People need to stop fooling themselves


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
I'll believe him. I've been pulling this DJ crap for months and have gotten nowhere. I'm about to give up to be honest with you. All this constant rejection and BS I've been going through is really taxing and wearing me out.

-Mr. Pink

Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
Not to be a ****head about it mr. pink, but I told you in the fall after seeing some of the girls you were going after that you might have to lower your standards somewhat until you get in better shape and improve your appearance. To me you looked like about a 6-7 and were going after girls who were 8's and 9's. Especially in high school and college, people are more superficial than ever so try going after some lower rated girls until you get your game going better. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Thank you!

Originally posted by Jay Fiedler
Not to be a ****head about it mr. pink, but I told you in the fall after seeing some of the girls you were going after that you might have to lower your standards somewhat until you get in better shape and improve your appearance. To me you looked like about a 6-7 and were going after girls who were 8's and 9's. Especially in high school and college, people are more superficial than ever so try going after some lower rated girls until you get your game going better. Good luck.

Perfect adivce, Jay Fiedler.

*To all Newbs*

This site nor ANY seduction manual is *not* a magic ticket to stud-dom. I constantly see posts by retards (you know damn well who you are) who say they'll "settle for nothing less than a 9/10". I want to drive a stake thru their eyes - what a bunch of nimrods - hypocritial ones, no less. :rolleyes:

You will NOT be swimming in girls if you don't improve yourself. Do you have a gut? Is your hair out of whack? Do you dress sloppily or grungy (only handsome men look 'cool when they're scruffy'... average guys look like crap when they're very scruffy)? Then DON'T EVEN TRY HITTING ON TENS, DUMBASS. You need to improve yourself first. Work out. Get trim/bulk up. Update your wardrobe. Work on hobbies and friends.

So if you're an average CHUMP, save yourself the trouble and give up on hitting on girls that are MUCH more attractive than you - especially if you don't live up to her looks at least somewhat. You can only do that if you're rich or powerful - not because you talk a tight game or coz you're such a lovely guy.

I personally feel that I'm about two-thirds of the way there (in forming my own personalized "complete package"), and it took me that realization about a few months ago to see that all these mindgames are for nought if you don't have even a sliver of physical appeal to back it up.


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
This goes back to the "fat girls who want guys who look like male models". I don't care how much "game" you think you have. If you don't take care of yourself physically, you're not going to get good looking women.

I honestly think some people are in true denial about the way they look. Not that I'm anything that great either.


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Momma 's Snatch
Re: Thank you!

Originally posted by jakethasnake
Perfect adivce, Jay Fiedler.

*To all Newbs*

This site nor ANY seduction manual is *not* a magic ticket to stud-dom. I constantly see posts by retards (you know damn well who you are) who say they'll "settle for nothing less than a 9/10". I want to drive a stake thru their eyes - what a bunch of nimrods - hypocritial ones, no less. :rolleyes:

You will NOT be swimming in girls if you don't improve yourself. Do you have a gut? Is your hair out of whack? Do you dress sloppily or grungy (only handsome men look 'cool when they're scruffy'... average guys look like crap when they're very scruffy)? Then DON'T EVEN TRY HITTING ON TENS, DUMBASS. You need to improve yourself first. Work out. Get trim/bulk up. Update your wardrobe. Work on hobbies and friends.

So if you're an average CHUMP, save yourself the trouble and give up on hitting on girls that are MUCH more attractive than you - especially if you don't live up to her looks at least somewhat. You can only do that if you're rich or powerful - not because you talk a tight game or coz you're such a lovely guy.

I personally feel that I'm about two-thirds of the way there (in forming my own personalized "complete package"), and it took me that realization about a few months ago to see that all these mindgames are for nought if you don't have even a sliver of
physical appeal to back it up.

Do not listen to his racist azz. This sh1t is not that serious . Do you. You like a HB 10 go after her.


