No one should be "loving and trusting" each other after the 3-7 dates when women start asking for exclusivity. That's objectively foolish behavior and acknowledging that has nothing to do with jealousy.
I wouldnt be interested in exclusivity that quickly, a girl who is pushing for it that quickly is suspect. You are probably out of her league or she has emotional problems. Hard to put a time constraint on it but id say 6 months to a year seems like the amount of time itd take to be really comfortable and trusting of the person, and know you are going to be in it for awhile.
Exactly. 15 minutes on the front end spares hours and hours of time-wasting, intelligence insulting, emotion wallowing -analysis- (and it's really anything but analysis) on the back end or in the interim. "Do you remember when we talked about this specifically? It's time to take a step back from us dating exclusively, being a couple. We can still enjoy each other's company and have fun of course." Don't pretend that those things you mention, relationship pan out, attraction dies, etc. occur instantly and without lots of needless time-wasting talks and wasted time generally. Boundaries circumvent lots of that BS and get both moving forward in whatever direction much faster and less painfully.
I dont really understand what scenario this kind of discussion would arise from. You are both grown ups, when you lose attraction or decide they arent right for you you move on. If i had to have a talk about boundaries like a 5 year old with someone, it would already be over
Life is too short to conduct any kind of relationships, family, friends, business, women, without a fundamental understanding of how the relationship is supposed to work. I understand how relationships work, its not that complicated, there should be zero stress. If there is this much confusion about how to get along with the person, you shouldnt be with them.
Quality women like operating under boundaries, prefer it actually. It's the chaffe who don't. It makes them feel wanted, secure, protected, led, basically giving them masculine guidance they don't naturally get from their own psyches. Giving them those things is the opposite of selfishness. Most quality women need rational leadership and order from their man, if they don't get it, attraction fades. They already have 100 other people in their lives and media to tell them they can do anything, they can have it all, follow any impulse, rationalize away any behavior or choices, blabla. I believe they can do anything, im not interested in being their daddy, "leading then around", etc. If what they are doing or how they live is not congruent with how I live, we wont be together.. Its that simple.
Boundaries are 50% about avoiding exclusivity in the first place when they start pressing, 20% about a map of how things are supposed to work that avoids 3 hours emotion wallowing, intelligence insulting, soul-killing "feeling blather" with a female, 30% about easy exit without getting heated while having the best chance possible of maintaining what often is a perfectly good plate otherwise. Without boundaries, there tends to be formal, permanent breakups. With them, "Hey, we can still have fun and enjoy each other's company, it's just not time to be a couple right now." Strong mojo.same as what I said above, never going to be this invested in a girl who requires that level of stress and analysis, much less exclusive with them.
Note there's nothing "fear-based" or "insecure" or "fallacious" anywhere in the above, so Soolaimon don't even bother.