Online Personals (Merged threads)

T Dog

Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
austin, tx
Do a search under the name Big Bill. He had several good posts covering this every topic


New Member
Oct 24, 2002
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non bs internet matchmaking sites?

Can we make a list of good internet matchmakin sites that arent pay bs like u have to pay to contact a member. wtf is that that aint free altho they say its free


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2002
Reaction score
A GOOD, FREE internet matchmaking site is a contradiction in terms.

Any free site is going to be littered with spammers from porn sites putting in phony ads. They are a waste of time.

If you really want to try internet personals, and are fairly inexpensive, especially Hot or Not--it is the cheapest of them all.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
South Florida
There aren't too many free online services left. And the ones that are free, the male to female ratio is about 3000000 to 1.

If you try free services:

I've met a few girls on them but nothing really worth wild.
If you want to give online dating a try (I know I'm going to be alone on this) then try one like or the yahoo personals, there are tons of women on there and when you pay - you are one of the few guys who emails them.
I joined yahoo for one month and ended up getting 2 months free. In that time, I emaile about 400 girls. (Cut & paste emails - I'm getting my money's worth.)
Out of the 400, about 75 of them replied. Out of the 75, I met about 20 of them and still see a few of them on occassion. Dont really do online dating anymore though since they are so worried about meeting a guy online until they "get to know you better", isn't that the point of going on a date? Why put up a person ad if you dont plan on meeting anyone?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Jeezus this freakin internet thing has created a society that thinks they deserve every damn thing handed to them for FREE.

You do realize that a website costs money to operate, don't you?

Nothing is free. You are either going to pay for it up front or thru having to look at a bunch of advertisements.

And learn how to put together a sentence.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
its because they had met more ugly guys then hot guys.
thats what scared them and it scares me too.
i met a couple of girls that look hot in thier pic form the shoulder up. but when we met they wieght liek 300 pounds.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
South Florida
I'll second what azn said, a lot of girls look good in their pictures but then in person, they have an added 50-150 pounds on them. ("Oh I forgot to mention that I gained 102 pounds since that picture!" - she tells you this in person of course.) That's why I never go through anything more than a coffee date with someone from online, keeping my $ to myself until I get the goods.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY
Need some help with an online -->offline meeting with a gal

Greetings, all:

I need assistance with a situation. I can sense
possibilities here, but I don't want to mess up.

Last night, I had an interesting conversation with a woman in my area.
She just got divorced, and is somewhat older than I am.
It started two days ago with light conversation, then turned toward a computer problem.
I tried to help her out, but could not (it's tough talking people through instructions sometimes).
She said, "I'm putting you on my buddy list" I put her on mine.
During that first conversation, it should be noted that she asked me a few times for a picture. I didn't have one to send.
We talked again last night, rather late (around 11:00 PM). She said, "still no pic, eh?" and when I asked for hers first she said only if I sent mine first. So I had to scan a picture and send it.
She liked my picture a lot, and I liked hers a lot.
After I complimented her on her pic, a long unfcomfortable silence went by, and I waited.
Her first reply was, "so when are you coming over to fix my computer?"
I said, how about Wednesday (New Year's Day), because I had some other stuff to do Tues and didn't want to seem too anxious.
Then, my parents call me this morning to remind them that I'm supposed to spend most of New Year's Day with them.
Now, our original plan was that I was simply going to call her on Wed, then come over. She stated that she might be hung over (which would indicate that she's not too likely to use that as an excuse to not be available). Fine.
But I decided to be proactive and give her a call first, to fix a time after I was done visiting the folks.
She picked up, sounded surprised and glad to hear from me. But she declares some discomfiture with just having some stranger come over she never met.
I suggested meeting at a nice local cafe, and then realized it might be closed on New Year's Day. So I told her, "OK - I'll call them to find out, and then get back to you."
They are open that day, so I figured it would be smoother to wait, possibly until much later on today, to call her back and let her know the place is available.

My question to this board is: what does her interest level look like? What can I do right, or avoid doing wrong to not
mess this up?

I'm trying to avoid rescheduling too much further into the week, because her kids are coming home from the Ex's house.

Thanks to all in advance who read through this so far


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Need some help with an online -->offline meeting with a gal

Originally posted by vudufixit
Greetings, all:

I need assistance with a situation. I can sense
possibilities here, but I don't want to mess up.