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Momma 's Snatch
You people never seem to look upon women as human beings with their own wills do ya'll?

Their either a ,b,or c.

If a women sleeps with a fat guy,Well Then he MUST be rich ,Right?

If a women sleeps with a jerk then she just has low self esteem ,right?

If a woman ignores the advances of an attractive man ,she's a ***** ,right??

Women have feelings.
Women are individuals.
They get horny.
Some DO have LOW standards.
Some will sleep with a broke ,fat ,nice guy,just cuz they feel like.
Some will sleep with certain men cuz they are lonley.
Some might just take what they can get their hands on.
They have different tastes.
They can change their mind if they want.
They can be with whowever they feel.

Simple as this . A woman is with a guy cuz she FELT like it.They are not cars.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Re: Thank you!

Originally posted by THA REALNESS
Do not listen to his racist azz. This sh1t is not that serious . Do you. You like a HB 10 go after her.

*shakes head*

Must you smear mud on other people's faces to feel better about yourself? :confused:

You've been following me around this site calling me this and that. This is your second time - don't think I'm not keeping count. :D That's a very lame thing to do, bro.

Getting back to the topic at hand - what I say does have truth in it. It may not be an absolute truth, but it's there. It's tangible, almost. :)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by THA REALNESS
You people never seem to look upon women as human beings with their own wills do ya'll?

Their either a ,b,or c.

If a women sleeps with a fat guy,Well Then he MUST be rich ,Right?

If a women sleeps with a jerk then she just has low self esteem ,right?

If a woman ignores the advances of an attractive man ,she's a ***** ,right??

Women have feelings.
Women are individuals.
They get horny.
Some DO have LOW standards.
Some will sleep with a broke ,fat ,nice guy,just cuz they feel like.
Some will sleep with certain men cuz they are lonley.
Some might just take what they can get their hands on.
They have different tastes.
They can change their mind if they want.
They can be with whowever they feel.

Simple as this . A woman is with a guy cuz she FELT like it.They are not cars.
Whew! What a relief! That's great! Where can we find these beautiful women who are lonely, horny, have low standards and hit broke, fat, nice guys?! Oh do please tell!!!!


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Momma 's Snatch
No,yet you seem to beleive that they are all money hungry ,superficial,childish b1tches??

What i'm trying to say is that they are human just like us .

Can i ask you a question ??

Your mother is a woman right? What do you think of her? Is she in the same boat as all the other women?

They are good women left just like they are still good men out there.

And no i'm not claiming to be a good guy.And no,i'm not looking for a good woman .


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by THA REALNESS

Your mother is a woman right? What do you think of her? Is she in the same boat as all the other women?

Ironic question coming from someone who claims thier location is from my mother's snatch..


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Momma 's Snatch
I'm moving.....:p :p :p :mad:


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
First, since it *is* Saturday nite (not that it makes much difference), I *am* drunk. Second. F*ck Ogden. 15 (or more) yards in personal fouls?!? Yeah, he is big and can box out two mofo's at a time, but 15 yards! That is a field goal (and in this case, the game)! OK, maybe I care too much, but that is because I played ball (football and baseball) and have friends in the pros.

Anyway, I am surpirised this debate is so popular. It seems like common sense to me. Jedi mind tricks, err, I mean DJ mind tricks, only work on the weak minded. Or that is, the ones who allow themselves to be weak in front of you.

Of course, looks are ALL that matter at first in many situations. In the clubs (B-more natives, think of HammerJacks, DC natives think of, f*ck it, *I'm to ****ed up to think*, and where ever you are from, *insert name here*). Can you even hear yourself over the music? Not likely. I remember an instance when someone knocked into a chick at Hammerjacks spilling half her drink and I, being constantly on the look out for the right moment, went up to her, asking her if she needed another drink (using keno). She said, "No, it's still half full." I replied,"I like your attitude, you are an optimist." Then I walked away. When I returned (after getting my drink), a turd was daincing *near* her (trying to dance *with* her). I said, "Have fun with that guy," and again walked away. Guess what? She sought me out several times that night (driving the gril I was with wild).

