^ That about did it. Oh well. at least it was fun to watch!
You haven't found a way to disprove it. All you've said is..."Because some random number of scientists say it's so, it's so." Yes, and the world was flat, once. And the Earth was the center of the planet. And Lee Harvey Oswald was JFK's only killer. Right, we get it. It helps to have a cushy reality, doesn't it?
Assumptions aren't good enough when they are preface to a war. Assuming the buildings would fall b/c 1 or 2 big ones fell is unacceptable as a reason to kill thousands and indebt the country by trillions.
The building didn't collapse because the other buildings caused, it supposedly collapsed because of fire. Go check out the video interview with Larry Silverstein, owner of WTC's, who is also suing for double damages, 6,000,000,000, trying to count it as 2 incidents, b/c of 2 planes, rather than 1. Not to mention, building 7 was mostly a Government building, CIA, and offices for the many investigations by the SEC into all the accounting and financial scandals. But you don't here this on the news, and when i say it, it's Conspiracy Theory, right?
Rosie O'donnell came to the party late. I have no clue what she has said or hasn't I'll leave her out for your benefit. For all the experts you site, I can site the same amount. So where does that leave us? Nowhere. Why, if this is so obvious, do some say yes, and some say no? It's not solid iron fact. It's more like, they searched for ones who could use a bump in pay, or would like the exposure, and bam, they signed off on it.
Just because some people question the "official story", doesn't mean they question the love of our country and what it's meant to stand for, or the people who made it the way it is or the people who protect it.
I'm sure there's plenty more out there to be found for everyone's viewing pleasure. I just went with the more pointed ones. Like the official story, they're not 100%. I post them as something else to consider. Everyone knows the official story, but not everyone knows all other potential information.