People need to stop fooling themselves

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Not all attractive women are the same.

Not all attractive women are the "sexy/trendy/abercrombie and fitch/i luv frat boys/i like to go clubbing" types.

There's so many very different kinds of attractive women out there and they all have very different tastes....

I'm not saying that dressing and grooming your best and generally carrying yourself in a dignified light doesn't matter, because that goes into how you carry yourself.

But what I *am* saying is the fact that you have to have a top-notch physique to be able to attract a woman with a top-notch physique is bogus. If that was the case, you wouldn't see so many attractive women with average looking/average income guys.....and you also wouldn't see so many average looking girls with really good looking guys, either.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
A woman is not a wh@re because of her words alone but also her actions.... and the average woman today is a wh@re (at least in america ) on a grand scale (read the thread "knock it off!!!!" pages 3-6 - I define what a wh@re is... and the average conversations hos have are obviously different than the ones respectable women have who cherish their dignity.

The way the average woman talks today shows you what they are about -- wh@ring!! Compared this with a conversation from the average female 80 years ago - where only the few women who were labeled "wh@res" back then had such conversations. If they were label a wh@re back then and they do the same action today then they are a wh@re today also.

This wh@re talk is a relatiely new 'acceptable' phenomenon established by the fag/wh@re/homsexual/lesbian/feminist agenda (via TV and hollywood) that is trying to equate women's actions and behavior and speech and liken it to a man's nature. WRONG!!! fags and wh@res both benefit from making the male look weak and the women strong - since this would elevate and condone their position in society.

Just because a man does something doesn't make it right for women to do the same thing --- for example when
roseanne Barr scratched her crotch and spit like a man (acting like a man) she looked so silly and out of place and was mocked and looked like a masculine wh@re.

Why do you weak men hate reality and attack those who speak truth? You are the ones that have been abused by wh@res--- this is so obvious by the fvcked up feminine thinking that you posess and verbalize on this website. I am the one that abuses wh@res because I treat them with the respect that they deserve!

Originally posted by Elvis aint dead yet..

"PRL, for somebody who is 41 years old, you sure do not act like it.

If you are 41 years old at all."

Shoul I take that as a compliment?


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY
Although my pic wasn't on there long, I rated a 4.something on
But I've dated some very attractive women - two of them drew sincere compliments from friends or coworkers that saw them in picture or in person.
It's a numbers game - the more women you encounter, the more likely it is that some of them will be fairly attractive to you, and attracted to you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
A woman is not a wh@re because of her words alone but also her actions.... and the average woman today is a wh@re (at least in america ) on a grand scale (read the thread "knock it off!!!!" pages 3-6 - I define what a wh@re is... and the average conversations hos have are obviously different than the ones respectable women have who cherish their dignity.

The way the average woman talks today shows you what they are about -- wh@ring!! Compared this with a conversation from the average female 80 years ago - where only the few women who were labeled "wh@res" back then had such conversations. If they were label a wh@re back then and they do the same action today then they are a wh@re today also.

This wh@re talk is a relatiely new 'acceptable' phenomenon established by the fag/wh@re/homsexual/lesbian/feminist agenda (via TV and hollywood) that is trying to equate women's actions and behavior and speech and liken it to a man's nature. WRONG!!! fags and wh@res both benefit from making the male look weak and the women strong - since this would elevate and condone their position in society.

Just because a man does something doesn't make it right for women to do the same thing --- for example when
roseanne Barr scratched her crotch and spit like a man (acting like a man) she looked so silly and out of place and was mocked and looked like a masculine wh@re.

Why do you weak men hate reality and attack those who speak truth? You are the ones that have been abused by wh@res--- this is so obvious by the fvcked up feminine thinking that you posess and verbalize on this website. I am the one that abuses wh@res because I treat them with the respect that they deserve!

Originally posted by Elvis aint dead yet..

"PRL, for somebody who is 41 years old, you sure do not act like it.

If you are 41 years old at all."

