I posted this earlier as an amusing anecdote but I've refined the idea.
Here's what you do. Suggest a nice place for your first date like a ****tail lounge or steak restaurant. Day of or day before, say you're not feeling well but still want to see her and ask if she wants to just come over to your place to watch a movie and get takeout or ice cream or whatever the ****.
This works because it gives you plausible deniability and lets her rationalize the behavior in her own mind. It is even more effective if you name a specific place and specific time so she knows you at least put effort into planning the date which helps the plausible deniability even more. This tactic also works great to protect against flakes and low IL women t since changing plans at the last minute forces them to comply and confirm to new plans rather than
texting something like "we still on?" which won't go over well with most women. This tactic may not work with every girl but it weeds out the low interest ones which probably would have just flaked or done some other BS anyway and overall is much more efficient.