Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.

Mar 18, 2006
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Don't listen to the SS NAZIS ON THIS FORUM - they hate free speech - control freaks are psychopaths!!!

There was other people who filmed Cho - there was a cough in one of the films and the camera shakes! Also there were reflections in the ammo of others.

As I stated in the other thread - there is an agenda here!!!! Kucinich drafts legislation to ban all guns!!!!!!!!! The last final blow to our bill of rights and a closer step to outright tyranny!! http://www.infowars.com/
Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
The tape was sent to MSNBC who the hell cares what news station showed it? It would've been leaked to other stations anyways. The Bin Laden tapes were sent to CNN usually and they showed it.

The purpose of NEWS STATION is to bring UNBIASED NEWS TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. If you don't like what your watching you can change the channel, or another news station. That's like choosing to go to a bad neighborhood and getting mugged and complaining how you got mugged, you knew the risks and you took it, so IT'S YOUR DAMN RESPONSIBILITY. People are so retarded why are you mad for the NEWS STATION FOR DOING IT'S JOB? The public wanted more info on the shooter so they released it.


Oct 25, 2001
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The only thing I think they did wrong with the videos and stuff he sent to NBC was the part they aired where he seemed to be talking to people who feel like victims of society because that contributed to all these additional threats and could lead some whacked person to try to out-do him. I think they tried to be careful, but should have left some of it out. The pictures aren't as bad as that part of the video, though.
Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
Another thing that's weird is why are all the news stations focused on the killer? Shouldn't they focus on the victims and the people affected by it? The killer obviously wanted publicity for his actions and by running all these tapes and stories, they're supporting what the killer wanted. He wants more people to hear his message.

What most americans don't realize is there's a WAR GOING ON and that soldiers and Iraqi civilians are killed daily. If the public took the war seriously like this shooting, I think the war would have ended by now.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I agree with Vulpine on this one.

OUT of the total world's actual events they can report, they choose a specific grouping for their purposes, the purposes of their sponsors, and the purposes of a bigger picture we're too "in the dark to comprehend." Great news reporting brings more advertising fees. Anyone recall the News Channel that was going to expose Monstanto for putting RBGH into cows, getting them sick, and passing this infestation onto humans, only to have it pulled b/c the milk/dairy companies threatened pulling their advertising dollars?

News companies pick first and foremost what benefits them and what won't raise any of the FCC's attention. Objective independent news doesn't exist, because it can't. Capitalism prevents it. They go for the highest dollar while making sure they don't spook the public. And with only a few major sources out there, the same story is generally pandered. It's the "Water Boy Syndrome." The Water Boy wasn't stupid, or unsuccessful or ugly, he was just told so by his mother, or authority figure. It wasn't until he met people who were true, and unbiased, without any intention or purpose behind their message except to deliver that message as truthfully as possible that he grew up.

MOST people don't even know what exists beyond the news. For people to even 'comprehend' some of the crazy conspiracy plots here AT least alerts you to alternate thinking. But the thing is...all the stuff on 9-11 is quite large. There's alot there. And unlike those who spin the news stories...9-11 truth movement followers HAVE NO VESTED INTEREST BUT THE TRUTH. They're behinds aren't at risk, save the first amendment. They don't profit, except perhaps by the video or book they write, which is normally not distributed mainstream anyways. Why should it be? People want to get up, go to work, hop in an suv or overpriced leased car, pay up the arse for gas (though cheaper than other countries), watch the news, get a check, and go home. I'd submit that people coming here, successful or not, are in the very small margin of independent thinkers who want for more. Even if you don't AGREE with stuff people say, at least you're dabbling in another pond/fish bowl. Most people stay with the straight and narrow. And when they find one person who deviates from the norm...they usually tune them out. Unless of course it's someone they respect so highly they may "consider" what they're saying.

That's the other part. Our perception clouds the validity of information. Because the mainstream outlets are so big, powerful, wealthy, general, and we've grown up on them, it's all alot of people know, and that perception carries ALOT of clout. People inevitably gravitate toward that, for that fact alone. So it makes sense it's EASIER to accept that story, even if it isn't logically correct, or your BS detector goes up and flashes. Now, if the source of your info becomes credible in your own mind, then you reconsider it. I'm willing to lay down $10, that if anyone in anyone's life here who has your respect said something contrary to what you're used to, you'd reconsider your thinking on that item. For instance, if you're grandfather said "JFK was an inside job," whether or not that's true now, you'd rethink reality. The same as when, a husband divorces a wife, screws her over financially, and leaves the kids for nothing, that woman's perception changes. But it's hard. Our mind clings to SOMETHING as if it's ROCK SOLID FACTUALLY CONCRETE AND PERMANENT.

