This Narcissism stuff is bunk.
The problem (if anyone) has is not narcissim but chick thinking. When you go around desiring attention, extravegent praise, attempting to impress everyone, wanting to be the center of the world, getting muscles so everyone will look at you, and so on, is you acting like a girl.
Before you came to this site, you probably didn't think in the sexuality realm as you do now. You will take notice of your appearance more, how others react to you (in real world, it is called 'being observant', only in the world of psychology is it condemned as 'narcissism'), living out your imaginations rather than tossing them aside for dull reality, interested and focused on their feelings than others (rather than being a nice Guy sponge to soak up others' emotional blood), and seek and desire personal achievements.
If you took the OPPOSITE of these traits, you get something that doesn't resemble a Human.
Guys who enter this 'sexuality' zone often start off acting like a chick (because sexuality is the woman's turf). Look at you guys! You are letting an internet test define what you are! Shall we go through some chick magazines with more tests to define your other traits? Gee, if you are narsisstic, perhaps you have other 'plagues' as well. Let us take all the tests and find out.
The problem is not narcissim. The problem is chick-thinking. You are in absorption mode now, not action mode. It is a phase. Everyone goes through it. I did. Even those jocks who got all the chicks in high school did (they wanted to get the touchdown and be the 'star' in school).
Psychology is not the endless fountain of wisdom of human action that it pretends to be. I've found it had no answers for the mysteries of sexuality. Lots of theories, yes. Lots of psycho-babble, yes. But why DO chicks go for the jerks? Why did those chicks go for that BUM there but not the 'alpha-male' of finance over there? What are the answers to the poets? (poetry of course rides on the wave of sexuality) If psychology is a correcting mechanism, why are there more and more 'broken' people emerging? Why has all matters of sexuality entered a total meltdown these recent years and points to an increased decadence? And why is it that a single play of Shakespeare contains more truths on human action than an entire library of psychology?
The point is that psychology is very limited and stuffed with a lot of babble. It is nonsense on stilts. Psychology, with all its disorders and theories, only wants to shine like a finely cut stone; it rarely illuminates anything.
Remember guys, don't let ANYTHING steal your joy. Not even an Internet Test.