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Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.


Oct 25, 2001
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Okay...I am done with this retarded conspiracy theory crap...

Utilizing the ignore feature...sorry dude...but I'm sick of the tin foil hat spam.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Wyldfire said:
Okay...I am done with this retarded conspiracy theory crap...

Utilizing the ignore feature...sorry dude...but I'm sick of the tin foil hat spam.
You sound like you work for "Faux News" pentagon channel!!

The pentagon has admitted that they spend Tens-of Billions on propaganda, through the so-called "free" press IN AMERICA!!! This is illegal by the way!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Wyldfire said:
Okay...I am done with this retarded conspiracy theory crap...

Utilizing the ignore feature...sorry dude...but I'm sick of the tin foil hat spam.
Wow. Short fuse there Mildfire. If everyone here had a short a fuse as you, you wouldn't have any one to talk to right now. Especially since you post all this feminist propaganda on the site. You'd be on everyone's ignore list.

Mar 18, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
:crazy: Please tell me you don't drive or vote.
Vote for whom??? A vote implies differing candidates meaning differing political platforms - there is no difference - it is a delusional Matrix - at least in America!!!!!!! No matter who you vote for - it is the same people who control the agenda who enact the policies of the country - world!!!!!


Oct 25, 2001
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Way to kill an otherwise interesting thread with conspiracy theory spam...


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Manchurian C@ndidate?

Last Man Standing said:
Another dude who attended cho's high school (westfield) shot people with an AK47 - he went ballistic as well!! Coincidence?? This high school has connections with Northrop Grumnan "Intelligence" Group (military contractor) - coincidence???
Wow, that sure is some mind-boggling "coincidence!"
Va. Tech shooting's 'horrible coincidence'
By Rex W. Huppke
Tribune staff reporter

April 18, 2007

Fairfax County, Va., police investigators said today that Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui was a 2003 graduate of the same high school attended by an 18-year-old who went on a shooting rampage last year at a Virginia police station, killing two officers.

Michael Kennedy, armed with an AK-47, fired more than 70 rounds in the parking lot of the Sully District police station on May 8, killing Det. Vicky Armel and Master Police Officer Michael Garbarino. Kennedy was shot to death by police.

Cho and Kennedy lived in Centreville and graduated from Westfield High School
, said Officer Courtney Thibault of the Fairfax County Police Department. She said Cho graduated four years ahead of Kennedy.

Once Cho's identify was released by police in Blacksburg, Va., home of Virginia Tech, Thibault said Fairfax County police launched an investigation to determine if there was any connection between the two shooters. She said they found nothing tying the two young men together.

"It's just a horrible coincidence," she said. "It's hard to believe."

Kennedy's father, Brian Kennedy, was charged earlier this month with helping his son obtain the AK-47 used in the rampage. Federal prosecutors claim he was illegally in possession of a small arsenal of weapons, including rifles, shotguns, handguns and more than 2,500 rounds of ammunition.
About 200 rounds of 9mm Parabellum, indoors, under stress, by this ONE guy? I rarely fire 200 rounds in an entire weekend of competition, much less INDOORS without hearing protection, & in only a couple of hours?! I'm having trouble buying this one!
1) Cops ordered to stand down by Feds. (According to the Blacksburg PD & VA Tech PD)
2) "Exercises" were being run the past week; sound familiar? (9-11-'01, Columbine, etc.)
3) One guy chained so many doors in such a large building during high student traffic, but nobody noticed, much less alerted anyone? (Multiple Operators?)
4) A newly-installed Loudspeaker Alert System wasn't used for hours after the first shootings.
5) They supposedly sent e-mail alerts INSTEAD? I might not get an e-mail for hours/days after sending
6) After previous deadly shootings they still don't have a "procedure", or a clue?
7) NASA has a VA Tech program for graduate studies... at Langley. Can you say MK/Ultra?
8) In "Trance Formation of America" Cathy O'Brien refers to a NASA/CIA Mind Control facility in...
Blacksburg, VA ! NASA has been up to their ears in Behavior Modification Research for decades!
9) Project Monarch, a NASA/CIA Mind Control Program that is even scarier than the old MK/ Ultra!
Is Westfield High School just a mecca for cruel, wealthy bullies - or/and are they unwitting lab rats in a covert psy-op? I think there's a lot of odd questions and circumstances that need to be answered here...