Was it attiude (sp?) or looks? Does it really matter? Do I know? Nope.

Is there a real point to this drunken post. Dunno. Did you find a point?

Look, everyone comes into this world dealt a hand of cards. The true test of your worth is not what cards you were dealt with, but what you do with them. There are an uncountable number of paths to "success" in life. It is up to you to choose which you follow. Become buff, rich, famous, average, poor, a bada$$, a player, a don juan, a computer geek, a mechanic, a lover, a toker, a midnite smoker. Whatever. Don't let this board, or anyone who wants you money and promises you success with women dictate your life. That is the ultimate in AFC (and I usually use that and every subjective term in quotes). Be yourself. In the end, you have no choice.

You want a "hot" woman? You can find it. But, depending on what you mean by "hot," you may have alot to do. If you mean physical beauty, you better believe she demands the same, if not better. So, either get real, or get real with yourself, and become hot.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Phoebus
First, since it *is* Saturday nite (not that it makes much difference), I *am* drunk. Second. F*ck Ogden. 15 (or more) yards in personal fouls?!? Yeah, he is big and can box out two mofo's at a time, but 15 yards! That is a field goal (and in this case, the game)! OK, maybe I care too much, but that is because I played ball (football and baseball) and have friends in the pros.
It was Orlando Brown that got the penalties...

Anyway, on to the topic: Yes, girls do go for looks. But yes, if you are average (or a little below), you CAN get the hot girls. Yeah, you'll have to work harder for it...I am average looking and have girls calling me hot. I know guys that aren't anywhere near model status that have hot girls. Looks get you a garunteed interview with her...Personality closes the deal.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
I have improved my looks, well, at least as much as I could since October. I got my hair cut, lost about 10 lbs. gained some muscle and now go with the 5 o'clock shadow look. I could get a new picture for you if you really want to see the improvement...

-Mr. Pink


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Of course looks matter. Any guy that thinks differently is a moron or fooling himself. Possibly both.

Now its certainly possible to overcome a weakness with a strength in skill, conversation, humor and mad game. Oh yeah, money too. But you'll always be at a disadvantage if you don't have the male model looks. Best of both worlds if you had all of that.

Little anecdote, had a actor/model friend that had the Brad Pitt look. Dear lord, girls would just THROW themselves onto him and practically beg him to take them home and bang their little brains out. Push their # on him, let him slap their ass, show their tits, whatever. Its was ****ing mindboggling how easy it was for him to have almost any piece of ass if he wanted to. However, he was firmly devoted to his fiancee however which ended up working out just fine since I was his wing; he was like a Walking Opener :)

So what does that tell us? That girls are sluts? No, that girls are just like guys. That they can be as materialistic, shallow, caring and sensitive as guys. Girls aren't altogether that different from men, their priorities are a little different, but they aren't an altogether different species. So yeah, girls are just as shallow as the men on this board are.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA

Quit saying women value looks just as much as men - this is blatantly false! Read my prior post again- it is a man's penis that needs to get hard through arousal and excitement of the physcial beauty (desire) for the female --- this is also mental - in his mind he must at least think that she is atrractive (thus goes the saying is in the eye of the beholder). Women must also be attracted to the guy but this entails a much greater spectrum of the concept of beauty that is based on many more factors than looks (read my prior post).

And yes I stand by the premise that it is wh@res that talk about and look at mens asses as a qualifier - from the one guy a year wh@re to the "if i like him i'll screw him wh@re" -- You are talking about the american culture (particularly the white women *****) and not including 3 billion women - please expand your thinking - native americans, indians, africans, arabs, chinese, indonesians, asian women (95% of women of the earth) do not think like white people who made their women and themselves into sex sperm objects and whose definition of attractiveness is much broader.

