Imma file you under the select few on this forum I consider "unhinged and not worth listening to". Also I don't know where you get the impression I don't have a phone...
I don't know what you're talking about either...I've been incredibly transparent with both this forum and the women I meet in my life that I live at home still. It's not ideal, I'm not happy about it, and I'm working on a more permanent solution so I don't end up back here again - but it is what it is.
This is also off-topic so I don't even know why you left this here...it'd be like giving me advice on writing an English paper when I'm asking for help with a math problem.
I used the term "plate" because this is somebody I am not regularly seeing or sleeping with. We are not dating, she is not my girlfriend, and we are not f***ing, but she IS somebody I'm interested in and talking to, hence "plate". Don't get so hung up on the terminology..."plate" is shorter than "girl I'm interested in but haven't had sex with".
Went out to the bar with my friends and met up with her, had a good time. Turns out she was DD'ing for several of her au pair friends she was there with, so the way her night was going to end was already pretty planned out - mostly sober and driving her friends home later.
We danced and made out a bunch, she was happy to see me and mentioned she "thought I hated her because she's so bad at
texting" and brought out her phone to show all her unread messages and DMs to prove her point, stating she's so busy and tired between working as an au pair, then coming back to her host family to basically do the same with their kids.
Made tentative plans to do something tonight, just us 2. Also mentioned that her birthday is coming up next week and that she would be moving out of her host family's place and getting her own in January.
I appreciate the advice that WAS on-topic, namely from
@BackInTheGame78 @Clockwerk50 and