Shoul I take that as a compliment?
Whatever you say Adolf Hitler!:D
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by MysteryWoman
Whatever you say Adolf Hitler!:D
I throw you the straight-arm jack-booted brown-shirt salute!


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
People here really need to pickup some literature on genes, genetics, genetical imprinting, primal instincts and human evolution... People here NEED to understand how instincts works and our subconsiousnes because damn are some people here klinging to straws.

It's as easy as this though

genes > all.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
People here really need to pickup some literature on genes, genetics, genetical imprinting, primal instincts and human evolution... People here NEED to understand how instincts works and our subconsiousnes because damn are some people here klinging to straws.

It's as easy as this though

genes > all.
Just read a book on Eugenics this week -- americam/german/british and other anglo psychotic bastards who want to rule the earth!


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
LOL! I'm not kidding though, people should read up on and understand the basic concepts here...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
PuertoRicanLover, please listen.

We are all sick of your self-righteous, puritanical piety.

You cannot resist hi-jacking every single thread for your worthless personal crusade against "moral decay".

You are so hell bent on drawing this crude distinction between your own delusional fantasy of "real" women and "hos", that your posts are an utter waste of everybody's time. I - like most people here - have developed an automatic reflex for ignoring your ignorant diatribe.

You're posts tend to be misogynistic, not too mention prejudiced against America and American women, and your biggotry - your dependency on gross generalisations - is shameful.

Youre discriminations are the product of defective thinking, an ageing, flawed mind forever stained with primitive group mentality, and with outmoded beliefs in the fallacy of absolute morality.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by AMF
PuertoRicanLover, please listen.

We are all sick of your self-righteous, puritanical piety.

You cannot resist hi-jacking every single thread for your worthless personal crusade against "moral decay".

You are so hell bent on drawing this crude distinction between your own delusional fantasy of "real" women and "hos", that your posts are an utter waste of everybody's time. I - like most people here - have developed an automatic reflex for ignoring your ignorant diatribe.

You're posts tend to be misogynistic, not too mention prejudiced against America and American women, and your biggotry - your dependency on gross generalisations - is shameful.

Youre discriminations are the product of defective thinking, an ageing, flawed mind forever stained with primitive group mentality, and with outmoded beliefs in the fallacy of absolute morality.
AMF, speak for yourself and stop being a feminist lapdog. PRLover's advice is some of the best you'll ever read here for LTR's, and to not follow his advice is to play with fire. He is not a bigot ora misogynist, he's just honest, and if you would stop being so politically correct, maybe you would see it, but then again, maybe not. But quit assuming that everybody else disagrees with him just because YOU disagree with him.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
I think what Jay Fielder means to say is that most people end up the happiest with someone equally good looking to themselves, even though most men and women will lust after some male or female who looks like they stepped out of Vogue magazine. For example two fat people will often be happiest together, as they can eat as much as they like without having their partner to lecture them about hitting the gym or lose weight. However the fat woman may secretely fantasise about Brad Pitt or who ever turns her on. But she has accepted that she hasn't got a hell in chance of getting a guy like that. Likewise the fat man often wishes he had a woman with film star looks, but the torment of dating one when handsome guys are continually hitting on her is tormenting for his ego. Even if he has DJ skills his confidence will be still knocked with lots of men continually hitting on his girl.

My observation about the hottest woman is that it is very fifty, fifty whether she ends up with an equally looking guy. Most of them do at college, but later a lot put money and a man's reliablity first.

Similar to female birds, a lot of women will choose a mediocre husband and get pregnant with the best looking mate she can get, as she wants her children to turn out good looking. One in ten children are not the children of the father's they think they are and it is believed to be as high as one in five. The most common is beautiful women who carry out this reproductive strategy. This is an open secrete, ever notice that when a model ends up with a really ugly guy, the children are almost always good looking. This does not mean that all good looking women who end up with less good looking husbands are doing this. Even average looking woman have been accused of using this reproductive strategy, because a handsome man will quite happy have sex with a woman who is less than his ideal provided he doesn't have to commit to this. This Is what I learnt in Sex and Evolution at University about 2 months ago, this does not reflect my moral opinion (I don't think it is morally right behaviour), before all the DJ's go mad at me.