95% of the women I see in America are showing their arses and breasts on purpose to get attention from their male pimps -- hell i see 4 year olds dress like their wh@rish mothers with spandex pants and halter tops - wtf??? Wh@res love to be seen and they know that men are focused on face, @sses, and breasts -- thus hours a day are spent on highlighting these areas. Do you see guys wearing spandex pants walking their dogs (if women like men @sses wouldnt guys be doing this to attract them?) Never saw it yet!!! Oh Yeah, I do see f@gs trying to attract other guys wearing this shyt (but they are acting like women - yes) - now do you see my point - the male f@g who is to be the female in the homo relationship thinks like a woman and thus focuses his dress around the scrotum because he knows that the butch masculine male desires to penetrate that area.

You sound like these feminist masculine wh@res who wrongfully try to equate themselves with their male partners by trying to make us believe that men and women think the same and value the same things equally. They do this to gain an equal footing with men and elevate their status and thinking to the same level as their husband, boyfriend, pimp, so that they may be respected with having the same authority and power as their male counterparts.

Men and women do not value the same things equally and to the same degree with regarding to what they find as "attractive" qualities in a mate! Men are persuers and the only information we have about the women we are persuing is their physical form - face, @ss, breasts, and overall mannerisms and it is in this physical attraction that begins the "chase" and journey to courtship. We have two completely different roles and thus parameters for atrraction ---- and for good reason ---- one must take the predatory role and one must be the prey.

When you have two predators you have a clash and this explains the current fvcked up status in america between male and female -- you have wh@res acting like men and thus playing the predatory role and this is why they are so confrontational and haughty. These wh@re types attract the weak male (as seen on TV for the last 20 years -- this is part of the wh@re and homsexual agenda - weak male strong female. This reinforces the strong wh@re character and the weak effeminate homosexual male and thus reinforces and strengthens their existence in society. And you thought you were just watching a sitcom? Wake up!!!!!! And quit perpetuating this weak male thinking on this website!!!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
JT47319 -- you are obviously talking about these white slutty wh@res -- so quit saying "women" universally and it is mainly this white culture and those that they have infected that thinks and behaves like this. There are millions of black and hispanic men that make brad pitt and your friend look like dorks but they do not have the white wh@re following!!!!! Why? You ask. Because it is part of the sick white european sexually warped fag wh@re paedophile mentality that has permeated and found its' way throughout the earth and has made their women as men and their men as women!!! Please qualify your statements with "those who have the white wh@re / fag homosexual mentality" This would exclude 95% of the earth!!!!


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Listen up.

Thank you very much, JT. That echoes precisely what I've said. ;)

While the basic premises of the DJ Bible are positive and have potential to change a person's outlook on life - it is unfortunately too vague. It is prone to mis-interpretation. I suppose that is the case with any 'manual' that aims to instruct on such abstract matters - religious texts are another example. The Bible has been taken and mis-interpreted or even abused by morally vacuous or misguided people, like the Nazis ('Gott ist mitt uns' was a popular saying of German Wehrmacht soldiers before heading into combat) and the Branch Davidians (remember psycho-boy in Waco, Texas?).

And thus the DJ-Cult is born. They are misinformed students of the precious information in the DJ Bible. This DJ cult is an exercise in brainwashing. It lulls you into believing that you're bigger than what you are - better, more powerful, smarter, more competant, etc. It is a poision that lulls you into complacency and fake confidence. If you want to be truly confident you need something CONCRETE to build it on. Like experience. Like money. Like conversation skills. And YES - like looks.

