Week 4 Day 1
God d*mnit, 10 rejections is harder than it sounds. I started off kind of slow today, not very many approachable looking girls. I was sitting at lunch though and I see this girl wearing a tight white t-shirt and some tight white slacks with a thong, she was blonde and was kind of turned to the side of me so I didn't really get to see her face. But her body was bangin! I saw her and it was like *instant boner!*. I had sat down with a table of 3 girls they were 5-6s about 25 minutes previous to this, and they were done with lunch so they started leaving. I sat and read "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" for maybe 10 minutes and then my thoughts turned to the blonde girl that just walked by, thinking something along the lines of "someday my game will be good enough to get something like that".
Well I got up to put my tray away and get a banana, talked to this hot latina that works at the register for a little bit, and then started walking back to my table when I see her sitting at the next table over by herself. I was a little surprised but I looked right at her and she saw me and we held EC, I smiled then she smiled and I slowed as I neared her table (because I was getting close to mine) I guess she thought I was about to talk to her because she initiated with:
"Hey do I know you from somewhere?"
I said "Maybe, I don't know, do you?"
she said "You look really familiar, where are you from?"
I said "Bellevue, what about you?"
she said "I'm from Bainbridge Island, do you play any sports?"
I said "Well, I used to wrestle in highschool, did you?"
she said "Um...no, but I did some other sports"
I said "Well, I don't really know where I know you from but I have to go, how about you give me your phone number and we'll talk about this later?"
she said "OK, do you have a phone?"
I said yeah, pulled out my phone, took her number down said "well, see you later" and then left.
This is the first # close I have ever done. Total time it took, maybe 30 seconds? Guys if you're afraid of going for it, just do because more than likely you wont get rejected, and as soon as you start approaching your probability of getting successful # closes will start going up. You cant flip a coin and expect to get heads forever right? Eventually it'll have to land on the other side, so get out there.