Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 32nd, 2039.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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No we're not really bandwagoning we're trying to stir you into action.

Of course I know you don't ask her father to court her, its called sarcasm. People use that sometime.

Basically I think I speak for everyone when I say the time for plans, and evaluations and studies are over. You need to just to get up and get to action. Otherwise, you'll be sitting there evaluating forever because the "find romance" schemes will never stop.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
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Luke Skywalker said:
In an ideal world or vacuum I can see your point. But this is not the case with me. My time is valuable. Time is money. Good investment in time is even better money. It doesn't make sense to approach 1000 women - I'd rather spend money and re-vamp my online profile and efficiently meet quality women from the net and use the rest of the time in an efficient manner. Online dating has to be the most time-efficient concept - and when there is spare time - usually within 'breaks' or after I'm finished for the day - then I can tackle it.
A thousand approaches in a year is a little over three a day, or if you're going out three times a week, it's about 7 approaches. 7 approaches in a night is VERY LITTLE. If each is 15 minutes long (extremely improbably, since out of the seven you approach, a little under half typically hook), it would take you about two hours on a night out.

Is two hours, while you're out on the town, too much to ask? You need to fit your sarging between your trolling breaks?


Don Juan
May 25, 2007
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The title of this thread is just absolutely hilarious. Why Feb. 3, 2008? That is just straight up funny, dude. Good luck to you, regardless of how you came up with that specific date.
May 23, 2006
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total_afc said:
The title of this thread is just absolutely hilarious. Why Feb. 3, 2008? That is just straight up funny, dude. Good luck to you, regardless of how you came up with that specific date.
In a nutshell, it's just before Valentine's day.

There are basically three dates in this 'green book' system, October 25, February 3rd and March 3rd, where I make decisions on policies with respect to porn/masturbation/casual hookups, etc... based on various experiences within the sectors.

At this current time, it's 'illegal' for me to look at any porn pics, or anything on the internet, I have a three-strike system on masturbating in the day time (which is re-set at the end of the month), and a coupon system where I'm rewarded money if I dont masturbate during the night. This policy will be reviewed again on October 25th.

However, since I've experienced a french kiss with someone, or had some nice intimate experience, then I would have a hard policy this year where I'm not going to 'legalize' any sort of thing going into the month of November this year - at best, if there is no relationship, there would be a 3-strike policy on porn viewing, legal masturbation from October 1st to December 31st. A document was signed guaranteeing I'm not going to do anything of that nature this year (i.e. put up an ad on an adult website, look at any hardcore or any type of porn with no restrictions, go with a hooker, go on a sex tour, etc.....) inside that book since this sector is fulfilled.

When it resets again after October 25st, that's another sector going up to February 3rd, 2008, where that agreement is expired. If I'm unsuccessful to get any relationship, get net positive interactions, or get some really nice intimate experience, then again, I may legalise this stuff starting February 10th, 2008, and allow that within the parameters.

In theory, because I may allow myself to do something, doesn't mean I have to do it or carry on with it myself, especially if it's blatantly immoral - in practise, it seems if I allow myself to do something, I usually do it unless it challenges a boundary that I'm comfortable with - usually, what ends up happening is the boundaries go further and further in a vector. For example, one year I may not be comfortable going into an adult video store - a following year, I may have just rented my first adult video. Or, one year (Nov / 05), I may have tried to go with a hooker, but aborted when her pimp or some guy answered the phone when I called for directions. Or, one year, I may have contemplated a casual hook-up (with all the motivations to go ahead in the book, revenge, dont have to pay for it, etc...), but aborted when talking it over with my dad. In order to keep things in quarantened order, it's kept in some sort of 'legal system' because I'm worried of a prospect of a porn/sex addiction destroying my life and it's more interesting when I have 'celibate zones' and zones which challenge that I guess.

