Yeah OK
@Barrister I'll think about why I'm here however you might consider why you and some others become SO emotionally triggered by my posts, and if they have no value to you, why not simply ignore?
Would that not be the most logical thing to do rather rather than waste time and energy responding with your protracted analysis on why I don't belong here?
Re my "advice" I'm curious what you find so 'wrong' and distasteful about it and again why it emotionally triggers you and some others?
I mean wtf, since when did being resilient, picking your ass up and carrying on after a break up, learning and growing from the experience become wrong? Which has been the essence of my posts on this thread, and some others.
If a man had posted that, you'd be applauding him. It's what mature evolved people do for chrissakes.
Not wallow and and carry the mindset and negative energy that there must be something "wrong" with you, referring to one of your posts about men and criticising me (and women in general) for not "owning " that and choosing instead to see the glass half full and learning from the experience. Lord.
You and the other poster who continually becomes ridiculously unhinged at my presence here but yet won't block are not the only men here.
For context I have received many DM's thanking me for my posts/advice, which I find interesting since they do so in DM's and not on the forum where others can see.
But whatever, I DO appreciate the validation, I own it and not ashamed of it.
I'm happy that what I have learned over the years has helped someone else in some small way, yes it makes me feel good knowing that.
If you find that wrong or "solipsistic" so be.
Anyway, I have said my piece on this thread. And will continue to post if I feel it might have value and help someone else in a positive way.