Last night, I had an interesting conversation with a woman in my area.
She just got divorced, and is somewhat older than I am.
It started two days ago with light conversation, then turned toward a computer problem.
I tried to help her out, but could not (it's tough talking people through instructions sometimes).
She said, "I'm putting you on my buddy list" I put her on mine.
During that first conversation, it should be noted that she asked me a few times for a picture. I didn't have one to send.
We talked again last night, rather late (around 11:00 PM). She said, "still no pic, eh?" and when I asked for hers first she said only if I sent mine first. So I had to scan a picture and send it.
She liked my picture a lot, and I liked hers a lot.
After I complimented her on her pic, a long unfcomfortable silence went by, and I waited.
Her first reply was, "so when are you coming over to fix my computer?"
I said, how about Wednesday (New Year's Day), because I had some other stuff to do Tues and didn't want to seem too anxious.
Then, my parents call me this morning to remind them that I'm supposed to spend most of New Year's Day with them.
Now, our original plan was that I was simply going to call her on Wed, then come over. She stated that she might be hung over (which would indicate that she's not too likely to use that as an excuse to not be available). Fine.
But I decided to be proactive and give her a call first, to fix a time after I was done visiting the folks.
She picked up, sounded surprised and glad to hear from me. But she declares some discomfiture with just having some stranger come over she never met.
I suggested meeting at a nice local cafe, and then realized it might be closed on New Year's Day. So I told her, "OK - I'll call them to find out, and then get back to you."
They are open that day, so I figured it would be smoother to wait, possibly until much later on today, to call her back and let her know the place is available.

My question to this board is: what does her interest level look like? What can I do right, or avoid doing wrong to not
mess this up?

I'm trying to avoid rescheduling too much further into the week, because her kids are coming home from the Ex's house.

Thanks to all in advance who read through this so far
My own experience dictates never get emotionally involved with a girl you met via the internet. Use them all as f*ck baubles then get the hell out of dodge. That's if you eventually meet them - which is in itself sometimes very difficult to arrange.

You need to wait a few days to assess her interest level. Come on-line and see who talks to who first, etc. But you need to meet this one asap. Phone her up in a few days after this hectic holiday schedule. Arrange a day to meet - be perceptive to flakiness. If she goes on like a whiney Oprah clone about you possibly being a homocidal maniac - don't waste your time.

I know a guy who f*cks girls off the net on a regular basis. And he's an ugly mutt. So are they though. Me - I've had nothing but trauma. Stick to Real Life, it's actually easier and the girls come with less baggage.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY
My reply

Thanks, Griffin, some good insights there.
Most women I've seen from 'net meetings aren't that hot.
But this one is very very cute.
I'll take your advice.
Anyone else care to chime in?


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2002
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I've had plenty of success in meeting them in person, just by straight out getting a picture then a number. They all turned out a little crazy... the reason they were looking for guys to date online.

I met one who lived really close to me, she by far is the coolest girl I know. I met up with her several times over the summer, she's invited me over to her college to spend the night and get drunk with them three times too. I never bothered with her since she had a borefriend... but I KNOW she's hella attracted to me. I use her as my #1 ego boost and she's always free to do something if I'm bored. I ought to make her a FB.

So chicks online isn't entirely futile. If you're just learning the game, then the internet is the BEST place to practice before getting out in the real world. But honestly, your chances of finding the best chicks are 100% better in real life.... unless you're talking to chicks online who go to the same school as you, it makes meeting new people alot easier.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY

I've never been a big supporter of looking for people to meet online.
Tried it a few times, didn't like the results.
Every time I had a great relationship, it started with a real-life encounter first.
That said, I got a good vibe from this person's profile, and we talked easily and the interest level grew quickly for both of us.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
Looks like you are going to be doing more then fix her computer when you go over.


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Hmmm...

Originally posted by vudufixit
I've never been a big supporter of looking for people to meet online.
Tried it a few times, didn't like the results.
Every time I had a great relationship, it started with a real-life encounter first.
That said, I got a good vibe from this person's profile, and we talked easily and the interest level grew quickly for both of us.
The girl I would consider one of my dearest and fondest friends I met on-line. Also had a f*ck-buddy from the net.