And that's a big reason why mainstream, biased news outlets have their way with the American people.


Peace and Quiet

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Oct 25, 2001
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The conspiracy theorists claim the US government used remote controls to fly planes into buildings. The FACTS don't match those claims. There are dozens of cell phone calls to 911 and family members from those planes that all tell the same story...hijackers...which seats...the flight information showed names and faces and those names and faces matched people who took flying lessons. A terrorist group claimed responsibility.

There is no LOGICAL reason for the US government to do something that would cost the country billions upon billions of dollars. To even begin to pull off something so diabolical would require a lot of planning AND people to help, and someone would have had enough of a conscience to warn anonymously.

Now, the people who claim that the government knew there was something that was going to happen and didn't do enough to stop it or give warning if they didn't know much...that I tend to believe...because you can make logical sense out of that.

However, much of the sites embrace one conspiracy theory after another, non-stop. Sorry, but that reeks of paranoia. If it was ONE issue and there was some real documentation to support the claims, I might at least consider it. It's never one issue, though...it's always the same thing...alien abductions, the government working with aliens, the government killing off politicians in plane crashes, the government committing 9-11, brainwashing, mind control, the grassy knoll, the CIA killed Marilyn Monroe, the Illuminati, Shriners are a devil worshiping cult who only fool us by opening burn centers, Elvis is alive and well and can be seen visiting a McDonalds near you....on and on and on. Enough is enough...


Oct 25, 2001
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Your logic is tragically flawed. The world's top intelligence agencies all came to the same conclusion. Saddam Hussein was harboring terrorists, and hiding weapons of mass destruction. He has also attempted to purchase WMD's in the past, and was found to have harbored al-Zarqawi post 9-11. Since we all acted on the information we had at the time (correctly I might add), there was no lie perpetuated.

But you see, all this is arbitrary. What the far-left websites you've been skimming didn't tell you is that Saddam Hussein violated UN treaties more than a DOZEN times since Desert Storm making our entry into Iraq perfectly legal.
Actually...they did mislead the American people to get support to go into Iraq. That's not a conspiracy theory...it's a proven fact. We didn't need to go there and Bush knew that but went anyway...and they outed Valerie Plame as a CIA agent as punishment for her husband blowing the whistle on the lies. So yeah...to government officials are capable of lying and doing sh*tty things, but the conspiracy theorists take it too far and make outlandish accusations that have absolutely NO evidence to support the claims.

So no, we didn't need to go into Iraq and we shouldn't have. However, we went and are there and we shouldn't up and leave because it would turn into terrorist central and we'd just end up having to go back in a couple of years. Better to fix it now, or at least do our best to prevent it from turning into a radical terrorist controlled country. That's not a solution or a "win", but at this point the best we can hope for is some level of stability and prevention. Leaving would be a mistake. If we stick it out there is a chance that eventually things will turn around.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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If the government went so far to orchestrate 9-11 and had to have 100's of thousands of people in on the` "conspiracy theory"(which is an incredible feat since even 1 other person in on a conspiracy will likely spill the beans) who can keep their BIG mouthes shut. Why did the government FORGET to PLANT weapons of mass destruction to verify their going to war? That would have been a cinch to do after orchestrating 9-11!!!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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If there's one thing I'm learning from this thread:

the older you are, the harder it is to stay on topic.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
thefonz said:
If there's one thing I'm learning from this thread:

the older you are, the harder it is to stay on topic.
Did'cha hear that Sanjaya didn't make it to the next round?


Apr 27, 2006
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I think thefonz is onto something here. But oh well, let me continue the madness.

Please, lets stop the discussion on the Middle East. You guys have no clue what you are talking about. I hear guys on here posting about females from there as if they are the Taliban. Give me a break.

Interesting video on one of the "EVIL ONES". The First Lady of Syria. Scary, eh?? :rolleyes: You guys are clueless about what the Middel East is really like. Less news and more travel.

Sanjaya - Just looked up the name. The dude is a major peacocker. Must visit this place. Pure DJ.


Oct 25, 2001
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Really? Where's your proof? And I don't mean some random lefty smear site with a picture of Bush doctored to look like a chimp, either. I'm talking a reputable source.

What? Where are you getting your information from? If we didn't go there, it would've been open season on America. Come on.