Was this completely just a 1-man mission from cradle to grave...or possibly more?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I dislike the phrase "conspiracy theory." To me, that's the same way marijuana was positioned as this "devil drug" to illegalize it oh-so many years ago. They cited people who did horrific thing on marijuana, even if they were false, and threw it all over the country. Parents immediately begged for its illegalization and harsh penalties relative to other crimes. But honestly, can we say it's hardly a drug? Fine, you want to enact stiff penalties for driving high, go right ahead. But even if you consider it more a drug than some natural plant you smoke, which has a bazillion uses, it's HARDLY harmful. Frick, taking NYQUIL is harmful. Taking Aspirin is harmful. And drinking is perhaps 10x more harmful than pot/marijuana. Illegalizing marijuana was a clever ruse because they couldn't regulate, tax, or control it, and also it brought stiff competition against other natural resources, like paper commodities and oil products. The powers that be couldn't have that! Not to mention, marijuana grows anywhere, grows fast, and is better for the environment than RIPPING DOWN TREES.

That's only 1 example of "positiong" reality. Think of how we just try and learn to talk to one another. Think of 'why' this site or pua sites exist. To position and communicate in the best possible way to get what we want. Now, extrapolate that to world events. The most powerful weapon had is not a nuke or Abomb, it's human flesh and control of the mind using propaganda, clevering wording, and positioning.

"Sure, I know it happened THAT way, but we can say it ALSO happened this way."

Misdirection, like Swordfish.

War benefits no one, and yet massive profits are made while we engage in war. The normal public, NOW, would not CHOOSE war. It's not even good for the nation. Sure, 9-11 happened, but even the reasons we went have been proven a lie. We went, but the basis is wrong for why we went. Normal citizens don't want war, they want peace. So to "sell us" it's for honor, or protection, or to prevent terrorism, or to be a good patriot, or for veteran benefits, or for your ancestors. For whatever motivation we can find. Men, who comprise the brunt of all soldiers, are motivated by "a higher purpose," and that's really the only thing you hear from someone going to war. But war doesn't benefit them. I support the troops, because they're one of us. They're a DJ, or an SS member. But I know we're being sold and lied to on WHY we should go, and if the only reason our valiant soldiers go are based on lies, then they shouldn't go.

And this is why I raise a HIGH level of suspicion with ALL governments. Our 300 million citizens are nowhere near as organized and collected as the world's governments, and that's frightening, because today, people look elsewhere for answers. The sad part is, alot of smart people stop digging deeper for fear of being considered a nutjob, or a "conspiracy theorist." In my own opinion though, they're just seekers of truth, people who want to learn BOTH side of the story and become their own expert.

This is your OWN REALITY of course, so who cares if someone is a PHd, I guarantee there is also ANOTHER PhD who could contradict him. For every post we have in the health section, there's one to contradict it. Even the experts aren't 100%. Yes, Popular Mechanics said that the WTC towers fell given what physics says, but a whole lot of professions, far more independent in nature contradict Popular Mechanics. So what's the truth? Who knows, unless the people of the world are willing to seek it for themselves. Sure, the SoSuave board has been around, but who's to say wise guys here can't infuse new life? Just b/c a member has 10,000 posts doesn't make him more right. Maybe he has more experience, but it could be wrong experience, or outdated information. Alot of PUA material would be much more successful if you had a time machine.

The way I see it...someone is pitching to me that "their way" is a better way. That we have to fight and bomb and attack. That we can't be peaceful. We're one globe, one planet, one world. Yeah, we're individual people, but there is MOST certainly PLENTY of stuff to go around, and around. If people weren't fighting against inflation, and the mentality of HAVING MORE even though they can't possibly USE it, this racket would have ended. We share everything. Food, air, water, life, plants, animals, and yeah, we still give into the idea we're just GENES who are controlling robotic bodies under the guise of NATURAL SELECTION and SURVIVAL of THE FITTEST and the GOD DELUSION. Is it possible we were given this ideologies so that we would act irrationally AND then have some sort of FALL-back or excuse?