But all in all, I find it a lot of work. When it comes time to meet it's flake-city - and there's all that time spent chatting to them. And it's wholly superficial - regardless if we were both friends in another life and she nursed me back to health in WW1, it all comes down to the blurry mugshot.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2002
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
I've had some good luck with it - not necessarily better than real life, but the chicks I met from online had their lives together more than chicks from bars or clubs ever did. It's true though that no matter what kind of b.s. they tell you or put in their personal ads about what kind of guy they want, it all comes down to your picture. One chick I know always talks about wanting a sweet, respectful, considerate guy and how she'd even date an overweight guy if he treated her great. Then she went and did the internet personals and emailed the three best-looking ads she found. So much for "looks don't matter."


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
South Florida
vudu, (I could have sworn I replied to this!) you can't tell a girl's IL in you just from talking to her in a little chat box. In order to find that out, you HAVE to see her in the real world, where you can stop touching the keyboard and start touching her instead. I'd suggest a new date, let her know I'm not going to wait around for her (getting the message to her that my life goes on regardless, I'm busy.. and if she wants to join me in the real world, great, if not, no big deal, her loss) and see if she's up for it or not. Stay away from talking online because you're killing all the mystery about yourself, save all the "just talk" for in person, where you can have your arm around her, touch her, be close, etc. while you are talking to her. Online you risk becoming a "chat buddy" and there's nothing you can do about it, in the real world, you don't give her a chance to see as a chat buddy/friend because your actions are telling her otherwise. (And obviously if she doesn't respond positively to them, then she has low or no IL in you, but plenty of other women will have high IL, so move on to the next one and have fun.)

By the way a coffee date - nice idea to suggest it to her. If she's not comfortable meeting you for that, then take a walk, and let her know it. (Chances are if she has any interest in you from online - she's going to change her mind when she sees you aren't sticking around for her to decide how she feels.) If you don't get that message across to her, you'll seem weak and that you're going to stick around forever as a chat friend and maybe some day (when she feels like it) you'll meet. Online dating - I also had some luck with it.. actually a lot of luck (or success would be a better word) you just need to meet online, and in the first day or the first few emails, set up the date and not let the "just talking" drag on for too long.

Also I second keeping your emotions out of this, online or offline.. always letting her becoming emotionally involved with you first, if she doesn't come to you first and you fall for her, (this happened to me by the way - from a girl I met online) you risk one-itis.. and that's a painful disease!


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY

I think you've actually amplified my points.
This thing between her and I has actually moved
along pretty quickly. It really wasn't long
before she was suggesting I come over to
fix her machine.

I don't think there is much risk in her classifying
me as a "chat friend" since we're meeting after
only two brief online sessions. She asked
me for my pic in both of them, and also
mentioned my coming over twice - first
time sort of kiddingly, the second time
for certain.

I guess I posted originally to ask how to
make optimal use of the coffee date, and not
"f" anything up.

I thank you all for your responses so far.
I suppose I'll know soon enough where we stand.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Check out your competition on some of the online dating sites.

I decided to check out the competition on an online dating website. So I looked at guys in the nearby area.

This is more or less what someone in my area wrote. GAG. I will be composing my own ****y and funny ad. Ad follows:

How would you describe yourself?
I am considered to be one of those "too nice" guys. I am a believer in storybook love, love at first sight and that love is the center of all things. I am a dreamer that dreams of a truly passionate/intimate unconditional eternal love. I am a very intensely passionate, intimate and sensual person. I love to cuddle, caress, kiss and touch. I do not think that it is too much to wish for the fairy tale. I believe that it exists and that everyone has the right to search for and live in it.
Describe the person you would like to meet.
I would like to meet a Lady who is very similar. I would like her to be just as passionate, intimate and sensual as I am. I would like her to sink into my touch as I would hers. I would like to her to melt under my tender kiss as I would hers. I enjoy, above all things, just being with my Lady. What we do or where we go is of no concern to me. As long as I am with my Lady then I have all that I need. I am just looking for a Lady that has the infinately open mind and heart it might take to love me as I would love her.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
sounds like something i wrote to a girl my freshman year of highschool... omg, that is funny and very sad at the same time... lol


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
Tucson, Az, USA