You see, the reason we are misled like this is because the DJ cult overly emphasizes "believing in yourself", that you're the shyt, as if that in itself will result in tangible results. And to be fair to the guys who first thought up this stuff, the students of DJ-ism are also incredibly ignorant about just HOW LONG this process takes. For most, it will take months. No - YEARS. It isn't a 6 week program. It simply isn't. People are just too impatient in working for results that they get discouraged or mis-apply information. They say that that this 'belief' in oneself will propel you into stardom. Hahaha..... :D It's as if *poof* - things will change for the better because you WILL it to. What nonsense. :p Without action, without PERSISTENCE - there is nothing. Trying to artificially change your mindset (thinking you're the shyt) is NOT what will change you - it's building things in your life (like a skill, a degree, relationships with friends, children that look upto you, etc.) that will create the sense of self-worth and joie-de-vivre that will raise your confidence and self-esteem. When it's done from INSIDE, if canNOT be hidden. Your warmth and passion and zest just shine out, like you have transluscent skin. ;) The process is not a linear process where one comes before the other or where one thing results in another (like a chemical reaction or a mathematical equation) - but rather, it is an EVOLVING process, one that is always in flux. That is what DJ-ism is ('DJ' is a nickname we attached to the cult of self-improvement). Thus it is why people keep saying that it's a never-ending process - it is absolutely possible to re-lapse and fall back into the shyt-pile - keep that in mind.

But getting back to the importance of looks (this point is not seperate -- instead, think of it as supplemental evidence to support my point):

Have you guys noticed that the only dudes who ever post consistent success stories are the guys with the good looks or at least the combination of decent looks and very tight game?

Jbbrain for example. I know him to be a good looking kid. Same goes for Jin, if I remember correctly (he models and works at club med - I've seen his trapeze pictures). They will get the most consistent results because they have above average looks. There are also guys that bank heavily on personality and dialogue, like becker. I get the impression that he does decently, but for all the effort and analysis he puts into his intereactions with women, he isn't that great (no offense, bro). That isn't to say he's an unattractive guy (who knows - I've never seen what he looks like), but from what I can gather that's his style - roundabout and dialogue/Jedi-mindtrick heavy. His conversion rate thus leaves something to be desired because he relies more on chatting and lines than something concrete, like looks influence (fame) or money (Of course there are other things such as social proof and personality, but those THREE THINGS ($$$ and looks and fame) are the hard currency of the mating game. All others are stocks and bonds, figuratively speaking. They can have varying returns, or even none at all. It's basically a crapshoot.). We also have weird "characters" and "personalities" that have taken on a life of its own, like Jake Steed (he sounds very forceful and confident, not to mention mysogynistic - but no one really knows if he is all talk or also a man of action.... not to knock him, but a logical person must think of things from all perspectives), and the legendary Pook (who just sounds like a pro-talker/motivational speaker, if you ask me... again, no offense to him). These guys talk an amazing game but at the end of the day you really have to wonder if they just talk a big game. I must admit at times I feel less of a pimp and DJ than some people think. Other times, I feel like a measure up. So taking my personal situation into consideration, I often wonder if these people just talk a tight game or really have what it take (including looks!).

Look, I know this is bad fvcking news for the ugly gentlemen here, but that is how it is. But I am not male model-looking either, so don't think that I am in a position to look down on people and gloat.

Luckily I am not horrible or even average looking. People comment positively on my looks and style from time to time, so I know that I stand out at least somewhat from the masses. However I am a bit out of shape now as I've been occupied and stressed, so I think I've slipped somewhat - I'm in the realm of average-looking these days. But I will overcome that. I plan to build an athletic physique that is top-notch, and I believe that will raise my rating to about 7.5 or maybe an 8 (when I finish weight training and cutting cycles). But even that is no guarantee, as my conversation and social skills aren't near perfect. I'd say decent right now, at best. I will work from there, and see where it takes me.

Of course, I am still just like any of you other guys and placing my cards on the table - I am just going for it. I've put my money on improving my physique some more (so far I feel that's all I need to do a bit better with girls as I already have my outgoing-ness, decent convo skills and very good fashion sense), and I am going with it. I could come out ahead, but then again maybe not. Only time will tell.