So, in essence, I may allow further boundary testing if this doesn't work out at the end of the day.
May 23, 2006
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Flabbergasped? said:
A thousand approaches in a year is a little over three a day, or if you're going out three times a week, it's about 7 approaches. 7 approaches in a night is VERY LITTLE. If each is 15 minutes long (extremely improbably, since out of the seven you approach, a little under half typically hook), it would take you about two hours on a night out.

Is two hours, while you're out on the town, too much to ask? You need to fit your sarging between your trolling breaks?
It's not that simple, if you are doing a real approach, with all the analytical stuff that goes on in my mind, what usually happens is too much time is wasted worrying and thinking about approaches and it defeats it's purpose.

A more sane policy is to go out for 30 minutes a day, but dedicate that time for approaches - if you make one approach great, if more, even better, if you dont, then you work on other sort of exercises where hopefully you'll be more comfortable the following day.

If you really say three approaches, then first problem is target selection, then the second problem is worrying about an opener and if you are going to come across like a dork, assuming you manage to even get her attention without some coughed up 'hi' that she misses completely, etc....

The third, and perhaps most valid of all problem is cold approaching really sucks. You dont know if the target is actively looking for a guy, wants to be approached by a stranger, and if you will even be able to get her trust given she really doesn't know anything about you. I still think the online thing is the way to go for now and since I've already purchased products that I have to test out before applying for a refund, I owe it to myself to at least 'get it over with' before trying out any different sort of stuff.

I do agree with spending 30 minutes of time per day on approaches no matter how many approaches are made. Really - all you need is one good approach - unless you mean to refer to doing some warm-up approaches or small scale approaches (i.e asking for time, directions or saying 'hi' and ejecting).


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
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I think it's awesome that you are becoming motivated in improving your life, but I think you are taking way too long.

Also, you are getting a lot of responses, a lot of them are negative, but a lot make sense and are good for you. You aren't taking in very many, and most of the posts you have made in this thread as actually a response to something someone else said that you feel compelled to argue with, rather than updates on how you are going with your goal of getting laid.

I may be wrong, because quite frankly, no, I didn't read the whole 12 page thread of your opinion against his opinion posts, so I am going to offer some advice to you, feel free to take it or leave it. Note that no, I am not in your position, no I am not better or worse off than you, and no I don't claim to have massive experience or success therefore you should listen to me.

First thing,

You need to move out.

Have you got a job? It really isn't hard to move out, get a few mates together, or even put out a public note or something stating you need a room mate! It really isn't that much trouble, get your ass out there, get a job (if you don't have one) that can support you, go find a place, find a room mate if you need one and bam. You no long carry around the embarrassing status of "Living at home with mom".

I know a lot of guys that live in really flashy apartments, with pools, spas, gyms the whole lot, and they are paying hardly anything because they share it with a room mate. If you want to move out, I suggest you find someone you get along with well to share the rent with.


About your online gaming.

I actually have "Net2Bed", and can you believe it, I haven't even read it yet.

Why? Because I'd rather be out there making approaches and getting good at social interactions and improving my game.

Not online game.

You have to always keep in mind that real game, as in, game that doesn't require the internet, the phone, txt messaging, myspace, facebook any of that ****, I mean "I'm here, you're here, let's mingle" game is much more important. The skillset required is much harder to master, but in the end the payoff is much better.

Plus, what sort of person do you want to demonstrate? You have to understand that EVERYTHING you do affects you're social value. Which has higher value? Telling your friends that you pick up chicks online, or meeting and successfully gaming hot women in front of their awe stricken faces?

Also, here is the much more serious problem.

You are avoiding social interactions, you may not know it consciously, but you are making a big deal out of something very little. You keep going on about online gaming, and that is subconsciously making it harder for you to believe that success with street sarging or night game is achievable.

Believe it or not, if you are so unwilling to make a few approaches than spend a few hours on your online profile, you are avoiding what most DJ ans PUAs would consider "Normal" gaming. Face to face, spontaneous, more ballsy. You have to get your social skills up to speed before you consider gaming online.

