I am studying social psychology as something related to what I study at college. And would it surprise you if I tould you that psychology says the exact same things most of the DJ bible says?
The Nice-guy syndrom and one-itis are all registered in social psychology and ethnology. Gold diggers? Yep. Extreme masculinity as the source of sucess in the dating game?-whole buncha studies on this.
I know. Much of it is there.
Yet, none of it is useful.
The Dillemma: People come to this site and leave as Don Juans. People study psychology and do not turn into Don Juans.
This website creates results whereas psychology does not. I do not care what anyone says or how they say it. I am interested only in the results.
If you compare
Paradise Lost to the works of Shakespeare, which is superior. Milton did more interesting things with his stresses and showed off by using Latin works. It is, no doubt, a supreme work. But which of the two works totally revolutionizes the way how a person thinks? It is Shakespeare, which is why he's far more useful. There is little that
Paradise Lost illuminates (but it uses Latin words!) which is why the work is loved by lawyers and politicians.
If psychology was more illuminating, we wouldn't be in the sexual chaos we find ourselves now.
You will know the Tree by its Fruit.
Perhaps you've got popular women's quasi-psychology (Oprah, Cosmopolitan) mixed up with academic psychology. Its funny you should be saying psychology is the false answe, when it has infact been giving the same answers you have.
I am not saying psychology is FALSE. I am saying that it is extremely LIMITED. As far as
bulding people up, I find its results to be very disapointing.
Santanya says: "Human cognition is essentially poetical." Psychology is LIMITED because it is trying to study human nature from the OUTSIDE. Poetry, literature, and other works study it from the inside. It is no surprise that its insights are more profound. There is more penetrating psychology in one chapter of Dostoevsky than in the entire works of Freud. George Eliot’s Middlemarch tells us more about English provincial life during the reign of Queen Victoria than all the sociological studies of Victorian society combined.
Although I've only met one or two of the people on this board, I know they are all fiercely intelligent and very observant of themselves and others. I highly doubt we are running around with a psychological disorder in our heads that was so hidden that an
internet test will uncover.
ummm perhaps, since men are exiting the "macho" phase and beginning to open up and discover themselves without putting forth a psuedo "Im Tough, nothing penetrates me" shield..yet feeling like Sh1t the end of the day?
Open up and discover themselves!? What does this mean?
chick thinking. That is just ridiculous.
I never knew learning about oneself is considered "chick thinking"
It's just something I've noticed some people doing. They focus so much on becoming 'desireable' (which is good) that they go a bit too far. They constantly make sure their appearance is 'perfect', very much enjoy praise (to them it means they are doing something right), want to be the focus of attention (especially female attention) and so on. This is all good but it eventually becomes chick thinking because
that is how chicks think. A guy just can't be desirable, to be a 'flower', no, he must take action. It is like the handsome guy thinking girls will ask him out because he is handsome.
Is it narcisstic? I don't think so. We're getting a grasp on sexuality, not thinking we are a walking God on Earth. Saddam Husein was narcissitic. He made Iraq into a nation of mirrors with his reflection. But we are not trying to make mirror images of ourselves throughout the world (The Nice Guy is probably the more narcisstic. He believes he is WORTHY of a babe because he is 'nice' and 'different' from all those 'other guys'.)
From what I've found, psychology is fine when it is in its world of theory. When it is brought out into the world of reality, odd things occur. They take something simple, like a person getting wealthy and feeling guilty for how quick it came, into 'Sudden Wealth Syndrome' and balloon out theories stacked on top of theories enveloped in psycho-babble.
From what I've seen, psychology is always trying to 'open people up' to 'share your insides'. I miss the days a century ago when people did not go vomiting their pain everywhere or bleeding their insecurities on others. Psychology calls such people 'enlightened'; I call them disgusting.
To put it bluntly:
To be a Man, he must
do something.
To be a Woman, she simply bleeds.