Well I woke up and whilst I didn't really feel shi*, I didn't feel psyched up for the gym. This was after I had had my usual breakfast. I decided f*** that, because I really wanted to PR on deads today. So I took a decent serving of creatine and tyrosine and an ultra strong cup of coffee. I also ate a little more carbs. It occured to me that cutting out the oj is actually taking away quite a bit of energy. I also decided that I'd splash out the £4 and get another bottle of ammonia, my last bottles' lid cracked a few weeks ago rendering it useless. After doing all this, I was feeling better about the gym. Here it is:
Deads 130x5 150x3 167.5kgx6 (369lbs) PR- Great set, and a two rep PR. I told myself that I must get 5 and PR. I had too, nothing else mattered in the gym apart from that. I even put deads first today to stay completley focused on them and give it everything. Well it was a pretty good set, the first couple of reps were good. 5 went up without too much trouble so I did 6, which wasn't the hardest rep I've ever done but pretty difficult. I think if I hadn't done the creatine etc and eaten a few more carbs, 5 would have been a struggle. But I needed this. I know I can do 170kgx5 now which is a good stepping stone, now I just need to do it. Then I need to nail 200kgx1. Soon...
DB oh press 24x5 30x3 34kgx5- I'm pretty happy with this. After the deads my forearms were fried and I was aiming to only get a rep with 34kg. After the warmups and ramping I had recovered enough to give it some effort. I could have gotten a little more had I waited a little, but I left it there. My mission was deads today, so I wasn't thinking too much about this. My best here is 7, so I am around that level. This hasn't moved in a while either, so I'm going to have to do something about that now.
Pulldowns 100kg 2x10- Chins have been feeling shi*ty recently, so I am going to switch for a little while. I might throw some bw chins in just to keep the movement fresh.
Kneeling rollouts +10kg 2x8- I didn't think 10kg would make it that much harder, but it did. If I get this up to +20kg 2x15 or so, I think standing for reps may be on the horizon.
Hip machines 1x20- These are easy now for the full stack (70kg). If I don't do them, my strength disappears on them. Doing a set or two every week to maintain it. I think it helps the dead/squat somewhat.
S.Bike 30 minutes HR 145-150- Pretty good. It's usually harder after weights, but I had more energy. Probably on account of the pre-workout "stack".
And that was it. I was going to do pec deck again, but someone went on just as I was about to and I didn't have time to wait. I don't mind doing it twice a week for a little while since it has been neglected somewhat. I may do it tommorow, I'll probably be in for cardio again. I could swear my pecs have actually improved in the last few weeks.
Got some alcar and b5 on the way at the moment. My skin isn't great at the moment, never really has been, but it's been worse latley. These supps improve fat metabolism, so apparently it can help. If it doesn't, at the very least it should boost fat burning (obviously). I've heard good things about alcar in particular on this. It is the rate limiting factor in fat transport or something like that.
I think I need to up the calories a little pre-weights at least. On Monday my strength was there but energy went down fast. The "stack" probably helps too. One last thing: The left quad is still funny, and the right knee has always bothered me a little. I am going to stretch the hell out of them over the next few days (I've been neglecting that) and see how it feels. I may have to can squatting/leg press or rework it somehow cause it isn't right at the moment.
That's all for today, great session. Probably cardio tommorow, until then...