People need to stop fooling themselves


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2001
Reaction score
Yes, you must believe in yourself. That is inner reality. If your outer reality doesn't match (you wear sweatpants, don't shave, and try to hit on a HB) you can believe in yourself all you want. You won't get anywhere with them.

Yes, no woman is above you. None are any better than you. We see this repeated here all the time. It's very good advice and is true indeed. The reality here is that if you just cop that attitude without being the best you can possibly be and think that attitude will get you a HB, your on crack. No, she is NOT better than you, but you must have something to offer her and attract her besides your attitude that 'she is just a bag of organs too'.

You gotta have the total package. Your inner reality must jive with your outer reality. When that all happens, landing a HB is simply just a numbers game then....go to it, shrug off rejections with a smile, and you WILL eventually get a sweet cutie staring at you with googly eyes, even if 10 before her looked at you like you were vermin....all just numbers.

An average, or not so average, looking guy can definitely score a HB, absolutely. They can score many. But, all things must be in place before that can ever happen. The more physically unattractive you might be will cause you to have to work a bit harder and the hit/miss ratio will be larger, but, you can indeed 'date up' by being the best 'you' you can be.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
Attitude, mindset, character, style of clothing, self confidence, the way one projects oneself, facial expressions, and the way someone expresses themselves in general, the way they move their body, their sensualness, the way they project themselves in general influence appearance.

Master the way you project yourself and keep a positive attitude and you WILL become more attractive.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover

Quit saying women value looks just as much as men - this is blatantly false! Read my prior post again- it is a man's penis that needs to get hard through arousal and excitement of the physcial beauty (desire) for the female --- this is also mental - in his mind he must at least think that she is atrractive (thus goes the saying is in the eye of the beholder). Women must also be attracted to the guy but this entails a much greater spectrum of the concept of beauty that is based on many more factors than looks (read my prior post).

And yes I stand by the premise that it is wh@res that talk about and look at mens asses as a qualifier - from the one guy a year wh@re to the "if i like him i'll screw him wh@re" -- You are talking about the american culture (particularly the white women *****) and not including 3 billion women - please expand your thinking - native americans, indians, africans, arabs, chinese, indonesians, asian women (95% of women of the earth) do not think like white people who made their women and themselves into sex sperm objects and whose definition of attractiveness is much broader.

95% of the women I see in America are showing their arses and breasts on purpose to get attention from their male pimps -- hell i see 4 year olds dress like their wh@rish mothers with spandex pants and halter tops - wtf??? Wh@res love to be seen and they know that men are focused on face, @sses, and breasts -- thus hours a day are spent on highlighting these areas. Do you see guys wearing spandex pants walking their dogs (if women like men @sses wouldnt guys be doing this to attract them?) Never saw it yet!!! Oh Yeah, I do see f@gs trying to attract other guys wearing this shyt (but they are acting like women - yes) - now do you see my point - the male f@g who is to be the female in the homo relationship thinks like a woman and thus focuses his dress around the scrotum because he knows that the butch masculine male desires to penetrate that area.

You sound like these feminist masculine wh@res who wrongfully try to equate themselves with their male partners by trying to make us believe that men and women think the same and value the same things equally. They do this to gain an equal footing with men and elevate their status and thinking to the same level as their husband, boyfriend, pimp, so that they may be respected with having the same authority and power as their male counterparts.

Men and women do not value the same things equally and to the same degree with regarding to what they find as "attractive" qualities in a mate! Men are persuers and the only information we have about the women we are persuing is their physical form - face, @ss, breasts, and overall mannerisms and it is in this physical attraction that begins the "chase" and journey to courtship. We have two completely different roles and thus parameters for atrraction ---- and for good reason ---- one must take the predatory role and one must be the prey.