Also, once you master your social skills, gaming online will become easier to you. There are a lot of guys in our local lair that have slept with over 100 different women, some have blown past it. And they are now realizing that it's becoming easier and easier, because of their social skill set, they find it easy to score women out in clubs, online, on the street, whatever.

Gaming online is more of a bonus, it's not what you should dedicate the majority of your spare time on.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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In order to keep things in quarantened order, it's kept in some sort of 'legal system' because I'm worried of a prospect of a porn/sex addiction destroying my life and it's more interesting when I have 'celibate zones' and zones which challenge that I guess.
In other words, no matter what kind of advice we give you, it's fvcking useless since you've developed your own "legal system" of when and how you get laid. And this "legal system" is implanted in your brain because you're afraid of having sex or becoming a sexual human being.

As long as you're working against your own goals, nobody on this site nor any dating self-help product will help you. Unless you quit playing this stupid childish game with yourself, you're going to remain a hopeless human being.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
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I've never been able to decide if luke is a real troll or not. His philosophy and situation just seem too sad to be true. Are some people really this hopeless?

He's like a male version of the 1970's Carrie movie. Except, ya know Carrie went out on a date with a high status guy and he actually fell for her. I wonder if his mom is going to try to kill him with a knife for being interested in women?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Mintyfresh said:
I've never been able to decide if luke is a real troll or not. His philosophy and situation just seem too sad to be true. Are some people really this hopeless?...
It is what it is. It just proves that every person defines their own reality.
May 23, 2006
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Mintyfresh said:
His philosophy and situation just seem too sad to be true. Are some people really this hopeless?
And I guess that's why they call it the blues. - elton john.

Heart Break Kid

Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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In hell. I'm Satan's lover.
I'd rather not read the whole thread but if you approached 10 girls a day since May 3rd that would be way over 500 girls. On MASF a field tested survey was done and for an average 7 guy just going up to girls in a club and straight up asking for sex, roughly 1 in 25 say yes. That's more than 20 girls already. I can't understand what is with all the buying e-books and other trivial crap.
May 23, 2006
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Heart Break Kid said:
I'd rather not read the whole thread but if you approached 10 girls a day since May 3rd that would be way over 500 girls. On MASF a field tested survey was done and for an average 7 guy just going up to girls in a club and straight up asking for sex, roughly 1 in 25 say yes. That's more than 20 girls already. I can't understand what is with all the buying e-books and other trivial crap.
First of all, people in that mASF study do not straight up ask for sex, they ask - what is your first name, and assuming they give it, they say "Great, now that we know each other on a first name basis, would you like to fvck?".

Second of all - I'm only into day-game and not night-game so clubs and bars are out. In clubs/bars you can expect a certain type of crowd. But if you try this in churches, bookstores, malls, etc... I dont think the numbers would work out the same since people have many different values about sex out there.

Thirdly, the downside risk is rather high. You may as well say, if I go out and randomly grope strangers in public, my secretary, and every woman around, that maybe one of them will like it and encourage me to continue doing it and start a fondling session leading to whatever. Sure, maybe one girl may like it, but maybe I could also get charged for sexual assault, could get hit by her or her boyfriend, slapped in the face or whtaever.

Same thing with that type of approach - if a girl is offended, you could get a drink thrown on your face, a slap in the face, beaten up by her boyfriend, she could call the police and make a complaint of sexual harassment (lesser charge then sexual assault - but you really want to risk a criminal record - I'm an agent, if I have any sexual assault/harassment charge on record, I wont be able to practise, it's better for me just to use a hooker for that matter since it's legal and nobody can say anything.)

As everyone is already aware, I'm quite risk-adverse as it is. If you do a normal approach, the risk involved in negligable, the worst case, the woman just ignores you and that's it. But if you hit the wrong woman at the wrong time with that type of approach or groping her, then it sounds like a land-mine about to go off.