People choose right and wrong. People choose. So how's this come back around to conspiracy theory? Because, to me, in my experiences, anything that goes against the MAINSTREAM media, or COMMON knowledge is dubbed conspiracy theory, so that people can go back to living in their quiet and peaceful little fish bowl. Oh, so, sad. Whenever I ask people WHERE they get their information, no one can site many sources. Most times it is the late night news, talk radio, newspapers. You need more than that. Undestand history, read some radical thinking books or magazines, read some wild websites, shake up what you know. If you don't, you'll only confirm to yourself your own reality, and you're not really a THINKER are you? You're more like a squirrel of knowledge, who collects more stuff on what he believes so that he can talk eloquently to anyone and beat down any argument that may contradict his beliefs.

As one who's read my stuff knows...I'm probably in that category of conspiracy theorists, though I don't care, and I'm not quite as extreme. I read a variety of sites, local, basic, and Faux news. I read history and science. I read the arts. I read anything. Nothing is left out. Just b/c someone isn't endorsed on major news networks DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE LYING or ARE WRONG. I was a confirmed catholic who's fallen off the path or will seek other avenues. I'm red blooded like the rest of you, born in a big city. My personality lends itself to seeking all info and making a choice based on that. But if you read how humanity has been, and what common people want, there's a strong difference between what we intended, and what we've got.

I wouldn't discount this VA TECH shooting as just "some college shooter." If he didn't serve in any armed forces, and by the sounds of it, it wasn't a hobby of his, at least publicly, THEN SOMEONE trained him. It sounds totally whack, but ask yourself which is more likely...

That some college student, with a severe mental disorder and emotional problems, grabbed 2 guns, 200 rounds of ammo, figured he would attack his campus as an example for how evil our society is, planned in advance by way of bomb threats what the security time response was, executed 2 people as a diversion, managed find a very incompetent, unresponsive campus, then go and execute 30 more, wound 20 more, lock the doors, and end with only him killing himself? Oh, and he landed 60%+ kill ratio with only handguns.

OR, that this was some terror example, designed to let people know they're vulnerable, and that their kids are vulnerable. That he was trained, or programmed prior to this event. Perhaps he found a fringe group and turned on his family and country, and did this for that group, since he found out that as a mere college student he couldn't change the world? Whatever it is. Unless he had significant time to plan this thing out, which should have been highlighted by something/someone, there's more to it.

Or maybe we're just grasping for straws in a world with no answers, trying label the most chaotic and idiosyncractic events with outlandish theories.

Who knows,



Oct 25, 2001
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You very conveniently left out the fact that Kennedy's father was a career criminal and deeply involved with drugs...and used drugs with his son. You can't blame the government when a screwed up family raises their kids in that kind of an environment. The only similarity is that both of the guys were messed up in the head. And Cho's problems existed back when he lived in South Korea according to his family there...and it wasn't mind control or any of that other crap.

These conspiracy theories have NOTHING to do with the topic.

My fiance who died used to hear radio-like sounds in his head. It was later discovered that he had a small aneurysm near his frontal lobe. It also caused seizures once in awhile, migraine headaches and pain in different areas of his neck, back and shoulders. Yes, he was in prison...but it started much earlier than that. The prison doctor sent him to Mary Hitchcock Medical Center at Dartmouth College in NH to get a brain scan. There was no chip inserted in his brain or any foreign objects. He had a small aneurysm and that was it. They put him on blood thinners and most of the symptoms eased. He also used to blackout when he drank too much...which is what landed him in prison in the first place. The blackouts only happened when he drank and stopped when he stopped drinking. He did not behave oddly at any time. He ended up in prison when he went to a junkyard looking to siphon gas with an acquaintance while drunk. The acquaintance committed an assault. My fiance didn't even witness the assault, let alone take part in it. He heard a noise, followed that noise and walked in on the other guy holding a bat, covered with blood. He saw blue lights and ran...leaving the other guy behind. While on bail he got scared and ran and the guy who actually committed the assault blamed it all on my fiance. Since he ran, he looked guilty. He was even featured on America's Most Wanted...I actually saw it before I met him. When I saw his picture my first thought was that he didn't look capable of what he was accused of. I'm only telling this because I know that someone will say something rude about him that would lead me to defend him...so I'm getting that out of the way now.