When you have two predators you have a clash and this explains the current fvcked up status in america between male and female -- you have wh@res acting like men and thus playing the predatory role and this is why they are so confrontational and haughty. These wh@re types attract the weak male (as seen on TV for the last 20 years -- this is part of the wh@re and homsexual agenda - weak male strong female. This reinforces the strong wh@re character and the weak effeminate homosexual male and thus reinforces and strengthens their existence in society. And you thought you were just watching a sitcom? Wake up!!!!!! And quit perpetuating this weak male thinking on this website!!!!

Jakethasnake -- please tell me where I have faltered in my statement above?

You don't like the word wh@re? I guess you hate reality too - because this is what I expose as the truth in America - don't blame me for these women's wh@rish actions - you words are misguided and directed towards the wrong audience.

It is not anger that I speak out of but mere expressions of what exists - yes - reality
You fool, at 41 I throw away wh@res like you throw away a used candy wrapper - with no remorse and without consequence!!!!!!!

Everyone that comments on my age doesn't even know how old I am -- but they say my stated age as a rebuttal to their weak
non-profound statements -- I look like I am 25 and have the logic and depth of a 40 year old and the wisdom of a 60 year old ---- this is an extremely dangerous and devestating combination to my 18 year old prey.

It would be best for you to take heed to my words!


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
One thing that hasn't been considered is taste. Take me for example. I think Rachel Weisz is a 10, when many guys would disagree.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I think a lot of you are taking Jay's post out of context. I for one COMPLETELY agree with him on the importance of looks in attraction. However I don't feel that looks are the ONLY factor that will get you the girl. However its definitely a big part of the battle.

Have you guys ever noticed how girls are willing to put up with more bull**** and AFC'ness from good looking guys, then average to ugly ones?? Like somone said earlier, things that would turn a girl off in an average looking guy, suddenly become "cute" if its done by a good looking guy. Look, life isn't fair, some people are incredibly blessed with good looks while other are not.

My buddy is the perfect example of this. He's very average looking to slightly below average. He'd probably fall between a 4.5-5.5 if a girl were to HONESTLY rate him. He's a AFC to the extreme, but he always goes for HB7.5-HB9's. Do I need to even tell you his success rate with these girls?? Let's just say he's still 0-whatever # of times he's tried. He often gets the "were too good of friends" or "I don't look at you that way" speech and he still doesn't know why. Then when he himself see's a girl who's in his looks category, he'll bash her and talk **** saying she's gross blah blah blah. Yeah he could probably be more confident and it would help a little bit. But I don't think it would help him lay any of these chicks because there is NO physical attraction. Physical attraction is SO KEY to any relationship. Whether it be with a ONS, or a long term thing, there HAS to be physical attraction for anything to happen.

And Jay's right, girls always talk about guys in terms of "how hot they are" or "how cute their butts are." Girls are just better at disgusing it. Don't believe it when a girl says, "I want someone who I can have an intelligent conversation with" and all that other horse****!!! What they want is a confident man with good looks. If you have both of these qualities, a women will be more than happy to put up with your flaws.

You guys can ***** and moan all you want, but this is the TRUTH and its reality.

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA

again, qualify your statements with "white american wh@res" want men with cute butts and a pretty face and then I'l agree with your premise .

Wh@res get humble after 26 years of age if they are still single because their looks and bodies are going to hell and will not retain much of their youthful vigor much longer ----- they start looking for a man that will stay with them as they age because they know men are visually exciteable and will tend to be unfaithful as their girlfriend/wife ages and seek a younger woman!!! So a man's looks don't matter much but rather is he going to be a good husband / father and stay with her as she gets older. All women know this --- why is it that you do not?


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover

again, qualify your statements with "white american wh@res" want men with cute butts and a pretty face and then I'l agree with your premise .

Wh@res get humble after 26 years of age if they are still single because their looks and bodies are going to hell and will not retain much of their youthful vigor much longer ----- they start looking for a man that will stay with them as they age because they know men are visually exciteable and will tend to be unfaithful as their girlfriend/wife ages and seek a younger woman!!! So a man's looks don't matter much but rather is he going to be a good husband / father and stay with her as she gets older. All women know this --- why is it that you do not?
They certainly do matter Old man!

Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
I fail to see PRL why you classify american women as *****s for talking about a mans physical assets in much the same way men do a womens? To me there is nothing wrong with that as long as its not done in a perverted or overtly sexist way. I mean everyone likes to look at and be with someone that is hot. PRL, you sound like youve been used and abused by american women....hence your antaganism towards them. But hear my words, women are just about the same everywhere. Yeah in different cultures they may hide it better, but deep down most everyone wants to be woth someone they feel that special physical attraction to.

Now, any average or below everage guy may get lucky once in awhile and score with or date someone 3-4 points higher than them, but to consistently do it you have to be in the same ballpark as the woman. Plus, as mentioned earlier, even if the average guy did get lucky enough to date a HB9, sooner or later shell look to upgrade, to find someone who is close to her looks. Its just a fact of life.

I really really think that some guys on here have a hard time admitting to themselves their true rating in looks. And if they keep going ater the 8's and 9's it somehow makes them think that they are one too. And then when they get rejected time and time again, its the womans fault, not them. I think they would be much happier going after the 4, 5, and 6's and SUCCEEDING rather than to keep failing with the hotter girls.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
These arguments do nothing but make me laugh.

Let me make a point here: Take Courtney Cox for example. Now, rate her based on looks.

I'm guessing she'll fall anywhere between a 6 and a 10 depending on the guy doing the rating. Oh, she's a hottie for some and quite boring or even "gross" for others. It's all very individual.

Conversely, I have a friend who thinks Drew Carry is the sh1t! Come on now, he's funny but he looks like a dork! Sexy? I don't think he's sexy in the least but my friend will go into drool fits over him. So, is he a 3 or a 10?

Looks do matter but it's more about perception. Everyone perceives things differently. Your mate might tell you that you rank a 4 but the girl down the hall might see you as a 9. You just never know.

Anyway, that's why I personally don't like rating people by numbers. We aren't show dogs. There is no written standard for how we are supposed to look. And even if we were, some people have a decided preference for muts.

My point, don't worry so much about it. So long as you're happy with you, there's no problem. Even if you look like Steve Buscemi, women will find you attractive as long as you've got confidence.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover

again, qualify your statements with "white american wh@res" want men with cute butts and a pretty face and then I'l agree with your premise .

Wh@res get humble after 26 years of age if they are still single because their looks and bodies are going to hell and will not retain much of their youthful vigor much longer ----- they start looking for a man that will stay with them as they age because they know men are visually exciteable and will tend to be unfaithful as their girlfriend/wife ages and seek a younger woman!!! So a man's looks don't matter much but rather is he going to be a good husband / father and stay with her as she gets older. All women know this --- why is it that you do not?

Bro you've got the wrong guy. I never said anything about "white american *****s???" That post was my first on this thread.



Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
I disagree with you totally Jay. Looks don't account for much in this DJ game. I understand what you are saying that to an extent the more unattractive the girl finds you, the harder you would have to work and the tighter your DJ game has to be, but I can tell you personally that more times than not my looks have not been what have gotten me the hot girls. I was considered one of the pretty boys my whole life, was even voted class sexy upon graduation, and I've always had girls telling me about houw sexy I am, but I had honestly only had one girlfriend during high school, that lasted for 1 month, where I was dumped. I lived off the mystique the girls had about me because they thought I must have been the greatest, but they were too scared to talk to me, and honestly I didn't know how to talk to them. Thus I didn't get any of them. When I reached college, a few realizations, along with a lot of help from DJ, make me virtually unstoppable in my mind. I believe I can get any have my looks changed much in the last 2 years....not much. But my personality certainly has.

As far as the other side, where unattractive males should not be able to get hot girls...i honestly can't say I've seen too many hot girl-hot guy couples, there is usually one or the other that are actually opposite. I've definently seen more hot girls, with very very average looking guys that I wonder why they are with, then these don juan looking males with hot girls.

