Decent day today. Here it is:
Db oh press 28x3 30x3 36kgx3/4- Failed on the 4th rep with my left. Right is still ahead by a bit.
Push press 60x1 70x1 80kgx1- I actually did this after the chins cause the bar wasn't available. Felt a bit fatigued by the 80, so I left it there. I may actually do these before the db work, not sure yet.
Chins BWx5 +10kgx8 Bwx5- The +10x8 ties my PR.
Deadlifts 125x5 145x3 165kgx5 (363lbs) PR (straps)- Pretty happy with this, although I need to keep it going. I've been stuck in the 160's for reps for too long. I think I probably could have done it without the straps, but I didn't want to chance it. If I could get 374x5 next cycle, that would be great. Approaching 400+x5.
Bi curls 40kgx6 20-25sx2
External rotations 14kgx10 20-25sx6 PR
Standing rolloutx1-

I finally managed to do a full standing rollout. It was an ugly rep, but I'll count it. Now I need to progress to reps. This is good news though, it should help the dead and squat.
Kneeling rolloutsx10
Hip machines 70kgx25- Was running out of time, just did one set and got out of there. Like I said last week, I think it is kg. Massive difference on a month ago, just need to keep doing them.
And that was it. Bw was 177lbs on Monday. Pretty happy with how today went. Pretty good to be hitting PR's having taken of 11 pounds of fat. I want to lose a couple more and then put on 10-20 pounds like I've said, but money is a big issue at the moment so the weight gain might have to wait a little while.
Added in a new supplement this week- vitamin d. There is a lot of talk about it in scientific circles at the moment. The main benefits for guy's like us is that your levels are heavily correlated with strength and tesosterone. I know for a fact that I will be deficient, especially living at this latitude. So I'm doing heavy dosing 10,000-20,000 iu per day for a month and then will taper too about 6000-7000 iu a day. If you read about it you will see a recommendation of about 5000iu, but that is an average. For guys that lift that are generally bigger, you will need more. There is a recommendation of about 35iu per pound of bw (Mercola). For me this is 180x35= 6300iu. Not 5000. Here is a Poliquin article on it:
He is now putting it ahead of fish oil. Yes you can make it from the sun, but only some of the year depending on where you live. I think it is only 3-4 months a year where I live. Ever wondered why flu and cold numbers go way up in the winter?
Even if you are a skeptic, the stuff is dirt cheap. Better to get your levels normal and be on the safe side. It is actually not a vitamin , but a pre-hormone (steroid class).
So yes, I will be interested to see if this helps my strength out at all. I dread to think what level I am at, but I can't afford a blood test. I'm aiming for at least 60ng/ml though which Dr. Cannell at says takes roughly 1000iu per 30pounds of bw, so at least 6000iu for me.
Pretty interesting stuff. For those that get no sun and don't use tanning beds it is a must by the looks of thing. For those that get sun but use a lot of suncream, it is a must. Suncream reduces your ability to synthesize vitamin d by 95%+. Depending on latitude as well, you might need it even more.
So it should take a month or two to get to optimal levels. With the high doses I'm aiming to at least get out of deficieny levels in the first month, depending on where I'm at.
Anyway, that is all for today. Cardio tommorow...