When you have to start worrying about potential land-mines in an approach game because the approach is too aggressive - then it's not for me. And why would I go around begging for sex anyway? I'm above that. It sounds like begging for change and asking around everywhere for that. It's better to just go to a prostitute than to make a public spectacle of yourself as you'd just look like someone who either cant afford a prostitute or has problems with the idea of paying for sex if you are going to start harassing the public directly like that.

1:25 bar scene, maybe, but day-game - it's playing with fire, and if any one of them really goes bad - well -- you know what - what's the difference between groping random girls and coming with an approach like that?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Luke - You're gay, you just haven't admitted it to yourself.
May 23, 2006
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Mintyfresh said:
Where do you live that prostitution is legal?
In Canada it's legal to pay for sex as long as you do not actually solicit for business. Direct soliciting or negotiating on the street is not legal. But there is an escort industry that sort of has it's own terminology, review boards, etc... so in that respect it's legal.

The laws here discourage street prostitution, but are neutral towards the escort industry. It makes sence, because it sort of runs down an area of there are a bunch of drug dealers and prostitutes that are intimidating local residence trying to raise families. But the escort industry on the other hand does not pose any threat to anyone on the community scale and is just confined to whoever is participating in it. It's also much safter. Street prostitution has lots of dangers about it since you cant trace who is seeing who, while the escort - anyone can be traced going in (incall), or where they are going to meet the people (outcall).

When I refer to prostitution on my thread, I"m referring to the escort varient, not street prostitution.
May 23, 2006
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I'm trying to set up a photo shoot for next monday - costs me about $ 200.

I've taken a short pause on the net2bed thing until I get the photos in since I want to see if the photo experience would be cool, besides I'm busy. I'm at minimal momentum, and if I were going any slower I'd ask for a refund and forget about the whole thing.

Again, people have questioned my sincerety about the 'getting laid' thing, especially if I have back-up plan ideas if it doesn't work to go with a loose girl, hooker, or sex-tour, and of course, porn viewing.

But, I reiterate again, I'm not looking to get laid with anyone who is sleeping around, but am looking for a high quality attractive type of girl to score and see where it goes. I've already had opportunities before to get laid, but the girls were either too ugly, or sleeping around too much to even be defined as any sort of conquest other than a desperate attempt of getting an mercy lay with an easy girl crying 'virgin SOS' - which is just a notch above paying a hooker. So, I'm quite sincere with my goal here. I dont want to start go back to zero-game desperation to find a mercy-lay crying 'virgin SOS' (although some may argue that crying 'virgin' is a game in itself) and hope I can get somewhere before the date that's set there.

And, to me, a girl that will sleep with a guy that asks if she wants to fvck him, doesn't sound like any quality girl that I'd be interested in, because if she says 'yes' to me and does it on something like that, she has to be loaded with STD's and doing this with a tonne of other guys.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
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Melbourne, Australia
Luke Skywalker said:
And, to me, a girl that will sleep with a guy that asks if she wants to fvck him, doesn't sound like any quality girl that I'd be interested in, because if she says 'yes' to me and does it on something like that, she has to be loaded with STD's and doing this with a tonne of other guys.
I knew there would be a reason I'd regret checking out this thread.

(a) Pay for it.
(b) Find a horny drunk girl, take her home, and do it.
(c) Find a bookish girl, lie and pretend you are a stud. Take her home and do it.
(d) Get a mercy lay from a nice friend and/or someone's mum, sister, ugly friend.

Ugly chicks may not be appealing, but I tell you, once you start touching and fondling and kissing, you'd be surprised what feelings occur all by themselves...if all else fails, take a shower together, followed by oil massage by candlelight. If that does not work, you gotta be gay man. :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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what is with this guy and STD's he is an idiot even after seeing the stats he thinks every young girl has an STD and he can catch it.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