That's just waht I see.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
perception! must be a new concept for some...

cuz yall just don't get it!!!

example of perception

i just realized that the guy i am seeing is strange looking. i always thought he was very cute, very mysterious! but i can see that he is in fact, kind of ugly! i know that people are going to wonder what i am doing with him! but all this time i thought he was cute.

another example
myself! i guess a bunch of cats on here have been shown my pic (by whoooooo, i'd like to know!). some of the cats here think i am hot sh!t. and there are others who have made a point of telling me on various threads that i am no hot sh!t. who's right? i think everyone is! it is their perception, after all. you should see the mayhem that ensues when you throw in my demeanor!

perception: physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience

sure looks matter. but only in relation to perception. dig? there is no universal standard for beauty.

yes. i am shameless.


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Yo Momma 's Snatch
1.Where is that pic?

2. There is "standard" for beauty ? Look it up Leonardo and them niggahz ,an i think plato too grouped up all the hot young virgins from they hood back in the day and they measuerd their faces or some sh1t. And they all cameup with 1.8 cm or some sh1t.

3. Ignore Number 2 . It might be this blount talking.

4. Are you black?


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Pimped-Out Igloo, Canada
Originally posted by iqqi
some of the cats here think i am hot sh!t. and there are others who have made a point of telling me on various threads that i am no hot sh!t. who's right? i think everyone is!
no hot sh!t, huh? so... does that make you *cold* sh!t?! :p


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Then PM me that pic already, iqqi. You know I have enough class and dignity not to pass it around like a veneral diesease. ;) I need to decide for myself if you're hot or not.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Jay Fiedler
I fail to see PRL why you classify american women as *****s for talking about a mans physical assets in much the same way men do a womens? To me there is nothing wrong with that as long as its not done in a perverted or overtly sexist way. I mean everyone likes to look at and be with someone that is hot. PRL, you sound like youve been used and abused by american women....hence your antaganism towards them. But hear my words, women are just about the same everywhere. Yeah in different cultures they may hide it better, but deep down most everyone wants to be woth someone they feel that special physical attraction to.
A woman is not a wh@re because of her words alone but also her actions.... and the average woman today is a wh@re (at least in america ) on a grand scale (read the thread "knock it off!!!!" pages 3-6 - I define what a wh@re is... and the average conversations hos have are obviously different than the ones respectable women have who cherish their dignity.

The way the average woman talks today shows you what they are about -- wh@ring!! Compared this with a conversation from the average female 80 years ago - where only the few women who were labeled "wh@res" back then had such conversations. If they were label a wh@re back then and they do the same action today then they are a wh@re today also.

This wh@re talk is a relatiely new 'acceptable' phenomenon established by the fag/wh@re/homsexual/lesbian/feminist agenda (via TV and hollywood) that is trying to equate women's actions and behavior and speech and liken it to a man's nature. WRONG!!! fags and wh@res both benefit from making the male look weak and the women strong - since this would elevate and condone their position in society.

Just because a man does something doesn't make it right for women to do the same thing --- for example when
roseanne Barr scratched her crotch and spit like a man (acting like a man) she looked so silly and out of place and was mocked and looked like a masculine wh@re.

Why do you weak men hate reality and attack those who speak truth? You are the ones that have been abused by wh@res--- this is so obvious by the fvcked up feminine thinking that you posess and verbalize on this website. I am the one that abuses wh@res because I treat them with the respect that they deserve!

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
PRL, for somebody who is 41 years old, you sure do not act like it.

If you are 41 years old at all.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
This all reminds me of a survey I once saw on TV. THey took one guy, decently looking in his physically appearance, and took took two pictures of him. In the first one he had something like a McDonalds cook uniform, smoking a cigarette, unshaven, lookig like shyt; in the second one he was all groomed and wearing a suit, the pictures looked like really different people, but they were taken one after the other. When asked "which guy" they found more attractive strictly on looks, women answered "the groomed guy", and said "well he has it all together...". Not one thought they had similar features or were the same guy. When they found out later they were the same person, they couldnt believe it.

I guess its not so much our "ranking on the scale" that counts but what we do with what we have that decides how hot others percieve us to be.