Great session today. Here it is:
DB oh press 26x3 30x3 34kgx6- I think my best here is 7. I think if I had taken ammonia and gone for it, I could have PR'ed. Deads are just more of a priority for me.
Deads 125x3 140x3 162.5kgx8 (358lbs) PR- These were great again. I was in the groove. I weighed 178.8lbs this morning, so this is about bang on double bwx8. If it had known that before the set I'd probably have gone for 10 reps. I think 9 was there, 10?- who knows. That would have been sweet. But I am still happy with this, my previous best was only 5 reps. I'd rather do 8 this week though and leave a little in the tank, so that I can crush it next week. 172.5/380 next week. I know I can do it for 5, it just needs to be a day like today. Once I do that I'll be so close to 400 for 5 I might have to try and bulldozer it Kerpal style

Kneeling rollouts +15kgx10 PR- Left it there, was hard after deads.
Pulldowns 100kgx12x8 PR
Deadlifts 100kg 5x10
DB press 16kg 5 x10- Same as last week. One set of each, 60 s rest, repeat. It was easier this week.
And that was all. 200kg/440lbs will need to fall on the deads soon. I'm really happy with how deads are going the last few weeks. I've actually changed up what I am doing pre-workout and I think it is helping. I think I mentioned it last week. Basically eating a bit more, taking a lot of coffee, creatine, tyrosine, and now alcar/b5 as well. My mindset is just right for it at the moment as well.
On another note calories were low the last few days, perhaps too low. Today is high cal day. My weight is actually up to 178.8lbs from 178.4, which I find a little strange. I know it's 3 days, but I was pretty damned hungry a lot of the time. I guess I'll give it a few weeks. Strength was fine today though, so I'm not worried.
Not a lot else to say. Deads/bench are going well. Cardio tommorow, until then...