ketostix said:
The way I see it is people are good and bad. While most people aren't set on harming others, most people are nuetral or indifferent. They can act either way and it is dependent a lot in how you interact with them on which side you bring out of them.
and this is the key to this discussion. obviously everyone has the potential to be good, bad and indifferent. just like a house cat is good to its owners, but bad to the mouse
heck, even non living things have such potential. carbohydrates are good, but if you eat to much of them they are bad.
i just took it for granted that we all acknowledge that all things have such potentiality.
but what im saying is that more people than not CHOOSE to be kind, caring, good. most people do not choose to be selfish sociopaths.
but even more important is the effect our behavior has on people. if people have a preference towards being kind, caring and good, what actualizes that preference.
so for instance, our house cats treat us well because we treat them well. and is this the behavior we can expect from MOST people if we were to give them the benefit of the doubt and treat them well?
hence the eistein quote. if you believe people are good (generally speaking), then do you start to interact with the universe with that assumption. and when you do, does it radically change the experience you begin to have with the world around you?
part of this conversation is the question do you really need confidence or rather, do you merely need to see the world and the peopel in it as generally more good than bad. and if you believe that most people are good, that they will be kind to you over being mean to you, then do you go out into the world with an almost childlike enjoyment of the peopel and things you encounter. and in doing so, do you interact with the world in a 'confident' manner.
but not confidence in the sense of courage. no confidence in the warrior sense. but rather, confidence in a holistic sense. that you are a part of a beautiful thing - this organism we call earth - and that it is filled with interesting and kind people to get to know.
i've spoken a lot about fear in the past, and how fear makes people make really bad decisions. but if you believe that most people in the world are selfish and will take advantage of you if you let them, i don't see how you can avoid thinking that the universe is then a hostile place.
and while life is hostile on a biological level (for instance we get sick because viruses attack us), are people, in general, kind.
and of course, not all are. many are indifference. many don't care what happens to others and they only care about their own lot in life.
but im finding, and starting to believe, that there are WAY more people out there who, as part of their own self prescribed mandate in life, make a conscious effort to be kind to people. im not sure if they are the majority or not, but i think there are none the less a lot of them.
but i also believe that our view determines what we see. and if we feel we live in a hostile world, i think we will be much more attuned to the hostile peopel around us. whereas if we feel we live in a friendly world, we will be more attuned to those people.
anyway, i do feel as though (perhaps because of the media showering us with images of death and crime etc every night) that a lot of people (especially on here) think that most peopel (especially women) will screw you over.
i also think its much easier to negatively behaviorally condition someone than positively condition them. for instance, if you eat pizza one night and get food poisoning, you will be severly adverse to eating pizza again. even though the next pizza likely isn't poisonous. because you will remember 'last time i ate pizza i almost died. im never goign to eat that sh*t again!"
and i wonder if a minor portion of the population, toxic people if you will, have negatively conditioned many others. and that many people now think that most people are selfish and will screw you over, when in reality, most peopel won't. most people will treat you with teh same kind of respect and kindness that they would wish to be treated with.
im not saying this is the case, but im beginning to think it is.