Bottom line...I personally knew someone who heard weird things and sounds in his head when he did not have any mental health issues other than being an alcoholic. It caused a bunch of weird symptoms and was checked out by an Ivy League teaching hospital...one of the best hospitals in the country. It was an aneurysm that was causing the problems...and brain scans would have shown any foreign objects "implanted" in his head. They actully scanned his entire body as well, looking for other aneurysms...there was nothing else unusual.


Oct 25, 2001
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Or...OR! You are a completely paranoid borderline psychotic individual, obsessed with placing blame on the United States government and "The Man" for anything that goes wrong with the country! You willingly lap up every conspiracy theory out there as your own personal security blanket to protect your fragile mind from the very simple truths in life! These conspiracy theories prop up your fickle sense of well-being and thus you must clutch to them lest your whole world comes CRASHING down upon you and your head starts spinning like a top!

Or maybe you are actually correct and there is a vast national conspiracy dedicated to mind control to kill off a few dozen college students.
A-freaking-men...except you forgot something...it's really feminism he blames. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't think that old hag bag Andrea Dworkin herself was sitting at some government desk somewhere deep beneath the Pentagon pushing buttons on a computer that controls all these poor psychopathic killers' brains. :crackup:


Oct 25, 2001
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A Unit...someone who is as lost inside his own mind as this guy was can train themselves in their own head. He had no social life or friends...all he had was his time and his own mind and disturbed thoughts for years and years. He was obsessed with violence and killing, just as his plays/writing indicated. Watching movies and playing video games could provide someone like him with enough know how to pull off what he did. All he had was endless time to run over his plans over and over again in his head.

Although I strongly suspect that photo of Cho is a fake picture (the last name on the uniform doesn't match)...most high schools usually have ROTC programs. They go on weekend field exercises and play war games and things like that. My son was in the Air Force ROTC program for a semester during his freshman year of high school. He and his younger brother were not getting along well and my sister offered to let my older son come live with her and her husband for awhile so they could be separated. He wanted to take a break from his brother and went to a Maryland suburb close to DC to go to school. Most highschools in that area have ROTC programs...so it's quite possible that Cho did participate in one of those programs in highschool.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Such talent in writing and quoting it's a wonder you don't write else where, Deux.

But we aren't debating information here, we're debating poster's and their beliefs. Lately it has been a skeptics debating forum, with a severe split down the middle. And rather than chew up the information a little, most of it goes into lockdown mode.

We're doing what a forelorn lover does, and see what reality we hope to see or want to see, not what's really there. We're assuming what he would have done, rather than what did happen. We can draw assumptions, but still, we're only operating with a flawed system. At best, people are just spectators, using third hand, fourth and fifth hand information. No one here, was fortunately there, and so we're relying on the news and all the various "common" outlets.

And what you get on the boards and in public are a bunch of opinions synthesizing that information and then backing it up ever more with more common information.

He's either a severly traumatized and psychotic teen who some how pulled off professional level actions, or there's more to it...more shooters, planners, under cover ops, you name it. There's an alternate option. That's what I dislike about discussions here. Or anywhere for that matters. It's one way. And that's what I disliked about Deux's post and about DD's post on the secret. Who the fawk are you to say "THIS IS THE WAY IT IS", when you're just regurgitating crap you read elsewhere? And maybe you read a whole lot of crap elsewhere, so your words are bigger and your sentences written better, but does that mean it's write? No.

Not a chance. I respect everyone's opinion and their right to it, but even my own experiences with a few people in the military doesn't mean I can speak as an authority on what happened, or on shooting. There's an element of "chaos" to life that allows for such times, where things aren't "straight and narrow." Where "all is not what it seems." I've always found people are more afraid to flirt with the edge of "what if" than talk about details.



