Naughty Ninja
Stagger Lee said:I've gotten numbers, but most them did not turn into meet ups. I'm just skeptical that MM would make any difference from the way I've been doing it. I'm not really even sure how his method works besides a rough outline since no one has given me their log in recently. I was tempted to allow someone to sign into my account and even spam but honestly I don't trust guys that far. I believe your pic is the decisive factor and there is no method or special words other than to be humorous and spam lots of chicks. I doubt using a diffrent method from the one I use would make any difference.
The problem with most dudes is they spam a funny opener. Then they KEEP trying to be funny, try to "outdo" the chicks responses, or go into chat buddies and fail. No time for chat. One funny opener. (She got it that you're 'funny' one time. No need to overdo it.) then ask how the sites going for them? (Most will 'complain'. They can't help it.) Then tell them you aren't on the site much as your busy. Feel free to leave me your number and I'll give you a call sometime. (Your real first name) smiley face. Then you keep it moving. After a while you start seeing replies with phone numbers. You call with a plan to meet up. No long phone conversations. Meet and escalate.
All you have to do is look your absolute best you can in your pictures. If you are below 6ft fudge it by two inches taller, always mark you're seriously looking for a relationship, you want kids, and set email filters to not accept messages from those who messaged for intimate encounters, married, friends, activity partner, and chat. You have to play the 'serious' role.
As far as age. Best ages for dudes are 22 to about 35. Period. Most chicks set age restrictions on who can message them by AGE and distance. I look like I'm about 30 can get away with 27. If you look much younger you can say fck it. You aren't really looking for a relationship with online chicks and TRUST me you DO NOT WANT one. (Chicks on there after a certain age either won't reply regardless due to your real age(email restriction) and or how you look in your pictures. And a lot of the older ones close to your real age are literally chicks who I wouldn't even bother spamming. Though some in beach areas have to still look good.)
I personally know two chicks when I was on there who wrote to me and I already knew them in real life for a while. BOTH were COMPLETE relationship disasters with several dudes I know personally as well. When I used online dating a long time ago to meet extra chicks EVERY ONE I MET no matter how good looking or not was a NUT JOB. Coincidence? NOT. Since I had several months ago re-set up a profile just to mess around for responses and troll on POF for kicks I figured out quickly how to get replies and numbers right away. Talking with countless chicks as God as my witness they were all screwed in the head. Court cases, baby daddy drama, pregnant, you name it. I wasn't wasting time bothering to meet them. Just amusing myself. But I figured..Hmmm let me see if I can do the same thing using other dudes pictures and profiles and if it still works....and it did.
The users who I did decided to meet these chicks and are getting laid. I made SURE to tell which I'm sure they are FULLY aware of by now that online chicks no matter how hot or not they are even in person are messed up and riding the c0ck carosel and to NOT get involved with them but for the lay.