Ok, at least you're not a cut-and-runner.
I'm not just blowing hot air out of my ass...I promise, lol

The Bush administration claimed that we needed to go to Iraq because Saddam was trying to obtain materials from Africa that would be used to make WMDs. Joseph Wilson was working for the government and went to Africa to investigate the situation. Wilson had also served for the government in Iraq in the past. He is one of the most knowledgeable people on the WMD subject, which is why he was chosen to go. He came back and reported to the Bush administration that the tip they had gotten about Africa was wrong. Bush turned around and lied through his teeth about what Wilson said. Wilson came out publicly and told the press that Bush was not being honest. Wilson's wife also happened to be an undercover CIA agent...Valerie Plame. Scooter Libby (if he's not the scapegoat in this) went to the press and leaked her name and that she was a CIA agent. They knew her identity as an agent was classified and leaked it to the press...destroying her career, putting her life in danger and putting the lives of her contacts in other countries in danger as well. It's all very well documented...and it's the reason for the whole Scooter Libby trial. It was a horrid thing they did...all to punish Wilson for coming out and telling the public that Bush misled Congress AND the American people in getting support to go into Iraq.

That's why so many people are really bothered by it all. I'm not a Republican and not a Democrat. I'm fiercely Independent...and I always base my view of a politician on what they do. Bush did wrong going to Iraq. However, even though he did wrong in going, we're there and need to do our best to help the new Iraq government get their act together so that we can get out once it's safe to..but no...we absolutely can NOT just leave. That would cause one hell of a hot mess that we'd just have to deal with a couple of years down the road. Better to just stick it out and deal with it now than go back later.


Oct 25, 2001
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
I must say, that 60 minutes piece is very compelling. (I won't address the Boulder University piece as I've been to Boulder. There's people smoking weed on the streets. ;)) I may be willing to believe that there were some fudgings of intel in order to go to Iraq. HOWEVER.

Establishing democracy in a chaotic nation and removing Saddam Hussein were only two of the many reasons. He also violated the cease-fire agreement from Desert Storm multiple times, along with U.N. resolutions. He also openly supported global terrorism and aided and harbored al-Qaeda murderers after 9/11. I'll be fairly candid, here. I don't give a ѕhit if Bush lied about the WMDs. I really don't. I don't think he did, but that's really not high on my list of things to worry about. The guy was responsible for the slaughter of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of innocent people (recorded, anyway). He posed a very real threat to our country as well as others. I'm ecstatic that he is no longer with us. And guess what? So is the rest of the clear-thinking population of the world.

I mean, can you really sit there and tell me that we should never have gone into Iraq? You're basically telling me that the world is better off WITH Saddam Hussen in power. Are you truly prepared to defend your position of why Saddam Hussein did not deserve to be taken out of power?
Well...I don't think anyone would deny that Saddam was a real b@stard or that he did some horrible things. Personally, I think if we were going to deal with him we should have done it the first time we went over there. The thing is this...he wasn't a threat to the US and Osama bin Laden hated Saddam's guts. Part of the reason he got his undies in a bunch at the US is because he wanted his mujihadeen from Afghanistan's war with the Soviet Union to come deal with Saddam...and he was righteously pissed when the Saudis invited the US to come into Saudi Arabia and ignored him. That's when Osama turned into a hate machine....wounded male pride, I suppose played a part in it, lol.

The thing about Iraq that pissed me off before (and now) is that by going into Iraq, we have less resources to scour those mountains along the border with Pakistan and Afghanistan to get Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden. Personally, I think Bush went into Iraq to create a distraction away from the fact that he hadn't caught bin Laden...he portrayed Saddam Hussein as a much bigger "boogie man" than he actually was able to be. Saddam didn't plan 9-11...Osama did. He's the one I want caught.

The thing from Boulder is Joe Wilson speaking...he's the guy who went to Africa to investigate whether or not Saddam had obtained uranium there. He didn't obtain any and didn't even try to. Wilson reported to the Bush administration that the uranium rumors were not true. After that briefing from Wilson, Bush gave a public address claiming that Saddam was trying to get uranium from Africa. (he lied to us) Wilson told the press Bush lied and Bush's cabinet went after Wilson's wife as payback. Dirty dealings, indeed...

So yeah...politicians are dirty little monkeys who lie, are self-serving and sneaky little fvckers...but frankly, most of them aren't anywhere near bright enough to pull off all these conspiracy theories. :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
:crackup: Good point. A question that will never be answered by America's conspiracy theorist anti-war crowd.
Who cares? All they needed was a reason to go to war. They got it in spades.