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
Just like people that believe in ghosts or claim to be abducted by aliens, "conspiracy theorists" are labeled as crazy because their claims can't be proven or disproven. They are mocked, jeered, and taunted for being "radical".

Such is the case with these media orgies. It's all just a matter of HOW MANY people believe in a version of "the truth".

I pride myself in remaining neutral (open minded) on things that I haven't experienced myself, or can't disprove.

And, I find it hilarious when someone tells me I'm "wrong" for my opinions, beliefs, lifestyle, religion, experiences, and anything else that they don't agree with.

"Baaaah! Get in line with the rest of the sheeple! Baa-aa-aa-aaah!"

DaVinci, Galileo, Columbus, Einstein, Newton, Edison... these people were ridiculed for their radical thinking. I need not bother to get long-winded about how their "hair-brained" theories worked out.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Vulpine said:
"Baaaah! Get in line with the rest of the sheeple! Baa-aa-aa-aaah!"
:up: At least lemmings run off cliffs.


Oct 25, 2001
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I don't have a problem with people thinking what ever they want to. That being said...I just don't see what any of these conspiracy theory links and posts have to do with people being outraged with NBC for showing the video and photos sent to them by the shooter...but I digress...


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
And, I find it hilarious when someone tells me I'm "wrong" for my opinions, beliefs, lifestyle, religion, experiences, and anything else that they don't agree with.
The funny thing is that those same people who think they KNOW what did or didn't happen...keep changing their stories as more info comes out that proves them wrong... :crackup:
This guy could just as easily be a member of the seduction community

The fact of the matter is...this guy should not be called an "AFC"
I did some research online and there has been some Al Qaeda movement into parts of China...so this could be terror related
Don't hesitate to PM me if you need someone to talk to for a bit more privately.
Better to just find the facts and let them speak for themselves...and I think at this point, this case is still far from open-and-shut. Let's not act like we know exactly what went down when not even 1% of the facts about this event have been uncovered. Is that really so hard for some of you???

I mean, the same person who accused this Korean-American of being a Chinese A1-Queda terr0rist...is now ridiculing US for mind-control "conspiracy theories?" :crackup: Hey, anything's possible I suppose...but if one's so "ridiculous" then why wasn't the other? :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Uh, nobody lied. Bush/Cheney received the same intel that everybody else did including Tony Blair and Vladimir Putin. We acted on information that later turned out to be false. That's not a lie.
The information was fabricated. It turned out NOT to be true. Sadaam DID NOT have WMDs as previously suspected. Therefore if you say something and later it is discovered not to be true and the original material was knowingly fictitious, that is a lie.

Lie: a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox

I can't seem to get that Public Enemy song "911 Is a Joke" out of my head for some reason.

Oops... "by the time they get to Arizona" just flickered through my head now, too.


And, I just looked across the street at that flag at half-staff again. GRRR!

It's amazing how well "terror as a tool" works.

See, having raised my hand to defend that red, white, and blue mothafocka, I don't care to see it lowered. It hurts my pride. It seriously hurts my head that even the president doesn't have any sense of pride in his nation's flag. Did this Cho fool really, I mean really, affect the nation?

No, I feel fine. Sure, sorry about the loss of lives, but this isn't like "Oh my god they attacked Pearl Harbor!" or "Holy Crap! They just bombed the Embassy!" or "Kennedy was assasinated!?!"

Don't get me wrong, the campus shooting spree is a shame, it is. But, lowering the nation's flag for it? Maybe Virginia's state flag, surely the university's colors, but the nation's? The only reason the nation is "grieving" is because it is on nationwide news. That, THAT, is MY beef. My grief is that media can go wild on something like this or the death of Anna Nicole Smith, and the entire U.S. population gets lathered about it.

Lather, spin, repeat... let's all live in perpetual terror, shall we?

Moscow - The death toll from last month's blast in Siberia climbed to 110 as two more bodies were discovered in the wreckage, said the mine's owner on Wednesday.
The death toll in the explosion of a fireworks factory in Jiangmen on Friday has risen to 36 with more than 160 injured.

The explosion, happened at 8:05 am, leveled the 3,200 square-metre factory. More than 1,000 police and fire fighters and 16 fire trucks were dispatched to the scene.
Why doesn't media hype that stuff? Did "terrorists" cause those accidents?