I have noticed this but I don't know about the guys. Alternative very good looking guys, such as those that are into rock music, goths and hippy's who dress differently, put less emphasis on finding a woman with equal good looks than trendy good looking guys.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Mystery Woman

THis "mating" stuff (one in ten not having father they think) is very disturbing. I have heard this before... makes you wonder about a lot of things in our society. Maybe PRL is making some sense after all....

I wonder what will happen to our society once DNA testing becomes the norm?

I guess it is genetically driven behavior but it sure goes against all moral teachings.

This type of knowledge just makes men less and less likely to commit - knowing they may be played for a chump. Who can blame us?



Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
Originally posted by dietzcoi
Mystery Woman

THis "mating" stuff (one in ten not having father they think) is very disturbing. I have heard this before... makes you wonder about a lot of things in our society. Maybe PRL is making some sense after all....

I wonder what will happen to our society once DNA testing becomes the norm?

I guess it is genetically driven behavior but it sure goes against all moral teachings.

This type of knowledge just makes men less and less likely to commit - knowing they may be played for a chump. Who can blame us?

True the future looks bleak, although I reckon if DNA testing becomes the norm women will stop doing this. But PRL should learn to be more of gentleman.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by MysteryWoman
Similar to female birds, a lot of women will choose a mediocre husband and get pregnant with the best looking mate she can get, as she wants her children to turn out good looking. One in ten children are not the children of the father's they think they are and it is believed to be as high as one in five. The most common is beautiful women who carry out this reproductive strategy. This is an open secrete, ever notice that when a model ends up with a really ugly guy, the children are almost always good looking. This does not mean that all good looking women who end up with less good looking husbands are doing this. Even average looking woman have been accused of using this reproductive strategy, because a handsome man will quite happy have sex with a woman who is less than his ideal provided he doesn't have to commit to this. This Is what I learnt in Sex and Evolution at University about 2 months ago, this does not reflect my moral opinion (I don't think it is morally right behaviour), before all the DJ's go mad at me. [/QUOte


Don't believe this evolutionary madness theory proposed by feminist/homosexuals who are trying to make you believe their sexual deviancy and screwed up behavior is genetically derived!You are not paying for this class are you and buying this garbage they feed you? wh@res do what wh@res do because they chose to do it! Open secret? -- that doesn't make sense.

I advise every father of a child or every guy that thinks his girl is pregnant with his sperm to do a DNA test - especially if the ho is asking for child support --- this is the biggest chump scheme out here! They say it is 1 out of 5 babies that are somebody's elses baby than what the ho claims the father to be. This has been the topic of many shows in the last 3 years and they usually have to test 7 dudes before they find out "the baby's daddy" -- one show tested 22 dudes and they still couldn't find him - the dude must of still been hiding in her vagina – for crying out loud!!!!!

These (many teenagers) hos go on national TV and proclaim loudly who the father is in a matter-of-fact statement only to be proven otherwise ---- these ho no shame and don't mind all the exposure of their *****doms because hos love attention - plus the DNA test are free as long as you embarass yourself on TV, for the amusement and entertainment of others. They also want child support payments and by law must prove who the father is...shameless hos!!! After they find out that the dude that accompanied her on the show is not the father then the ho covers her face in supposed shame and starts crying…she is crying because the ho doesn’t have the answer to her question and not because of shame -if she had shame then why voluntarily expose your *****doms for the world to see?

I fear many DJ’s will end up with this fate – and it is one of men’s greatest fears (mine personally) – if you have a baby with this ho then your destinies are inextricably tied together for the rest of your lives no matter if you despise and loathe her --- to top it off you have to talk to her on a weekly basis to make child care arrangements and to top that off – you will pay dearly, financially speaking!!!

Take it or leave it alone - the above scenario that is.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Craig Reeves
Not all attractive women are the same.

Not all attractive women are the "sexy/trendy/abercrombie and fitch/i luv frat boys/i like to go clubbing" types.
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