Plus those WMDs can be kind of heavy and HUGE. Being intercontinental ballistic missiles and all.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Because political discussions normally get locked, I'll think of this as my "in before the lock" post and finish it here. We all know that a post of this nature won't be agreed upon, so we're just slinging mud at a wall until slides down for fun.

To think politicians aren't too smart is a mistake...consider they have the most resources at their disposal, the most intelligent people on staff, degrees and education we could only imagine, and generations of breeding behind them to support it. We're not talking tom, ****, and harry rising up from the east side, we're talking a lineage of generations that date back, mensa members, the brightest minds in the country. If we even believe we're smart, and if you think what you know should have happened in IRAQ is better, then odds are, they're only playing dumb or for show.

Did the 48 laws of power teach people nothing about history and humanity and power? Obviously history classes taught nothing but regurgitation of how great we are, while making no bones about slavery or slaughtering indians.

Again, people are grasping at what the news puts out. We're not PRIVY to what's going on inside anymore than the janitor at enron knew what was going on. Why was the whistle blower practically at the top? Because, she was the only person close enough and capable of understanding what she actually read. Can we actually believe that about our government? Heck, the reason we fled England WAS because of the tyranny there. Have men who get to that level changed?

9-11 has many theories. ONE specific one that busts up most of the STRAIGHT stories even posted here is...

How the heck did building 7 fall? It wasn't hit by anything. No plane. Just a fire started. And then, it miraculously falls THE SAME way that buildings 1 and 2 did. We've never gotten an explanation. And oddly enough, staunch proponents of the traditional 9-11 story forget that building fell, and that's when they begin questioning the WHOLE story. It's like...no one died there, so nobody remembers. Moreover, they barely showed that one on TV. Yet, you have the owner claiming "pull it." If they did in fact destroy the building by pulling it, why were explosives in there in advance. And if they didn't why did it fall, and why, without any jet fuel was it "so on fire?"

I won't site any more sources than that, because building 7 is a BLATANT example of why 9-11 doesn't smell right, from any angle, regardless of who did it. There's TONS more, and obviously people date the details as well, such as the metal could or could not have melted, the presence of thermite, explosive noises, the fact 2 gigantic buildings didn't list, but felt into their OWN foot prints. on and on and on.

The politics are just the made up story that has everyone looking the other direction, while the real thieves walk out the back with the vault of money. Misdirection folks, swordfish.



Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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A-Unit said:
Misdirection folks, swordfish.
Meanwhile the fools are discussing all of this on an internet forum.

The brainwashed who watch the mainstream media and those that have a slightly clearer and more informed opinion battle it out over the war of words.

Its true. We won't know what really happened. One thing is for sure, the media is lying. It always has. They don't tell you the truth, they tell you whatever they want you to hear.

If it gets ratings, it goes on the air. Look at the whole Anna Nicole Smith fiasco. They dragged that garbage out as long as possible. Bringing in "experts" to discuss about what could and might have happened. Even the mortician discussing about the current "health" of the body. (Mind the pun.)

Its all garbage and misinformation. To keep you sedated and confused about the REAL issues.

If they (media) told us the truth every time, these people wouldn't get away with so much crap. Hell, if we KNEW what's really going on, people might take problems into their own hands, French Revolution style.


Oct 25, 2001
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Based on the heat, falling metal and concrete and the shaking of the ground that would likely result...I don't find it mysterious as to why any other buildings in the vicinity would fall.

I actually used to build electronic gage boxes that are used to measure geological stability for underground construction...subways, tunnels, dams, mines, etc. Anytime something is built underground...including parts of large buildings, geological stability is an issue...a very big issue. These gage boxes use vibrating wires to measure stability...and even the most minute shifts and movement in the ground can make a building unstable. That's why they use these boxes...so they can monitor any geological instabilities so they can evacuate when there is a risk for collapse.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Wyldfire said:
Based on the heat, falling metal and concrete and the shaking of the ground that would likely result...I don't find it mysterious as to why any other buildings in the vicinity would fall.
Number 7 was half a kilometer away. One of the banks near the base of the Twin Towers was actually hit by huge chunks of rubble as the buildings fell down. It still stood. Nothing caved in despite falling on the roof.

Other buildings in the vicinity stood perfectly as well. They are perfectly fine and are still being used.

This is where the WTF?! lies.

Not only that, but all seven buildings in the compound fell. Only two were hit by aircraft. All were owned my the same man.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
