Danger said:
The primary purpose of a boundary is to inform her of your expectations and the definition of exclusivity.
She must be reminded of this because a large number of women think they can date other men while being committed.
Your same false premise argued with your same thin argument.
Since you have no High Value you can't understand what women want.
Women don't date other men when she already has a High Value man. There is no reason to.
The only reason women date other men during commitment is cause the man she is currently with has low value. She will soon dump him for a better man.
You can remind her all you want. When she doesn't care to listen to what you say she will still date other men anyway.
You sure are ignorant.
It's just a fake power trip for you cause your reminders comes from insecurity.
Danger said:
Deny it all you want, but it happens and there is constant proof of it daily. And you can go ahead and make up all of the reasons being about keeping her from cheating, but in the end you know that is not the argument I am making. You are just too cowardly to keep it on that topic as you know you are losing
You lost the argument in the last thread. Everybody can see that here too. The majority of people agree with me including the moderator.
Your argument is thin.
There shouldn't even be an argument. I'm talking common sense. You are speaking nonsense.
You can demand, remind, set your terms and definitions all you want with her.
If she doesn't care to follow them it is a waste of your time. She will do what she wants.
When your relationship is done your terms and definitions meant nothing.
Danger said:
Who is lying? The only reason to not communicate this definition to them is because of....
Scarcity mindset
Perverted sense of equalism
Belief that all women are low-quality and therefore it is pointless
These aren't lies, these are the base sets of the arguments I have heard for being against spending one minute to tell her your definition of exclusivity when she asks for it.
You are lying like you have been in 4 threads now projecting all the time.
You repeat the same lies over and over again with your thin useless argument quoting other posters.
I've never said any of that.
You are putting boundaries on one woman out of fear.
Women are scarce for you so you try to contain your one woman the best you can.
Me I don't care.
If she misbehaves I dump her. It isn't that serious to me cause I can get other women
whenever I want.
I've never ever said all women are low quality. That's what you are saying.
I'm arguing that smart women know what an exclusive relationship is cause they are high quality.
You need to set boundaries defining behavior to your one woman.
That means she is low quality not knowing what to do and how to behave.
You contradict yourself lying over and over again projecting.
Everybody can see it. You don't even know what you are saying or arguing.
This is hilarious!
Danger said:
I fear a bad investment. Women who have a different definition of exclusivity or different values are a bad investment.
Yes you are riddled with fear and scared to death of your woman cheating on you. That is why you are terrified of marrying her aren't you?.
We all know that you are all about fear cause you need insecure boundaries.
Thanks for confirming that to all of us again.
Then you shouldn't commit to a woman who has a different definition of exclusivity.
That is your fault.
If you had high value and a lot of women you could choose from you wouldn't have to define terms and worry about this stuff. The women would define your terms for you instead like mine did.
You commit to one women that shows interest cause that is all you can get.
You try to contain her to your terms out of fear even when she has a different definition of exclusivity.
That is why you need your boundary cause of insecurity.
Danger said:
This is inarguable. If you want to say it is a fear of cheating, go right ahead. It doesn't change the fact that they are a bad-investment if they have different values or different definitions.
That's not a problem for me cause I don't commit to hors. I just fvk them for fun. I don't try to contain them to boundaries out of fear like you do
Danger said:
You can't argue with that, so your only weapon is the shame-gun.
Danger said:
Come up with a better logical argument sugar.
Danger said:
The fact is, you are a pu$$Y who is afraid she will walk away.
You are lying again.
More projection coming from you.
You are the one shaming me. Look at those weak feminist shaming words by you.
Your argument is as thin as your experience with women.
Calling you insecure and afraid is not shaming you. That is the truth. I'm not the only one saying that about you. Almost everybody else is saying it too.
Danger said:
I don't care if she walks away. YOU DO, because you are TERRIFIED of taking one minute in defining exclusivity when she requests it.
You sound angry with more projection repeating your same thin argument.
Your thin projection argument has failed. Everybody sees that.
I don't care if she walks away cause I'm not containing her to an insecure boundary like you are.
She is smart enough to know what exclusivity already is cause she is high quality.
You need to define your terms to a low quality woman cause you are scared of her cheating on you.
You can define your terms all you want.
When she gets tired of you she will leave you after you already defined your terms.
Who cares what a woman requests.
I'm only going to become exclusive with her if I want to be exclusive with her on my terms.
You are committing to her on her request trying to impose your terms on her.
That is very weak and shows you have no other options and no value.
Danger said:
But, because you can't argue with the filtering or the value argument I make, you have to try and say it is "controlling" or "containing". The fact is, you are a pu$$Y who is afraid she will walk away.
I've already argued against it in detail. You repeat your same vague weak answers. Everybody sees that.
I filter women before I decide to commit to them.
The women show me their intentions by cutting out other men from their lives.
That shows me they are defining my own terms of exclusivity to me.
They are giving me what I want without me having to tell them.
That shows me they know what they really want and are firm in their decision about exclusitivity.
Are you that ignorant with a lack of comprehension to understand that?
Get some experience in dealing with women having high value.
If you weren't such a big pvssy you would put a ring on your woman's finger and marry her.
What do you have to be afraid of?
You defined your terms and contained her to your boundary.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Marry her.
Danger said:
I am not lying. This is the only possible reason you would be so terrified of stating the definition of exclusivity.
Yes you are lying in every post.
You are terrified of your woman cheating.
The reason you need insecure useless boundaries.
You are still terrified of your woman cheating. The reason you are scared to marry her.
Danger said:
I don't have to ask her, I remove ambiguity. Why? Because I have enough value that I am not scared of doing so.
Why are you so angry?
I don't care what a woman requests. Why do you care so much?
When I have no intentions of becoming exclusive there is no point of defining any terms is there?
I want women to define my terms to me through their own actions.
Haven't you ever heard the phrase "Judge a woman by her actions and not her words"?
You are only going by her words telling you that she agrees.
Months later when she loses interest she won't care about your definition and will cheat.
My woman has proven to me with her actions of cutting men out on her own that I have high value and that she understands what an exclusive relationship is.
There is no need to define it to her when she already has done what I wanted.
I have a maid that cleans my house once a week. Why would I clean my house myself after she did what I wanted? Same thing with my woman.
You have no value that's why you need to define your insecurities to a woman that never bothered to cut other men out cause of your low value.
My way is better and I'm not terrified like you are of her straying with other men.
Put a ring on her finger and marry her if you aren't so scared.
Danger said:
Women don't. The fact that you do not recognize this shows how young and inexperience you are. Backbreaker posted yet another example of this today.
I filter them too. I am just not so stupid and terrified about it as you are.
Now you are saying that women don't know any better and are low quality.
You have no clue what you are even saying. Contradictions in each sentence.
One example of one woman isn't how all women are.
Your argument has failed everybody can see it that reads it.
Quit projecting in each sentence.
Up your value as a man and marry your woman!