But, they'll hype this stuff...

The day after Bush's State of the Union address there was an explosion at a West Pharmaceutical Services factory in the small town of Kinston, North Carolina. Almost immediately the TV and radio screamed about a possible terrorist attack. Local officials were quoted as saying that terrorism couldn't be ruled out.
This explosion was simply another of the regular industrial accidents that take as many a recorded 5,000 lives a year in this country and injure hundreds of thousands more. But it was another pretext for the media to try to convince us we're surrounded by enemies who are trying to kill us. And they used it.
This explosion seems to have been caused by ignitable rubber dust, a lot of which is made in the production process. Large pieces of sheet metal rose 300 feet in the air and then rained down. Walls collapsed on the 130 workers in the factory and computers flew through the air. Four workers died and 36 were injured, some critically with severe burns.
This factory was inspected last October 15 by the North Carolina Division of Occupational Safety and Health. It found 15 safety violations, of which seven were considered serious, that is, life threatening. And yet this company, which owns 23 other facilities, was fined only $9,075. Nor did the state demand immediate changes to eliminate the dangers. And it certainly didn't threaten to shut the factory down until the changes were made.
Companies put their workers in unsafe conditions – and then often fire you if you refuse to work in those unsafe conditions. And the state, which doesn't really enforce safety standards, backs up the company when you're fired.
This is the terrorism that workers face, and we face it every day.
"News" is the terrorism that Americans face every day.

The thing is, I wouldn't have even heard about this Cho jackass if it weren't for asking "WTF is the flag lowered for?"

I suggest that everyone stop watching TV. The "news" is just a tool.

Who thought it was ok to perpetuate the frenzy by putting the tapes on TV? What, was it "good taste"? Relevant? How did it matter what was on the tapes? What would be accomplished by broadcasting them?

That's right: more terror, more frenzy, more, more, more... until?

I'm waiting for the punchline to this cruel joke.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox

Oops... don't look now, but:

11 minutes ago:

HOUSTON - A Johnson Space Center building was evacuated Friday after reports of a gunman inside, Houston police said. Police were called about 1:40 p.m. for Building 44, which houses communications and tracking development laboratory, news reports said.

Johnson Space Center security officers and Houston police, including a SWAT team, were dispatched to the scene.

NASA spokesman Bill Jeffs said he could not confirm whether there was a gunman or whether any shots were fired.

"It's an ongoing situation," he said.

Roads within the 1,600-acre campus were blocked off. A nearby middle school also kept its teachers and students inside as the school day ended.

Neither Jeffs nor HPD spokesman John Cannon would confirm television reports describing a gunman and his actions.

Another NASA spokesman, James Hartsfield, said the building was "one of the smaller" office buildings on the JSC campus, where Mission Control is based.

He declined to speculate on how a person would get a gun inside NASA security or what his motives would be.

Christine Reichert, space station flight controller at Johnson Space Center, said employees were being told to stay in their buildings.

She said she people in the building close to Building 44 "were all good. That's all I know."

Doors to Mission Control were locked as is standard procedure.
Yeah, NASA spokesman couldn't confirm or deny anything.

Another spokesman "declined to speculate".

Roads within the 1,600-acre campus were blocked off. A nearby middle school also kept its teachers and students inside as the school day ended.
Hmm... "A nearby middle school kept its teachers and students inside"?

But a university campus...?

So a SWAT team shows up, and a nearby school keeps it's teachers and students inside, but noone can confirm a gunman? Then, uh, why the SWAT team? Did someone cut a nasty fart?

You know, that's a mighty vague report. Odd.

Does it strike anyone else as strange how matters of national security just aren't hyped at the same level as civilian matters? Shhhh... don't want anyone hearing about this

Dude says: "It's an ongoing situation."

Uh, ok, that's cool. Whatever you say. That's all I needed to know, I guess.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Discussing REALISTIC possibilities and various reputable news reports is something entirely different than posting things found on websites that claim such far-fetched and whacked out theories as the US government being behind 9-11 by using remote controls.