentment' issues that most guys seem to have that kills their inner game. I'll be looking at the link I found, and other internet or books that deals with this inner game issue. See a shrink -- I told you I don't have aspergers, I'm nornal.

StevenR said:
Since you refuse to make the drastic attitude and life changes necessary to fix your problem I no longer feel inclined to give you advice, and frankly you deserve to be ridiculed on here. Perhaps the ridicule by others is what you need to finally change. Until then this is probably all you have to look forward to:
Hey, I already read all documentaries about that and have a blow-up doll I used once just to imagine being naked in the same room with another woman.
Don't care.

What drastic attitudes and life changes are you talking about? Again nobody makes any sence.

What attitude change are you talking about? What life changes are you talking about? People can not give me advice against my faith, or any godly structure. Can only work around the established boundaries.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Luke you have serious mother issues. From what I've read, your mother is the sole reason why you didn't hook up with girls because either she disproved or you thought that she would. You really need to stop talking to your mom about things you know she will disprove of and JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE!

Go ahead and have sex with a slut, don't talk to your mom about it or even worry about what she might think about it, just do it. I've done some crazy things in my life. Do you think my parents or anybody from my family knows what I've done? Hell no! The only thing they know is that I have problems getting girls and have never had a girlfriend. For all the know, they might think I'm still a virgin.

Reading this thread, you have had several opportunities to hook up with real women. I wish I had those chances. Would I have gone through with it? Fuck yeah! Hell I haven't even kissed a girl since 2004. You are at least generating enough attraction to make out. Do not let your mom or your religion hold you back.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
Wall of text.
I was going through it, but I don't think you deserve a response.

You're either a troll or pscyhotic. Until you decide to change that you need to get off these forums. I'm putting in a request for the mods to ban you, and I kindly ask that those members reading this thread do the same.

This community does not need selfish, stubborn people like you here.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2008
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You keep saying you do not have mother issues and you and your mother get along fine.

That is completley beyond the point. The mother issue has nothing to do with how you get along, it is MUCH deeper than that. Your relationship with your mother is not healthy at all (as much as you think it is). It actually saddens me to read about the way she controls you. Oracle from God? :confused: You should get away from your mother and live your own life (Not to say you can't have a relationship with her, but you need to be your OWN man).

Do you/did you have any male role models in your life (Father, uncle etc ? )


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Even if you don't have Asberger's, you still have issues that I think require professional help before you being on this board will be more than a waste of time for everyone involved.
If you were serious about moving forward, the first thing you would do is move out of your mothers house. That is a drastic change, but a simple one assuming you have the finances to do so. If not, well, your friend who gets tail while still living with the folks, I am sure he doesn't ask his mothers permission. It is not appropriate, and in fact, rather bizarre, to be discussing these things with your mother at your age.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2008
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When I am making out I also like to take a 'short' break. I get my bible out of my bag and let her read some of the psalms. It gets me hard. After that we talk some politics and ethics. This will take only about 10 to 15 minutes. Then I explain to her exactly what my religious beliefs are, what my future plans and ambitions are, my relationship with my parents, and at last how I have planned the sexual act with her (and when I'm really hot I explain to her how I like to masturbate) and we rehearse this plan minute by minute. Around this time when we get to it I usually already came in my pants.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
What attitude change are you talking about? What life changes are you talking about? People can not give me advice against my faith, or any godly structure. Can only work around the established boundaries.
Thats exactly the problem. You cannot communicate with us. We cannot communicate with you. Your established boundaries are unacceptable to us. We cannot 'help' you without us going over your boundaries. As they are absurd to us, unreal. We all have a hard time to take you seriously at all. There is a great divide, a clash of paradigms/realities. If you're unwilling to question your basic beliefs about scripture, about the role of religion in your life, about the role of your mother in your life we cannot have this discussion. Its the end of it.

Go and write somewhere else. On some orthodox christian forum where they understand your small minded jibberish. They are used to groupthink and thought that grew in isolation of the real world. They will probably condemn your sexual urges and thoughts, but you make it clear that's less important to you.

We accept only sinners here. Sod off.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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bornyesterday said:
When I am making out I also like to take a 'short' break. I get my bible out of my bag and let her read some of the psalms. It gets me hard. After that we talk some politics and ethics. This will take only about 10 to 15 minutes. Then I explain to her exactly what my religious beliefs are, what my future plans and ambitions are, my relationship with my parents, and at last how I have planned the sexual act with her (and when I'm really hot I explain to her how I like to masturbate) and we rehearse this plan minute by minute. Around this time when we get to it I usually already came in my pants.
Great stuff, except I would read the Song of Solomon to them, that will do better than Psalms to get them really horny and in the mood.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
What attitude change are you talking about? What life changes are you talking about? People can not give me advice against my faith, or any godly structure. Can only work around the established boundaries.
I have already mentioned this before.

1. You choose not to question ANYTHING.
Your mother, your current situation, your scriptures. The first step to change is questioning. You aren't even past the first step in three years. You don't have to throw away your religion, that is a personal choice. You need to get out of the house and away from your codependent relationship on your mother.

Cue: Story about your friend who gets laid and lives at home.

2. You give advice. You know nothing
. You give advice.

3. Your way of talking. You cannot communicate with us. You need to structure the thoughts in your head so we can understand. You use too much useless verbiage. Here's a tip: Get to the point. Make your paragraphs have a point of communication.

4. Your victim mentality. You did this to yourself. You're the one who chose to stay home, you're the one who chooses to listen to mother, you're the one who continues this. Then you come here and give us sh*t for telling you its a bad idea. Guess what? We try to help you. We try to tell you to get your ass out of the house and get working on something. You don't want to fvck women, that's your choice. This board is about self improvement at the core. Problem is you don't want that either. You don't want to do anything different.

5. Your lack of respect to people. Most women who fvck men are not hos. We are not sinners. We don't follow your stupid little book. You know the one that promotes sacrifice and slavery among other things? Not only that but there are people here of other religions. Have some respect and you might get some in return.

You alienated any allies you might have had on this board with 4. Victim mentality, and 5. Lack of respect. You are alone. I think this is what you were aiming for.

You and your godly structures need to leave.

Does this answer your questions?
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