Wow....Sounds a lot like my GF....WTF...
-Verry feminine, alluring.(She gets her nails done etc.)
-Hypersexual (amazing sex).
-Sound like a 17 yr old. (She's 20 so meh on this one)
-Overly concerned about their appearance. Clothing is very revealing.
-Raging. One minute you are the greatest. Next you are the devil (Her version of me being the devil is just being cold to me)
-Intense fear of abandonment. Say things like "I'm not good enough for you"(She only said that when we broke up, before we got back together)
-Extremely low self esteem.(She used to have REALLY low but has gotten better)
-They always try to run or end it with you before you end it with them.(Think that may of been going on)
-Dysfunctional family.(Don't think so but her brother is pretty dysfunctional, and she used to cut so theres prob **** I don't know)
-History of physical, sexual, mental and/or emotional abuse.(Assuming there has to be something since she used to cut, but again IDK)
-Tend to be very attractive.(She's really hot, her body ...not so much. Think she used to be fat/fatter, so has some lose skin on her stomach(it's not that bad though I just have high standards) and no boobs

little skeeter bites)
-Cutting.(She has BAAAD scars on her arms)
-Previously DX with depression or an anxiety disorder.(She used to be on Prozac, during her cutting days. She actually told me that she used to have straight A's up until Highschool then said she didn't know what happend but said something how weed had something to do with it. But I think there could've been something traumatizing if that's when her cutting started)
-Will visibly change to a 12-year-old when conflict arises. You can often actually see her physiology change.(Just asks me why I'm "freaking out" when I was just bringing up / asking logical points)
-She's Bi-Sexual
-Catch her in stupid lies / omissions of truth.