And finally, know that what I say isn't original nor even profound. I submit all this to you very humbly. All of you should have been able to pull this out from within, had you not been clouded by all the bullshyt propaganda flying around this seduction web community. If you look inside yourself - I mean REALLY - you will come up with similar conclusions as I did. It's amazing how the fog just lifts up sometimes and it's -so easy- to see the right direction you should be going. Because of this, I am very hopeful this year, in 2004. :) :cool:

Originally posted by JT47319
Of course looks matter. Any guy that thinks differently is a moron or fooling himself. Possibly both.

Now its certainly possible to overcome a weakness with a strength in skill, conversation, humor and mad game. Oh yeah, money too. But you'll always be at a disadvantage if you don't have the male model looks. Best of both worlds if you had all of that.

Little anecdote, had a actor/model friend that had the Brad Pitt look. Dear lord, girls would just THROW themselves onto him and practically beg him to take them home and bang their little brains out. Push their # on him, let him slap their ass, show their tits, whatever. Its was ****ing mindboggling how easy it was for him to have almost any piece of ass if he wanted to. However, he was firmly devoted to his fiancee however which ended up working out just fine since I was his wing; he was like a Walking Opener :)

So what does that tell us? That girls are sluts? No, that girls are just like guys. That they can be as materialistic, shallow, caring and sensitive as guys. Girls aren't altogether that different from men, their priorities are a little different, but they aren't an altogether different species. So yeah, girls are just as shallow as the men on this board are.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Puerto Rican Lover,

I strongly disagree. It's actually a huge disappointment to read your ugly, UGLY post after I've spent a long time thinking mine over and typing it. It's a disgrace - you're no DJ. :rolleyes:

It's obvious that you're VERY angry at women in general. I can imagine why so I'm not without sympathy - you're middle aged and you probably feel the years are running out. And if you're on this site, it likely (not certain) that you may have some trouble attracting women (or quality women).

And out of this mixed sense of anger (as if you've been dealt a bad hand in life and you're furious) and desperation (you feel your clock ticking away as a 40-something year old) - you have this bull-headed approach to women and life -- you want MOW down the system with all your misplaced rage. You don't believe that women deserve respect. I certaintly won't stand to have some two-bit five dollar ho' disrespect me or take advantage of me, but hell I won't step all over women's rights because I'm angry. It's a certain percentage of women (I wouldn't say small, be it certainly isn't all of them) that abuse the chance that was given to them equal rights and the feminist movement, but it make ALL women ripe for condemnation. That is just weak. Extremely weak. Where is your humanity?

This is precisely why I respect men like Pook. They are gentlemen, but of course they won't take crap from others. They will look out for their fellow humans, yet have the sense to take what is theirs. The great majority of others on this site are either mindless jerks or guy led around by their ****s, with no capacity for critical, independent thinking. Of course they are men with equal rights as me and is free to do whatever they were doing or want to do - but I can't really respect them much. :eek:


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by elvis aint dead yet

Most clubs you can not even hear yourself think, yet alone somebody else talk. So the theory of winning over a 9 in a happening club with below average looks is just plain BS.
I only go to loud clubs to hear the band and relax and nothing more for that very reason. I do meet and chat with women there, but I find I have WAY more success with any woman when I can actually talk with them, alone or whatever, in a quieter setting. A HB who wouldn't give me the time of day because of looks, etc. in a club might be won over in a different setting, so it's all about 'framing' to a degree.

All you can do in a loud club is to just do the dance thing with a HB and have 'physical' fun, cuz being charming with wit and stuff is hard to do while screaming into her ear 2" away. If you must get into her airspace to babble, chew some gum; drunken beer breath is not attractive close up. Don't laff and say 'thats obvious, duh'; many women have told me that tons and tons of guys (good looking, etc.) come in close with pukey, beery, crud-breath...lots of them.